protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText t = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (t == null) { t = new PHText(); t.CreatedByUserId = UserId; t.CultureCode = CultureCode; t.ItemId = ItemId; t.ItemType = ItemType; } t.Text = Regex.Replace(tbTheText.Text, "<[^>]*>", String.Empty); if (ddlHeadingType.SelectedIndex > 0) { t.Text = "<h" + ddlHeadingType.SelectedIndex.ToString() + ">" + t.Text + "</h" + ddlHeadingType.SelectedIndex.ToString() + ">"; } t.ModifiedByUserId = UserId; if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { bh.SavePhTextInAllCc(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } else if (Case == EControlCase.Translate) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText t = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (t == null) { t = new PHText(); t.CreatedByUserId = UserId; t.CultureCode = CultureCode; t.ItemId = ItemId; t.ItemType = ItemType; } t.Text = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(hdnrichtext.Value); t.ModifiedByUserId = UserId; if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { bh.SavePhTextInAllCc(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } else if (Case == EControlCase.Translate) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } }
protected void btnYtSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string curlan = (Page as DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase).PageCulture.Name; //int pluggid = Convert.ToInt32(((DotNetNuke.Framework.CDefault)this.Page).Title); //PluggContainer p = new PluggContainer(curlan, pluggid); //List<PluggComponent> comps = p.GetComponentList(); //BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); //List<object> objToadd = new List<object>(); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); YouTube yt = bh.GetYouTubeByComponentId(YouTubeId); if (yt == null) yt = new YouTube(); try { yt.YouTubeTitle = yttitle.Value; yt.YouTubeDuration = Convert.ToInt32(ytduration.Value); yt.YouTubeCode = ytYouTubeCode.Value; yt.YouTubeAuthor = ytAuthor.Value; yt.YouTubeCreatedOn = Convert.ToDateTime(ytYouTubeCreatedOn.Value); yt.YouTubeComment = ytYouTubeComment.Value; yt.PluggComponentId = YouTubeId; } catch { } bh.SaveYouTube(yt); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SubjectId == 0) ltSubject.Text = Localization.GetString("NoSubject", LocalResourceFile); else { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); var SubList = bh.GetSubjectsAsFlatList(CultureCode); ltSubject.Text = bh.GetSubjectString(CultureCode, SubjectId); } if (Case == EControlCase.ViewAllowEdit) { phEdit.Visible = true; hlEdit.NavigateUrl = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=" + ControlOrder, AttachQS); } if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { btnSave.Visible = true; btnCancel.Visible = true; phSelect.Visible = true; ltTheTree.Visible = true; ltTheTree.Text = "<div class=\"tree\"><div id=\"tree2\"></div></div><br />"; BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); var tree = bh.GetSubjectsAsTree(CultureCode); JavaScriptSerializer TheSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); hdnTreeData.Value = TheSerializer.Serialize(tree); } }
public void BindTree() { BaseHandler objsubhandler = new BaseHandler(); var tree = objsubhandler.GetExtendedSubjectsAsTree(Language); JavaScriptSerializer TheSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); hdnTreeData.Value = TheSerializer.Serialize(tree); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); YouTube yt = bh.GetYouTubeByComponentId(PluggComponentId); if (yt != null) { lblTheYTTitle.Text = yt.YouTubeTitle; lblTheYTAuthor.Text = yt.YouTubeAuthor; lblTheYTText.Text = yt.YouTubeComment; lnkShowInfo.Visible = true; } if (yt != null && Case != EControlCase.Edit) pnlYouTube.