コード例 #1
ファイル: BtrfsProvider.cs プロジェクト: radtek/BackO
        public IEnumerable <IFSEntry> GetNextEntry(BasePath path, string snapshottedPath)
            // http://www.tummy.com/journals/entries/jafo_20101101_193113
            fsprov = FSEnumeratorProvider.GetFSEnumeratorProvider().GetFSEnumerator(snapshottedPath);

            yield return(prov.GetItemByPath(snapshottedPath));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next incremental/diff entry to backup. To efficiently reuse existing code, we instanciate
        /// a "phantom" BackupRootDriveHandler an use its "GetFull()" FS items provider as an items source to check
        /// for modifications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// and IFSEntry
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name='path'>
        /// Path.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='snapshottedPath'>
        /// Snapshotted path.
        /// </param>
        public IEnumerable <IFSEntry> GetNextEntry(BasePath path, string snapshottedPath)
            idsToWatch = new List <long>();
            fsProv     = FSEnumeratorProvider.GetFSEnumeratorProvider().GetFSEnumerator(snapshottedPath);
            phantomBrd = new BackupRootDriveHandler(rootDrive, this.taskId, 0, 0, 0, BackupLevel.Full, 0, 0, 0);
            phantomBrd.SubCompletionEvent += new BackupRootDriveHandler.SubCompletionHandler(BubbleUpSubCompletion);

            bool     moveRefEnumerator = true;
            IFSEntry refEntry          = null;
            IFSEntry realRefEntry      = null;

            foreach (IFSEntry entry in phantomBrd.GetFull(true))
                Console.WriteLine("PhantomBrd current entry : " + entry.Name);

                // New File (inode/id > last refMaxId known inode/id)
                if (entry.ID > refMaxId /*|| entry.CreateTime > refBackupTimeStart*/)
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added NEW entry : " + entry.SnapFullPath);
                    yield return(entry);


                try{                 //TOREMOVE
                    if (moveRefEnumerator || refEntry == null)
                        if (idxEnumerator.MoveNext())                 // try to position to the same entry, previously backuped

                        /*if(refEntry != null && refEntry.ID == idxEnumerator.Current.ID){
                         *      while(idxEnumerator.Current.ID == refEntry.ID) // in case we meet BigFiles (multiple same id entries), loop.
                         *      if(!idxEnumerator.MoveNext())
                         *              break;
                         * }*/
                            refEntry = idxEnumerator.Current;
                            Console.WriteLine("Ref entry : " + refEntry.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("CANNOT MoveNext() -- last entry is " + refEntry.Name);

                        //firstMove = false;
                        moveRefEnumerator = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("moveRef = false");
                catch (Exception e) {               // TOREMOVE
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup()   ERROR : " + e.ToString());

                //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() ------- Refentry id="+refEntry.ID+", name="+refEntry.Name+", curid="+entry.ID+", curname="+entry.Name);
                //Console.WriteLine ("RefEntry: "+refEntry.ToString()+", curEntry: "+entry.ToString());
                //if(refEntry.ID == entry.ID)
                //	Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() entry "+entry.SnapFullPath+" __MATCHED__ in ref backup");

                if (refEntry.ID != entry.ID)
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental cur entry " + entry.ToString() + " DOESN'T_MATCH ref = " + refEntry.ToString());
                    long refItemPos = 0;

                    // new file potentially reusing an inode/ID number < ref max ID
                    if (entry.CreateTime > refBackupTimeStart || entry.LastModifiedTime > refBackupTimeStart)
                        moveRefEnumerator = false;
                        yield return(entry);


                    //other cases : File RenamedOrMovedItem RenamedOrMovedItem deleted
                    realRefEntry = refIndex.SearchItem(entry, rootDrive.SystemDrive.MountPoint, out refItemPos);
                    if (realRefEntry == null)
                        moveRefEnumerator = false;
                        yield return(entry);

                    // check if entry has been moved from outside to the current dir
                        refEntry = realRefEntry;
                        if (refEntry.ParentID != entry.ParentID)                         // moved
                            moveRefEnumerator = false;
                            //entry.ChangeStatus =

                    /*// Check if entry is a newly created file (ctime > last backup start time) but with an ''old'' mtime
                     * if(refIndex.SearchItem(entry, rootDrive.SystemDrive.MountPoint, out searchRowid) == null
                     *      && entry.LastMetadataModifiedTime > refBackupTimeStart){
                     *      Console.WriteLine("Found (new?) entry with reused ID : "+entry.ToString());
                     * }*/

