internal bool LatDir; //Current Direction of the Lateral Axis True - Out False - In public Controller() { //Que for managing all messages; messageQueue = new MessageQueue(); //controller for managing all of the motors. MotorController = new MotorController(this); //new controller for the control of the position PositionController = new PositionController(this); //new conroller for the flow of data DataController = new DataController(this); }
public SpindleMotor(MotorController motorController) { isSpiCon = false; isSimulinkControl = false; SpiRPM = 0; SpiDir = true; RPMmax = 2000; RPMmin = 0; controller = motorController; }
public LateralMotor(MotorController motorController) { IsLatCon = false; IsSimulinkControl = false; LatIPM = 0; LatDir = true; LatMax = 5; LatMin = 1; epsilon = 0.1; controller = motorController; }
public TransverseMotor(MotorController motorController) { IsTraCon = false; IsSimulinkControl = false; TraIPM = 0; TraDir = true; TraMax = 15; TraMin = 1; epsilon = 0.1; //inherats this from parent controller = motorController; }