public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginExportTable.ExportTableOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this.options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The OpenXML SDK is under MIT license." + Environment.NewLine + "The ClosedXML library is under MIT license." + Environment.NewLine + "The ExcelNumberFormat number parser is licensed under the MIT license." + Environment.NewLine + "The FastMember reflection access is licensed under Apache License 2.0 (Apache - 2.0)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this.eventStack != null) { // try access return(this.eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "export-submodel" && args != null && args.Length >= 3 && args[0] is IFlyoutProvider && args[1] is AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv && args[2] is AdminShell.Submodel) { // flyout provider var fop = args[0] as IFlyoutProvider; // which Submodel var env = args[1] as AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv; var sm = args[2] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (env == null || sm == null) { return(null); } // the Submodel elements need to have parents sm.SetAllParents(); // prepare list of items to be exported var list = new ExportTableAasEntitiesList(); ExportTable_EnumerateSubmodel(list, env, broadSearch: false, depth: 1, sm: sm, sme: null); // handle the export dialogue var uc = new ExportTableFlyout(); uc.Presets = this.options.Presets; fop?.StartFlyoverModal(uc); if (uc.Result == null) { return(null); } var job = uc.Result; // get the output file var dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); // ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause try { dlg.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); } catch { } // ReSharper enable EmptyGeneralCatchClause dlg.Title = "Select text file to be exported"; if (job.Format == (int)ExportTableRecord.FormatEnum.TSF) { dlg.FileName = "new.txt"; dlg.DefaultExt = "*.txt"; dlg.Filter = "Tab separated file (*.txt)|*.txt|Tab separated file (*.tsf)|*.tsf|All files (*.*)|*.*"; } if (job.Format == (int)ExportTableRecord.FormatEnum.LaTex) { dlg.FileName = "new.tex"; dlg.DefaultExt = "*.tex"; dlg.Filter = "LaTex file (*.tex)|*.tex|All files (*.*)|*.*"; } if (job.Format == (int)ExportTableRecord.FormatEnum.Excel) { dlg.FileName = "new.xlsx"; dlg.DefaultExt = "*.xlsx"; dlg.Filter = "Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|All files (*.*)|*.*"; } if (job.Format == (int)ExportTableRecord.FormatEnum.Word) { dlg.FileName = "new.docx"; dlg.DefaultExt = "*.docx"; dlg.Filter = "Microsoft Word (*.docx)|*.docx|All files (*.*)|*.*"; } fop?.StartFlyover(new EmptyFlyout()); var res = dlg.ShowDialog(fop?.GetWin32Window()); try { if (res == true) { Log.Info("Exporting table: {0}", dlg.FileName); var success = false; try { if (job.Format == (int)ExportTableRecord.FormatEnum.TSF) { success = job.ExportTabSeparated(dlg.FileName, list); } if (job.Format == (int)ExportTableRecord.FormatEnum.LaTex) { success = job.ExportLaTex(dlg.FileName, list); } if (job.Format == (int)ExportTableRecord.FormatEnum.Excel) { success = job.ExportExcel(dlg.FileName, list); } if (job.Format == (int)ExportTableRecord.FormatEnum.Word) { success = job.ExportWord(dlg.FileName, list); } } catch { success = false; } if (!success) { fop?.MessageBoxFlyoutShow( "Some error occured while exporting the table. Please refer to the log messages.", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, "When exporting table, an error occurred"); } fop?.CloseFlyover(); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { // for speed reasons, have the most often used at top! if (action == "call-check-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1) { return(null); } // looking only for Submodels var sm = args[0] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (sm == null) { return(null); } // check for a record in options, that matches Submodel var found = false; // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable foreach (var rec in _options.LookupAllIndexKey <DocumentShelfOptionsRecord>( sm.semanticId?.GetAsExactlyOneKey())) { found = true; } if (!found) { return(null); } // success prepare record var cve = new AasxPluginResultVisualExtension("DOC", "Document Shelf"); // ok return(cve); } // rest follows if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DocumentShelfOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { _options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( _options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The CountryFlag library (NuGet) is licensed under the MIT license (MIT)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && _eventStack != null) { // try access