コード例 #1
 public PLTGenertorFactory(PartitionData PD, COLCollection _COLSet, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSamplingSettings, DateTime _start, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     Start            = _start;
     End              = _start.AddYears(6);
     pData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSamplingSettings);
     GeneratorFactory = new GUInputGeneratorFactory(pData, _COLSet, _timestyle, _lossstyle);
コード例 #2
 public GraphBuildCache(PartitionDataAdpator _PDataAdaptor)
     graphList    = new Dictionary <long, Graph>();
     exSettings   = new Dictionary <long, BuildSettings>();
     expData      = new Dictionary <long, ExposureDataAdaptor>();
     PDataAdaptor = _PDataAdaptor;
コード例 #3
 public PLTGenertorFactory(PartitionData PD, HashSet <string> _subperils, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSamplingSettings, DateTime _start, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     Start            = _start;
     End              = _start.AddYears(6);
     pData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSamplingSettings);
     GeneratorFactory = new GUInputGeneratorFactory(pData, _subperils, _timestyle, _lossstyle);
コード例 #4
 public GUInputGeneratorFactory(PartitionDataAdpator _PData, HashSet <string> _subperils, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     PData            = _PData;
     NeedDisposePData = false;
     subperils        = _subperils;
     timestyle        = _timestyle;
     lossstyle        = _lossstyle;
コード例 #5
 public GUInputGeneratorFactory(PartitionDataAdpator _PData, COLCollection _COLSet, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     PData            = _PData;
     NeedDisposePData = false;
     subperils        = _COLSet.GetSubperils();
     timestyle        = _timestyle;
     lossstyle        = _lossstyle;
コード例 #6
 public GUInputGeneratorFactory(PartitionData PD, HashSet <string> _subperils, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSmaplingSettings, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     PData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSmaplingSettings);
     NeedDisposePData = true;
     subperils        = _subperils;
     timestyle        = _timestyle;
     lossstyle        = _lossstyle;
コード例 #7
 public GUInputGeneratorFactory(PartitionData PD, COLCollection _COLSet, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSmaplingSettings, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     PData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSmaplingSettings);
     NeedDisposePData = true;
     subperils        = _COLSet.GetSubperils();
     timestyle        = _timestyle;
     lossstyle        = _lossstyle;
コード例 #8
 public GraphBuildCache(PartitionDataAdpator _PDataAdaptor, RAPSettings rapSettings)
     graphList           = new Dictionary <long, GraphInfo>();
     exSettings          = new Dictionary <long, BuildSettings>();
     expData             = new Dictionary <long, ExposureDataAdaptor>();
     indexMappings       = new Dictionary <long, IRITEindexMapper>();
     DefualtBuildSetting = new BuildSettings(GraphType.Auto, rapSettings);
     PDataAdaptor        = _PDataAdaptor;
コード例 #9
        //RITE.ID -> numBldgs -> <timestamp -> list of loss>

        public GUInputGenerator(PartitionData PD, long conID, COLCollection _COLSet, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
            PartitionDataAdpator PData = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD);

            expData   = PData.GetExposureAdaptor(conID);
            COLSet    = _COLSet;
            timestyle = _timestyle;
            lossstyle = _lossstyle;
            //    Dictionary<long, Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, List<float>>>> GULosses = new Dictionary<long, Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, List<float>>>>();
コード例 #10
        public PLTGenerator(PartitionData _PD, long _conID, int pid, COLCollection _COLSet, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossStyle, DateTime _start, DateTime _end)
            PartitionDataAdpator PData = new PartitionDataAdpator(_PD);

            expData   = PData.GetExposureAdaptor(conID);
            PD        = _PD;
            conID     = _conID;
            COLSet    = _COLSet;
            timestyle = _timestyle;
            lossStyle = _lossStyle;
            PLT       = new PeriodLossTable(pid, _COLSet, _timestyle, _lossStyle, _start, _end);
コード例 #11
        public VectorGUInputGeneratorFactory(PartitionData PD, HashSet <string> _subperils, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle, bool UseAggregatedRITEs, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSamplingSettings)
            subperils = _subperils;
            bool subperilsSupported = subperils.All(sp => subperilConfig.GetSubPerilList().Contains(sp));

            if (!subperilsSupported)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Subperils specified cannot be supported at this time");

            pData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSamplingSettings);
            GeneratorFactory = new GUInputGeneratorFactory(pData, subperils, _timestyle, _lossstyle);
コード例 #12
 public ReferencePrototype(PartitionData PD)
     PDataAdaptor = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD);
     Positions    = new PositionData();
     GraphCache   = new GraphBuildCache(PDataAdaptor);
コード例 #13
 private void InitilizePrototype(PartitionData PD, RAPSettings _rapsettings, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting _subSamplingSettings, JavascriptContext JSContext)
     PDataAdaptor = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, JSContext, _subSamplingSettings);
     Positions    = new PositionData();
     GraphCache   = new GraphBuildCache(PDataAdaptor, _rapsettings);