コード例 #1
        NDrawingDocument CreateDocument(int bookId)
            NDrawingDocument document = new NDrawingDocument();

            //	setup the document
            document.AutoBoundsPadding         = new Nevron.Diagram.NMargins(0f, 7f, 7f, 7f);
            document.Style.FillStyle           = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White);
            document.Style.TextStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.DarkGray);
            document.Style.TextStyle.StringFormatStyle.HorzAlign = HorzAlign.Left;
            document.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White);
            NStandardFrameStyle frame = document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle as NStandardFrameStyle;

            frame.InnerBorderColor   = Color.Gray;
            document.MeasurementUnit = NGraphicsUnit.Pixel;

            //	set up the shape factories
            NBasicShapesFactory bookItemsFactory = new NBasicShapesFactory(document);

            bookItemsFactory.DefaultSize = new NSizeF(320, 200);

            NCustomToolsData.NBookEntry[] books = NCustomToolsData.CreateBooks();
            NCustomToolsData.NBookEntry   book  = null;
            int length = books.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                if (books[i].Id == bookId)
                    book = books[i];
            if (bookId == -1 || book == null)
                document.Style.StrokeStyle = new NStrokeStyle(1, Color.Red);

            //	create a table layout, which will align te thumbnail and the text lines
            //	in two columns
            NTableLayout mainLayout = new NTableLayout();

            mainLayout.Direction                = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight;
            mainLayout.ConstrainMode            = CellConstrainMode.Ordinal;
            mainLayout.MaxOrdinal               = 2;
            mainLayout.VerticalContentPlacement = ContentPlacement.Near;

            //	create a stack layout, which will align the text lines in rows
            NStackLayout textLayout = new NStackLayout();

            textLayout.Direction = LayoutDirection.TopToBottom;
            textLayout.HorizontalContentPlacement = ContentPlacement.Near;
            textLayout.VerticalSpacing            = 13;

            //	create a stack layout, which will align the stars in 5 columns
            NStackLayout starsLayout = new NStackLayout();

            starsLayout.Direction = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight;
            starsLayout.VerticalContentPlacement = ContentPlacement.Center;
            starsLayout.HorizontalSpacing        = 1;

            NLayoutContext layoutContext = new NLayoutContext();

            layoutContext.GraphAdapter         = new NShapeGraphAdapter();
            layoutContext.BodyAdapter          = new NShapeBodyAdapter(document);
            layoutContext.BodyContainerAdapter = new NDrawingBodyContainerAdapter(document);

            //	create the shapes for the book image and text lines
            NShape bookImageShape = bookItemsFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle);

            bookImageShape.Width  = 240f;
            bookImageShape.Height = 240f;
            NImageFillStyle fs1 = new NImageFillStyle(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\Images\CustomTools\" + book.ImageFile));

            fs1.TextureMappingStyle.MapLayout = MapLayout.Centered;
            NStyle.SetFillStyle(bookImageShape, fs1);

            NShape bookTitleShape = bookItemsFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle);

            bookTitleShape.Text   = book.Title;
            bookTitleShape.Width  = 160f;
            bookTitleShape.Height = 32f;

            NShape bookAuthorShape = bookItemsFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle);

            bookAuthorShape.Text   = "by " + book.Author;
            bookAuthorShape.Width  = 160f;
            bookAuthorShape.Height = 32f;

            NShape bookPriceShape = bookItemsFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle);

            bookPriceShape.Text   = "Price: $" + book.Price.ToString();
            bookPriceShape.Width  = 160f;
            bookPriceShape.Height = 32f;

            //	create the star shapes
            NNodeList starShapes = new NNodeList();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                NShape star = bookItemsFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Pentagram);
                star.Width  = 10f;
                star.Height = 10f;
                if (i < book.Rating)
                    star.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Orange);
                    star.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.LightGray);

            //	prepare to layout
            NBatchGroup bgroup = new NBatchGroup(document);

            //	create the stars group
            NGroup starsGroup = new NGroup();

            // group the star shapes
            bgroup.Group(null, false, out starsGroup);

            // collect the text shapes
            NNodeList textShapes = new NNodeList();


            //	create the text group
            NGroup textGroup = new NGroup();

            // group the text shapes
            bgroup.Group(null, false, out textGroup);