return(_eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "event-return" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is AasxPluginEventReturnBase && _shelfControl != null) { _shelfControl.HandleEventReturn(args[0] as AasxPluginEventReturnBase); } if (action == "get-check-visual-extension") { var cve = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); cve.strType = "True"; cve.obj = true; return(cve); } if (action == "fill-panel-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args == null || args.Length < 3) { return(null); } // call _shelfControl = ShelfControl.FillWithWpfControls( _log, args[0], args[1], _options, _eventStack, args[2]); // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = _shelfControl; return(res); } if (action == "get-list-new-submodel") { // prepare list var list = new List <string>(); list.Add("Document (recommended version)"); list.Add("Document (development version V1.1)"); // make result var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = list; return(res); } if (action == "generate-submodel" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { // get arguments var smName = args[0] as string; if (smName == null) { return(null); } // generate (by hand) var sm = new AdminShell.Submodel(); if (smName.Contains("V1.1")) { sm.semanticId = new AdminShell.SemanticId( AasxPredefinedConcepts.VDI2770v11.Static.SM_ManufacturerDocumentation.GetSemanticKey()); sm.idShort = "ManufacturerDocumentation"; } else { sm.semanticId = new AdminShell.SemanticId(DocuShelfSemanticConfig.Singleton.SemIdDocumentation); sm.idShort = "Documentation"; } // make result var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.strType = "OK"; res.obj = sm; return(res); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AdvancedTextEditOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this.options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The AvalonEdit component, is licensed under the MIT license (MIT)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this.eventStack != null) { // try access return(this.eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "get-textedit-control" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { // args var initialContent = args[0] as string; // build visual this.theEditControl = new UserControlAdvancedTextEditor(); this.theEditControl.Text = initialContent; // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = this.theEditControl; return(res); } if (action == "set-content" && args != null && args.Length >= 2 && args[0] is string && args[1] is string && this.theEditControl != null) { // args var mimeType = args[0] as string; var content = args[1] as string; // apply this.theEditControl.MimeType = mimeType; this.theEditControl.Text = content; } if (action == "get-content" && this.theEditControl != null) { // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = this.theEditControl.Text; return(res); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "This application uses the OPC Foundation .NET Standard stack. See: OPC REDISTRIBUTABLES " + "Agreement of Use." + Environment.NewLine + "The OPC UA Example Code of OPC UA Standard is licensed under the MIT license (MIT)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "server-stop") { this.stop = true; } if (action == "server-start") { // init this.stop = false; logger.Info("Starting OPC UA AASX Server. Based on the OPC Foundation UA Net Standard stack."); logger.Info("Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Festo AG & Co. KG " + "<>, author: Michael Hoffmeister."); logger.Info("Portions copyright (c) by OPC Foundation, Inc. and licensed under the Reciprocal " + "Community License (RCL)."); logger.Info("See"); // access AASX if (args == null || args.Length < 1) { logger.Info("No AASX package environment passed to plug-in. Stopping..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); return(null); } var package = args[0] as AdminShellPackageEnv; if (package == null) { logger.Info("No AASX package environment passed to plug-in. Stopping..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); return(null); } logger.Info("AASX package env has filename {0}", package.Filename); // configure UA here a little bit ApplicationInstance.MessageDlg = new ApplicationMessageDlg(logger); // arguments var externalOptions = new List <string>(); if (options?.Args != null) { foreach (var o1 in options.Args) { externalOptions.Add(o1); } } if (args.Length >= 2 && args[1] is string[]) { var pluginArgs = args[1] as string[]; if (pluginArgs != null && pluginArgs.Length > 0) { foreach (var o2 in pluginArgs) { externalOptions.Add(o2); } } } // debug var lstr = $"Taking over {externalOptions.Count} arguments: "; foreach (var ls in externalOptions) { lstr += ls + " "; } logger.Info("{0}", lstr); // parse var internalOptions = new AasOpcUaServer.AasxUaServerOptions(); internalOptions.ParseArgs(externalOptions.ToArray()); // run the server try { this.server = new UaServerWrapper(_autoAccept: true, _stopTimeout: 0, _aasxEnv: package, logger: logger, _serverOptions: internalOptions); this.server.