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(yt.GetIframeString(CultureCode))); if (Case == EControlCase.ViewAllowEdit) { pnlEdit.Visible = true; hlEdit.NavigateUrl = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=" + ControlOrder, AttachQS); } if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { btnSave.Visible = true; btnCancel.Visible = true; pnlYouTubeInput.Visible = true; if (yt != null) tbYouTube.Text = yt.YouTubeCode; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHLatex t = bh.GetCurrentVersionLatexText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (t == null) { t = new PHLatex(); t.CreatedByUserId = UserId; t.CultureCode = CultureCode; t.ItemId = ItemId; t.ItemType = ItemType; } t.ModifiedByUserId = UserId; if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { t.Text = tbEnterLatex.Text; t.HtmlText = ""; bh.SaveLatexTextInAllCc(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=0", AttachQS)); } else if (Case == EControlCase.Translate) { PHLatex translatedFrom = bh.GetCurrentVersionLatexText(CreatedInCultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (translatedFrom != null) { t.Text = translatedFrom.Text; t.HtmlText = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(teTranslate.Text); t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SaveLatexText(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "translate=0", AttachQS)); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText t = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); PHText translatedFrom; if (t != null) TheText.Text = t.Text; switch (Case) { case EControlCase.ViewAllowEdit: pnlEdit.Visible = true; hlEdit.NavigateUrl = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=" + ControlOrder, AttachQS); break; case EControlCase.Edit: TheText.Visible = false; btnSave.Visible = true; btnCancel.Visible = true; pnlRichTextbox.Visible = true; if (t != null) hdnrichtext.Value = TheText.Text; break; case EControlCase.ViewAllowTranslate: pnlOriginalText.Visible = true; if (t != null) { pnlOriginalText.Visible = true; lblCurrentText.Visible = true; if (t.CultureCodeStatus == ECultureCodeStatus.GoogleTranslated) { pnlTranslateFromGoogle.Visible = true; hlTranslateFromGoogle.NavigateUrl = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "translatecp=" + ControlOrder, AttachQS); btnGoogleOK.Visible = true; } else { pnlTranslateFromHuman.Visible = true; hlTranslateFromHuman.NavigateUrl = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "translatecp=" + ControlOrder, AttachQS); } } translatedFrom = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CreatedInCultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (translatedFrom != null) ltOriginalText.Text = translatedFrom.Text; break; case EControlCase.Translate: pnlOriginalText.Visible = true; btnSave.Visible = true; btnCancel.Visible = true; pnlRichTextbox.Visible = true; lblCurrentText.Visible = true; TheText.Visible = false; if (t != null) hdnrichtext.Value = TheText.Text; translatedFrom = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CreatedInCultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (translatedFrom != null) ltOriginalText.Text = translatedFrom.Text; break; } }
protected void btnSaveTitle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer(new Localization().CurrentCulture); pc.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = this.UserId; pc.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = this.UserId; pc.ThePlugg.PluggId = 0; pc.ThePlugg.WhoCanEdit = (EWhoCanEdit)Enum.Parse(typeof(EWhoCanEdit), rdEditPlug.SelectedValue); pc.SetTitle(txtTitle.Text); pc.SetDescription(txtDescription.Text); List<object> cmpData = new List<object>(); foreach (string StrCmpData in hdcmpData.Value.Split(new string[] { "$#%#$%" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { string[] straCmpData = StrCmpData.Split(new string[] { "$$$&$$$" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); switch (straCmpData[0]) { case "RichRichText": PHText RichRichText = new PHText(); RichRichText.Text = straCmpData[1]; RichRichText.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText; cmpData.Add(RichRichText); break; case "RichText": PHText RichText = new PHText(); RichText.Text = straCmpData[1]; RichText.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText; cmpData.Add(RichText); break; case "Label": PHText Label = new PHText(); Label.Text = straCmpData[1]; Label.