public static void setClient(Client c) { string sql = "INSERT INTO client(NomC,PrenomC , EmailC, AddresseC, TeleC, Password) " + "VALUES ('"+c.Nom+"','"+c.Prenom+"','"+c.Email+"','"+c.Addresse+"','"+c.Tele+"','"+c.password+"');"; ConnexionBD.setResultat(sql); }
public static List<getCommande> getCommandes() { List<getCommande> commandes = new List<getCommande>(); String query = "SELECT cl.NomC, cl.PrenomC, cl.EmailC, cl.AddresseC, cl.TeleC, b.NomBk, b.IdBk, cm.Date FROM client cl, commande cm, books b " + "WHERE cm.IdC=cl.IdC and cm.IdBk=b.IdBk"; MySqlDataReader dc = ConnexionBD.getResultat(query); while (dc.Read()) { getCommande c = new getCommande(); c.Nom = dc.GetString("NomC"); c.Prenom = dc.GetString("PrenomC"); c.Email = dc.GetString("EmailC"); c.Addresse = dc.GetString("AddresseC"); c.Tele = dc.GetString("TeleC"); c.NomBk = dc.GetString("NomBk"); c.IdBk = dc.GetInt16("IdBk"); = dc.GetString("Date"); commandes.Add(c); } return commandes; }
public static List<Categorie> getCategorie() { List<Categorie> listCat = new List<Categorie>(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM biblio;"; MySqlDataReader dataCat = ConnexionBD.getResultat(sql); while (dataCat.Read()) { Categorie cat = new Categorie(); cat.IdB = dataCat.GetInt16(0); cat.NomB = dataCat.GetString(1); listCat.Add(cat); } return listCat; }
public static void setResultat(string sql) { try { MySqlConnection cnx = ConnexionBD.getConnexion(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, cnx); cnx.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cnx.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Erreur " + e.Message); } }
public static Livre getLivreById(int id) { Livre livre = new Livre(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM books WHERE IdBk="+id+";"; MySqlDataReader l= ConnexionBD.getResultat(sql); if (l.Read()) { livre.IdBk = l.GetInt16(0); livre.Nom = l.GetString(1); livre.Auteur = l.GetString(2); livre.date_edition = l.GetString(3); livre.Prix = l.GetDouble(4); livre.pthimg = l.GetString(6); livre.IdB = l.GetInt16(7); } return livre; }
public static List<Livre> getLivre() { List<Livre> listLivres = new List<Livre>(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM books;"; MySqlDataReader dataLivres = ConnexionBD.getResultat(sql); while (dataLivres.Read()) { Livre livre = new Livre(); livre.IdBk = dataLivres.GetInt16(0); livre.Nom = dataLivres.GetString(1); livre.pthimg = dataLivres.GetString(6); listLivres.Add(livre); } return listLivres; }
public static List<Livre> getLivreByIdB(string cat) { List<Livre> listLivres = new List<Livre>(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM books b, biblio o WHERE b.IdB=o.Idb and o.NomB='"+cat+"'"; MySqlDataReader dataLivres = ConnexionBD.getResultat(sql); Livre livre = new Livre(); while (dataLivres.Read()) { livre.IdBk = dataLivres.GetInt16(0); livre.Nom = dataLivres.GetString(1); livre.pthimg = dataLivres.GetString(6); listLivres.Add(livre); } return listLivres; }
public static MySqlDataReader getResultat(string sql) { try { MySqlConnection cnx = ConnexionBD.getConnexion(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, cnx); cnx.Open(); MySqlDataReader resultat = cmd.ExecuteReader(); return resultat; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Erreur " + e.Message); return null; } }
public static List<Client> getClients() { List<Client> clients = new List<Client>(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM client"; MySqlDataReader dataClients = ConnexionBD.getResultat(sql); while (dataClients.Read()) { Client cl = new Client(); cl.IdC = dataClients.GetInt16(0); cl.Nom = dataClients.GetString(1); cl.Prenom = dataClients.GetString(2); cl.Email = dataClients.GetString(3); cl.Addresse = dataClients.GetString(4); cl.Tele = dataClients.GetString(5); clients.Add(cl); } return clients; }
public static Boolean estAdmin(string email, string pass) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM client where IdC=1"; MySqlDataReader admin = ConnexionBD.getResultat(sql); if(admin.Read()) { string ad_email = admin.GetString(3); string ad_pass = admin.GetString(6); if (email.Equals(ad_email) && pass.Equals(ad_pass) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public static Client login(string email, string pass) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM client WHERE EmailC ='" + email + "' AND Password='******'"; Client user = new Client(); MySqlDataReader dataUser = ConnexionBD.getResultat(sql); if (dataUser.Read()) { user.IdC = dataUser.GetInt32(0); user.Nom = dataUser.GetString(1); user.Prenom = dataUser.GetString(2); user.Email = dataUser.GetString(3); user.Addresse = dataUser.GetString(4); user.Tele = dataUser.GetString(5); user.password = dataUser.GetString(6); return user; } else { return null; } }
public static void setCommande(Commande c) { string sql = "INSERT INTO commande(IdC, IdBk, quantite, Date) " + "VALUES ('"+c.IdC+"','"+c.IdBk+"','"+c.quantite+"','"+c.Date+"')"; ConnexionBD.setResultat(sql); }
public static void setCategorie(Categorie c) { string sql= "INSERT INTO biblio(IdB, NomB) VALUES ("+c.IdB+",'"+c.NomB+"')"; ConnexionBD.setResultat(sql); }
public static void setLivre(Livre l) { string sql = "INSERT INTO books(NomBk, AuteurBk, Date_edition, PrixBk, pthimage, IdB)" + "VALUES ('"+l.Nom+"','"+l.Auteur+"','"+l.date_edition+"','"+ l.Prix+"','"+l.pthimg+"','"+l.IdB+"')"; ConnexionBD.setResultat(sql); }