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Info("Exception whenn running server: {0}", ex.Message); } // do as long as user wants int i = 0; while (true) { if (this.stop) { logger.Info("Stopping ..."); if (this.server != null) { this.server.Stop(); } break; } // MICHA TODO : Temporary disabled // seems not to work anymore ////if (this.server != null && this.server.IsNotRunningAnymore()) //// break; // new option if (true == this.server?.FinallyStopped) { break; } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); if (i % 200 == 0) { logger.Info("Heartbeat {0} x 50ms ..", i); } i++; } logger.Info("Stopped."); } var res = new AasxPluginResultBase(); return(res); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { // for speed reasons, have the most often used at top! if (action == "call-check-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1) { return(null); } // looking only for Submodels var sm = args[0] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (sm == null) { return(null); } // check for a record in options, that matches Submodel var found = false; if (this.options != null && this.options.Records != null) { foreach (var rec in this.options.Records) { if (rec.AllowSubmodelSemanticId != null) { foreach (var x in rec.AllowSubmodelSemanticId) { if (sm.semanticId != null && sm.semanticId.Matches(x)) { found = true; break; } } } } } if (!found) { return(null); } // success prepare record var cve = new AasxPluginResultVisualExtension("MTP", "Module Type Package - View"); // ok return(cve); } // rest follows if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginMtpViewer.MtpViewerOptions>(args[0] as string); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The AutomationML.Engine is licensed under the MIT license (MIT) (see below)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this.eventStack != null) { // try access return(this.eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "get-check-visual-extension") { var cve = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); cve.strType = "True"; cve.obj = true; return(cve); } if (action == "fill-panel-visual-extension" && this.viewerControl != null) { // arguments if (args?.Length < 3) { return(null); } // call var resobj = AasxPluginMtpViewer.WpfMtpControlWrapper.FillWithWpfControls(args?[0], args?[1], this.options, this.eventStack, args?[2]); // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = resobj; return(res); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "This application uses the OPC Foundation .NET Standard stack. See: OPC REDISTRIBUTABLES " + "Agreement of Use." + Environment.NewLine + "The OPC UA Example Code of OPC UA Standard is licensed under the MIT license (MIT)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "create-client") { // OPC Copyright MessageBox.Show( "Copyright (c) 2018-2019 PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG <*****@*****.**>, " + "author: Andreas Orzelski\n\n" + "Portions copyright (c) by OPC Foundation, Inc. and licensed under the Reciprocal Community " + "License (RCL)\n" + "see", "Plugin Notice" ); // check for arguments if (args == null || args.Length != 5 || !(args[0] is string && args[1] is bool && args[2] is int && args[3] is string && args[4] is string)) { Log.Info("create-client() call with wrong arguments. Expected: (string _endpointURL, " + "bool _autoAccept, int _stopTimeout, string _userName, string _password)"); return(null); } // re-establish arguments var _endpointURL = args[0] as string; var _autoAccept = (bool)args[1]; var _stopTimeout = (int)args[2]; var _userName = args[3] as string; var _password = args[4] as string; // make client var client = new SampleClient.UASampleClient(_endpointURL, _autoAccept, _stopTimeout, _userName, _password); client.ConsoleSampleClient().Wait(); // return as plain object var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.strType = "UASampleClient"; res.obj = client; return(res); } if (action == "read-sme-value") { // check for arguments if (args == null || args.Length != 3 || !