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel; cmpData.Add(Label); break; case "Latex": PHLatex Latex = new PHLatex(straCmpData[1], new Localization().CurrentCulture,ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex); cmpData.Add(Latex); break; case "YouTube": Plugghest.Base2.YouTube objYouTube = new Plugghest.Base2.YouTube(); string[] strYoutubeval = straCmpData[1].Split(new string[] { "&&&$$&&&" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); objYouTube.YouTubeAuthor = strYoutubeval[3]; objYouTube.YouTubeCode = strYoutubeval[2]; objYouTube.YouTubeComment = strYoutubeval[5]; objYouTube.YouTubeCreatedOn = Convert.ToDateTime(strYoutubeval[4]); objYouTube.YouTubeDuration = Convert.ToInt32(strYoutubeval[1]); objYouTube.YouTubeTitle = strYoutubeval[0]; cmpData.Add(objYouTube); break; } } bh.SavePlugg(pc, cmpData); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler plugghandler = new BaseHandler(); PluggComponent pc = new PluggComponent(); pc.ComponentOrder = Order + 1; pc.ComponentType = (EComponentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EComponentType), ddCoponentList.SelectedValue); plugghandler.AddComponent(this.PluggContainer, pc); //Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabID, "", new string[] { "edit=1", "language=" + this.CurrentLanguage })); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer("en-us", PluggId); pc.GetComponentList(); PluggComponent cmp = new PluggComponent(); cmp.ComponentOrder = ComponentOrder; cmp.ComponentType = (EComponentType)(ddNewComponent.SelectedIndex+1); cmp.PluggId = PluggId; BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); bh.AddComponent(pc, cmp); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=0")); }
protected void btnGoogleOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText t = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (t != null) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; t.ModifiedByUserId = UserId; bh.SavePhText(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", AttachQS)); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); YouTube yt = bh.GetYouTubeByComponentId(PluggComponentId); if (yt == null) yt = new YouTube(); yt.YouTubeTitle = yttitle.Value; yt.YouTubeDuration = Convert.ToInt32(ytduration.Value); yt.YouTubeCode = ytYouTubeCode.Value; yt.YouTubeAuthor = ytAuthor.Value; yt.YouTubeCreatedOn = Convert.ToDateTime(ytYouTubeCreatedOn.Value); yt.YouTubeComment = ytYouTubeComment.Value; yt.PluggComponentId = PluggComponentId; bh.SaveYouTube(yt); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=0", AttachQS)); }
public void BindTree(int subid) { BaseHandler objBaseHandler = new BaseHandler(); List<Subject> SubList = (List<Subject>)objBaseHandler.GetSubjectsAsFlatList(curlan); string childName = SubList.Find(x => x.SubjectId == subid).label; int id = Convert.ToInt32(SubList.Find(x => x.SubjectId == subid).MotherId); while (id != 0) { Subject newSub = SubList.Find(x => x.SubjectId == id); childName = newSub.label + "->" + childName; id = Convert.ToInt32(newSub.MotherId); } lbltree.Text = LabSubjectTxt + ": " + childName; var tree = objBaseHandler.GetSubjectsAsTree(curlan); JavaScriptSerializer TheSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); hdnTreeData.Value = TheSerializer.Serialize(tree); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText t = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ItemId, ItemType); if (t == null) { t = new PHText(); t.CreatedByUserId = UserId; t.CultureCode = CultureCode; t.ItemId = ItemId; t.ItemType = ItemType; } t.Text = Regex.Replace(tbTheText.Text, "<[^>]*>", String.Empty); t.ModifiedByUserId = UserId; if (Case == EControlCase.Edit) { bh.SavePhTextInAllCc(t); if (ItemType == ETextItemType.PluggTitle) { string newPageName = ItemId.ToString() + ": " + t.Text; PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer(CultureCode, ItemId); DNNHelper h = new DNNHelper(); h.RenameTab(pc.ThePlugg.TabId, newPageName); } if (ItemType == ETextItemType.CourseTitle) { string newPageName = "C" + ItemId.ToString() + ": " + t.Text; CourseContainer cc = new CourseContainer(CultureCode, ItemId); DNNHelper h = new DNNHelper(); h.RenameTab(cc.TheCourse.TabId, newPageName); } Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=0", AttachQS)); } else if (Case == EControlCase.Translate) { t.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(t); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "translate=0", AttachQS)); } }
protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (txtTitle.Text.Trim() == "") { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Err", "alert('Please enter title !')", true); return; } BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); List<object> cmpData = new List<object>(); PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer(new Localization().CurrentCulture); pc.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = this.UserId; pc.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = this.UserId; pc.ThePlugg.PluggId = 0; pc.SetTitle(txtTitle.Text); string subjectStr = Page.Request.QueryString["s"]; if (subjectStr != null) { int subid = Convert.ToInt32(subjectStr); pc.ThePlugg.SubjectId = subid; } else pc.ThePlugg.SubjectId = 0; pc.SetDescription(txtDescription.Text); pc.ThePlugg.WhoCanEdit = (EWhoCanEdit)Enum.Parse(typeof(EWhoCanEdit), rdbtnWhoCanEdit.SelectedValue); bh.CreateBasicPlugg(pc); txtTitle.Text = ""; txtDescription.Text = ""; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Success", "alert('New Plugg is created successfully')", true); } catch (Exception ex) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Error", "alert('Error : " + ex.Message + "')", true); } }
public void BindTree() { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); var tree = bh.GetCoursePluggsAsTree(CourseId, Language); if(tree.Count() == 0) { if (Page.Request.QueryString["edit"] == "add") { btnAddAfter.Visible = false; btnAddBefore.Visible = false; btnAddChild.Visible = false; btnAdd.Visible = true; } else { lblNoCP.Visible = true; btnRemovePluggs.Enabled = false; btnReorder.Enabled = false; } } //JavaScriptSerializer TheSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); //hdnTreeData.Value = TheSerializer.Serialize(tree); hdnTreeData.Value = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tree); }
protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (txtTitle.Text.Trim() == "") { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Err", "alert('Please enter title !')", true); return; } BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); List<object> cmpData = new List<object>(); PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer(new Localization().CurrentCulture); //pc.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = this.UserId; //pc.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = this.UserId; pc.ThePlugg.PluggId = 0; pc.SetTitle(txtTitle.Text); //pc.SetDescription(txtDescription.Text); PHText RichRichText = new PHText(); RichRichText.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText; cmpData.Add(RichRichText); Plugghest.Base2.YouTube objYouTube = new Plugghest.Base2.YouTube(); cmpData.Add(objYouTube); bh.SavePlugg(pc, cmpData); txtTitle.Text = ""; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Success", "alert('New Plugg is created successfully')", true); } catch (Exception ex) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Error", "alert('Error : " + ex.Message + "')", true); } }
///<summary> /// Load the Description in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set CourseId and CultureCode to get the Description ///</summary> public void LoadDescription() { if (TheCourse == null || TheCourse.CourseId == 0 || CultureCode == null) throw new Exception("Cannot load Description. Need CourseId and CultureCode"); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); TheDescription = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, TheCourse.CourseId, ETextItemType.CourseDescription); }
///<summary> /// Load the title in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set PluggId and CultureCode to get the Title ///</summary> public void LoadTitle() { if (ThePlugg == null || ThePlugg.PluggId == 0) throw new Exception("Cannot load title. Need PluggId"); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); TheTitle = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(CultureCode, ThePlugg.PluggId, ETextItemType.PluggTitle); }
///<summary> /// Load TheLatexCourseText in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set CourseId and CultureCode to get TheHtmlCourseText ///</summary> public void LoadTheLatexCourseText() { if (TheCourse == null || TheCourse.CourseId == 0 || CultureCode == null) throw new Exception("Cannot load TheHtmlCourseText. Need CourseId and CultureCode"); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); TheLatexCourseText = bh.GetCurrentVersionLatexText(CultureCode, TheCourse.CourseId, ELatexItemType.CourseLatexText); }
