public void ExtendXact(XactBase xact, ParseContext context) { IList <Post> initialPosts = xact.Posts.ToList(); try { bool needsFurtherVerification = false; foreach (Post initialPost in initialPosts) { if (initialPost.Flags.HasFlag(SupportsFlagsEnum.ITEM_GENERATED)) { continue; } BindScope boundScope = new BindScope(Scope.DefaultScope, initialPost); bool matchesPredicate = false; if (TryQuickMatch) { try { bool foundMemoizedResult = MemoizedResults.TryGetValue(initialPost.Account.FullName, out matchesPredicate); // Since the majority of people who use automated transactions simply // match against account names, try using a *much* faster version of // the predicate evaluator. if (!foundMemoizedResult) { matchesPredicate = PostPred(Predicate.Op, initialPost); MemoizedResults.Add(initialPost.Account.FullName, matchesPredicate); } } catch { Logger.Current.Debug("", () => "The quick matcher failed, going back to regular eval"); TryQuickMatch = false; matchesPredicate = Predicate.Calc(boundScope).AsBoolean; } } else { matchesPredicate = Predicate.Calc(boundScope).AsBoolean; } if (matchesPredicate) { if (DeferredNotes != null) { foreach (DeferredTagData data in DeferredNotes) { if (data.ApplyToPost == null) { initialPost.AppendNote(ApplyFormat(data.TagData, boundScope), boundScope, data.OverwriteExisting); } } } if (CheckExprs != null) { foreach (CheckExprPair pair in CheckExprs) { if (pair.CheckExprKind == CheckExprKindEnum.EXPR_GENERAL) { pair.Expr.Calc(boundScope); } else if (!pair.Expr.Calc(boundScope).AsBoolean) { if (pair.CheckExprKind == CheckExprKindEnum.EXPR_ASSERTION) { throw new ParseError(String.Format(ParseError.ParseError_TransactionAssertionFailed, pair.Expr)); } else { context.Warning(String.Format(ParseError.ParseError_TransactionCheckFailed, pair.Expr)); } } } } foreach (Post post in Posts) { Amount postAmount; if (post.Amount.IsEmpty) { if (post.AmountExpr == null) { throw new AmountError(AmountError.ErrorMessageAutomatedTransactionsPostingHasNoAmount); } Value result = post.AmountExpr.Calc(boundScope); if (result.Type == ValueTypeEnum.Integer) { postAmount = result.AsAmount; } else { if (result.Type != ValueTypeEnum.Amount) { throw new AmountError(AmountError.ErrorMessageAmountExpressionsMustResultInASimpleAmount); } postAmount = result.AsAmount; } } else { postAmount = post.Amount; } Amount amt; if (!postAmount.HasCommodity) { amt = initialPost.Amount * postAmount; } else { amt = postAmount; } Account account = post.Account; string fullName = account.FullName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("fullName"); } if (Logger.Current.ShowDebug("xact.extend")) { Logger.Current.Debug("xact.extend", () => String.Format("Initial post on line {0}: amount {1} (precision {2})", initialPost.Pos.BegLine, initialPost.Amount, initialPost.Amount.DisplayPrecision)); if (initialPost.Amount.KeepPrecision) { Logger.Current.Debug("xact.extend", () => " precision is kept"); } Logger.Current.Debug("xact.extend", () => String.Format("Posting on line {0}: amount {1}, amt {2} (precision {3} != {4})", post.Pos.BegLine, postAmount, amt, postAmount.DisplayPrecision, amt.DisplayPrecision)); if (postAmount.KeepPrecision) { Logger.Current.Debug("xact.extend", () => " precision is kept"); } if (amt.KeepPrecision) { Logger.Current.Debug("xact.extend", () => " amt precision is kept"); } } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(post.Account.FullName)) { throw new AssertionFailedError("assert(! fullname.empty());"); } if (fullName.Contains("$account")) { fullName = AccountRegex.Replace(fullName, initialPost.Account.FullName); while (account.Parent != null) { account = account.Parent; } account = account.FindAccount(fullName); } else if (fullName.Contains("%(")) { Format accountName = new Format(fullName); while (account.Parent != null) { account = account.Parent; } account = account.FindAccount(accountName.Calc(boundScope)); } // Copy over details so that the resulting post is a mirror of // the automated xact's one. Post newPost = new Post(account, amt); newPost.CopyDetails(post); // A Cleared transaction implies all of its automatic posting are cleared // CPR 2012/10/23 if (xact.State == ItemStateEnum.Cleared) { Logger.Current.Debug("xact.extend.cleared", () => "CLEARED"); newPost.State = ItemStateEnum.Cleared; } newPost.Flags = newPost.Flags | SupportsFlagsEnum.ITEM_GENERATED; newPost.Account = Journal.RegisterAccount(account.FullName, newPost, Journal.Master); if (DeferredNotes != null) { foreach (DeferredTagData data in DeferredNotes) { if (data.ApplyToPost == null || data.ApplyToPost == post) { newPost.AppendNote(ApplyFormat(data.TagData, boundScope), boundScope, data.OverwriteExisting); } } } Post.ExtendPost(newPost, Journal); xact.AddPost(newPost); newPost.Account.AddPost(newPost); // Add flag so this post updates the account balance newPost.XData.Visited = true; // POST_EXT_VISITED if (newPost.MustBalance) { needsFurtherVerification = true; } } } } if (needsFurtherVerification) { xact.Verify(); } } catch { ErrorContext.Current.AddErrorContext(Item.ItemContext(this, "While applying automated transaction")); ErrorContext.Current.AddErrorContext(Item.ItemContext(xact, "While extending transaction")); throw; } }
public XactBase(XactBase xactBase) : base(xactBase) { Posts = new List <Post>(); Journal = xactBase.Journal; }
public AddBalancingPost(XactBase xact, Post nullPost) : this() { First = true; Xact = xact; NullPost = nullPost; }