(args[0] is SampleClient.UASampleClient && args[1] is string && args[2] is int)) { Log.Info("read-sme-value() call with wrong arguments. Expected: (UASampleClient client, " + "string nodeName, int index)"); return(null); } // re-establish arguments var client = args[0] as SampleClient.UASampleClient; var nodeName = args[1] as string; var Namespace = (int)args[2]; // make the call var value = client?.ReadSubmodelElementValue(nodeName, Namespace); // return as plain object var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.strType = "value object"; res.obj = value; return(res); } return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { // for speed reasons, have the most often used at top! if (action == "call-check-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1) { return(null); } // looking only for Submodels var sm = args[0] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (sm == null || _options == null) { return(null); } // check for a record in options, that matches Submodel var found = false; // ReSharper disable UnusedVariable foreach (var x in _options.MatchingRecords(sm.semanticId)) { found = true; break; } if (!found) { return(null); } // ReSharper enable UnusedVariable // success prepare record var cve = new AasxPluginResultVisualExtension("BOM", "Bill of Material - Graph display"); // ok return(cve); } // rest follows if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginBomStructure.BomStructureOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { this._options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this._options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The Microsoft Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout, MSAGL, is licensed under the MIT license (MIT)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this._eventStack != null) { // try access return(this._eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "get-check-visual-extension") { var cve = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); cve.strType = "True"; cve.obj = true; return(cve); } if (action == "fill-panel-visual-extension" && this._bomControl != null) { // arguments if (args == null || args.Length < 3) { return(null); } // call this._bomControl.SetEventStack(this._eventStack); var resobj = this._bomControl.FillWithWpfControls(_options, args[0], args[1], args[2]); // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = resobj; return(res); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { try { // for speed reasons, have the most often used at top! if (action == "call-check-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1) { return(null); } // looking only for Submodels var sm = args[0] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (sm == null) { return(null); } // check for a record in options, that matches Submodel var found = this.options?.MatchRecordsForSemanticId(sm.semanticId); if (found == null) { return(null); } // success prepare record var cve = new AasxPluginResultVisualExtension(found.FormTag, found.FormTitle); // ok return(cve); } // rest follows if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var settings = AasxPluginOptionSerialization.GetDefaultJsonSettings( new[] { typeof(AasxPluginGenericForms.GenericFormOptions), typeof(AasForms.FormDescBase) }); var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginGenericForms.GenericFormOptions>( (args[0] as string), settings); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var settings = AasxPluginOptionSerialization.GetDefaultJsonSettings( new[] { typeof(AasxPluginGenericForms.GenericFormOptions), typeof(AasForms.FormDescBase) }); var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this.options, typeof(AasxPluginGenericForms.GenericFormOptions), settings); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = ""; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this.eventStack != null) { // try access return(this.eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "event-return" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is AasxPluginEventReturnBase && this.formsControl != null) { this.formsControl.HandleEventReturn(args[0] as AasxPluginEventReturnBase); } if (action == "get-check-visual-extension") { var cve = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); cve.strType = "True"; cve.obj = true; return(cve); } if (action == "fill-panel-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args == null || args.Length < 3) { return(null); } // call this.formsControl = AasxPluginGenericForms.GenericFormsControl.FillWithWpfControls( Log, args[0], args[1], this.options, this.eventStack, args[2]); // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = this.formsControl; return(res); } if (action == "get-list-new-submodel") { // prepare list var list = new List <string>(); // check if (options != null && options.Records != null) { foreach (var rec in options.Records) { if (rec.FormTitle != null) { list.Add("" + rec.FormTitle); } } } // make result var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.strType = "OK"; res.obj = list; return(res); } if (action == "generate-submodel" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { // get arguments var smName = args[0] as string; if (smName == null) { return(null); } // identify record AasxPluginGenericForms.GenericFormsOptionsRecord