                    // else check if refEntry has been deleted

                     *      Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() entry "+refEntry.ToString()+"  __DELETED__");
                     *      refEntry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.Deleted;
                     *      yield return refEntry;
                     *      continue;
                     * }*/

                    /*if(idsToWatch.Contains(entry.ID)){ // we found it! is was simply moved
                     *      Logger.Append (Severity.DEBUG2, "Found wanted entry "+entry.ID+",  "+entry.SnapFullPath);
                     *      for(int i=idsToWatch.Count-1; i==0; i--)
                     *              if(idsToWatch[i] == entry.ID)
                     *                      idsToWatch.RemoveAt(i);
                     * }*/
                    //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() entry "+entry.SnapFullPath+"("+entry.ID+") DOES NOT MATCH, got "+refEntry.Name+" ("+refEntry.ID+")");

                    /*long searchRowid = 0;
                     * if((refEntry = refIndex.SearchItem(entry, rootDrive.SystemDrive.MountPoint, out searchRowid)) != null){
                     *      long fsToIndexOffset = searchRowid - refIndex.RowId;
                     *      Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() Found ref entry "+entry.SnapFullPath+" at __OFFSET__="+(searchRowid - refIndex.RowId));
                     *      if(  fsToIndexOffset < 100){
                     *              for (int j = (int)fsToIndexOffset; j >0; j--){
                     *                      if(idxEnumerator.MoveNext())
                     *                              idsToWatch.Add(idxEnumerator.Current.ID);
                     *              }
                     *      }
                     *      //if current FS entry and ref entry mismatch, but current FS entry exists in ref index ,
                     *      // we put this ref entry on the 'to watch' list :
                     *      // It may indicate that ref has been deleted, or, if we meet this 'watched' id during backup, that
                     *      // the item has been moved
                     *      else{
                     *              //idsToWatch.Add(refEntry.ID);
                     *              idxEnumerator.Dispose();
                     *              idxEnumerator = refIndex.GetBaseItemsEnumerator(rootDrive.SystemDrive.OriginalMountPoint, refIndex.RowId).GetEnumerator();
                     *              idxEnumerator.MoveNext();
                     *              Console.WriteLine ("moved ref index enumerator to new root "+idxEnumerator.Current.ID+", name="+idxEnumerator.Current.Name);
                     *      }
                     * }*/

                    /*else{ // new entry reusing "old" inode number/ID
                     *      Console.WriteLine("\t NOT found matching ID for name="+entry.Name);
                     *      yield return entry;
                     *      // this new entry could explain the offset we get between current fs and ref index
                     *      moveRefEnumerator = false;
                     *      continue;
                     * }*/
                //refEntry = srch;

                // Entry already existed under the same id. if it also has the same name, continue checks.
                // else, it may have been (1)renamed, or (2)deleted + inode reused for new file.
                // (1) it it safe to assume it as only renamed if lastmetadata has changed but data hasn't.
                // (2) if oldname!=newname, and lastwritetime has change, we cannot decide what happened. Consider
                // it as a new entry, for safety.
                //Console.WriteLine("\t Search found matching ID, ref name="+srch.Name);

                /*if(srch.Name != entry.Name){
                 *      Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added RENAMED entry : "+entry.SnapFullPath);
                 *      entry.BlockMetadata.BlockMetadata.Add(new RenamedOrMovedItem());
                 *      yield return entry;
                 *      continue;
                 * }*/
                // Existing entry with modified data since ref backup
                // lastmod < ref lastmod : rename(?). lastmod < ref lastmod : entry data  modified
                if (entry.LastModifiedTime != /*refBackupTimeStart*/ refEntry.LastModifiedTime ||
                    entry.LastMetadataModifiedTime != refEntry.LastMetadataModifiedTime)
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added MODIFIED (LastModifiedTime) entry : " + entry.SnapFullPath + ", entry.LastModifiedTime=" + entry.LastModifiedTime + ",refEntry.LastModifiedTime=" + refEntry.LastModifiedTime);
                    entry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.HasChanges;
                    yield return(entry);