///<summary> /// Loads all the Pluggs in the CultureCode language from DB. You must set CourseId and CultureCode to get the Pluggs ///</summary> public void LoadPluggs() { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); ThePluggs = bh.GetCoursePluggsAsTree(TheCourse.CourseId, CultureCode); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string coursePageName = ((DotNetNuke.Framework.CDefault)this.Page).Title; coursePageName = coursePageName.Replace("C", ""); CourseId = Convert.ToInt32(coursePageName); CultureCode = (Page as DotNetNuke.Framework.PageBase).PageCulture.Name; BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); cc = new CourseContainer(CultureCode, CourseId); IsAuthorized = ((this.UserId != -1 && cc.TheCourse.WhoCanEdit == EWhoCanEdit.Anyone) || cc.TheCourse.CreatedByUserId == this.UserId || (UserInfo.IsInRole("Administator"))); if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "btnWhoCanEdit") { // Fire event btnWhoCanEdit_Click(this, new EventArgs()); } if (Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"] == "btnListed") { // Fire event btnListed_Click(this, new EventArgs()); } UserController uc = new UserController(); UserInfo u = uc.GetUser(PortalId, cc.TheCourse.CreatedByUserId); hlCreatedBy.Text = u.DisplayName; hlCreatedBy.NavigateUrl = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.UserProfileURL(cc.TheCourse.CreatedByUserId); lbltheCreatedOn.Text = cc.TheCourse.CreatedOnDate.ToString(); rblWhoCanEdit.Items.Clear(); rblWhoCanEdit.Items.Add("Anyone"); rblWhoCanEdit.Items.Add("Only me"); rblWhoCanEdit.SelectedValue = "Anyone"; switch (cc.TheCourse.WhoCanEdit) { case EWhoCanEdit.Anyone: lbltheWhoCanEdit.Text = "Anyone"; break; case EWhoCanEdit.OnlyMe: lbltheWhoCanEdit.Text = "Only me"; rblWhoCanEdit.SelectedValue = "Only me"; break; case EWhoCanEdit.NotSet : lbltheWhoCanEdit.Text = "Not set"; break; } rblListed.Items.Clear(); rblListed.Items.Add(Localization.GetString("Listed.Text", this.LocalResourceFile)); rblListed.Items.Add(Localization.GetString("NotListed.Text", this.LocalResourceFile)); rblListed.SelectedIndex = 0; if (cc.TheCourse.IsListed) lblTheListed.Text = "Yes"; else { lblTheListed.Text = "No"; rblListed.SelectedIndex = 1; } if (cc.TheCourse.CreatedByUserId == this.UserId) { btnWhoCanEdit.Visible = true; btnListed.Visible = true; } cc.LoadDescription(); if (cc.TheDescription != null) lbltheDespription.Text = cc.TheDescription.Text; else lbltheDespription.Text = "-"; if(cc.TheCourse.CreatedByUserId == this.UserId || UserInfo.IsInRole("Administator")) { btnDelete.Visible = true; } }
protected void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer("en-US", 31); List<PluggComponent> comps = pc.GetComponentList(); foreach(PluggComponent comp in comps) { switch (comp.ComponentType) { case EComponentType.Label: PHText lbl = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(pc.CultureCode, comp.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel); //Handle label break; case EComponentType.RichText: PHText rt = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(pc.CultureCode, comp.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText); //Handle rich text break; case EComponentType.RichRichText: PHText rrt = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(pc.CultureCode, comp.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText); //Handle richrich text break; case EComponentType.Latex: PHLatex lt = bh.GetCurrentVersionLatexText(pc.CultureCode, comp.PluggComponentId, ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex); //Handle Latex text break; case EComponentType.YouTube: YouTube yt = bh.GetYouTubeByComponentId(comp.PluggComponentId); //Handle YouTube break; } } PHText rrText = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(pc.CultureCode, comps[0].PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText); string myText = rrText.Text; //int x; //PluggComponent vv = comps[0]; //foreach(PluggComponent c in comps) //{ // x = c.PluggComponentId; //} //pc.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = 1; //pc.