foundRec = null; if (options != null && options.Records != null) { foreach (var rec in options.Records) { if (rec.FormTitle != null && rec.FormTitle == smName) { foundRec = rec; } } } if (foundRec == null || foundRec.FormSubmodel == null) { return(null); } // generate var sm = foundRec.FormSubmodel.GenerateDefault(); // make result var res = new AasxPluginResultGenerateSubmodel(); = sm; res.cds = foundRec.ConceptDescriptions; return(res); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, ""); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginWebBrowser.WebBrowserOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this.options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The browser functionality is licensed under the cefSharp license (see below)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this.eventStack != null) { // try access return(this.eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "get-browser-grid" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { // args var url = args[0] as string; // build visual this.browserGrid = new Grid(); this.browserGrid.RowDefinitions.Add( new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(1.0, GridUnitType.Star) }); this.browserGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add( new ColumnDefinition() { Width = new GridLength(1.0, GridUnitType.Star) }); this.theBrowser = new CefSharp.Wpf.ChromiumWebBrowser(); this.theBrowser.Address = url; this.theBrowser.InvalidateVisual(); this.browserGrid.Children.Add(this.theBrowser); Grid.SetRow(this.theBrowser, 0); Grid.SetColumn(this.theBrowser, 0); // TODO (MIHO, 2020-08-02): when dragging the divider between elements tree and browser window, // distortions can be seen (diagonal shifting of pixels). Interestingly, this problem was not // appearant, when the browser was integrated within the main application and is new for the // plugin approach. Would be great if somebody would find a solution. // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = this.browserGrid; return(res); } if (action == "go-to-address" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { // args var url = args[0] as string; Log.Info("AasxPluginWebBrowser go to {0}", url); // check, if possible if (this.browserGrid != null && this.theBrowser != null) { // try execute this.theBrowser.Address = url; this.theBrowser.InvalidateVisual(); this.browserGrid.InvalidateVisual(); // indicate OK return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", true)); } } if (action == "gset-zoom-level" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is double) { // args var zoom = (double)args[0]; // check, if possible if (this.browserGrid != null && this.theBrowser != null) { // try execute this.theBrowser.ZoomLevel = zoom; // indicate OK return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", true)); } } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { // for speed reasons, have the most often used at top! if (action == "call-check-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1) { return(null); } // looking only for Submodels var sm = args[0] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (sm == null) { return(null); } // check for a record in options, that matches Submodel var found = false; if (this.options.AllowSubmodelSemanticIds != null) { foreach (var x in this.options.AllowSubmodelSemanticIds) { if (sm.semanticId != null && sm.semanticId.Matches(x)) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { return(null); } // success prepare record var cve = new AasxPluginResultVisualExtension("DOC", "Document Shelf"); // ok return(cve); } // rest follows if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginDocumentShelf.DocumentShelfOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this.options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The CountryFlag library (NuGet) is licensed under the MIT license (MIT)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this.eventStack != null) { // try access return(this.eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "get-check-visual-extension") { var cve = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); cve.strType = "True"; cve.obj = true; return(cve); } if (action == "fill-panel-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args == null || args.Length < 3) { return(null); } // call var resobj = AasxPluginDocumentShelf.ShelfControl.FillWithWpfControls( Log, args[0], args[1], this.options, this.eventStack, args[2]); // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = resobj; return(res); } if (action == "get-list-new-submodel") { // prepare list var list = new List <string>(); list.Add("Document"); // make result var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = list; return(res); } if (action == "generate-submodel" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { // get arguments var smName = args[0] as string; if (smName == null) { return(null); } // generate (by hand) var sm = new AdminShell.Submodel(); sm.semanticId = new AdminShell.SemanticId(options.SemIdDocumentation); sm.idShort = "Documentation"; // make result var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.strType = "OK"; res.obj = sm; return(res); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { // for speed reasons, have the most often used at top! if (action == "call-check-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1) { return(null); } // looking only for Submodels var sm = args[0] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (sm == null) { return(null); } // check for a record in options, that matches Submodel var found = false; if (this.options != null && this.options.Records != null) { foreach (var rec in this.options.Records) { if (rec.AllowSubmodelSemanticId != null) { foreach (var x in rec.AllowSubmodelSemanticId) { if (sm.semanticId != null && sm.semanticId.Matches(x)) { found = true; break; } } } } } if (!found) { return(null); } // success prepare record var cve = new AasxPluginResultVisualExtension("TED", "Technical Data Viewer"); // ok return(cve); } // rest follows if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginTechnicalData.TechnicalDataOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this.options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The application uses one class provided under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this.eventStack != null) { // try access return(this.eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "get-check-visual-extension") { var cve = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); cve.strType = "True"; cve.obj = true; return(cve); } if (action == "fill-panel-visual-extension" && args != null && args.Length >= 3) { // access var package = args[0] as AdminShellPackageEnv; var sm = args[1] as AdminShell.Submodel; var master = args[2] as DockPanel; if (package == null || sm == null || master == null) { return(null); } // the Submodel elements need to have parents sm.SetAllParents(); // create TOP control this.viewControl = new AasxPluginTechnicalData.TechnicalDataViewControl(); this.viewControl.Start(package, sm, options, eventStack); master.Children.Add(this.viewControl); // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = this.viewControl; return(res); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { // for speed reasons, have the most often used at top! if (action == "call-check-visual-extension") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1) { return(null); } // looking only for Submodels var sm = args[0] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (sm == null) { return(null); } // check for a record in options, that matches Submodel var found = false; if (this.options != null && this.options.Records != null) { foreach (var rec in this.options.Records) { if (rec.AllowSubmodelSemanticId != null) { foreach (var x in rec.AllowSubmodelSemanticId) { if (sm.semanticId != null && sm.semanticId.Matches(x)) { found = true; break; } } } } } if (!found) { return(null); } // success prepare record var cve = new AasxPluginResultVisualExtension("PLOT", "Plotting of data"); // ok return(cve); } if (action == "push-aas-event") { // arguments if (args.Length < 1 || !(args[0] is AasEventMsgEnvelope ev)) { return(null); } _viewControl?.PushEvent(ev); } // rest follows if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginPlotting.PlottingOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this.options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The application uses the ScottPlot NuGet package, which is under the MIT license."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && this.eventStack != null) { // try access return(this.eventStack.PopEvent()); } if (action == "get-check-visual-extension") { var cve = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); cve.strType = "True"; cve.obj = true; return(cve); } if (action == "clear-panel-visual-extension") { // simple delete reference to view control // this shall also stop event notifications! if (_viewControl != null) { _viewControl.Stop(); } _viewControl = null; } if (action == "fill-panel-visual-extension" && args != null && args.Length >= 3) { // access var package = args[0] as AdminShellPackageEnv; var sm = args[1] as AdminShell.Submodel; var master = args[2] as DockPanel; if (package == null || sm == null || master == null) { return(null); } // the Submodel elements need to have parents sm.SetAllParents(); // create TOP control _viewControl = new AasxPluginPlotting.PlottingViewControl(); _viewControl.Start(package, sm, options, eventStack, Log); master.Children.Add(_viewControl); // give object back var res = new AasxPluginResultBaseObject(); res.obj = _viewControl; return(res); } // default return(null); }
