コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to afflict the entity with a StatusEffect based on its properties and status percentage for the StatusEffect.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inflictionChance">The chance of inflicting the StatusEffect.</param>
        /// <param name="status">The StatusEffect to afflict the entity with.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the StatusEffect was successfully afflicted, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool TryAfflictStatus(double inflictionChance, StatusEffect status)
            //Test for StatusEffect immunity - if the entity is immune to a particular alignment, don't allow the StatusEffect to be inflicted
            bool positiveStatusImmune = GetAdditionalProperty <bool>(AdditionalProperty.PositiveStatusImmune);
            bool negativeStatusImmune = GetAdditionalProperty <bool>(AdditionalProperty.NegativeStatusImmune);
            bool neutralStatusImmune  = GetAdditionalProperty <bool>(AdditionalProperty.NeutralStatusImmune);

            if ((status.Alignment == StatusEffect.StatusAlignments.Positive && positiveStatusImmune == true) ||
                (status.Alignment == StatusEffect.StatusAlignments.Negative && negativeStatusImmune == true) ||
                (status.Alignment == StatusEffect.StatusAlignments.Neutral && neutralStatusImmune == true))

            StatusPropertyHolder statusProperty = GetStatusProperty(status.StatusType);

            //If the entity is immune to this particular StatusEffect, don't allow it to be inflicted
            if (statusProperty.Immune == true)
                Debug.Log($"{Entity.Name} is immune to {status.StatusType}!");

            //Test the percentage
            double percentage = statusProperty.StatusPercentage;

            return(UtilityGlobals.TestRandomCondition(inflictionChance, percentage));
コード例 #2
 private void HealFP(InteractionHolder damageInfo)
     //The entity doesn't recover FP if dead (TEST THIS) or if the damage dealt was 0 or less
     if (EntityEquipped.IsDead == false && damageInfo.TotalDamage > 0)
         //Test for recovering FP
         if (UtilityGlobals.TestRandomCondition(FPRecoverChance) == true)
             //Recover FP
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the BattleEntity gets affected by the Confused status, if it has it.
        /// If the BattleEntity is affected, it may perform a different action or target different entities with its original one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">The BattleAction originally used.</param>
        /// <param name="targets">The original set of BattleEntities to target</param>
        /// <returns>An ActionHolder with a new BattleAction to perform or a different target list if the entity was affected by Confused.
        /// If not affected, the originals of each will be returned.</returns>
        private BattleGlobals.ActionHolder HandleConfusion(MoveAction action, params BattleEntity[] targets)
            MoveAction actualAction = action;

            BattleEntity[] actualTargets = targets;

            //Check for Confusion's effects and change actions or targets depending on what happens
            int percent = EntityProperties.GetAdditionalProperty <int>(AdditionalProperty.ConfusionPercent);

            //See if Confusion should take effect
            if (UtilityGlobals.TestRandomCondition(percent) == true)
                Debug.Log($"{Name} is affected by Confusion and will do something unpredictable!");

                //int changeAction = 0;
                //Check if the action can target entities to see if we should change targets
                //if (actualAction.MoveProperties.TargetsEntity == true)
                //    //Get the opposite type of entities to target
                //    //Items targets enemies, but attacks target allies
                //    EntityTypes oppositeType = actualAction.MoveProperties.EntityType;
                //    if (oppositeType == EntityTypes.Player) oppositeType = EntityTypes.Enemy;
                //    else if (oppositeType == EntityTypes.Enemy) oppositeType = EntityTypes.Player;

                int changeTargets = 0;

                //Don't give a chance to change targets if the action doesn't have targets
                //NOTE: This means we'll need to handle changing actions first, as not all actions target something
                if (targets != null && targets.Length > 0)
                    changeTargets = GeneralGlobals.Randomizer.Next(0, 2);

                //NOTE: Find a way to make it so we can control what happens based on the type of action.
                //For example, if Tattle was used, it doesn't target anyone else.
                //If you use a Healing item, it uses it on the opposing side, whereas if you use an attack it uses it on an ally.

                //Change to an ally

                 * 1. If the action hits the first entity, find the adjacent allies. If not, find all allies
                 * 2. Filter by heights based on what the action can hit
                 * 3. Filter out dead allies
                 * 4. If the action hits everyone, go with the remaining list. Otherwise, choose a random ally to attack
                 * 5. If there are no allies to attack after all the filtering, make the entity do nothing*/
                if (changeTargets == 1)
                    List <BattleEntity> allies = new List <BattleEntity>();

                    //If this action targets only the first player/enemy, look for adjacent allies
                    if (actualAction.MoveProperties.SelectionType == TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.First)
                        Debug.Log($"{Name} is looking for valid adjacent allies to attack!");

                        //Find adjacent allies and filter out all non-ally entities
                        BattleManager.Instance.GetAdjacentEntities(allies, this);
                        allies.RemoveAll((adjacent) => adjacent.EntityType != EntityType);
                        //Find all allies
                        BattleManager.Instance.GetEntityAllies(allies, this);

                    //Filter by heights
                    BattleManager.Instance.FilterEntitiesByHeights(allies, actualAction.MoveProperties.HeightsAffected);

                    //Filter dead entities

                    //Choose a random ally to attack if the action only targets one entity
                    if (allies.Count > 0 && actualAction.MoveProperties.SelectionType != TargetSelectionMenu.EntitySelectionType.All)
                        int          randTarget = GeneralGlobals.Randomizer.Next(0, allies.Count);
                        BattleEntity target     = allies[randTarget];

                        Debug.Log($"{Name} is choosing to attack ally {allies[0].Name} in Confusion!");

                    //If you can't attack any allies, do nothing
                    if (allies.Count == 0)
                        actualAction = new NoAction();

                        Debug.Log($"{Name} did nothing as there either are no allies to attack or they're not in range!");
                        //Set the actual targets to be the set of allies
                        actualTargets = allies.ToArray();

                        //Disable action commands when attacking allies from Confusion, if the action has an Action Command
                        if (actualAction.HasActionCommand == true)
                            actualAction.EnableActionCommand = false;

            return(new BattleGlobals.ActionHolder(actualAction, actualTargets));
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the entity's attempt to hit another entity is successful based on the entity's Accuracy and the victim's Evasion.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="victim">The entity trying to evade.</param>
 /// <returns>true if the entity hits and the victim doesn't evade, otherwise false.</returns>
 //NOTE: When dealing with Badges such as Close Call, we should compare the entity's Evasion first, then perform
 //the test again with the Badges' Evasion added in. If the Badges' Evasion bonus allows the entity to evade the attack,
 //that's when we'd play the "LUCKY" animation
 public bool AttemptHitEntity(BattleEntity victim)
     return(UtilityGlobals.TestRandomCondition(BattleStats.GetTotalAccuracy(), victim.BattleStats.GetTotalEvasion()));