コード例 #1
        ///<summary>Draws all the blockouts for the entire day.</summary>
        private void DrawBlockouts(Graphics g)
            SchedDefault[] schedDefs;            //for one type at a time
            Schedule[]     schedForType;
            schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListDay, ScheduleType.Blockout, 0);
            SolidBrush blockBrush;
            Pen        blockOutlinePen = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
            Font       blockFont       = new Font("Arial", 8);
            string     blockText;
            RectangleF rect;

            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixelGridFit; //to make printing clearer
            if (schedForType.Length == 0)                                     //use default sched
                schedDefs = SchedDefaults.GetForType(ScheduleType.Blockout, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < schedDefs.Length; i++)
                    if (schedDefs[i].DayOfWeek == (int)Appointments.DateSelected.DayOfWeek)
                        blockBrush = new SolidBrush(DefB.GetColor(DefCat.BlockoutTypes, schedDefs[i].BlockoutType));
                        blockText  = DefB.GetName(DefCat.BlockoutTypes, schedDefs[i].BlockoutType);
                        if (schedDefs[i].Op == 0)                      //all ops
                            rect = new RectangleF(
                                TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + 1
                                , schedDefs[i].StartTime.Hour * Lh * RowsPerHr
                                + schedDefs[i].StartTime.Minute * Lh / MinPerRow
                                , ColWidth * ColCount - 1
                                , (schedDefs[i].StopTime - schedDefs[i].StartTime).Hours * Lh * RowsPerHr
                                + (schedDefs[i].StopTime - schedDefs[i].StartTime).Minutes * Lh / MinPerRow);
                        else                         //just one op
                            if (ApptViewItems.GetIndexOp(schedDefs[i].Op) == -1)
                                continue;                                //don't display if op not visible
                            rect = new RectangleF(
                                TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount
                                + ColWidth * ApptViewItems.GetIndexOp(schedDefs[i].Op) + 1
                                , schedDefs[i].StartTime.Hour * Lh * RowsPerHr
                                + schedDefs[i].StartTime.Minute * Lh / MinPerRow
                                , ColWidth - 1
                                , (schedDefs[i].StopTime
                                   - schedDefs[i].StartTime).Hours * Lh * RowsPerHr
                                + (schedDefs[i].StopTime
                                   - schedDefs[i].StartTime).Minutes * Lh / MinPerRow);
                        g.FillRectangle(blockBrush, rect);
                        g.DrawRectangle(blockOutlinePen, rect.X + 1, rect.Y + 2, rect.Width - 2, rect.Height - 4);
                        g.DrawString(blockText, blockFont
                                     , new SolidBrush(DefB.Short[(int)DefCat.AppointmentColors][5].ItemColor), rect);
            else             //use schedForType
                for (int i = 0; i < schedForType.Length; i++)
                    blockBrush = new SolidBrush(DefB.GetColor(DefCat.BlockoutTypes, schedForType[i].BlockoutType));
                    blockText  = DefB.GetName(DefCat.BlockoutTypes, schedForType[i].BlockoutType) + "\r\n"
                                 + schedForType[i].Note;
                    if (schedForType[i].Op == 0)                  //all ops
                        rect = new RectangleF(
                            TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + 1
                            , schedForType[i].StartTime.Hour * Lh * RowsPerHr                       //6
                            + schedForType[i].StartTime.Minute * Lh / MinPerRow                     //10
                            , ColWidth * ColCount - 1
                            , (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Hours * Lh * RowsPerHr
                            + (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Minutes * Lh / MinPerRow);
                    else                     //just one op
                        if (ApptViewItems.GetIndexOp(schedForType[i].Op) == -1)
                            continue;                            //don't display if op not visible
                        rect = new RectangleF(
                            TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount
                            + ColWidth * ApptViewItems.GetIndexOp(schedForType[i].Op) + 1
                            , schedForType[i].StartTime.Hour * Lh * RowsPerHr
                            + schedForType[i].StartTime.Minute * Lh / MinPerRow
                            , ColWidth - 1
                            , (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Hours * Lh * RowsPerHr
                            + (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Minutes * Lh / MinPerRow);
                    g.FillRectangle(blockBrush, rect);
                    g.DrawLine(blockOutlinePen, rect.X, rect.Y + 1, rect.Right - 1, rect.Y + 1);
                    g.DrawString(blockText, blockFont
                                 , new SolidBrush(DefB.Short[(int)DefCat.AppointmentColors][5].ItemColor), rect);
コード例 #2
        ///<summary>Including the practice schedule</summary>
        private void DrawMainBackground(Graphics g)
            //SchedDefault[] schedDefs;//for one type at a time
            Schedule[] schedForType;
            //one giant rectangle for everything closed
            g.FillRectangle(closedBrush, TimeWidth, 0, ColWidth * ColCount + ProvWidth * ProvCount, Height);
            //then, loop through each day and operatory
            Operatory curOp;
            bool      isHoliday;

