コード例 #1
 private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     #region Validation
     DateTime startDateT = DateTime.MinValue;
     DateTime stopDateT  = DateTime.MinValue;
     if (!_isHolidayOrNote)
         if (listOps.SelectedIndices.Count == 0)
             MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select ops first.");
         if (listOps.SelectedIndices.Count > 1 && listOps.SelectedIndices.Contains(0))
             MsgBox.Show(this, "Invalid selection of ops.");
         startDateT = PIn.DateT(comboStart.Text);
         stopDateT  = PIn.DateT(comboStop.Text);
         if (startDateT == DateTime.MinValue || stopDateT == DateTime.MinValue)
             MsgBox.Show(this, "Incorrect time format");
         if (startDateT > stopDateT)
             MsgBox.Show(this, "Stop time must be later than start time.");
         List <long>     listSelectedOps    = new List <long>();
         List <Schedule> listProvSchedsOnly = ListScheds.FindAll(x => x.SchedType == ScheduleType.Provider);
         if (!listOps.SelectedIndices.Contains(0))                 //add selected operatories into listSelectedOps
             listSelectedOps = listOps.SelectedIndices.OfType <int>().Select(x => _listOps[x - 1].OperatoryNum).ToList();
         SchedCur.Ops       = listSelectedOps.ToList();        //deep copy of list. (because it is value type.)
         SchedCur.StartTime = startDateT.TimeOfDay;
         SchedCur.StopTime  = stopDateT.TimeOfDay;
         List <long> listProvsOverlap;
         //====================Pre-Emptive Overlaps====================
         //Because this window is explicitly designed for one start and one stop time we know that there will be overlapping if multiple providers are
         //selected with at least one specific operatory selected.
         if (ListProvNums.Count > 1 && listSelectedOps.Count > 0)
             listProvsOverlap = ListProvNums.Distinct().ToList();
         else                  //Go see if there is going to be overlapping issues with this new schedule.
             listProvsOverlap = Schedules.GetOverlappingSchedProvNums(ListProvNums, SchedCur, listProvSchedsOnly, listSelectedOps);
         if (listProvsOverlap.Count > 0 && MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Overlapping provider schedules detected, would you like to continue anyway?") + "\r\n" + Lan.g(this, "Providers affected") + ":\r\n  "
                                                           + string.Join("\r\n  ", listProvsOverlap.Select(x => Providers.GetLongDesc(x))), "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)
     else if (SchedCur.Status != SchedStatus.Holiday && textNote.Text == "")         //don't allow blank schedule notes
         MsgBox.Show(this, "Please enter a note first.");
     long clinicNum = 0;
     if (_isHolidayOrNote && SchedCur.SchedType == ScheduleType.Practice && PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)           //prov notes do not have a clinic
         int indexCur = comboClinic.SelectedIndex;
         if (!Security.CurUser.ClinicIsRestricted)                 //user isn't restricted, -1 for HQ
         if (indexCur > -1)               //will be -1 if HQ is selected, leave clinicNum=0
             clinicNum = _listClinics[indexCur].ClinicNum;
         if (SchedCur.Status == SchedStatus.Holiday)                                                                                        //duplicate holiday check
             List <Schedule> listScheds = ListScheds.FindAll(x => x.SchedType == ScheduleType.Practice && x.Status == SchedStatus.Holiday); //scheds in local list
             listScheds.AddRange(Schedules.GetAllForDateAndType(SchedCur.SchedDate, ScheduleType.Practice)
                                 .FindAll(x => x.ScheduleNum != SchedCur.ScheduleNum &&
                                          x.Status == SchedStatus.Holiday &&
                                          listScheds.All(y => y.ScheduleNum != x.ScheduleNum))); //add any in db that aren't in local list
             if (listScheds.Any(x => x.ClinicNum == 0 || x.ClinicNum == clinicNum) ||            //already a holiday for HQ in db or duplicate holiday for a clinic
                 (clinicNum == 0 && listScheds.Count > 0))                                       //OR trying to create a HQ holiday when a clinic already has one for this day
                 MsgBox.Show(this, "There is already a Holiday for the practice or clinic on this date.");
     #endregion Validation
     #region Set Schedule Fields
     SchedCur.Note = textNote.Text;
     SchedCur.Ops  = new List <long>();
     if (listOps.SelectedIndices.Count > 0 && !listOps.SelectedIndices.Contains(0))
         listOps.SelectedIndices.OfType <int>().ToList().ForEach(x => SchedCur.Ops.Add(_listOps[x - 1].OperatoryNum));
     SchedCur.ClinicNum = clinicNum;          //0 if HQ selected or clinics not enabled or not a holiday or practice note
     #endregion Set Schedule Fields
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;