public void DirectDebitTransaction_DrctDbtTx_IsCorrectlyCreated()
            AccountIdentification4Choice originalAccountID_Id = new AccountIdentification4Choice(

            CashAccount16 originalDebtorAccount_OrgnlDbtrAcct = new CashAccount16(
                originalAccountID_Id, null, null, null);

            AmendmentInformationDetails6 ammendmentInformationDetails_AmdmntInfDtls = new AmendmentInformationDetails6(
                directDebitMandateInfo1.PreviousMandateID, null, null, null, null, originalDebtorAccount_OrgnlDbtrAcct,
                null, null, DateTime.MaxValue, false, Frequency1Code.MNTH, false);

            MandateRelatedInformation6 mandateRelatedInformation_MndtRltdInf = new MandateRelatedInformation6(
                directDebitMandateInfo1.MandateID, directDebitMandateInfo1.MandateSignatureDate, true, true, true,
                ammendmentInformationDetails_AmdmntInfDtls, null, DateTime.MinValue, false,
                DateTime.MaxValue, false, Frequency1Code.MNTH, false);

            DirectDebitTransaction6 directDebitTransaction_DrctDbtTx = new DirectDebitTransaction6(
                mandateRelatedInformation_MndtRltdInf,  //<MndtRltdInf>
                null,                                   //<CdtrSchmeId> - No. Only one creditor scheme per payment information <PmtInf> group
                null,                                   //<PreNtfctnId> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                DateTime.MinValue,                      //<PreNtfctnDt> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR, but can't be null
                false);                                 //<PreNtfctnDt> will not be serialized

            string xmlString = XMLSerializer.XMLSerializeToString<DirectDebitTransaction6>(directDebitTransaction_DrctDbtTx, "DrctDbtTx", xMLNamespace);
            string validatingErrors = XMLValidator.ValidateXMLNodeThroughModifiedXSD(
                "DrctDbtTx", "DirectDebitTransaction6", xMLNamespace, xmlString, xSDFilePath);
            Assert.AreEqual("", validatingErrors);
コード例 #2
        private DirectDebitTransactionInformation9 GenerateDirectDebitTransactionInfo_DrctDbtTxInf(
            CreditorAgent creditorAgent,
            DirectDebitTransaction directDebitTransaction)
            PaymentIdentification1 paymentIdentification_PmtID = new PaymentIdentification1(
                directDebitTransaction.DirectDebitTransactionInternalReference,    //<InstrID>
                directDebitTransaction.DirectDebitTransactionInternalReference);   //<EndToEndID>

            ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount instructedAmount_InstdAmt = new ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount(
                "EUR",                                      //<InstdAmt> ""CCY" atribute value
                directDebitTransaction.Amount);             //<InstdAmt>

            MandateRelatedInformation6 mandateRelatedInformation_MndtRltdInf = new MandateRelatedInformation6(
                directDebitTransaction.MandateID,               //<MndtID>
                directDebitTransaction.MandateSigatureDate,     //<DtOfSgntr>
                true,                                           //<DtOfSgntr> will be serialized
                false,                                          //<AmdmntInd> - There is no amendment
                false,                                          //<AmdmntInd> will not be serialize
                null,                                           //<AmdmntInfDtls> - No amendment details
                null,                                           //<ElctrncSgntr> - No electronic signature
                DateTime.MinValue,                              //<FrstColltnDt> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR, but can't be null
                false,                                          //<FrstColltnDt> will not be serialized
                DateTime.MaxValue,                              //<FnlColltnDt> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR, but can't be null
                false,                                          //<FnlColltnDt> will not be serialized
                Frequency1Code.MNTH,                            //<Frqcy> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR, but can't be null
                false);                                         //<Frqcy> will not be serialized