public AasxPluginResultBase ActivateAction(string action, params object[] args) { if (action == "set-json-options" && args != null && args.Length >= 1 && args[0] is string) { var newOpt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AasxPluginExportTable.ExportTableOptions>( (args[0] as string)); if (newOpt != null) { this.options = newOpt; } } if (action == "get-json-options") { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject( this.options, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); return(new AasxPluginResultBaseObject("OK", json)); } if (action == "get-licenses") { var lic = new AasxPluginResultLicense(); lic.shortLicense = "The OpenXML SDK is under MIT license." + Environment.NewLine + "The ClosedXML library is under MIT license." + Environment.NewLine + "The ExcelNumberFormat number parser is licensed under the MIT license." + Environment.NewLine + "The FastMember reflection access is licensed under Apache License 2.0 (Apache - 2.0)."; lic.isStandardLicense = true; lic.longLicense = AasxPluginHelper.LoadLicenseTxtFromAssemblyDir( "LICENSE.txt", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(lic); } if (action == "get-events" && _eventStack != null) { // try access return(_eventStack.PopEvent()); } if ((action == "export-submodel" || action == "import-submodel") && args != null && args.Length >= 3 && args[0] is IFlyoutProvider && args[1] is AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv && args[2] is AdminShell.Submodel) { // flyout provider var fop = args[0] as IFlyoutProvider; // which Submodel var env = args[1] as AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv; var sm = args[2] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (env == null || sm == null) { return(null); } // the Submodel elements need to have parents sm.SetAllParents(); // handle the export dialogue var uc = new ExportTableFlyout((action == "export-submodel") ? "Export SubmodelElements as Table" : "Import SubmodelElements from Table"); uc.Presets = this.options.Presets; fop?.StartFlyoverModal(uc); fop?.CloseFlyover(); if (uc.Result == null) { if (uc.CloseForHelp) { // give over to event stack var evt = new AasxPluginResultEventDisplayContentFile(); evt.fn = "" + "MIHO/AddPluginForKnownSubmodels/src/AasxPluginExportTable/help"; evt.mimeType = System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Html; _eventStack?.PushEvent(evt); } return(null); } if (action == "export-submodel") { Export(uc.Result, fop, sm, env); } if (action == "import-submodel") { Import(uc.Result, fop, sm, env); } } if (action == "export-uml" && args != null && args.Length >= 3 && args[0] is IFlyoutProvider && args[1] is AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv && args[2] is AdminShell.Submodel) { var fn = (args.Length >= 4) ? args[3] as string : null; // flyout provider (will be required in the future) var fop = args[0] as IFlyoutProvider; // which Submodel var env = args[1] as AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv; var sm = args[2] as AdminShell.Submodel; if (env == null || sm == null) { return(null); } // the Submodel elements need to have parents sm.SetAllParents(); // prep options var exop = options.UmlExport; if (exop == null) { exop = new ExportUmlOptions(); } // dialogue for user options var uc = new ExportUmlFlyout(); uc.Result = exop; fop?.StartFlyoverModal(uc); fop?.CloseFlyover(); if (uc.Result == null) { return(null); } // ask for filename var dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); try { dlg.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); } catch (Exception ex) { AdminShellNS.LogInternally.That.SilentlyIgnoredError(ex); } dlg.Title = "Select file for UML export .."; if (uc.Result.Format == ExportUmlOptions.ExportFormat.PlantUml) { dlg.FileName = "new.uml"; dlg.DefaultExt = "*.uml"; dlg.Filter = "PlantUML text file (*.uml)|*.uml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; } else { dlg.FileName = "new.xml"; dlg.DefaultExt = "*.xml"; dlg.Filter = "XMI file (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; } fop?.StartFlyover(new EmptyFlyout()); var fnres = dlg.ShowDialog(fop?.GetWin32Window()); fop?.CloseFlyover(); if (fnres != true) { return(null); } fn = dlg.FileName; // use functionality ExportUml.ExportUmlToFile(env, sm, uc.Result, fn); Log.Info($"Export UML data to file: {fn}"); // copy? if (uc.Result.CopyToPasteBuffer) { try { var lines = File.ReadAllText(fn); Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Text, lines); Log.Info("Export UML data copied to paste buffer."); } catch (Exception ex) { AdminShellNS.LogInternally.That.SilentlyIgnoredError(ex); } } } // default return(null); }