                /*else if(entry.LastMetadataModifiedTime >  refEntry.LastMetadataModifiedTime){
                 *      entry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.MetadaOnly;
                 *      // moved entry
                 *      //if(srch.ParentID != entry.ParentID || srch.Name != entry.Name){
                 *              //entry.BlockMetadata.BlockMetadata.Add(new RenamedOrMovedItem());
                 *              entry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.MetadaOnly; // .RenameOnly;
                 *      //}
                 *      //else
                 *      //	entry.BlockMetadata.BlockMetadata.Add(new UnchangedDataItem());
                 *      Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added METADATACHANGE (LastMetadataModifiedTime) entry : "+entry.SnapFullPath);
                 *      yield return entry;
                 *      continue;
                 * }*/
                // if we get there, entry hasn't changed.
                //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup UNCHANGED "+entry.Name);

                //	}

                // If we get there, FS entry didn't change since last backup.
                // But if we are asked to perform a full refresh, return it anyway, with appropriate ChangeFlag
                if (this.isFullRefreshBackup)
                    entry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.NoChange;
                    yield return(entry);
            }             // // end foreach phantomBrdh
            Console.WriteLine("FileCompareProvider GetNextEntry : end foreach");

            // Fs has been enumerated. Now check if some ref index IDs remain unfound (== present inside idsToWatch)
            // If so, either they have been deleted, or they have been moved out of scope (out of FS backup root directory)
            // Anyways, we tag them as 'deleted', as, from the backup's root folder point of view, they are not part of
            // the backup anymore.
            if (idsToWatch.Count > 0)
                Logger.Append(Severity.DEBUG, idsToWatch.Count + " entries seem to have been deleted.");
            foreach (long id in idsToWatch)
                long     useless = 0;
                IFSEntry deleted = refIndex.SearchItem(id, rootDrive.SystemDrive.MountPoint, out useless);
                if (deleted != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t entry " + id + " has been deleted, was " + deleted.Name);
                    deleted.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.Deleted;
                    yield return(deleted);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t entry " + id + " has NOT BEEN DELETED - ERROR!!!");
            yield break;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next incremental/diff entry to backup. To efficiently reuse existing code, we instanciate
        /// a "phantom" BackupRootDriveHandler an use its "GetFull()" FS items provider as an items source to check
        /// for modifications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// and IFSEntry
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name='path'>
        /// Path.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='snapshottedPath'>
        /// Snapshotted path.
        /// </param>
        public IEnumerable <IFSEntry> GetNextEntry(BasePath path, string snapshottedPath)
            idsToWatch = new List <long>();
            fsProv     = FSEnumeratorProvider.GetFSEnumeratorProvider().GetFSEnumerator(snapshottedPath);
            phantomBrd = new BackupRootDriveHandler(rootDrive, this.taskId, 0, 0, 0, BackupLevel.Full, 0, 0, 0);
            phantomBrd.SubCompletionEvent += new BackupRootDriveHandler.SubCompletionHandler(BubbleUpSubCompletion);

            bool     moveRefEnumerator = true;
            IFSEntry refEntry          = null;
            IFSEntry realRefEntry      = null;

            foreach (IFSEntry entry in phantomBrd.GetFull(true))
                Console.WriteLine("PhantomBrd current entry : " + entry.Name);

                // New File (inode/id > last refMaxId known inode/id)
                if (entry.ID > refMaxId /*|| entry.CreateTime > refBackupTimeStart*/)
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added NEW entry : " + entry.SnapFullPath);
                    yield return(entry);


                //try{ //TOREMOVE
                if (moveRefEnumerator || refEntry == null)
                    if (idxEnumerator.MoveNext())                     // try to position to the same entry, previously backuped

                    /*if(refEntry != null && refEntry.ID == idxEnumerator.Current.ID){
                     *      while(idxEnumerator.Current.ID == refEntry.ID) // in case we meet BigFiles (multiple same id entries), loop.
                     *      if(!idxEnumerator.MoveNext())
                     *              break;
                     * }*/
                        refEntry = idxEnumerator.Current;
                        Console.WriteLine("Ref entry : " + refEntry.Name);
                        Console.WriteLine("CANNOT MoveNext() -- last entry is " + refEntry.Name);

                    //firstMove = false;
                    moveRefEnumerator = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("moveRef = false");

                 * catch(Exception e){ // TOREMOVE
                 *      Console.WriteLine ("Incremental GetFilesToBackup()   ERROR : "+e.ToString());
                 * }*/

                //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() ------- Refentry id="+refEntry.ID+", name="+refEntry.Name+", curid="+entry.ID+", curname="+entry.Name);
                //Console.WriteLine ("RefEntry: "+refEntry.ToString()+", curEntry: "+entry.ToString());
                //if(refEntry.ID == entry.ID)
                //	Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() entry "+entry.SnapFullPath+" __MATCHED__ in ref backup");

                if (refEntry.ID != entry.ID)
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental cur entry " + entry.ToString() + " DOESN'T_MATCH ref = " + refEntry.ToString());
                    long refItemPos = 0;