            if (IsWeeklyView)
                for (int d = 0; d < NumOfWeekDaysToDisplay; d++)
                    isHoliday = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < SchedListPeriod.Length; i++)
                        if (SchedListPeriod[i].SchedType != ScheduleType.Practice)
                        if (SchedListPeriod[i].Status != SchedStatus.Holiday)
                        if ((int)SchedListPeriod[i].SchedDate.DayOfWeek != d + 1)
                        isHoliday = true;
                    if (isHoliday)
                        g.FillRectangle(holidayBrush, TimeWidth + 1 + d * ColDayWidth, 0, ColDayWidth, Height);
                    for (int j = 0; j < ColCount; j++)
                        curOp = Operatories.ListShort[ApptViewItems.VisOps[j]];
                        if (curOp.ProvDentist != 0 && !curOp.IsHygiene)                       //dentist
                            schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListPeriod, ScheduleType.Provider, curOp.ProvDentist);
                        else if (curOp.ProvHygienist != 0 && curOp.IsHygiene)                       //hygienist
                            schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListPeriod, ScheduleType.Provider, curOp.ProvHygienist);
                        else                          //no provider set
                            schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListPeriod, ScheduleType.Provider, PrefB.GetInt("ScheduleProvUnassigned"));
                        for (int i = 0; i < schedForType.Length; i++)
                            if ((int)schedForType[i].SchedDate.DayOfWeek != d + 1)
                                            , TimeWidth + 1 + d * ColDayWidth + (float)j * ColAptWidth
                                            , schedForType[i].StartTime.Hour * Lh * RowsPerHr + (int)schedForType[i].StartTime.Minute * Lh / MinPerRow //6RowsPerHr 10MinPerRow
                                            , ColAptWidth
                                            , (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Hours * Lh * RowsPerHr                            //6
                                            + (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Minutes * Lh / MinPerRow);                        //10
            else             //only one day showing
                isHoliday = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < SchedListPeriod.Length; i++)
                    if (SchedListPeriod[i].SchedType != ScheduleType.Practice)
                    if (SchedListPeriod[i].Status != SchedStatus.Holiday)
                    isHoliday = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < ColCount; j++)
                    curOp = Operatories.ListShort[ApptViewItems.VisOps[j]];
                    if (curOp.ProvDentist != 0 && !curOp.IsHygiene)                   //dentist
                        schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListPeriod, ScheduleType.Provider, curOp.ProvDentist);
                    else if (curOp.ProvHygienist != 0 && curOp.IsHygiene)                   //hygienist
                        schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListPeriod, ScheduleType.Provider, curOp.ProvHygienist);
                    else                      //no provider set
                        schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListPeriod, ScheduleType.Provider, PrefB.GetInt("ScheduleProvUnassigned"));
                    if (isHoliday)
                        g.FillRectangle(holidayBrush, TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + j * ColWidth, 0, ColWidth, Height);
                        for (int i = 0; i < schedForType.Length; i++)
                                            , TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + j * ColWidth
                                            , schedForType[i].StartTime.Hour * Lh * RowsPerHr + (int)schedForType[i].StartTime.Minute * Lh / MinPerRow //6RowsPerHr 10MinPerRow
                                            , ColWidth
                                            , (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Hours * Lh * RowsPerHr                            //6
                                            + (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Minutes * Lh / MinPerRow);                        //10
コード例 #3
        ///<summary>Including the practice schedule</summary>
        private void DrawMainBackground(Graphics g)
            SchedDefault[] schedDefs;            //for one type at a time
            Schedule[]     schedForType;
            //one giant rectangle for everything closed
            g.FillRectangle(closedBrush, TimeWidth, 0, ColWidth * ColCount + ProvWidth * ProvCount, Height);
            //then, loop through each operatory
            Operatory curOp;

            for (int j = 0; j < ColCount; j++)
                curOp = Operatories.ListShort[ApptViewItems.VisOps[j]];
                if (curOp.ProvDentist != 0 && !curOp.IsHygiene)              //dentist
                    schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListDay, ScheduleType.Provider, curOp.ProvDentist);
                else if (curOp.ProvHygienist != 0 && curOp.IsHygiene)              //hygienist
                    schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListDay, ScheduleType.Provider, curOp.ProvHygienist);
                else                 //practice
                    schedForType = Schedules.GetForType(SchedListDay, ScheduleType.Practice, 0);
                if (schedForType.Length == 0)                       //use default sched
                    if (curOp.ProvDentist != 0 && !curOp.IsHygiene) //dentist
                        schedDefs = SchedDefaults.GetForType(ScheduleType.Provider, curOp.ProvDentist);
                    else if (curOp.ProvHygienist != 0 && curOp.IsHygiene)                  //hygienist
                        schedDefs = SchedDefaults.GetForType(ScheduleType.Provider, curOp.ProvHygienist);
                    else                     //practice
                        schedDefs = SchedDefaults.GetForType(ScheduleType.Practice, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < schedDefs.Length; i++)
                        if (schedDefs[i].DayOfWeek == (int)Appointments.DateSelected.DayOfWeek)
                                            , TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + j * ColWidth
                                            , schedDefs[i].StartTime.Hour * Lh * RowsPerHr + schedDefs[i].StartTime.Minute * Lh / MinPerRow
                                            , ColWidth
                                            , (schedDefs[i].StopTime - schedDefs[i].StartTime).Hours * Lh * RowsPerHr
                                            + (schedDefs[i].StopTime - schedDefs[i].StartTime).Minutes * Lh / MinPerRow);
                else                 //use schedForType
                    for (int i = 0; i < schedForType.Length; i++)
                        if (schedForType[i].Status == SchedStatus.Holiday)
                            g.FillRectangle(holidayBrush, TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + j * ColWidth, 0, ColWidth, Height);
                                            , TimeWidth + ProvWidth * ProvCount + j * ColWidth
                                            , schedForType[i].StartTime.Hour * Lh * RowsPerHr + (int)schedForType[i].StartTime.Minute * Lh / MinPerRow //6RowsPerHr 10MinPerRow
                                            , ColWidth
                                            , (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Hours * Lh * RowsPerHr                            //6
                                            + (schedForType[i].StopTime - schedForType[i].StartTime).Minutes * Lh / MinPerRow);                        //10
                }        //else use schedForType
            }            //for colCount