コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Use the ODataReader to read results and convert them feed into usable CLR instances.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="odataReader">OData Reader representing current OData feed download.</param>
        private void MaterializeResponse(ODataMessageReader odataReader)
            var feedReader = this.CreateReader(odataReader);
            List<ODataEntity> odataEntities = new List<ODataEntity>();
            Exception readingError = null;
            Uri nextPageLink = null;
            long? totalCount = null;

                ODataEntity currentEntity = new ODataEntity();

                while (feedReader.Read())
                    // we never expand in this application, so there is no chance of getting back an expanded link
                    switch (feedReader.State)
                        case ODataReaderState.EntryStart:
                            currentEntity = new ODataEntity();

                        case ODataReaderState.NavigationLinkEnd:
                            ODataNavigationLink navigationLink = (ODataNavigationLink)feedReader.Item;
                            currentEntity.NavigationProperties[navigationLink.Name] = navigationLink.Url;

                        case ODataReaderState.EntryEnd:
                            ODataEntry entry = (ODataEntry)feedReader.Item;
                            currentEntity.TypeName = entry.TypeName;
                            currentEntity.EditLink = entry.EditLink;
                            currentEntity.ReadLink = entry.ReadLink;
                            if (entry.MediaResource != null)
                                currentEntity.MediaUri = entry.MediaResource.ReadLink.OriginalString;
                                currentEntity.MediaType = entry.MediaResource.ContentType;

                            foreach (var property in entry.Properties)
                                this.MaterializeProperty(currentEntity, property, property.Name);

                        case ODataReaderState.FeedEnd:
                            ODataFeed feed = (ODataFeed)feedReader.Item;
                            nextPageLink = feed.NextPageLink;
                            totalCount = feed.Count;
            catch (Exception deserializationError)
                readingError = deserializationError;

            this.RaiseFeedDownloaded(odataEntities, nextPageLink, totalCount, readingError);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Read instance property value and add to Property dictionary on ODataEntity instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentEntity">ODataEntity instance being initialized</param>
 /// <param name="property">The instance property value being read.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyName">The name of the instance property being read.</param>
 private void MaterializeProperty(ODataEntity currentEntity, ODataProperty property, string propertyName)
     if (property.Value is ODataComplexValue)
         // for a given complex value , we will flatten it out so that
         // Excel can show these values in a tabular format instead of having to nest rows.
         // e.g.: if the property value is BoxArt{ SmallUrl ="", LargeUrl =""}
         // we will convert it into .
         // instance[BoxArt.SmallUrl]  = "";
         // instance[BoxArt.LargeUrl]  = "";
         ODataComplexValue complexPropertyValue = (ODataComplexValue)property.Value;
         foreach (var primitiveProperty in complexPropertyValue.Properties)
             string flattenedPropertyName = string.Join(".", propertyName, primitiveProperty.Name);
             this.MaterializeProperty(currentEntity, primitiveProperty, flattenedPropertyName);
     else if (property.Value is ODataCollectionValue)
         // we don't support collections here yet.
         // this is a primitive property, assign results to dictionary.
         currentEntity[propertyName] = property.Value;