/// <summary> /// Draws the border around the plot area. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo; if (cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.LineFormat != null && cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.LineFormat.Width > 0) { XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; LineFormatRenderer lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.LineFormat); lineFormatRenderer.DrawRectangle(cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.Rect); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the horizontal X axis. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo; AxisRendererInfo xari = cri.xAxisRendererInfo; double xMin = xari.MinimumScale; double xMax = xari.MaximumScale; double xMajorTick = xari.MajorTick; double xMinorTick = xari.MinorTick; double xMaxExtension = xari.MajorTick; // Draw tick labels. Each tick label will be aligned centered. int countTickLabels = (int)xMax; double tickLabelStep = xari.Height / countTickLabels; XPoint startPos = new XPoint(xari.X + xari.Width - xari.MajorTickMarkWidth, xari.Y + tickLabelStep / 2); foreach (XSeries xs in xari.XValues) { for (int idx = countTickLabels - 1; idx >= 0; --idx) { XValue xv = xs[idx]; string tickLabel = xv.Value; XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(tickLabel, xari.TickLabelsFont); gfx.DrawString(tickLabel, xari.TickLabelsFont, xari.TickLabelsBrush, startPos.X - size.Width, startPos.Y + size.Height / 2); startPos.Y += tickLabelStep; } } // Draw axis. // First draw tick marks, second draw axis. double majorTickMarkStart = 0, majorTickMarkEnd = 0, minorTickMarkStart = 0, minorTickMarkEnd = 0; GetTickMarkPos(xari, ref majorTickMarkStart, ref majorTickMarkEnd, ref minorTickMarkStart, ref minorTickMarkEnd); LineFormatRenderer lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, xari.LineFormat); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2]; // Minor ticks. if (xari.MinorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { int countMinorTickMarks = (int)(xMax / xMinorTick); double minorTickMarkStep = xari.Height / countMinorTickMarks; startPos.Y = xari.Y; for (int x = 0; x <= countMinorTickMarks; x++) { points[0].X = minorTickMarkStart; points[0].Y = startPos.Y + minorTickMarkStep * x; points[1].X = minorTickMarkEnd; points[1].Y = points[0].Y; lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } // Major ticks. if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { int countMajorTickMarks = (int)(xMax / xMajorTick); double majorTickMarkStep = xari.Height / countMajorTickMarks; startPos.Y = xari.Y; for (int x = 0; x <= countMajorTickMarks; x++) { points[0].X = majorTickMarkStart; points[0].Y = startPos.Y + majorTickMarkStep * x; points[1].X = majorTickMarkEnd; points[1].Y = points[0].Y; lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } // Axis. if (xari.LineFormat != null) { points[0].X = xari.X + xari.Width; points[0].Y = xari.Y; points[1].X = xari.X + xari.Width; points[1].Y = xari.Y + xari.Height; if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { points[0].Y -= xari.LineFormat.Width / 2; points[1].Y += xari.LineFormat.Width / 2; } lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } // Draw axis title. AxisTitleRendererInfo atri = xari.axisTitleRendererInfo; if (atri != null && atri.AxisTitleText != null && atri.AxisTitleText.Length > 0) { XRect rect = new XRect(xari.X, xari.Y + xari.Height / 2, atri.AxisTitleSize.Width, 0); gfx.DrawString(atri.AxisTitleText, atri.AxisTitleFont, atri.AxisTitleBrush, rect); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the horizontal X axis. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo; AxisRendererInfo xari = cri.xAxisRendererInfo; LineFormatRenderer lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, xari.LineFormat); double xMin = xari.MinimumScale; double xMax = xari.MaximumScale; double xMajorTick = xari.MajorTick; double xMinorTick = xari.MinorTick; double xMaxExtension = xari.MajorTick; bool isxy = false; double majorTickMarkStart = 0, majorTickMarkEnd = 0, minorTickMarkStart = 0, minorTickMarkEnd = 0; GetTickMarkPos(xari, ref majorTickMarkStart, ref majorTickMarkEnd, ref minorTickMarkStart, ref minorTickMarkEnd); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2]; Chart chart = (Chart)this.rendererParms.DrawingItem; Series s = chart.seriesCollection[0]; double tickLabelStep = xari.Width; int countTickLabels = (int)xMax; // for non-xy if (countTickLabels != 0) { tickLabelStep = xari.Width / countTickLabels; } XPoint startPos = new XPoint(xari.X + tickLabelStep / 2, xari.Y + xari.TickLabelsHeight); if (s != null && s.Elements.getPointX(0) != null) { isxy = true; countTickLabels = (int)((xMax - xMin) / xMajorTick) + 1; if (countTickLabels != 0) { tickLabelStep = xari.Width / countTickLabels; } startPos = new XPoint(0, xari.Y + xari.TickLabelsHeight); XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); //XMatrix.Identity; //matrix.TranslatePrepend(xari.X, xari.InnerRect.Y ); //-xari.InnerRect.X, xMax); matrix.Scale(xari.InnerRect.Width / (xMax - xMin), 1, XMatrixOrder.Append); //matrix.ScalePrepend( 1, 1); // mirror Vertical matrix.Translate(xari.InnerRect.X, xari.InnerRect.Y, XMatrixOrder.Append); if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { startPos.Y += xari.MajorTickMarkWidth; } //matrix.OffsetX = startPos.X; // Draw axis. // First draw tick marks, second draw axis. LineFormatRenderer minorTickMarkLineFormat = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, xari.MinorTickMarkLineFormat); LineFormatRenderer majorTickMarkLineFormat = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, xari.MajorTickMarkLineFormat); // Draw minor tick marks. if (xari.MinorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { for (double x = xMin + xMinorTick; x < xMax; x += xMinorTick) { points[0].X = x; points[0].Y = minorTickMarkStart; points[1].X = x; points[1].Y = minorTickMarkEnd; matrix.TransformPoints(points); minorTickMarkLineFormat.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } double lineSpace = xari.TickLabelsFont.GetHeight(); int cellSpace = xari.TickLabelsFont.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(xari.TickLabelsFont.Style); double xHeight = xari.TickLabelsFont.Metrics.XHeight; XSize labelSize = new XSize(0, 0); labelSize.Height = lineSpace * xHeight / cellSpace; for (int i = 0; i < countTickLabels; ++i) { double x = xMin + xMajorTick * i; string str = x.ToString(xari.TickLabelsFormat); labelSize = gfx.MeasureString(str, xari.TickLabelsFont); // Draw major tick marks. if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { labelSize.Width += xari.MajorTickMarkWidth * 1.5; points[0].X = x; points[0].Y = 0; // majorTickMarkStart; points[1].X = x; points[1].Y = 0; // majorTickMarkEnd; matrix.TransformPoints(points); points[1].Y += xari.MajorTickMarkWidth; majorTickMarkLineFormat.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } else { labelSize.Height += SpaceBetweenLabelAndTickmark; } // Draw label text. XPoint[] layoutText = new XPoint[1]; layoutText[0].X = x; layoutText[0].Y = 0; matrix.TransformPoints(layoutText); layoutText[0].Y += labelSize.Height; layoutText[0].X -= labelSize.Width / 2; // Center text horizontally gfx.DrawString(str, xari.TickLabelsFont, xari.TickLabelsBrush, layoutText[0]); } } if (!isxy) { // Draw tick labels. Each tick label will be aligned centered. //XPoint startPos = new XPoint(xari.X + tickLabelStep / 2, xari.Y + /*xari.TickLabelsHeight +*/ xari.MajorTickMarkWidth); if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { startPos.Y += xari.MajorTickMarkWidth; } foreach (XSeries xs in xari.XValues) { for (int idx = 0; idx < countTickLabels && idx < xs.Count; ++idx) { XValue xv = xs[idx]; if (xv != null) { string tickLabel = xv.Value; XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(tickLabel, xari.TickLabelsFont); gfx.DrawString(tickLabel, xari.TickLabelsFont, xari.TickLabelsBrush, startPos.X - size.Width / 2, startPos.Y); } startPos.X += tickLabelStep; } } // Minor ticks. if (xari.MinorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { int countMinorTickMarks = (int)(xMax / xMinorTick); double minorTickMarkStep = xari.Width / countMinorTickMarks; startPos.X = xari.X; for (int x = 0; x <= countMinorTickMarks; x++) { points[0].X = startPos.X + minorTickMarkStep * x; points[0].Y = minorTickMarkStart; points[1].X = points[0].X; points[1].Y = minorTickMarkEnd; lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } // Major