            DirectDebitTransaction6 directDebitTransaction_DrctDbtTx = new DirectDebitTransaction6(
                mandateRelatedInformation_MndtRltdInf,  //<MndtRltdInf>
                null,                                   //<CdtrSchmeId> - No. Only one creditor scheme per payment information <PmtInf> group
                null,                                   //<PreNtfctnId> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                DateTime.MinValue,                      //<PreNtfctnDt> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR, but can't be null
                false);                                 //<PreNtfctnDt> will not be serialized

            FinancialInstitutionIdentification7 financialInstitutuinIdentification_FinInstnID = new FinancialInstitutionIdentification7(
                creditorAgent.BankBIC,  //<BIC>
                null,                   //<ClrYsMmbId> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                null,                   //<Nm> Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                null,                   //<PstlAdr> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                null);                  //<Othr> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR

            BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 debtorAgent_DbtrAgt = new BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4(
                financialInstitutuinIdentification_FinInstnID,  //<FinInstnId>
                null);                                          //<BrcnhID> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR

            PartyIdentification32 debtor_Dbtr = new PartyIdentification32(
                directDebitTransaction.AccountHolderName,   //<Nm>
                null,                                       //<PstlAdr> - No postal address needed
                null,                                       //<Id> - No extra ID needed
                null,                                       //<CtryOfRes> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                null);                                      //<CtctDtls> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR

            AccountIdentification4Choice accountID_Id = new AccountIdentification4Choice(

            CashAccount16 debtorAccount_DbtrAcct = new CashAccount16(
                accountID_Id,   //<Id>
                null,           //<Tp> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                null,           //<Ccy> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                null);          //<Nm> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR

            string[] remittanceConcepts = directDebitTransaction.BillsInTransaction.Select(bill => bill.Description).ToArray();
            RemittanceInformation5 remitanceInformation_RmtInf = new RemittanceInformation5(
                remittanceConcepts,                                     //<Ustrd>
                new StructuredRemittanceInformation7[] { null });       //<Strd> - Only <Ustrd> or <Strd>

            DirectDebitTransactionInformation9 directDebitTransactionInfo_DrctDbtTxInf = new DirectDebitTransactionInformation9(
                paymentIdentification_PmtID,        //<PmtID>
                null,                               //<PmtTpInf> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                instructedAmount_InstdAmt,          //<InstdAmt>
                ChargeBearerType1Code.SLEV,         //<ChrgBr> - No. Only one Charge Bearer per payment information <PmtInf> group
                false,                              //<ChrgBr> will not be serialized
                directDebitTransaction_DrctDbtTx,   //<DrctDbtTx>
                null,                               //<UltmtCdtr> - Not necessary. If son, only one Ultimate Creditor per payment information <PmtInf> group
                debtorAgent_DbtrAgt,                //<DbtrAgt>
                null,                               //<DbtrAgtAcct> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                debtor_Dbtr,                        //<Dbtr>
                debtorAccount_DbtrAcct,             //<DbtrAcct>
                null,                               //<UltmtDbtr> - Only if Ultimate Debtor is different from debtor.
                null,                               //<InstrForCdtrAgt> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                null,                               //<Purp> - Not mandatory. Only use to inform debtor. Is meaningless for agents.
                new RegulatoryReporting3[] { null },//<RgltryRptg> - Only needed for big payments from non residents
                null,                               //<Tax> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                new RemittanceLocation2[] { null }, //<RltdRmtInf> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                remitanceInformation_RmtInf);       //<RmtInf>

            return directDebitTransactionInfo_DrctDbtTxInf;
        public void DirectDebitTransactionInfo_DrctDbtTxInf_IsCorrectlyCreated()
            PaymentIdentification1 paymentIdentification_PmtID = new PaymentIdentification1(
                directDebitMandateInfo1.TxInternalId,    //<InstrID>
                directDebitMandateInfo1.TxInternalId);   //<EndToEndID>

            ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount instructedAmount_InstdAmt = new ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount(
                "EUR",                                      //<InstdAmt> ""CCY" atribute value
                (decimal)directDebitMandateInfo1.Amount);   //<InstdAmt>

            AccountIdentification4Choice originalDebtorAccount_ID = new AccountIdentification4Choice(