                    // new file potentially reusing an inode/ID number < ref max ID
                    if (entry.CreateTime > refBackupTimeStart || entry.LastModifiedTime > refBackupTimeStart)
                        moveRefEnumerator = false;
                        yield return(entry);


                    //other cases : File RenamedOrMovedItem RenamedOrMovedItem deleted
                    realRefEntry = refIndex.SearchItem(entry, rootDrive.SystemDrive.MountPoint, out refItemPos);
                    if (realRefEntry == null)
                        moveRefEnumerator = false;
                        yield return(entry);

                    // check if entry has been moved from outside to the current dir
                        refEntry = realRefEntry;
                        if (refEntry.ParentID != entry.ParentID)                         // moved
                            moveRefEnumerator = false;
                            //entry.ChangeStatus =
                //refEntry = srch;

                // Entry already existed under the same id. if it also has the same name, continue checks.
                // else, it may have been (1)renamed, or (2)deleted + inode reused for new file.
                // (1) it it safe to assume it as only renamed if lastmetadata has changed but data hasn't.
                // (2) if oldname!=newname, and lastwritetime has change, we cannot decide what happened. Consider
                // it as a new entry, for safety.
                //Console.WriteLine("\t Search found matching ID, ref name="+srch.Name);

                /*if(srch.Name != entry.Name){
                 *      Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added RENAMED entry : "+entry.SnapFullPath);
                 *      entry.BlockMetadata.BlockMetadata.Add(new RenamedOrMovedItem());
                 *      yield return entry;
                 *      continue;
                 * }*/
                // Existing entry with modified data since ref backup
                // lastmod < ref lastmod : rename(?). lastmod < ref lastmod : entry data  modified
                if (entry.LastModifiedTime != /*refBackupTimeStart*/ refEntry.LastModifiedTime ||
                    entry.FileSize != refEntry.FileSize)
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added MODIFIED (LastModifiedTime) entry : " + entry.SnapFullPath + ", entry.LastModifiedTime=" + entry.LastModifiedTime + ",refEntry.LastModifiedTime=" + refEntry.LastModifiedTime);
                    entry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.HasChanges;
                    yield return(entry);

                else if (entry.LastMetadataModifiedTime > refEntry.LastMetadataModifiedTime)
                    entry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.MetadaOnly;
                    // moved entry
                    //if(srch.ParentID != entry.ParentID || srch.Name != entry.Name){
                    //entry.BlockMetadata.BlockMetadata.Add(new RenamedOrMovedItem());
                    //entry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.MetadaOnly; // .RenameOnly;
                    //	entry.BlockMetadata.BlockMetadata.Add(new UnchangedDataItem());
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added METADATACHANGE (LastMetadataModifiedTime) entry : " + entry.SnapFullPath);
                    yield return(entry);

                // if we get there, entry hasn't changed.
                //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup UNCHANGED "+entry.Name);

                //	}

                // If we get there, FS entry didn't change since last backup.
                // But if we are asked to perform a full refresh, return it anyway, with appropriate ChangeFlag
                entry.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.NoChange;
                yield return(entry);
            }             // // end foreach phantomBrdh
            Console.WriteLine("FileCompareProvider GetNextEntry : end foreach");

            // Fs has been enumerated. Now check if some ref index IDs remain unfound (== present inside idsToWatch)
            // If so, either they have been deleted, or they have been moved out of scope (out of FS backup root directory)
            // Anyways, we tag them as 'deleted', as, from the backup's root folder point of view, they are not part of
            // the backup anymore.
            if (idsToWatch.Count > 0)
                Logger.Append(Severity.DEBUG, idsToWatch.Count + " entries seem to have been deleted.");
            foreach (long id in idsToWatch)
                long     useless = 0;
                IFSEntry deleted = refIndex.SearchItem(id, rootDrive.SystemDrive.MountPoint, out useless);
                if (deleted != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("\t entry " + id + " has been deleted, was " + deleted.Name);
                    deleted.ChangeStatus = DataLayoutInfos.Deleted;
                    yield return(deleted);
                    Console.WriteLine("\t entry " + id + " has NOT BEEN DELETED - ERROR!!!");
            yield break;
コード例 #4
        public IEnumerable <IFSEntry> GetNextEntry(BasePath path, string snapshottedPath)
            //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() 1");
            fsProv = FSEnumeratorProvider.GetFSEnumeratorProvider().GetFSEnumerator(snapshottedPath);

