コード例 #1
 private void Initialize()
     this._strPrevValue     = "";
     this._strCurrentValue  = "";
     this._strOriginalValue = "";
     this._dblPrevValue     = null;
     this._dblCurrentValue  = null;
     this._dblOriginalValue = 0;
     // Set answer state - default
     this._solveAttempted = G__SolveAttempted.UnAttempted;
     this._answerState    = G__AnswerState.InCorrect;
     this._containerType  = G__ContainerType.Container;
     // Logic
     this._bIsAnswer                   = false;
     this._bIsInComplete               = false;
     this._bHasFractionParent          = false;
     this._bHasNumletParent            = false;
     this._bHasNumberParent            = false;
     this._bHasWorkSpaceParent         = false;
     this._bHasSelectedNumberText      = false;
     this._bHasSelectedOperatorText    = false;
     this._bAllowNextResponder         = true;
     this._bToStringReturnCurrentValue = this._numberAppSettings.GA__ToStringReturnsCurrentValue;
     this._bFreeForm                   = false;
     //this._bFreeFormMode = this._numberAppSettings.GA__FreeFromModeActive;
     // UI
     // Most objects from BaseContainer need to be drawn at ViewWillAppear
     // This can obviously be changed for individual controls at their .ctor
     this._applyUIWhere = G__ApplyUI.ViewWillAppear;
     this._myEventArgs  = new evtArgsBaseContainer();
コード例 #2
 public virtual void OnSizeChange(object s, evtArgsBaseContainer e)