            CashAccount16 originalDebtorAccount_OrgnlDbtrAcct = new CashAccount16(
                originalDebtorAccount_ID, null, null, null);

            AmendmentInformationDetails6 ammendmentInformationDetails_AmdmntInfDtls = new AmendmentInformationDetails6(
                directDebitMandateInfo1.PreviousMandateID, null, null, null, null, originalDebtorAccount_OrgnlDbtrAcct,
                null, null, DateTime.MaxValue, false, Frequency1Code.MNTH, false);

            MandateRelatedInformation6 mandateRelatedInformation_MndtRltdInf = new MandateRelatedInformation6(
                directDebitMandateInfo1.MandateID, directDebitMandateInfo1.MandateSignatureDate, true, true, true,
                ammendmentInformationDetails_AmdmntInfDtls, null, DateTime.MinValue, false,
                DateTime.MaxValue, false, Frequency1Code.MNTH, false);

            DirectDebitTransaction6 directDebitTransaction_DrctDbtTx = new DirectDebitTransaction6(
                mandateRelatedInformation_MndtRltdInf, null, null, DateTime.MinValue, false);

            FinancialInstitutionIdentification7 financialInstitutuinIdentification_FinInstnID = new FinancialInstitutionIdentification7(
                creditorAgent.BIC, null, null, null, null);

            BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4 debtorAgent_DbtrAgt = new BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4(
                financialInstitutuinIdentification_FinInstnID, null);

            PartyIdentification32 debtor_Dbtr = new PartyIdentification32(
                directDebitMandateInfo1.DebtorName, null, null, null, null);

            AccountIdentification4Choice accountID_Id = new AccountIdentification4Choice(

            CashAccount16 debtorAccount_DbtrAcct = new CashAccount16(
                accountID_Id, null, null, null);

            RemittanceInformation5 remitanceInformation_RmtInf = new RemittanceInformation5(
                new StructuredRemittanceInformation7[] { null });

            DirectDebitTransactionInformation9 directDebitTransactionInfo_DrctDbtTxInf = new DirectDebitTransactionInformation9(
                paymentIdentification_PmtID,        //<PmtID>
                null,                               //<PmtTpInf> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                instructedAmount_InstdAmt,          //<InstdAmt>
                ChargeBearerType1Code.SLEV,         //<ChrgBr> - No. Only one Charge Bearer per payment information <PmtInf> group
                false,                              //<ChrgBr> will not be serialized
                directDebitTransaction_DrctDbtTx,   //<DrctDbtTx>
                null,                               //<UltmtCdtr> - Not necessary. If son, only one Ultimate Creditor per payment information <PmtInf> group
                debtorAgent_DbtrAgt,                //<DbtrAgt>
                null,                               //<DbtrAgtAcct> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                debtor_Dbtr,                        //<Dbtr>
                debtorAccount_DbtrAcct,             //<DbtrAcct>
                null,                               //<UltmtDbtr> - Only if Ultimate Debtor is different from debtor.
                null,                               //<InstrForCdtrAgt> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                null,                               //<Purp> - Not mandatory. Only use to inform debtor. Is meaningless for agents.
                new RegulatoryReporting3[] { null },//<RgltryRptg> - Only needed for big payments from non residents
                null,                               //<Tax> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                new RemittanceLocation2[] { null }, //<RltdRmtInf> - Not used by creditor in SEPA COR
                remitanceInformation_RmtInf);       //<RmtInf>

            string xmlString = XMLSerializer.XMLSerializeToString<DirectDebitTransactionInformation9>(directDebitTransactionInfo_DrctDbtTxInf, "DrctDbtTxInf", xMLNamespace);
            string validatingErrors = XMLValidator.ValidateXMLNodeThroughModifiedXSD(
                "DrctDbtTxInf", "DirectDebitTransactionInformation9", xMLNamespace, xmlString, xSDFilePath);
            Assert.AreEqual("", validatingErrors);