public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateEmployee([FromRoute] string id, [FromBody] BusinessEmployeeViewModel employeeModel) { var errorMessage = new ErrorMessageViewModel(); var error = new { Error = errorMessage }; // Get the employee from the database BusinessEmployees employee = db.BusinessEmployees.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (employee == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find employee"; return(Json(error)); } ApplicationUser user = db.ApplicationUser.Where(e => e.Id == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (user == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find user profile"; return(Json(error)); } // Update information employee.FirstName = employeeModel.FirstName; employee.LastName = employeeModel.LastName; employee.Position = employeeModel.Position; employee.CanEditLibrary = employeeModel.CanEditLibrary; user.Email = employeeModel.Email; db.Entry(employee).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _userManager.UpdateNormalizedEmailAsync(user); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not update employee information"; return(Json(error)); } // Model data to return to view var result = new BusinessEmployeeViewModel { Id = employee.UserId, FirstName = employee.FirstName, LastName = employee.LastName, Position = employee.Position, ProfilePicture = employee.ProfilePicture, CanEditLibrary = employee.CanEditLibrary, Email = user.Email }; return(Ok(result)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetCoworkers() { var errorMessage = new ErrorMessageViewModel(); var error = new { Error = errorMessage }; var id = ""; try { id = User.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "").SingleOrDefault().Value; } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Id was not found"; return(BadRequest(error)); } // Get user profile BusinessEmployees user = db.BusinessEmployees.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (user == null) { errorMessage.Message = "User profile was not found"; return(BadRequest(error)); } // Get a list of coworkers List <BusinessEmployees> coworkers = db.BusinessEmployees.Where(e => e.BusinessUserId == user.BusinessUserId && e.UserId != user.UserId).ToList(); List <ContactsViewModel> contacts = new List <ContactsViewModel>(); foreach (BusinessEmployees coworker in coworkers) { ContactsViewModel contact = new ContactsViewModel { Name = String.Format("{0} {1}", coworker.FirstName, coworker.LastName), Position = coworker.Position, PhoneNumber = coworker.PhoneNumber }; contacts.Add(contact); } return(Ok(contacts.ToArray())); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteEmployee([FromRoute] string id) { var errorMessage = new ErrorMessageViewModel(); var error = new { Error = errorMessage }; // Delete the user from the application user list ApplicationUser user = db.ApplicationUser.Where(e => e.Id == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (user == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find user"; return(Json(error)); } // Find the employee BusinessEmployees employee = db.BusinessEmployees.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (employee == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find employee"; return(Json(error)); } // Remove the employee db.Remove(employee); db.Remove(user); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not remove employee"; return(Json(error)); } return(Accepted(employee)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetEmployeeById(string id) { var errorMessage = new ErrorMessageViewModel(); var error = new { Error = errorMessage }; // Get the employee from the database BusinessEmployees employee = db.BusinessEmployees.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (employee == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find employee"; return(Json(error)); } ApplicationUser user = db.ApplicationUser.Where(e => e.Id == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (user == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find user profile"; return(Json(error)); } // Get the data for the employee var employeeModel = new BusinessEmployeeViewModel { Id = employee.UserId, FirstName = employee.FirstName, LastName = employee.LastName, Email = user.Email, Position = employee.Position, PhoneNumber = employee.PhoneNumber, CanEditLibrary = employee.CanEditLibrary }; return(Ok(employeeModel)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetUserProfile([FromRoute] string id) { var errorMessage = new ErrorMessageViewModel(); var error = new { Error = errorMessage }; // Get the user profile ApplicationUser user = db.ApplicationUser.Where(e => e.Id == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (user == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the user profile"; return(Json(error)); } // Find the user type based on the id BusinessUsers businessUser = db.BusinessUsers.