public static string ToCoordinateSystem(string srs, bool isName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(srs)) return srs; string result = null; if (_srCache.TryGetValue(srs, out result)) return result; using (SpatialReference sr = new SpatialReference(null)) { if (isName) { int srsId; if (int.TryParse(srs, out srsId)) sr.ImportFromEPSG(srsId); else { // TODO } } else { if (srs.StartsWith("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0")) { // +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs //sr.ImportFromProj4(srs); sr.ImportFromEPSG(900913); } else { sr.ImportFromProj4(srs); } } sr.ExportToWkt(out result); if (result != null) _srCache.TryAdd(srs, result); return result; } }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { List <Curve> boundary = new List <Curve>(); DA.GetDataList <Curve>(0, boundary); string shpFileLoc = ""; DA.GetData <string>("Shapefile Location", ref shpFileLoc); ////int SRef = 3857; GdalConfiguration.ConfigureOgr(); GdalConfiguration.ConfigureGdal(); OSGeo.OGR.Driver drv = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile"); OSGeo.OGR.DataSource ds = OSGeo.OGR.Ogr.Open(shpFileLoc, 0); List <OSGeo.OGR.Layer> layerset = new List <OSGeo.OGR.Layer>(); List <int> fc = new List <int>(); for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < ds.GetLayerCount(); iLayer++) { OSGeo.OGR.Layer layer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(iLayer); if (layer == null) { Console.WriteLine("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer " + iLayer); System.Environment.Exit(-1); } long count = layer.GetFeatureCount(1); int featureCount = System.Convert.ToInt32(count); fc.Add(featureCount); layerset.Add(layer); } //Get OGR envelope of Shapefile OSGeo.OGR.Envelope ext = new OSGeo.OGR.Envelope(); layerset[0].GetExtent(ext, 1); Point3d extMin = new Point3d(); Point3d extMax = new Point3d(); extMin.X = ext.MinX; extMin.Y = ext.MinY; extMax.X = ext.MaxX; extMax.Y = ext.MaxY; OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference sr = layerset[0].GetSpatialRef(); OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference dst = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference(""); dst.SetWellKnownGeogCS("WGS84"); //Get the spatial refernce of the input Shapefile string sRef; sr.ExportToWkt(out sRef); OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation coordTransform = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(sr, dst); OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation revTransform = new OSGeo.OSR.CoordinateTransformation(dst, sr); //Get bounding box of data in Shapefile double[] extMinPT = new double[3] { extMin.X, extMin.Y, extMin.Z }; double[] extMaxPT = new double[3] { extMax.X, extMax.Y, extMax.Z }; coordTransform.TransformPoint(extMinPT); coordTransform.TransformPoint(extMaxPT); Point3d extPTmin = new Point3d(extMinPT[0], extMinPT[1], extMinPT[2]); Point3d extPTmax = new Point3d(extMaxPT[0], extMaxPT[1], extMaxPT[2]); Rectangle3d rec = new Rectangle3d(Plane.WorldXY, Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(extPTmin), Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(extPTmax)); //Declare trees GH_Structure <GH_String> fset = new GH_Structure <GH_String>(); GH_Structure <GH_Point> gset = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>(); GH_Structure <GH_String> layname = new GH_Structure <GH_String>(); OSGeo.OGR.FeatureDefn def = layerset[0].GetLayerDefn(); //Loop through input boundaries for (int i = 0; i < boundary.Count; i++) { if (rec.BoundingBox.Contains(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Min) && (rec.BoundingBox.Contains(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Max))) { //Create bounding box for clipping geometry Point3d min = Heron.Convert.ToWGS(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Min); Point3d max = Heron.Convert.ToWGS(boundary[i].GetBoundingBox(true).Max); double[] minpT = new double[3]; double[] maxpT = new double[3]; minpT[0] = min.X; minpT[1] = min.Y; minpT[2] = min.Z; maxpT[0] = max.X; maxpT[1] = max.Y; maxpT[2] = max.Z; revTransform.TransformPoint(minpT); revTransform.TransformPoint(maxpT); OSGeo.OGR.Geometry bbox = OSGeo.OGR.Geometry.CreateFromWkt("POLYGON((" + min.X + " " + min.Y + ", " + min.X + " " + max.Y + ", " + max.X + " " + max.Y + ", " + max.X + " " + min.Y + ", " + min.X + " " + min.Y + "))"); OSGeo.OGR.Geometry ebbox = OSGeo.OGR.Geometry.CreateFromWkt("POLYGON((" + minpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + ", " + minpT[0] + " " + maxpT[1] + ", " + maxpT[0] + " " + maxpT[1] + ", " + maxpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + ", " + minpT[0] + " " + minpT[1] + "))"); //Clip Shapefile // OSGeo.OGR.Layer clipped_layer = layerset[0]; clipped_layer.SetSpatialFilter(ebbox); //Loop through geometry OSGeo.OGR.Feature feat; def = clipped_layer.GetLayerDefn(); int m = 0; while ((feat = layerset[0].GetNextFeature()) != null) { if (feat.GetGeometryRef() != null) { //Get geometry points and field values OSGeo.OGR.Geometry geom = feat.GetGeometryRef(); OSGeo.OGR.Geometry sub_geom; //Start get points if open polylines and points for (int gpc = 0; gpc < geom.GetPointCount(); gpc++) { //Loop through geometry points double[] pT = new double[3]; pT[0] = geom.GetX(gpc); pT[1] = geom.GetY(gpc); pT[2] = geom.GetZ(gpc); if (Double.IsNaN(geom.GetZ(gpc))) { pT[2] = 0; } coordTransform.TransformPoint(pT); Point3d pt3D = new Point3d(); pt3D.X = pT[0]; pt3D.Y = pT[1]; pt3D.Z = pT[2]; gset.Append(new GH_Point(Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt3D)), new GH_Path(i, m)); //End loop through geometry points // Get Feature Values if (fset.PathExists(new GH_Path(i, m))) { fset.get_Branch(new GH_Path(i, m)).Clear(); } for (int iField = 0; iField < feat.GetFieldCount(); iField++) { OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iField); if (feat.IsFieldSet(iField)) { fset.Append(new GH_String(feat.GetFieldAsString(iField)), new GH_Path(i, m)); } else { fset.Append(new GH_String("null"), new GH_Path(i, m)); } } //End Get Feature Values } //End getting points if open polylines or points //Start getting points if closed polylines and multipolygons for (int gi = 0; gi < geom.GetGeometryCount(); gi++) { sub_geom = geom.GetGeometryRef(gi); List <Point3d> geom_list = new List <Point3d>(); for (int ptnum = 0; ptnum < sub_geom.GetPointCount(); ptnum++) { //Loop through geometry points double[] pT = new double[3]; pT[0] = sub_geom.GetX(ptnum); pT[1] = sub_geom.GetY(ptnum); pT[2] = sub_geom.GetZ(ptnum); coordTransform.TransformPoint(pT); Point3d pt3D = new Point3d(); pt3D.X = pT[0]; pt3D.Y = pT[1]; pt3D.Z = pT[2]; gset.Append(new GH_Point(Heron.Convert.ToXYZ(pt3D)), new GH_Path(i, m, gi)); //End loop through geometry points // Get Feature Values if (fset.PathExists(new GH_Path(i, m))) { fset.get_Branch(new GH_Path(i, m)).Clear(); } for (int iField = 0; iField < feat.GetFieldCount(); iField++) { OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iField); if (feat.IsFieldSet(iField)) { fset.Append(new GH_String(feat.GetFieldAsString(iField)), new GH_Path(i, m)); } else { fset.Append(new GH_String("null"), new GH_Path(i, m)); } } //End Get Feature Values } //End getting points from closed polylines } m++; } feat.Dispose(); } } else { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "One or more boundaries may be outside the bounds of the Shapefile dataset."); //return; } } //Get the field names List <string> fieldnames = new List <string>(); for (int iAttr = 0; iAttr < def.GetFieldCount(); iAttr++) { OSGeo.OGR.FieldDefn fdef = def.GetFieldDefn(iAttr); fieldnames.Add(fdef.GetNameRef()); } DA.SetData(0, def.GetName()); DA.SetDataList(1, fc); DA.SetData(2, rec); DA.SetData(3, sRef); DA.SetDataList(4, fieldnames); DA.SetDataTree(5, fset); DA.SetDataTree(6, gset); }
public static void Rasterize(string inputFeature, string referRaster, string outRaster, string fieldName = "") { //Register the raster drivers Gdal.AllRegister(); //Register the vector drivers Ogr.RegisterAll(); //Open referRaster Dataset _referRaster = Gdal.Open(referRaster, Access.GA_ReadOnly); //Get geoTransform Args double[] _geoTransform = new double[6]; _referRaster.GetGeoTransform(_geoTransform); // Define pixel_size and NoData value of new raster //int rasterCellSize = cellSize; double _xCellSize = _geoTransform[1]; double _yCellSize = -_geoTransform[5]; const double noDataValue = -10000; string outputRasterFile = outRaster; //Reading the vector data DataSource dataSource = Ogr.Open(inputFeature, 0); Layer layer = dataSource.GetLayerByIndex(0); Envelope envelope = new Envelope(); layer.GetExtent(envelope, 0); //Compute