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = 1; //pc.ThePlugg.WhoCanEdit = EWhoCanEdit.Anyone; //pc.SetTitle("This is my Title"); //pc.SetDescription("This is my description"); //List<object> cmpData = new List<object>(); //YouTube v = new YouTube(); //v.YouTubeAuthor = ""; //v.YouTubeCode = "asdasdasdas"; //v.YouTubeComment = ""; //v.YouTubeCreatedOn = DateTime.Now; //v.YouTubeDuration = 100; //v.YouTubeTitle = "This is my Title"; //cmpData.Add(v); //PHText htmlText = new PHText(); //htmlText.Text = "This is my Html text"; //htmlText.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText; //cmpData.Add(htmlText); //bh.SavePlugg(pc, cmpData); //PHLatex latexText = new PHLatex(); //latexText.Text = "This is my Latex text"; //latexText.ItemType = ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex; //cmpData.Add(latexText); //pc.LoadComponents(); //switch (pc.TheComponents.GetType().Name) //{ // case "Aba": // break; //} //pc.ThePlugg = bh.GetPlugg(1); //pc.LoadComponents(); //foreach (var c in pc.TheComponents) //{ // switch (c.GetType().Name) // { // case "PHText": // PHText xx = (PHText)c; // string x = theTitle; // break; // } //} }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<PluggComponent> comps = this.PluggContainer.GetComponentList(); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); List<object> objToadd = new List<object>(); Plugghest.Base2.YouTube yt = bh.GetYouTubeByComponentId(this.ComponentID); if (yt == null) yt = new Plugghest.Base2.YouTube(); try { yt.YouTubeTitle = yttitle.Value; yt.YouTubeDuration = Convert.ToInt32(ytduration.Value); yt.YouTubeCode = ytYouTubeCode.Value; yt.YouTubeAuthor = ytAuthor.Value; yt.YouTubeCreatedOn = Convert.ToDateTime(ytYouTubeCreatedOn.Value); yt.YouTubeComment = ytYouTubeComment.Value; yt.PluggComponentId = this.ComponentID; } catch { } bh.SaveYouTube(yt); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabID, "", new string[] { "edit=1", "language=" + this.CurrentLanguage })); }
protected void btnSaveRt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText phText = this.PHText; phText.Text = hdnrichtext.Value; phText.ModifiedByUserId = this.UserID; phText.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(phText); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabID, "", new string[] { "edit=1", "language=" + this.CurrentLanguage })); }
public string getSubjectByID(int subjectId) { if (subjectId == 0 || subjectId == -1) return "No subject"; BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); return bh.GetSubjectString("en-US", subjectId); }
public static string GetIframeString(int YouTubeId, string _PageCultureCode) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); Plugghest.Base2.YouTube yt = bh.GetYouTubeByComponentId(YouTubeId); return yt != null ? yt.GetIframeString(_PageCultureCode) : "(currently no video)"; }
protected void btnSaveRRt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PHText objPHtext = this.PHText; //new PHText(System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(richrichtext.Text), this.CurrentLanguage, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText); objPHtext.Text = richrichtext.Text; objPHtext.ModifiedByUserId = this.UserID; objPHtext.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.HumanTranslated; bh.SavePhText(objPHtext); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabID, "", new string[] { "edit=1", "language=" + this.CurrentLanguage })); }
protected void btnSaveRRt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<PluggComponent> comps = this.PluggContainer.GetComponentList(); PluggComponent cToAdd = comps.Find(x => x.PluggComponentId == this.ComponentID); BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); var comtype = cToAdd.ComponentType; PHLatex latex = bh.GetCurrentVersionLatexText(this.CurrentLanguage, this.ComponentID, ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex); latex.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.GoogleTranslated; latex.ItemId = this.ComponentID; latex.CreatedByUserId = this.UserID; latex.Text = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(richrichtext.Text); //bh.SaveLatexText(latex); bh.SaveLatexTextInAllCc(latex); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabID, "", new string[] { "edit=1", "language=" + this.CurrentLanguage })); }