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (businessUser == null) { BusinessEmployees employee = db.BusinessEmployees.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (employee == null) { PersonalUsers personalUser = db.PersonalUsers.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (personalUser == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the profile for the user"; return(Json(error)); } // Get the personal user details ProfileDetailsViewModel personalProfile = new ProfileDetailsViewModel { Id = personalUser.UserId, FirstName = personalUser.FirstName, LastName = personalUser.LastName, Email = user.Email, AccountType = "Personal", ProfilePicture = personalUser.ProfilePicture }; return(Ok(personalProfile)); } // Get the employer info BusinessUsers employer = db.BusinessUsers.Where(e => e.BusinessUserId == employee.BusinessUserId).SingleOrDefault(); if (employer == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the employer profile for the employee"; return(Json(error)); } // Get the employee user details EmployeeDetailsViewModel employeeProfile = new EmployeeDetailsViewModel { Id = employee.UserId, FirstName = employee.FirstName, LastName = employee.LastName, Email = user.Email, AccountType = "Employee", ProfilePicture = employee.ProfilePicture, Organization = employer.Organization, CanEditLibrary = employee.CanEditLibrary }; return(Ok(employeeProfile)); } // Get the business user details ProfileDetailsViewModel businessProfile = new ProfileDetailsViewModel { Id = businessUser.UserId, FirstName = businessUser.FirstName, LastName = businessUser.LastName, Email = user.Email, AccountType = "Business", ProfilePicture = businessUser.ProfilePicture, Organization = businessUser.Organization }; return(Ok(businessProfile)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProfile([FromRoute] string id, [FromBody] ProfileDetailsViewModel profile) { var errorMessage = new ErrorMessageViewModel(); var error = new { Error = errorMessage }; var role = ""; if (User != null) { try { role = User.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "").SingleOrDefault().Value; if (role == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find role for user"; return(Json(error)); } } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not get role for user"; return(Json(error)); } } if (profile == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Model is missing data"; return(Json(error)); } // Find the type of user based on the role if (role == "Personal") { // Get the personal user in the database PersonalUsers personalUser = db.PersonalUsers.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); // Update the details for the profile if (personalUser != null) { personalUser.FirstName = profile.FirstName; personalUser.LastName = profile.LastName; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.ProfilePicture)) { var fileName = await fileController.UploadImage(profile.ProfilePicture, Request); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { errorMessage.Message = "Image upload encountered an error"; return(Json(error)); } personalUser.ProfilePicture = fileName; } // Update record in the database db.Entry(personalUser).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Could update the account information"; return(Json(error)); } return(Ok(personalUser)); } else { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the user profile"; return(Json(error)); } } else if (role == "Business") { // Get the business user in the database BusinessUsers businessUser = db.BusinessUsers.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); // Update the details for the profile if (businessUser != null) { businessUser.FirstName = profile.FirstName; businessUser.LastName = profile.LastName; businessUser.Organization = profile.Organization; businessUser.PhoneNumber = profile.PhoneNumber; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.ProfilePicture)) { var fileName = await fileController.UploadImage(profile.ProfilePicture, Request); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { errorMessage.Message = "Image upload encountered an error"; return(Json(error)); } businessUser.ProfilePicture = fileName; } // Update record in the database db.Entry(businessUser).