ticks. if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { int countMajorTickMarks = (int)(xMax / xMajorTick); double majorTickMarkStep = xari.Width; if (countMajorTickMarks != 0) { majorTickMarkStep = xari.Width / countMajorTickMarks; } startPos.X = xari.X; for (int x = 0; x <= countMajorTickMarks; x++) { points[0].X = startPos.X + majorTickMarkStep * x; points[0].Y = majorTickMarkStart; points[1].X = points[0].X; points[1].Y = majorTickMarkEnd; lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } } // Axis. if (xari.LineFormat != null) { points[0].X = xari.X; points[0].Y = xari.Y; points[1].X = xari.X + xari.Width; points[1].Y = xari.Y; if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { points[0].X -= xari.LineFormat.Width / 2; points[1].X += xari.LineFormat.Width / 2; } lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } // Draw axis title. AxisTitleRendererInfo atri = xari.axisTitleRendererInfo; if (atri != null && atri.AxisTitleText != null && atri.AxisTitleText.Length > 0) { XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(atri.AxisTitleText, atri.AxisTitleFont); XRect rect = new XRect(xari.Rect.Right / 2 - atri.AxisTitleSize.Width / 2, xari.Rect.Bottom + size.Height * 2, atri.AxisTitleSize.Width, 0); gfx.DrawString(atri.AxisTitleText, atri.AxisTitleFont, atri.AxisTitleBrush, rect); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the content of the column plot area. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo; XRect plotAreaBox = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.Rect; if (plotAreaBox.IsEmpty) { return; } XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; double xMin = cri.xAxisRendererInfo.MinimumScale; double xMax = cri.xAxisRendererInfo.MaximumScale; double yMin = cri.yAxisRendererInfo.MinimumScale; double yMax = cri.yAxisRendererInfo.MaximumScale; LineFormatRenderer lineFormatRenderer; // Under some circumstances it is possible that no zero base line will be drawn, // e. g. because of unfavourable minimum/maximum scale and/or major tick, so force to draw // a zero base line if necessary. if (cri.yAxisRendererInfo.MajorGridlinesLineFormat != null || cri.yAxisRendererInfo.MinorGridlinesLineFormat != null) { if (yMin < 0 && yMax > 0) { XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2]; points[0].X = xMin; points[0].Y = 0; points[1].X = xMax; points[1].Y = 0; cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.matrix.TransformPoints(points); if (cri.yAxisRendererInfo.MinorGridlinesLineFormat != null) { lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, cri.yAxisRendererInfo.MinorGridlinesLineFormat); } else { lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, cri.yAxisRendererInfo.MajorGridlinesLineFormat); } lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } // Draw columns XGraphicsState state = gfx.Save(); foreach (SeriesRendererInfo sri in cri.seriesRendererInfos) { foreach (ColumnRendererInfo column in sri.pointRendererInfos) { // Do not draw column if value is outside yMin/yMax range. Clipping does not make sense. if (IsDataInside(yMin, yMax, column.point.value)) { XLinearGradientBrush brush = new XLinearGradientBrush(column.Rect.BottomLeft, column.Rect.TopLeft, _orange, _orangeGradientEnd); gfx.DrawRectangle(brush, column.Rect); } } } // Draw borders around column. // A border can overlap neighbor columns, so it is important to draw borders at the end. //foreach (SeriesRendererInfo sri in cri.seriesRendererInfos) //{ // foreach (ColumnRendererInfo column in sri.pointRendererInfos) // { // // Do not draw column if value is outside yMin/yMax range. Clipping does not make sense. // if (IsDataInside(yMin, yMax, column.point.value) && column.LineFormat.Width > 0) // { // lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, column.LineFormat); // lineFormatRenderer.DrawRectangle(column.Rect); // } // } //} gfx.Restore(state); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the vertical Y axis. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { AxisRendererInfo yari = ((ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo).yAxisRendererInfo; double yMin = yari.MinimumScale; double yMax = yari.MaximumScale; double yMajorTick = yari.MajorTick; double yMinorTick = yari.MinorTick; XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); //XMatrix.Identity; matrix.TranslatePrepend(-yari.InnerRect.X, yMax); matrix.Scale(1, yari.InnerRect.Height / (yMax - yMin), XMatrixOrder.Append); matrix.ScalePrepend(1, -1); // mirror horizontal matrix.Translate(yari.InnerRect.X, yari.InnerRect.Y, XMatrixOrder.Append); // Draw axis. // First draw tick marks, second draw axis. double majorTickMarkStart = 0, majorTickMarkEnd = 0, minorTickMarkStart = 0, minorTickMarkEnd = 0; GetTickMarkPos(yari, ref majorTickMarkStart, ref majorTickMarkEnd, ref minorTickMarkStart, ref minorTickMarkEnd); XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; LineFormatRenderer lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, yari.LineFormat); LineFormatRenderer minorTickMarkLineFormat = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, yari.MinorTickMarkLineFormat); LineFormatRenderer majorTickMarkLineFormat = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, yari.MajorTickMarkLineFormat); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2]; // Draw minor tick marks. if (yari.MinorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { for (double y = yMin + yMinorTick; y < yMax; y += yMinorTick) { points[0].X = minorTickMarkStart; points[0].Y = y; points[1].X = minorTickMarkEnd; points[1].Y = y; matrix.TransformPoints(points); minorTickMarkLineFormat.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } double lineSpace = yari.TickLabelsFont.GetHeight(); int cellSpace = yari.TickLabelsFont.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(yari.TickLabelsFont.Style); double xHeight = yari.TickLabelsFont.Metrics.XHeight; XSize labelSize = new XSize(0, 0); labelSize.Height = lineSpace * xHeight / cellSpace; int countTickLabels = (int)((yMax - yMin) / yMajorTick) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < countTickLabels; ++i) { double y = yMin + yMajorTick * i; string str = y.ToString(yari.TickLabelsFormat); labelSize.Width = gfx.MeasureString(str, yari.TickLabelsFont).Width; // Draw major tick marks. if (yari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { labelSize.Width += yari.MajorTickMarkWidth * 1.5; points[0].X = majorTickMarkStart; points[0].Y = y; points[1].X = majorTickMarkEnd; points[1].Y = y; matrix.TransformPoints(points); majorTickMarkLineFormat.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } else { labelSize.Width += SpaceBetweenLabelAndTickmark; } // Draw label text. XPoint[] layoutText = new XPoint[1]; layoutText[0].X = yari.InnerRect.X + yari.InnerRect.Width - labelSize.Width; layoutText[0].Y = y; matrix.TransformPoints(layoutText); layoutText[0].Y += labelSize.Height / 2; // Center text vertically. gfx.DrawString(str, yari.TickLabelsFont, yari.TickLabelsBrush, layoutText[0]); } // Draw axis. if (yari.LineFormat != null && yari.LineFormat.Width > 0) { points[0].X = yari.InnerRect.X + yari.InnerRect.Width; points[0].Y = yMin; points[1].X = yari.InnerRect.X + yari.InnerRect.Width; points[1].Y = yMax; matrix.TransformPoints(points); if (yari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { // yMax is at the upper side of the axis points[1].Y -= yari.LineFormat.Width / 2; points[0].Y += yari.LineFormat.Width / 2; } lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } // Draw axis title if (yari.axisTitleRendererInfo != null && yari.axisTitleRendererInfo.AxisTitleText != "") { RendererParameters parms = new RendererParameters(); parms.Graphics = gfx; parms.RendererInfo = yari; double width = yari.axisTitleRendererInfo.Width; yari.axisTitleRendererInfo.Rect = yari.InnerRect; yari.axisTitleRendererInfo.Width = width; AxisTitleRenderer atr = new AxisTitleRenderer(parms); atr.Draw(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the horizontal X axis. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo; AxisRendererInfo xari = cri.xAxisRendererInfo; double xMin = xari.MinimumScale; double xMax = xari.MaximumScale; double xMajorTick = xari.MajorTick; double xMinorTick = xari.MinorTick; double xMaxExtension = xari.MajorTick; // Draw tick labels. Each tick label will be aligned centered. int countTickLabels = (int)xMax; double tickLabelStep = xari.Width; if (countTickLabels != 0) { tickLabelStep = xari.Width / countTickLabels; } //XPoint startPos = new XPoint(xari.X + tickLabelStep / 2, xari.Y + /*xari.TickLabelsHeight +*/ xari.MajorTickMarkWidth); XPoint startPos = new XPoint(xari.X + tickLabelStep / 2, xari.Y + xari.TickLabelsHeight); if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { startPos.Y += xari.MajorTickMarkWidth; } foreach (XSeries xs in xari.XValues) { for (int idx = 0; idx < countTickLabels && idx < xs.Count; ++idx) { XValue xv = xs[idx]; if (xv != null) { string tickLabel = xv.Value; XSize size = gfx.MeasureString(tickLabel, xari.TickLabelsFont); XGraphicsState state = null; int margin = 0; if (xs.TextRotation != default) { state = gfx.Save(); margin = 20; gfx.RotateAtTransform(xs.TextRotation, new XPoint(startPos.X - size.Width / 2, startPos.Y + margin)); } gfx.DrawString(tickLabel, xari.TickLabelsFont, xari.TickLabelsBrush, startPos.X - size.Width / 2, startPos.Y + margin); if (xs.TextRotation != default && state != null) { gfx.Restore(state); } } startPos.X += tickLabelStep; } } // Draw axis. // First draw tick marks, second draw axis. double majorTickMarkStart = 0, majorTickMarkEnd = 0, minorTickMarkStart = 0, minorTickMarkEnd = 0; GetTickMarkPos(xari, ref majorTickMarkStart, ref majorTickMarkEnd, ref minorTickMarkStart, ref minorTickMarkEnd); LineFormatRenderer lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, xari.LineFormat); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2]; // Minor ticks. if (xari.MinorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { int countMinorTickMarks = (int)(xMax / xMinorTick); double minorTickMarkStep = xari.Width / countMinorTickMarks; startPos.X = xari.X; for (int x = 0; x <= countMinorTickMarks; x++) { points[0].X = startPos.X + minorTickMarkStep * x; points[0].Y = minorTickMarkStart; points[1].X = points[0].X; points[1].Y = minorTickMarkEnd; lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } // Major ticks. if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { int countMajorTickMarks = (int)(xMax / xMajorTick); double majorTickMarkStep = xari.Width; if (countMajorTickMarks != 0) { majorTickMarkStep = xari.Width / countMajorTickMarks; } startPos.X = xari.X; for (int x = 0; x <= countMajorTickMarks; x++) { points[0].X = startPos.X + majorTickMarkStep * x; points[0].Y = majorTickMarkStart; points[1].X = points[0].X; points[1].Y = majorTickMarkEnd; lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } // Axis. if (xari.LineFormat != null) { points[0].X = xari.X; points[0].Y = xari.Y; points[1].X = xari.X + xari.Width; points[1].Y = xari.Y; if (xari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { points[0].X -= xari.LineFormat.Width / 2; points[1].X += xari.LineFormat.Width / 2; } lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } // Draw axis title. AxisTitleRendererInfo atri = xari.axisTitleRendererInfo; if (atri != null && atri.AxisTitleText != null && atri.AxisTitleText.Length > 0) { XRect rect = new XRect(xari.Rect.Right / 2 - atri.AxisTitleSize.Width / 2, xari.Rect.Bottom, atri.AxisTitleSize.Width, 0); gfx.DrawString(atri.AxisTitleText, atri.AxisTitleFont, atri.AxisTitleBrush, rect); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the vertical Y axis. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { AxisRendererInfo yari = ((ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo).yAxisRendererInfo; double yMin = yari.MinimumScale; double yMax = yari.MaximumScale; double yMajorTick = yari.MajorTick; double yMinorTick = yari.MinorTick; XMatrix matrix = new XMatrix(); //XMatrix.Identity; matrix.TranslatePrepend(-yMin, -yari.Y); matrix.Scale(yari.InnerRect.Width / (yMax - yMin), 1, XMatrixOrder.Append); matrix.Translate(yari.X, yari.Y, XMatrixOrder.Append); // Draw axis. // First draw tick marks, second draw axis. double majorTickMarkStart = 0, majorTickMarkEnd = 0, minorTickMarkStart = 0, minorTickMarkEnd = 0; GetTickMarkPos(yari, ref majorTickMarkStart, ref majorTickMarkEnd, ref minorTickMarkStart, ref minorTickMarkEnd); XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; LineFormatRenderer lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, yari.LineFormat); XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2]; if (yari.MinorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { for (double y = yMin + yMinorTick; y < yMax; y += yMinorTick) { points[0].X = y; points[0].Y = minorTickMarkStart; points[1].X = y; points[1].Y = minorTickMarkEnd; matrix.TransformPoints(points); lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } XStringFormat xsf = new XStringFormat(); xsf.LineAlignment = XLineAlignment.Near; int countTickLabels = (int)((yMax - yMin) / yMajorTick) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < countTickLabels; ++i) { double y = yMin + yMajorTick * i; string str = y.ToString(yari.TickLabelsFormat); XSize labelSize = gfx.MeasureString(str, yari.TickLabelsFont); if (yari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { labelSize.Height += 1.5f * yari.MajorTickMarkWidth; points[0].X = y; points[0].Y = majorTickMarkStart; points[1].X = y; points[1].Y = majorTickMarkEnd; matrix.TransformPoints(points); lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } XPoint[] layoutText = new XPoint[1]; layoutText[0].X = y; layoutText[0].Y = yari.Y + 1.5 * yari.MajorTickMarkWidth; matrix.TransformPoints(layoutText); layoutText[0].X -= labelSize.Width / 2; // Center text vertically. gfx.DrawString(str, yari.TickLabelsFont, yari.TickLabelsBrush, layoutText[0], xsf); } if (yari.LineFormat != null) { points[0].X = yMin; points[0].Y = yari.Y; points[1].X = yMax; points[1].Y = yari.Y; matrix.TransformPoints(points); if (yari.MajorTickMark != TickMarkType.None) { // yMax is at the upper side of the axis points[0].X -= yari.LineFormat.Width / 2; points[1].X += yari.LineFormat.Width / 2; } lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } // Draw axis title if (yari.axisTitleRendererInfo != null) { RendererParameters parms = new RendererParameters(); parms.Graphics = gfx; parms.RendererInfo = yari; XRect rcTitle = yari.Rect; rcTitle.Height = yari.axisTitleRendererInfo.Height; rcTitle.Y += yari.Rect.Height - rcTitle.Height; yari.axisTitleRendererInfo.Rect = rcTitle; AxisTitleRenderer atr = new AxisTitleRenderer(parms); atr.Draw(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the gridlines into the plot area. /// </summary> internal override void Draw() { ChartRendererInfo cri = (ChartRendererInfo)this.rendererParms.RendererInfo; XRect plotAreaRect = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.Rect; if (plotAreaRect.IsEmpty) { return; } AxisRendererInfo xari = cri.xAxisRendererInfo; AxisRendererInfo yari = cri.yAxisRendererInfo; double xMin = xari.MinimumScale; double xMax = xari.MaximumScale; double yMin = yari.MinimumScale; double yMax = yari.MaximumScale; double xMajorTick = xari.MajorTick; double yMajorTick = yari.MajorTick; double xMinorTick = xari.MinorTick; double yMinorTick = yari.MinorTick; double xMaxExtension = xari.MajorTick; XMatrix matrix = cri.plotAreaRendererInfo.matrix; LineFormatRenderer lineFormatRenderer; XGraphics gfx = this.rendererParms.Graphics; XPoint[] points = new XPoint[2]; if (xari.MinorGridlinesLineFormat != null) { lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, xari.MinorGridlinesLineFormat); for (double x = xMin + xMinorTick; x < xMax; x += xMinorTick) { points[0].Y = x; points[0].X = yMin; points[1].Y = x; points[1].X = yMax; matrix.TransformPoints(points); lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } if (xari.MajorGridlinesLineFormat != null) { lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, xari.MajorGridlinesLineFormat); for (double x = xMin; x <= xMax; x += xMajorTick) { points[0].Y = x; points[0].X = yMin; points[1].Y = x; points[1].X = yMax; matrix.TransformPoints(points); lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } if (yari.MinorGridlinesLineFormat != null) { lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, yari.MinorGridlinesLineFormat); for (double y = yMin + yMinorTick; y < yMax; y += yMinorTick) { points[0].Y = xMin; points[0].X = y; points[1].Y = xMax; points[1].X = y; matrix.TransformPoints(points); lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } if (yari.MajorGridlinesLineFormat != null) { lineFormatRenderer = new LineFormatRenderer(gfx, yari.MajorGridlinesLineFormat); for (double y = yMin; y <= yMax; y += yMajorTick) { points[0].Y = xMin; points[0].X = y; points[1].Y = xMax; points[1].X = y; matrix.TransformPoints(points); lineFormatRenderer.DrawLine(points[0], points[1]); } } }