            //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() 2");
            bool exclude = false;

            foreach (var item in fsProv)
                //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() 3");
                IFSEntry entry    = null;
                IFSEntry refEntry = null;
                    entry = prov.GetItem(item);

                    //Console.WriteLine ("FileCompareProvider.GetNextEntry() : "+entry.SnapshottedFullPath);
                catch (Exception e) {              // permission errors, deleted file...
                    Logger.Append(Severity.ERROR, "Could not add element '" + entry.SnapFullPath + "' to backup : " + e.Message);
                    Logger.Append(Severity.INFO, "TODO : report exception to hub for task logentry");
                //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() 4");

                if (entry.ID > refMaxId || entry.CreateTime > refBackupTimeStart)                 // new File (inode/id > last refMaxId known inode/id)
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added NEW entry : " + entry.SnapFullPath);
                    yield return(entry);

                    continue;                    /// @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TO REMOVE to allow "if(entry.Kind == FileType.Directory){" to execute????
                    /*else */ if (idxEnumerator.MoveNext())           // try to position to the same entry, previously backuped
                        refEntry = idxEnumerator.Current;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() 5");
                    if (refEntry.ID == entry.ID)
                        Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() entry " + entry.SnapFullPath + " MATCHED in ref backup");
                        Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() entry " + entry.SnapFullPath + "(" + entry.ID + ") DOES NOT MATCH, got " + refEntry.Name + " (" + refEntry.ID + ")");
                        IFSEntry srch;
                        if ((srch = refIndex.SearchItem(entry, rootDrive.systemDrive.MountPoint)) != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("\t found matching ID, ref name=" + srch.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("\t NOT found matching ID, ref name=" + entry.Name);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    Console.WriteLine(" ***  ERROR : " + e.ToString());

                // entry modified (or created using a used-and-freed id)
                if (entry.LastModifiedTime >= refBackupTimeStart)
                    //if(entry.Kind == FileType.Directory)
                    //Console.WriteLine("root path for "+entry.FileName+"="+Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(entry.FileName)+", rooted="+Path.IsPathRooted(entry.FileName));
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() added MODIFIED (LastModifiedTime) entry : " + entry.SnapFullPath);

                    yield return(entry);
                else if (entry.LastMetadataModifiedTime >= refBackupTimeStart)
                    // We will do our best to try to find if it's a renamed file
                    // on *nix, a file is renamed if its inode stays the same, but the ctime and filename changes and the mtime does nots
                    // if mtime and ctime change and inode is an already previously existing number, a file might have
                    //  been deleted and another created, taking the freed inode number.
                    // This makes impossible for us to detect files renamed AND modifed, or modified AND renamed
                    // on NTFS a file has a unique ID, but it is hard to get from direftory.enumerate (does not return the right structure)

                    // add the file to the "to be checked" list
                    Console.WriteLine("Incremental GetFilesToBackup() : item " + entry.SnapFullPath + " has undergone METADATA (LastMetadataModifiedTime)  change");
                // check for new files with metadata dates in the past (such as packages installations...)

                //else if(entry.ID >

                if (entry.Kind == FileType.Directory)
                    //if(depth <2)
                    //Console.WriteLine ("FileCompareProvider.GetNextEntry() : entering "+entry.SnapshottedFullPath);
                    for (int i = path.ExcludedPaths.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (entry.SnapFullPath.IndexOf(path.ExcludedPaths[i]) == 0)
                            Logger.Append(Severity.INFO, "Ignoring path " + entry.SnapFullPath);
                            exclude = true;
                            //yield return entry;

                    if (depth == 1)
                        //if(SubCompletionEvent != null) SubCompletionEvent(entry.SnapshottedFullPath.Replace(snapshottedPath, currentPath.Path));
                        //entry.FileName.Replace(snapshottedPath, currentPath
                    //snapshottedPath = entry.SnapshottedFullPath;
                    if (!exclude)
                        // recurse using found directory as basepath
                        snapshottedPath = entry.SnapFullPath;
                        yield return(entry);                        // return top-dir before entering and browse it

                        foreach (IFSEntry e in GetNextEntry(path, snapshottedPath))
                            yield return(e);
                //yield return entry;
                exclude = false;

            //Logger.Append(Severity.DEBUG, "Done scanning file system, performing index compare...");