the out raster cell resolutions int x_res = _referRaster.RasterXSize; int y_res = _referRaster.RasterYSize; //Console.WriteLine("Extent: " + envelope.MaxX + " " + envelope.MinX + " " + envelope.MaxY + " " + envelope.MinY); //Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + x_res); //Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + y_res); //Check if output raster exists & delete (optional) if (File.Exists(outputRasterFile)) { File.Delete(outputRasterFile); } //Create new tiff DataType dType = _referRaster.GetRasterBand(1).DataType; //OSGeo.GDAL.Driver outputDriver = Gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff"); OSGeo.GDAL.Driver outputDriver = Gdal.GetDriverByName("HFA"); Dataset outputDataset = outputDriver.Create(outputRasterFile, x_res, y_res, 1, dType, null); //Extrac srs from input feature string inputShapeSrs; OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference spatialRefrence = layer.GetSpatialRef(); if (spatialRefrence != null) { spatialRefrence.ExportToWkt(out inputShapeSrs); //Assign input feature srs to outpur raster outputDataset.SetProjection(inputShapeSrs); } //Geotransform outputDataset.SetGeoTransform(_geoTransform); //Set no data Band band = outputDataset.GetRasterBand(1); band.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue); //close tiff outputDataset.FlushCache(); outputDataset.Dispose(); //Feature to raster rasterize layer options //No of bands (1) int[] bandlist = new int[] { 1 }; //Values to be burn on raster (10.0) double[] burnValues = new double[] { 10.0 }; Dataset myDataset = Gdal.Open(outputRasterFile, Access.GA_Update); //additional options string[] rasterizeOptions; //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE", "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; //To set all touched pixels into raster pixel //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; rasterizeOptions = new string[] { }; //Rasterize layer //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, null, null, null); // To burn the given burn values instead of feature attributes //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, rasterizeOptions, new Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc), "Raster conversion"); Gdal.RasterizeLayer( myDataset, //NEW inDS 1, //BAND bandlist, //int[] bandlist = new int[] { 1 };Band数量 layer, // 待转 IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, //Values to be burn on raster (10.0) rasterizeOptions, new Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc), "Raster conversion" ); myDataset.FlushCache(); myDataset.Dispose(); }
public static void Rasterize(string inputFeature, string outRaster, string fieldName, int cellSize) { int rasterCellSize = cellSize; const double noDataValue = -9999; string outputRasterFile = outRaster; Ogr.RegisterAll(); DataSource dataSource = Ogr.Open(inputFeature, 0); Layer layer = dataSource.GetLayerByIndex(0); Envelope envelope = new Envelope(); layer.GetExtent(envelope, 0); int x_res = Convert.ToInt32((envelope.MaxX - envelope.MinX) / rasterCellSize); int y_res = Convert.ToInt32((envelope.MaxY - envelope.MinY) / rasterCellSize); Console.WriteLine("Extent: " + envelope.MaxX + " " + envelope.MinX + " " + envelope.MaxY + " " + envelope.MinY); Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + x_res); Console.WriteLine("X resolution: " + y_res); Gdal.AllRegister(); if (File.Exists(outputRasterFile)) { File.Delete(outputRasterFile); } //Create new tiff OSGeo.GDAL.Driver outputDriver = Gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff"); //OSGeo.GDAL.Driver outputDriver = Gdal.GetDriverByName("HFA"); Dataset outputDataset = outputDriver.Create(outputRasterFile, x_res, y_res, 1, DataType.GDT_Float64, null); //Extrac srs from input feature string inputShapeSrs; OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference spatialRefrence = layer.GetSpatialRef(); spatialRefrence.ExportToWkt(out inputShapeSrs); //Assign input feature srs to outpur raster outputDataset.SetProjection(inputShapeSrs); //Geotransform double[] argin = new double[] { envelope.MinX, rasterCellSize, 0, envelope.MaxY, 0, -rasterCellSize }; outputDataset.SetGeoTransform(argin); //Set no data Band band = outputDataset.GetRasterBand(1); band.