コード例 #1
        public void TestCheckPossibilities()
            MysteryRock _mysteryRock = new MysteryRock();
            int         percentage   = _mysteryRock.GetRandPercent();

//			string ans = _mysteryRock.CheckContent (percentage);

            //Assert.AreEqual (percentage, ans);
コード例 #2
        // Init Rocks on the screen
        public void InitRocks()
            while (_rockList.Count < MaxRockCount)
                MysteryRock mysteryRock = new MysteryRock();

コード例 #3
        public void TestExtractRock()
            Player _rover1 = new Player("Player 1", "A good player");

            _rover1.ptX = 10;
            _rover1.ptY = 10;
            MysteryRock rock1 = new MysteryRock();

            rock1.ptX = 10;
            rock1.ptY = 10;

            List <Specimen>    specimenList = new List <Specimen> ();
            List <MysteryRock> rockList     = new List <MysteryRock> ();

            int orgSpecimenListCount = specimenList.Count;

            _rover1.ExtractRock(specimenList, rockList, rock1);

            //might not work if null is randomised, but that is also correct
            Assert.AreEqual(orgSpecimenListCount, specimenList.Count);
コード例 #4
        public static void Main()
            // Create the map - Initialise grid
            // Create player
            Map _map = new Map();

            // # things to implement #
            // possible implementation of tutorial
            // Add player's inventory

            //Open the game window & start screen
            SwinGame.OpenGraphicsWindow("GameMain", 800, 600);

            SwinGame.DrawText("Check console output for instructions.", Color.Blue, "Arial", 12, 50, 55);

            Console.WriteLine("You are the red dot. You have " + _map.rover1.lifePoints + " life points. ");
            Console.WriteLine("Coloured blocks are things on the ground. You may pick them up.");
            Console.WriteLine("You have a drill equipped by default. You use it to drill out hidden items.");
            Console.WriteLine("You lose a lifepoint everytime you walk.");
            Console.WriteLine("To do stuff, use 'E' key.");
            Console.WriteLine("To check your stats, use 'C' key.");

            //Run the game loop
            while (false == SwinGame.WindowCloseRequested())
                // # things to implement #
                // only allow one specimen in every block, exceptions for player

                // initialises default batteries and mysrocks on ground

                // draws grid

                if (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.CKey))
                    Console.WriteLine("Equipped: " + _map.rover1.activeDevice + " with " + _map.rover1.activeDevice.BatUnits + " units");
                    // # things to implement #
                    // make inventory into list
                    Console.WriteLine("Inventory Count: " + _map.rover1.inventory.Count);
                    Console.WriteLine("Lifepoints: " + _map.rover1.lifePoints);

                // interacts with item
                if (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.EKey))
                    // radar the thing - scans 10m of surroundings
                    if ((_map.rover1.inventory.Contains(_map.rover1.radar)) && (_map.rover1.activeDevice == _map.rover1.radar) && (_map.rover1.radar.BatUnits >= _map.rover1.radar.BatDrainUnits))
                        List <Specimen> scanResults = _map.rover1.Scan(_map.SpecimenList);
                        foreach (Specimen s in scanResults)
                            if (s.GetType() != typeof(MysteryRock))
                                s.viewable    = true;
                                s.drillStatus = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("You have scanned your surroundings. Green blocks are locations that have a hidden item.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Use a drill to drill them out.");

                    List <Specimen> specimensFound = new List <Specimen> ();

                    // Finds the specimenList in the same location as the player
                    foreach (Specimen specimen in _map.SpecimenList)
                        if ((specimen.ptX == _map.rover1.ptX) && (specimen.ptY == _map.rover1.ptY))

                    // do stuff to the specimen
                    foreach (Specimen specimen in specimensFound)
                        // no need to drill the thing
                        if (specimen.drillStatus == true)
                            if (specimen is MysteryRock)
                                // can be extracted, and may leave behind something
                                Console.WriteLine("You found a rock!");
                                MysteryRock rockOnPos = (MysteryRock)specimen;
                                _map.rover1.ExtractRock(_map.SpecimenList, _map.RockList, rockOnPos);
                                Console.WriteLine("You have extracted the rock. Something might have fell out of it.");

