public void SetFilterOffset(double dx, double dy) { m_dx_dbl = dx; m_dy_dbl = dy; m_dx_int = AggBasics.iround(dx * img_subpix_const.SCALE); m_dy_int = AggBasics.iround(dy * img_subpix_const.SCALE); }
public ColorRGBA(ColorRGBAf c) { red = ((byte)AggBasics.uround( * (double)BASE_MASK)); green = ((byte)AggBasics.uround( * (double)BASE_MASK)); blue = ((byte)AggBasics.uround( * (double)BASE_MASK)); alpha = ((byte)AggBasics.uround(c.alpha * (double)BASE_MASK)); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- public void ResetGamma(IGammaFunction gamma_function) { for (int i = AA_SCALE - 1; i >= 0; --i) { m_gammaLut[i] = (int)AggBasics.uround( gamma_function.GetGamma((float)(i) / AA_MASK) * AA_MASK); } }
public static ColorRGBA Make(float r_, float g_, float b_, float a_) { return(new ColorRGBA( ((byte)AggBasics.uround_f(r_ * (float)BASE_MASK)), ((byte)AggBasics.uround_f(g_ * (float)BASE_MASK)), ((byte)AggBasics.uround_f(b_ * (float)BASE_MASK)), ((byte)AggBasics.uround_f(a_ * (float)BASE_MASK)))); }
public static ColorRGBA Make(double r_, double g_, double b_) { return(new ColorRGBA( ((byte)AggBasics.uround(r_ * (double)BASE_MASK)), ((byte)AggBasics.uround(g_ * (double)BASE_MASK)), ((byte)AggBasics.uround(b_ * (double)BASE_MASK)), ((byte)AggBasics.uround(BASE_MASK)))); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function normalizes integer values and corrects the rounding // errors. It doesn't do anything with the source floating point values // (m_weight_array_dbl), it corrects only integers according to the rule // of 1.0 which means that any sum of pixel weights must be equal to 1.0. // So, the filter function must produce a graph of the proper shape. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Normalize() { int i; int flip = 1; for (i = 0; i < (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE; i++) { for (; ;) { int sum = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < m_diameter; j++) { sum += m_weight_array[j * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i]; } if (sum == (int)ImgFilterConst.SCALE) { break; } double k = (double)((int)ImgFilterConst.SCALE) / (double)(sum); sum = 0; for (j = 0; j < m_diameter; j++) { sum += m_weight_array[j * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i] = (int)AggBasics.iround(m_weight_array[j * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i] * k); } sum -= (int)ImgFilterConst.SCALE; int inc = (sum > 0) ? -1 : 1; for (j = 0; j < m_diameter && sum != 0; j++) { flip ^= 1; int idx = flip != 0 ? m_diameter / 2 + j / 2 : m_diameter / 2 - j / 2; int v = m_weight_array[idx * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i]; if (v < (int)ImgFilterConst.SCALE) { m_weight_array[idx * (int)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE + i] += (int)inc; sum += inc; } } } } int pivot = m_diameter << (ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT - 1); for (i = 0; i < pivot; i++) { m_weight_array[pivot + i] = m_weight_array[pivot - i]; } int end = (Diameter << ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT) - 1; m_weight_array[0] = m_weight_array[end]; }
void SetGamma(float g) { m_gamma = g; float inv_g = (float)(1.0 / g); for (int i = GAMMA_SIZE - 1; i >= 0; --i) { m_dir_gamma[i] = (byte)AggBasics.uround(Math.Pow(i / (float)GAMMA_MASK, m_gamma) * (float)GAMMA_MASK); m_inv_gamma[i] = (byte)AggBasics.uround(Math.Pow(i / (float)GAMMA_MASK, inv_g) * (float)GAMMA_MASK); } }
void ReallocLut(double radius) { m_radius = radius; m_diameter = AggBasics.uceil(radius) * 2; m_start = -(m_diameter / 2 - 1); int size = m_diameter << ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT; if (size > m_weight_array.Length) { m_weight_array = new int[size]; } }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- public SpanGenGradient(ISpanInterpolator inter, IGradientValueCalculator gvc, IGradientColorsProvider m_colorsProvider, double d1, double d2) { this.m_interpolator = inter; this.m_grValueCalculator = gvc; this.m_colorsProvider = m_colorsProvider; m_d1 = AggBasics.iround(d1 * GR_SUBPIX_SCALE); m_d2 = AggBasics.iround(d2 * GR_SUBPIX_SCALE); dd = m_d2 - m_d1; if (dd < 1) { dd = 1; } stepRatio = (float)m_colorsProvider.GradientSteps / (float)dd; }
public void Calculate(double y) { double k = (y - m_y1) * m_1dy; if (k < 0.0) { k = 0.0; } if (k > 1.0) { k = 1.0; } m_r = m_r1 + AggBasics.iround(m_dr * k); m_g = m_g1 + AggBasics.iround(m_dg * k); m_b = m_b1 + AggBasics.iround(m_db * k); m_a = m_a1 + AggBasics.iround(m_da * k); m_x = AggBasics.iround((m_x1 + m_dx * k) * (double)SUBPIXEL_SCALE); }
void Calculate(Image.IImageFilter filter, bool normalization) { double r = filter.GetRadius(); ReallocLut(r); int i; int pivot = Diameter << (ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT - 1); for (i = 0; i < pivot; i++) { double x = (double)i / (double)ImgSubPixConst.SCALE; double y = filter.CalculateWeight(x); m_weight_array[pivot + i] = m_weight_array[pivot - i] = AggBasics.iround(y * ImgFilterConst.SCALE); } int end = (Diameter << ImgSubPixConst.SHIFT) - 1; m_weight_array[0] = m_weight_array[end]; if (normalization) { Normalize(); } }
static int MulDiv(int a, int b, int c) { return(AggBasics.iround_f((float)a * (float)b / (float)c)); }
//--------------------------------- //from vector clipper static int upscale(double v) { return AggBasics.iround(v * poly_subpix.SCALE); }