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue); //close tiff outputDataset.FlushCache(); outputDataset.Dispose(); //Feature to raster rasterize layer options //No of bands (1) int[] bandlist = new int[] { 1 }; //Values to be burn on raster (10.0) double[] burnValues = new double[] { 10.0 }; Dataset myDataset = Gdal.Open(outputRasterFile, Access.GA_Update); //additional options string[] rasterizeOptions; //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ALL_TOUCHED=TRUE", "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; //To set all touched pixels into raster pixel //rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; rasterizeOptions = new string[] { "ATTRIBUTE=" + fieldName }; //Rasterize layer //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, null, null, null); // To burn the given burn values instead of feature attributes //Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, rasterizeOptions, new Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc), "Raster conversion"); Gdal.RasterizeLayer(myDataset, 1, bandlist, layer, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 1, burnValues, rasterizeOptions, new Gdal.GDALProgressFuncDelegate(ProgressFunc), "Raster conversion"); }
public void readLayerTest(string strVectorFile) { Gdal.AllRegister(); //为了支持中文路径,请添加下面这句代码 Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_FILENAME_IS_UTF8", "YES"); //为了使属性表字段支持中文,请添加下面这句 Gdal.SetConfigOption("SHAPE_ENCODING", ""); // 注册所有的驱动 Ogr.RegisterAll(); Gdal.SetConfigOption("GDAL_DATA", "E://lib//gdal//gdal1.9//data"); //打开数据 DataSource ds = Ogr.Open(strVectorFile, 0); if (ds == null) { Console.WriteLine("打开文件【{0}】失败!", strVectorFile); return; } Console.WriteLine("打开文件【{0}】成功!", strVectorFile); // 获取该数据源中的图层个数,一般shp数据图层只有一个,如果是mdb、dxf等图层就会有多个 int iLayerCount = ds.GetLayerCount(); // 获取第一个图层 Layer oLayer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(0); String c = ""; oLayer.GetSpatialRef().AutoIdentifyEPSG(); Console.WriteLine(oLayer.GetSpatialRef().AutoIdentifyEPSG()); OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference spa = oLayer.GetSpatialRef(); // if (spa==null) // { spa = new OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference(null); spa.ImportFromEPSG(3395); spa.ExportToWkt(out c); Console.WriteLine(c); return; // } // String a = ""; // spa.EPSGTreatsAsLatLong(); // Console.WriteLine(spa.ExportToWkt(out a)); // oLayer.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt(out a); // Console.WriteLine(spa.GetProjParm(out a)); // Console.WriteLine(oLayer.GetSpatialRef().GetLinearUnitsName()); if (oLayer == null) { Console.WriteLine("获取第{0}个图层失败!\n", 0); return; } // 对图层进行初始化,如果对图层进行了过滤操作,执行这句后,之前的过滤全部清空 oLayer.ResetReading(); // 通过属性表的SQL语句对图层中的要素进行筛选,这部分详细参考SQL查询章节内容 // oLayer.SetAttributeFilter("\"NAME99\"LIKE \"北京市市辖区\""); // 通过指定的几何对象对图层中的要素进行筛选 //oLayer.SetSpatialFilter(); // 通过指定的四至范围对图层中的要素进行筛选 //oLayer.SetSpatialFilterRect(); // 获取图层中的属性表表头并输出 // Console.WriteLine("属性表结构信息:"); FeatureDefn oDefn = oLayer.GetLayerDefn(); int iFieldCount = oDefn.GetFieldCount(); for (int iAttr = 0; iAttr < iFieldCount; iAttr++) { FieldDefn oField = oDefn.GetFieldDefn(iAttr); Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1} ({2}.{3})", oField.GetNameRef(), oField.GetFieldTypeName(oField.GetFieldType()), oField.GetWidth(), oField.GetPrecision()); } // 输出图层中的要素个数 Console.WriteLine("要素个数 = {0}", oLayer.GetFeatureCount(0)); Feature oFeature = null; // 下面开始遍历图层中的要素 while ((oFeature = oLayer.GetNextFeature()) != null) { Console.WriteLine("当前处理第{0}个: \n属性值:", oFeature.GetFID()); // 获取要素中的属性表内容 for (int iField = 0; iField < iFieldCount; iField++) { FieldDefn oFieldDefn = oDefn.GetFieldDefn(iField); FieldType type = oFieldDefn.GetFieldType(); switch (type) { case FieldType.OFTString: Console.WriteLine("{0}\t", oFeature.GetFieldAsString(iField)); break; case FieldType.OFTReal: Console.WriteLine("{0}\t", oFeature.GetFieldAsDouble(iField)); break; case FieldType.OFTInteger: Console.WriteLine("{0}\t", oFeature.GetFieldAsInteger(iField)); break; default: Console.WriteLine("{0}\t", oFeature.GetFieldAsString(iField)); break; } } // 获取要素中的几何体 Geometry oGeometry = oFeature.GetGeometryRef(); // String a=oGeometry.GetGeometryName(); // String b = ""; // oGeometry.ExportToWkt(out b); Console.WriteLine(oGeometry.GetGeometryName()); // 为了演示,只输出一个要素信息 break; } Console.WriteLine("数据集关闭!"); Console.ReadLine(); }