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Could update the account information"; return(Json(error)); } return(Ok(businessUser)); } else { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the user profile"; return(Json(error)); } } else if (role == "Employee") { // Get the employee in the database BusinessEmployees employee = db.BusinessEmployees.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); // Update the details for the profile if (employee != null) { employee.FirstName = profile.FirstName; employee.LastName = profile.LastName; employee.PhoneNumber = profile.PhoneNumber; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(profile.ProfilePicture)) { var fileName = await fileController.UploadImage(profile.ProfilePicture, Request); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { errorMessage.Message = "Image upload encountered an error"; return(Json(error)); } employee.ProfilePicture = fileName; } // Update record in the database db.Entry(employee).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Could update the account information"; return(Json(error)); } return(Ok(employee)); } else { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the user profile"; return(Json(error)); } } errorMessage.Message = "An error has occurred"; return(Json(error)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddEmployee([FromBody] BusinessEmployeeViewModel employee) { var id = ""; var errorMessage = new ErrorMessageViewModel(); var error = new { Error = errorMessage }; try { id = User.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "").SingleOrDefault().Value; } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Id was not found"; return(BadRequest(error)); } // Get the employer info BusinessUsers business = db.BusinessUsers.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (business == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not get the employer info"; return(Json(error)); } // Check if the user exists ApplicationUser user = _userManager.Users.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Email.Equals(employee.Email, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); // If not, create the user identity profile if (user == null) { if (employee.Email != null) { ApplicationUser applicationUser = new ApplicationUser { UserName = employee.Email, Email = employee.Email }; // Set temporary password string password = String.Format("{0}{1}#{2}", employee.Email.First().ToString().ToUpper(), employee.Email.Substring(1), DateTime.Now.Year); IdentityResult result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(applicationUser, password); if (result.Succeeded) { await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(applicationUser, "Employee"); await _signInManager.SignInAsync(applicationUser, false); // Add the new user to the database BusinessEmployees businessEmployee = new BusinessEmployees { FirstName = employee.FirstName, LastName = employee.LastName, Position = employee.Position, CanEditLibrary = employee.CanEditLibrary, PhoneNumber = employee.PhoneNumber, UserId = applicationUser.Id, BusinessUserId = business.BusinessUserId }; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(employee.ProfilePicture)) { var fileName = await fileController.UploadImage(employee.ProfilePicture, Request); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) { errorMessage.Message = "Image upload encountered an error"; return(Json(error)); } businessEmployee.ProfilePicture = fileName; } db.BusinessEmployees.Add(businessEmployee); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not create the business employee"; return(Json(error)); } // model data var modelData = new BusinessEmployeeViewModel { Id = businessEmployee.UserId, FirstName = businessEmployee.FirstName, LastName = businessEmployee.LastName, Position = businessEmployee.Position, ProfilePicture = businessEmployee.ProfilePicture, PhoneNumber = businessEmployee.PhoneNumber, CanEditLibrary = businessEmployee.CanEditLibrary, Email = applicationUser.Email }; return(CreatedAtAction("AddEmployee", new { id = modelData.Id }, modelData)); } // Send an email with this link ( SET UP SENDGRID TOWARDS END OF PROJECT ) //string code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(applicationUser); //var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Accounts", new { userId = applicationUser.Id, code }, protocol: Request.Scheme); //// Send the email //var emailNotification = new EmailNotificationViewModel //{ // Email = applicationUser.Email, // Subject = "SPINE - Password Reset", // Content = "", // Html = "Please reset your password by clicking <a href =\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>" //}; //await notificationsController.SendEmailNotification(emailNotification); } else { errorMessage.Message = "Data is missing the Email field"; return(Json(error)); } } errorMessage.Message = "An error has occurred"; return(Json(error)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetMyBooks() { var id = ""; var role = ""; var errorMessage = new ErrorMessageViewModel(); var error = new { Error = errorMessage }; if (User == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find user for claims"; return(Json(error)); } try { id = User.