public void newWeapon(NEAT.Person weaponC) { weapon[wIndex] = weaponC; chosenW = weaponC; newWeaponEvent.Raise(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { time += Time.deltaTime; timeB -= Time.deltaTime; if (ga != null) { if (time > 5f) { time = 0f; GameObject gb = GameObject.Instantiate(objs.Find(n => == "weapon").objectItem); gb.transform.position = objectTransform.position; WeaponObject wp = gb.GetComponent <WeaponObject>(); NEAT.Person p = ga.results[random.Next(ga.results.Count - 1)]; wp.contained = p; } } if (timeB < 0f) { timeB = 10f; if (player.usedWepons.Count > 1) { breed(); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { weapon[0] = weapon[0].Clone(); weapon[1] = weapon[1].Clone(); weapon[2] = weapon[2].Clone(); playerData = playerData.Clone(); plane = new Plane(Vector3.up,; chosenW = weapon[wIndex]; }
public void breed() { ga.breed(); System.Random random = new System.Random(); chosen = ga.results[random.Next(ga.results.Count)]; Debug.Log(chosen); chosen.buildModel(); ga.updatePopulation(ga.results.Take(3).ToList()); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { t += Time.deltaTime; Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); float distance; if (plane.Raycast(ray, out distance)) { // some point of the plane was hit - get its coordinates Vector3 hitPoint = ray.GetPoint(distance); // use the hitPoint to aim your cannon player.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(player.transform.position, hitPoint, Time.deltaTime * playerData.speed); } //if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) //{ if (t > 1F / playerData.freq) { for (int i = 0; i < drone.Count; ++i) { GameObject gb = ParticlePooling.Instance.instantiate(this.tag, drone[i], chosenW); Transform enPos = null; float dist = 100000f; foreach (GameObject enemy in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy")) { if (dist > Vector3.Distance(enemy.transform.position, transform.position)) { enPos = enemy.transform; dist = Vector3.Distance(enemy.transform.position, transform.position); } } //gb.GetComponent<ParticleHomingForce>().target = enPos; } chosenW.usage++; if (!usedWepons.Contains(chosenW)) { usedWepons.Add(chosenW); } t = 0f; } //} if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { wIndex = (wIndex + 1) % weapon.Count; chosenW = weapon[wIndex]; changeWeapon.Raise(wIndex); //Debug.Log(wIndex); } }
public GameObject instantiate(string tag, Transform transform, NEAT.Person part) { GameObject res = null; if (pool.Count > 0) { res = pool[pool.Count - 1]; pool.RemoveAt(pool.Count - 1); res.transform.parent = activesTransform; res.transform.position = transform.position; res.transform.rotation = transform.rotation; if ( == null) { part.buildModel(); } res.GetComponent <Particle>().weapon =; res.GetComponent <Particle>().shooterTag = tag; res.GetComponent <Particle>().enabled = true; res.SetActive(true); } return(res); }
public void enemyDead(Transform transform) { double item = random.NextDouble(); if (item > 0.5f) { float r = (float)random.NextDouble(); float percSum = objs.Select(n => n.sizePerc).Sum(); double sum = 0; List <double> cumulatedSum = objs.Select(f => sum += f.sizePerc / percSum).ToList(); int index = cumulatedSum.FindIndex(f => f > r); GameObject gb = GameObject.Instantiate(objs[index].objectItem); gb.transform.position = transform.position; if (gb.GetComponent <WeaponObject>() != null) { WeaponObject wp = gb.GetComponent <WeaponObject>(); NEAT.Person p = ga.results[random.Next(ga.results.Count - 1)]; wp.contained = p; } } }
public void newWeapon(NEAT.Person weaponC) { //newWeaponEvent.Raise(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { /*var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); * * * a = (NEAT.Person)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("NEAT.Person"); * * NEAT.GENES.Node a1 = new NEAT.GENES.Node(NEAT.GENES.Node.NODE.IN, 0); * NEAT.GENES.Node a2 = new NEAT.GENES.Node(NEAT.GENES.Node.NODE.IN, 1); * NEAT.GENES.Node b1 = new NEAT.GENES.Node(NEAT.GENES.Node.NODE.HIDDEN, 2); * NEAT.GENES.Node c1 = new NEAT.GENES.Node(NEAT.GENES.Node.NODE.HIDDEN, 3); * NEAT.GENES.Node d1 = new NEAT.GENES.Node(NEAT.GENES.Node.NODE.OUT, 4); * NEAT.GENES.Node d2 = new NEAT.GENES.Node(NEAT.GENES.Node.NODE.OUT, 5); * * NEAT.GENES.Connection a1b1 = new NEAT.GENES.Connection(a1.nb, b1.nb, 0.5f); * NEAT.GENES.Connection a2b1 = new NEAT.GENES.Connection(a2.nb, b1.nb, 0.5f); * NEAT.GENES.Connection b1c1 = new NEAT.GENES.Connection(b1.nb, c1.nb, 0.5f); * NEAT.GENES.Connection c1d1 = new NEAT.GENES.Connection(c1.nb, d1.nb, 0.5f); * NEAT.GENES.Connection a1d1 = new NEAT.GENES.Connection(a1.nb, d1.nb, 0.5f); * NEAT.GENES.Connection c1d2 = new NEAT.GENES.Connection(c1.nb, d2.nb, 0.5f); * NEAT.GENES.Connection b1d2 = new NEAT.GENES.Connection(b1.nb, d2.nb, 0.2f); * a.node_gene.Add(a1); * a.node_gene.Add(a2); * a.node_gene.Add(b1); * a.node_gene.Add(c1); * a.node_gene.Add(d1); * a.node_gene.Add(d2); * * a.node_connect.Add(a1b1); * a.node_connect.Add(a2b1); * a.node_connect.Add(b1c1); * a.node_connect.Add(c1d1); * a.node_connect.Add(a1d1); * a.node_connect.Add(c1d2); * a.node_connect.Add(b1d2); * * a.buildModel(); * watch.Stop(); * Debug.Log(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); * * List<float> inputs = new List<float>(); * inputs.Add(0.5f); * inputs.Add(0.5f); * Debug.Log([0]); * Debug.Log([1]);*/ //a.instantiate(); a.buildModel(); //b.instantiate(); b.buildModel(); c.buildModel(); foreach (NEAT.GENES.Connection connection in a.node_connect) { NEAT.GENES.Connection.addConnection(connection); } foreach (NEAT.GENES.Connection connection in b.node_connect) { NEAT.GENES.Connection.addConnection(connection); } foreach (NEAT.GENES.Connection connection in c.node_connect) { NEAT.GENES.Connection.addConnection(connection); } List <NEAT.Person> population = new List <NEAT.Person>(); population.Add(a); population.Add(b); population.Add(c); Debug.Log(a); Debug.Log(b); Debug.Log(c); NEAT.GENES.Connection.global_innov = 7; ga = new GA.GA <NEAT.Person>(population, new GA.Selection.NEAT_Selection(), new GA.Crossover.NEAT_Crossover(), new GA.Mutation.NEAT_Mutation(), new GA.Fitness.NEAT_Fitness(), 10, 0.05f, 0.2f); //ga.breed(); //for (int i = 0; i < ga.results.Count; i++) // Debug.Log(ga.results[i]); //; chosen = a; }