                                // remove the rest of the junk
                            else if (specimen is Battery)
                                // can add power to current active device
                                Console.WriteLine("You found a battery!");
                                Battery batOnPos = (Battery)specimen;
                                _map.rover1.AttachBat(_map.BatteryAccList, batOnPos);
                                Console.WriteLine("You have successfully added more battery into your " + _map.rover1.activeDevice + ". ");
                                Console.WriteLine("It now has " + _map.rover1.activeDevice.BatUnits + " battery!");

                                // remove the rest of the junk
                            else if (specimen is Radar)
                                // finds radar
                                if (_map.rover1.inventory.Contains(_map.rover1.radar))
                                    Console.WriteLine("You found a radar! But you already have one...");
                                    Console.WriteLine("You found a radar! You can use it to scan for specimens 10 blocks in radius.");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Hit R to equip it.");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Hit D to change back to Drill");

                                // remove the rest of the junk
                            else if (specimen is Solar)
                                // finds solar
                                if (_map.rover1.inventory.Contains(_map.rover1.solar))
                                    Console.WriteLine("You found a solar! But you already have one...");
                                    Console.WriteLine("You found a solar! You can use it to store battery units");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Hit S to equip it.");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Hit D to change back to Drill");

                                // remove the rest of the junk
                            else if (specimen is Anpan)
                                // makes player walk the opposite direction
                                Console.WriteLine("A sudden sweetness overcomes you, and you are struggling to walk straight temporarily.");
                                int stepsTakenBefore = _map.rover1.StepsTaken;
                                _map.rover1.drowsinessCount = 30;

                                // remove the rest of the junk
                            else if (specimen is CursedRock)
                                // reduces lifespan of the player
                                Console.WriteLine("This rock is cursed. It took away 5 life points.");
                                _map.rover1.lifePoints -= 5;

                                // remove the rest of the junk
                            else if (specimen is Potion)
                                // heals lifepoints
                                _map.rover1.lifePoints = 100;
                                Console.WriteLine("You have been healed. Your lifepoints is " + _map.rover1.lifePoints + ". ");

                        // drill the thing
                        else if (specimen.drillStatus == false)
                            if ((_map.rover1.inventory.Contains(_map.rover1.drill)) && (_map.rover1.activeDevice == _map.rover1.drill))
                                Console.WriteLine("You have drilled the ground.");

                // radar
                if ((_map.rover1.inventory.Contains(_map.rover1.radar)) && (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.RKey)))
                    Console.WriteLine("You are now holding a radar.");

                // drill
                if ((_map.rover1.inventory.Contains(_map.rover1.drill)) && (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.DKey)))
                    Console.WriteLine("You are now holding a drill.");

//				// solar
                if ((_map.rover1.inventory.Contains(_map.rover1.solar)) && (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.SKey)))
                    Console.WriteLine("You are now holding a solar.");

                // Changes the player's heading direction
                if (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.LeftKey))
                else if (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.RightKey))
                else if (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.UpKey))
                else if (SwinGame.KeyTyped(KeyCode.DownKey))

                //Draw onto the screen
コード例 #5
        // Extract Rocks (Interact Item to trigger)
        public void ExtractRock(List <Specimen> specimenList, List <MysteryRock> rockList, MysteryRock rockOnPos)
            if ((rockOnPos.ptX == ptX) && (rockOnPos.ptY == ptY))
                Specimen specimenFound = rockOnPos.CheckContent();

                if ((specimenFound != null))
                    specimenFound.ptX = rockOnPos.ptX;
                    specimenFound.ptY = rockOnPos.ptY;
                    // add new specimen on that same spot
                    // remove rock on that same spot

                    specimenFound.viewable    = true;
                    specimenFound.drillStatus = true;