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "").SingleOrDefault().Value; role = User.Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "").SingleOrDefault().Value; } catch (Exception exception) { errorMessage.Message = "Id or role was not found"; return(Json(error)); } if (role == "Personal") { PersonalUsers personalUser = db.PersonalUsers.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (personalUser == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find user profile"; return(Json(error)); } // Get books for the user List <BookDetailsViewModel> books = new List <BookDetailsViewModel>(); List <Documents> bookList = db.Documents.Where(e => e.UserId == id).ToList(); foreach (Documents item in bookList) { // Get the genres for the book List <DocumentGenres> genreList = db.DocumentGenres.Where(e => e.DocumentId == item.DocumentId).ToList(); List <BookGenreViewModel> genres = new List <BookGenreViewModel>(); foreach (var dbGenre in genreList) { Genres genre = db.Genres.Where(e => e.GenreId == dbGenre.GenreId).SingleOrDefault(); if (genre == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the genre for the book"; return(Json(error)); } var bookGenre = new BookGenreViewModel { GenreId = genre.GenreId, Name = genre.Title }; genres.Add(bookGenre); } // Get the authors for the book List <DocumentAuthors> authorList = db.DocumentAuthors.Where(e => e.DocumentId == item.DocumentId).ToList(); List <BookAuthorViewModel> authors = new List <BookAuthorViewModel>(); foreach (var documentAuthor in authorList) { Authors author = db.Authors.Where(e => e.AuthorId == documentAuthor.AuthorId).SingleOrDefault(); if (author == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the author for the book"; return(Json(error)); } var bookAuthor = new BookAuthorViewModel { AuthorId = author.AuthorId, Name = author.Name }; authors.Add(bookAuthor); } // Get the insurance information for the book InsuranceInformation bookInsurance = db.InsuranceInformation.Where(e => e.InsuranceInformationId == item.InsuranceInformationId).SingleOrDefault(); InsuranceInformationViewModel insuranceInformation = new InsuranceInformationViewModel(); if (bookInsurance != null) { insuranceInformation.Cost = bookInsurance.Cost; insuranceInformation.DatePurchased = bookInsurance.DatePurchased.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); insuranceInformation.ReceiptImage = bookInsurance.ReceiptImage; insuranceInformation.IssueDate = bookInsurance.IssueDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } BookDetailsViewModel book = new BookDetailsViewModel { Id = item.DocumentId, Title = item.Title, Authors = authors.ToArray(), Genres = genres.ToArray(), ISBN = item.ISBN, CheckedOut = item.CheckedOut, Picture = item.CoverImage, Pages = Convert.ToInt32(item.Pages), Publisher = item.Publisher, PublishedDate = item.PublishedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Edition = item.Edition, Description = item.Description, InsuranceInformation = insuranceInformation }; books.Add(book); } return(Ok(books)); } else if (role == "Business") { BusinessUsers businessUser = db.BusinessUsers.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (businessUser == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find user profile"; return(Json(error)); } // Get books for the user List <BookDetailsViewModel> books = new List <BookDetailsViewModel>(); List <Documents> bookList = db.Documents.Where(e => e.UserId == id).ToList(); foreach (Documents item in bookList) { // Get the genres for the book List <DocumentGenres> genreList = db.DocumentGenres.Where(e => e.DocumentId == item.DocumentId).ToList(); List <BookGenreViewModel> genres = new List <BookGenreViewModel>(); foreach (var dbGenre in genreList) { Genres genre = db.Genres.Where(e => e.GenreId == dbGenre.GenreId).SingleOrDefault(); if (genre == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the genre for the book"; return(Json(error)); } var bookGenre = new BookGenreViewModel { GenreId = genre.GenreId, Name = genre.Title }; genres.Add(bookGenre); } // Get the authors for the book List <DocumentAuthors> authorList = db.DocumentAuthors.Where(e => e.DocumentId == item.DocumentId).ToList(); List <BookAuthorViewModel> authors = new List <BookAuthorViewModel>(); foreach (var documentAuthor in authorList) { Authors author = db.Authors.Where(e => e.AuthorId == documentAuthor.AuthorId).SingleOrDefault(); if (author == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the author for the book"; return(Json(error)); } var bookAuthor = new BookAuthorViewModel { AuthorId = author.AuthorId, Name = author.Name }; authors.Add(bookAuthor); } // Get the insurance information for the book InsuranceInformation bookInsurance = db.InsuranceInformation.Where(e => e.InsuranceInformationId == item.InsuranceInformationId).SingleOrDefault(); InsuranceInformationViewModel insuranceInformation = new InsuranceInformationViewModel(); if (bookInsurance != null) { insuranceInformation.Cost = bookInsurance.Cost; insuranceInformation.DatePurchased = bookInsurance.DatePurchased.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); insuranceInformation.ReceiptImage = bookInsurance.ReceiptImage; insuranceInformation.IssueDate = bookInsurance.IssueDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } BookDetailsViewModel book = new BookDetailsViewModel { Id = item.DocumentId, Title = item.Title, Authors = authors.ToArray(), Genres = genres.ToArray(), ISBN = item.ISBN, CheckedOut = item.CheckedOut, Picture = item.CoverImage, Pages = Convert.ToInt32(item.Pages), Publisher = item.Publisher, PublishedDate = item.PublishedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Edition = item.Edition, Description = item.Description, InsuranceInformation = insuranceInformation }; books.Add(book); } return(Ok(books)); } else if (role == "Employee") { BusinessEmployees employee = db.BusinessEmployees.Where(e => e.UserId == id).SingleOrDefault(); if (employee == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find user profile"; return(Json(error)); } // Get the employer BusinessUsers businessUser = db.BusinessUsers.Where(e => e.BusinessUserId == employee.BusinessUserId).SingleOrDefault(); // Get books for the user List <BookDetailsViewModel> books = new List <BookDetailsViewModel>(); List <Documents> bookList = db.Documents.Where(e => e.UserId == businessUser.UserId).ToList(); foreach (Documents item in bookList) { // Get the genres for the book List <DocumentGenres> genreList = db.DocumentGenres.Where(e => e.DocumentId == item.DocumentId).ToList(); List <BookGenreViewModel> genres = new List <BookGenreViewModel>(); foreach (var dbGenre in genreList) { Genres genre = db.Genres.Where(e => e.GenreId == dbGenre.GenreId).SingleOrDefault(); if (genre == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the genre for the book"; return(Json(error)); } var bookGenre = new BookGenreViewModel { GenreId = genre.GenreId, Name = genre.Title }; genres.Add(bookGenre); } // Get the authors for the book List <DocumentAuthors> authorList = db.DocumentAuthors.Where(e => e.DocumentId == item.DocumentId).ToList(); List <BookAuthorViewModel> authors = new List <BookAuthorViewModel>(); foreach (var documentAuthor in authorList) { Authors author = db.Authors.Where(e => e.AuthorId == documentAuthor.AuthorId).SingleOrDefault(); if (author == null) { errorMessage.Message = "Could not find the author for the book"; return(Json(error)); } var bookAuthor = new BookAuthorViewModel { AuthorId = author.AuthorId, Name = author.Name }; authors.Add(bookAuthor); } // Get the insurance information for the book InsuranceInformation bookInsurance = db.InsuranceInformation.Where(e => e.InsuranceInformationId == item.InsuranceInformationId).SingleOrDefault(); InsuranceInformationViewModel insuranceInformation = new InsuranceInformationViewModel(); if (bookInsurance != null) { insuranceInformation.Cost = bookInsurance.Cost; insuranceInformation.DatePurchased = bookInsurance.DatePurchased.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); insuranceInformation.ReceiptImage = bookInsurance.ReceiptImage; insuranceInformation.IssueDate = bookInsurance.IssueDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); } BookDetailsViewModel book = new BookDetailsViewModel { Id = item.DocumentId, Title = item.Title, Authors = authors.ToArray(), Genres = genres.ToArray(), ISBN = item.ISBN, CheckedOut = item.CheckedOut, Picture = item.CoverImage, Pages = Convert.ToInt32(item.Pages), Publisher = item.Publisher, PublishedDate = item.PublishedDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), Edition = item.Edition, Description = item.Description, InsuranceInformation = insuranceInformation }; books.Add(book); } return(Ok(books)); } errorMessage.Message = "An error has occurred"; return(Ok(error)); }