            // collect the main layout shapes
            NNodeList mainElements = new NNodeList();


            //	create the main group
            NGroup mainGroup = new NGroup();

            // group the main elements
            bgroup.Group(null, false, out mainGroup);


            // size all text shapes to text
            bookTitleShape.SizeToText(new NMarginsF(6f, 0f, 6f, 0f));
            bookAuthorShape.SizeToText(new NMarginsF(6f, 0f, 6f, 0f));
            bookPriceShape.SizeToText(new NMarginsF(6f, 0f, 6f, 0f));

            // layout the star shapes
            starsLayout.Layout(starShapes, layoutContext);

            // perform layout on the text
            textLayout.Layout(textShapes, layoutContext);

            // layout all elements
            mainLayout.Layout(mainElements, layoutContext);

            // correct the text left padding
            bookTitleShape.Location  = new NPointF(bookTitleShape.Location.X - 6f, bookTitleShape.Location.Y);
            bookAuthorShape.Location = new NPointF(bookAuthorShape.Location.X - 6f, bookAuthorShape.Location.Y);
            bookPriceShape.Location  = new NPointF(bookPriceShape.Location.X - 6f, bookPriceShape.Location.Y);

コード例 #2
        void InitDocument()
            // set up visual formatting
            NDrawingView1.Document.Style.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White);
            NDrawingView1.Document.BackgroundStyle.FrameStyle.Visible = false;

            NCustomToolsData.NBookEntry[] books = NCustomToolsData.CreateBooks();

            //	set up the shape factories
            NBasicShapesFactory bookItemsFactory = new NBasicShapesFactory(NDrawingView1.Document);

            bookItemsFactory.DefaultSize = new NSizeF(150, 100);

            //	create a table layout, which will align te thumbnail and the text within a group
            NTableLayout bookThumbLayout = new NTableLayout();

            bookThumbLayout.Direction     = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight;
            bookThumbLayout.ConstrainMode = CellConstrainMode.Ordinal;
            bookThumbLayout.MaxOrdinal    = 1;

            //	create a table layout, which will align all books in a grid
            NTableLayout tableLayout = new NTableLayout();

            tableLayout.Direction         = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight;
            tableLayout.ConstrainMode     = CellConstrainMode.Ordinal;
            tableLayout.MaxOrdinal        = 4;
            tableLayout.HorizontalSpacing = 7;
            tableLayout.VerticalSpacing   = 7;

            NLayoutContext layoutContext = new NLayoutContext();

            layoutContext.GraphAdapter         = new NShapeGraphAdapter();
            layoutContext.BodyAdapter          = new NShapeBodyAdapter(NDrawingView1.Document);
            layoutContext.BodyContainerAdapter = new NDrawingBodyContainerAdapter(NDrawingView1.Document);

            int length = books.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                NCustomToolsData.NBookEntry book = books[i];

                NShape          bookThumbnailShape = bookItemsFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle);
                NImageFillStyle fs1 = new NImageFillStyle(this.MapPathSecure(@"..\..\..\..\Images\CustomTools\" + book.ThumbnailFile));
                fs1.TextureMappingStyle.MapLayout = MapLayout.Centered;
                NStyle.SetFillStyle(bookThumbnailShape, fs1);
                NStyle.SetStrokeStyle(bookThumbnailShape, new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White));

                NShape bookTextShape = bookItemsFactory.CreateShape(BasicShapes.Rectangle);
                NStyle.SetStrokeStyle(bookTextShape, new NStrokeStyle(0, Color.White));
                bookTextShape.Text   = book.Title;
                bookTextShape.Height = 50f;

                bookThumbnailShape.Style.InteractivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle(true, book.Id.ToString(), null, CursorType.Hand);
                bookTextShape.Style.InteractivityStyle      = new NInteractivityStyle(true, book.Id.ToString(), null, CursorType.Hand);

                //	create the book tumbnail group
                NGroup      g      = new NGroup();
                NBatchGroup bgroup = new NBatchGroup(NDrawingView1.Document);
                NNodeList   shapes = new NNodeList();


                // perform layout
                bookThumbLayout.Layout(shapes, layoutContext);

                // group shapes
                bgroup.Group(null, false, out g);


            // layout the books
            tableLayout.Layout(NDrawingView1.Document.ActiveLayer.Children(null), layoutContext);