コード例 #1
        public async Task WhenCoreHeadersShouldBeCollapsed_ThenHeadersAreConcatenatedIntoOneAttribute()
            var inputqueueName = TestConfig.GetName($"inputQueue-{DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
            var inputQueue     = _transportFactory.Create(inputqueueName);

            var outputqueueName = TestConfig.GetName($"outputQueue-{DateTime.Now.Ticks}");
            var outputQueue     = _transportFactory.Create(outputqueueName);

            await WithContext(async context =>
                var transportMessage = MessageWith("hej");

                // send the message of to the bus, which will make sure that all core headers
                // are collapsed into a single header
                await outputQueue.Send(inputqueueName, MessageWith("hej"), context);

            var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource().Token;

            await WithContext(async context =>
                var transportMessage = await inputQueue.Receive(context, cancellationToken);

                Assert.That(transportMessage, Is.Not.Null, "Expected to receive the message that we just sent");

                // inspect the message whether it contains the original headers which are now again exploded
コード例 #2
        public void WhenUsingAQueuNameWithSlash_ThenArgumentExcetiopIsThrown()

            var invalidQueueName = "/inputqueue";

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => _transportFactory.Create(invalidQueueName));

コード例 #3
        public async void WhenMessageVisibilityIsRenewed_ThenItsNotVisibleForOthers()
            var peeklockDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);

            var transportFactory = new AmazonSqsTransportFactory();

            var inputqueueName = TestConfig.QueueName("inputQueue");
            var inputQueue     = transportFactory.Create(inputqueueName, peeklockDuration);

            var inputqueueName2 = TestConfig.QueueName("outputQueue");
            var outputQueue     = transportFactory.Create(inputqueueName2);

            await WithContext(async context =>
                await outputQueue.Send(inputqueueName, MessageWith("hej"), context);

            var cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource().Token;

            await WithContext(async context =>
                var transportMessage = await inputQueue.Receive(context, cancellationToken);

                Assert.That(transportMessage, Is.Not.Null, "Expected to receive the message that we just sent");

                // pretend that it takes a while to handle the message

                // pretend that another thread attempts to receive from the same input queue
                await WithContext(async innerContext =>
                    var innerMessage = await inputQueue.Receive(innerContext, cancellationToken);

                    Assert.That(innerMessage, Is.Null, "Did not expect to receive a message here because its peek lock should have been renewed automatically");
コード例 #4
        public async void WhenMessageVisibilityIsRenewed_ThenItsNotVisibleForOthers()
            var peeklockDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);

            var transportFactory = new AmazonSqsTransportFactory();

            var inputqueueName = TestConfig.QueueName("inputQueue");
            var inputQueue = transportFactory.Create(inputqueueName, peeklockDuration);

            var inputqueueName2 = TestConfig.QueueName("outputQueue");
            var outputQueue = transportFactory.Create(inputqueueName2);

            await WithContext(async context =>
                await outputQueue.Send(inputqueueName, MessageWith("hej"), context);

            await WithContext(async context =>
                var transportMessage = await inputQueue.Receive(context);

                Assert.That(transportMessage, Is.Not.Null, "Expected to receive the message that we just sent");

                // pretend that it takes a while to handle the message

                // pretend that another thread attempts to receive from the same input queue
                await WithContext(async innerContext =>
                    var innerMessage = await inputQueue.Receive(innerContext);

                    Assert.That(innerMessage, Is.Null, "Did not expect to receive a message here because its peek lock should have been renewed automatically");