void ExploreSubItem(StreamWriter OutputStream, ref ByteStream Buffer) { Buffer.SkipBytes(8); byte Area = Buffer.ReadByte(); UInt16 MainSlot = Buffer.ReadUInt16(); Int16 SubSlot = Buffer.ReadInt16(); Buffer.SkipBytes(54); string Name = Buffer.ReadString(true); if (SubSlot >= 0) OutputStream.Write(" "); string AreaName = "Unknown"; switch (Area) { case 0: AreaName = "Personal Inventory"; break; case 1: AreaName = "Bank"; break; case 2: AreaName = "Shared Bank"; break; case 6: AreaName = "Personal Tribute"; break; case 7: AreaName = "Guild Tribute"; break; case 8: AreaName = "Merchant"; break; } OutputStream.WriteLine("Area: {0} {1} Main Slot {2,2} Sub Slot {3,3} Name {4}", Area, AreaName.PadRight(20), MainSlot, SubSlot, Name); Buffer.ReadString(true); // Lore Buffer.ReadString(true); // IDFile //Buffer.SkipBytes(236); // Item Body Struct UInt32 ID = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); byte Weight = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte NoRent = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte NoDrop = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte Attune = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte Size = Buffer.ReadByte(); OutputStream.WriteLine(" ID: {0} Weight: {1} NoRent: {2} NoDrop: {3} Attune {4} Size {5}", ID, Weight, NoRent, NoDrop, Attune, Size); UInt32 Slots = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Price = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Icon = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(2); UInt32 BenefitFlags = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); byte Tradeskills = Buffer.ReadByte(); OutputStream.WriteLine(" Slots: {0} Price: {1} Icon: {2} BenefitFlags {3} Tradeskills: {4}", Slots, Price, Icon, BenefitFlags, Tradeskills); byte CR = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte DR = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte PR = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte MR = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte FR = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte SVC = Buffer.ReadByte(); OutputStream.WriteLine(" CR: {0} DR: {1} PR: {2} MR: {3} FR: {4} SVC: {5}", CR, DR, PR, MR, FR, SVC); byte AStr = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte ASta = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte AAgi = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte ADex = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte ACha = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte AInt = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte AWis = Buffer.ReadByte(); OutputStream.WriteLine(" AStr: {0} ASta: {1} AAgi: {2} ADex: {3} ACha: {4} AInt: {5} AWis: {6}", AStr, ASta, AAgi, ADex, ACha, AInt, AWis); Int32 HP = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 Mana = Buffer.ReadInt32(); UInt32 Endurance = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Int32 AC = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 Regen = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 ManaRegen = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 EndRegen = Buffer.ReadInt32(); UInt32 Classes = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Races = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Deity = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Int32 SkillModValue = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(4); UInt32 SkillModType = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 BaneDamageRace = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 BaneDamageBody = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 BaneDamageRaceAmount = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Int32 BaneDamageAmount = Buffer.ReadInt32(); byte Magic = Buffer.ReadByte(); Int32 CastTime = Buffer.ReadInt32(); UInt32 ReqLevel = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 RecLevel = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 ReqSkill = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 BardType = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Int32 BardValue = Buffer.ReadInt32(); byte Light = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte Delay = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte ElemDamageAmount = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte ElemDamageType = Buffer.ReadByte(); byte Range = Buffer.ReadByte(); UInt32 Damage = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 Color = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); byte ItemType = Buffer.ReadByte(); UInt32 Material = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Buffer.SkipBytes(4); UInt32 EliteMaterial = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); float SellRate = Buffer.ReadSingle(); Int32 CombatEffects = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 Shielding = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 StunResist = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 StrikeThrough = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 ExtraDamageSkill = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 ExtraDamageAmount = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 SpellShield = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 Avoidance = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Int32 Accuracy = Buffer.ReadInt32(); UInt32 CharmFileID = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 FactionMod1 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Int32 FactionAmount1 = Buffer.ReadInt32(); UInt32 FactionMod2 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Int32 FactionAmount2 = Buffer.ReadInt32(); UInt32 FactionMod3 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Int32 FactionAmount3 = Buffer.ReadInt32(); UInt32 FactionMod4 = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); Int32 FactionAmount4 = Buffer.ReadInt32(); Buffer.ReadString(true); // Charm File Buffer.SkipBytes(64); // Item Secondary Body Struct Buffer.ReadString(true); // Filename Buffer.SkipBytes(76); // Item Tertiary Body Struct Buffer.SkipBytes(30); // Click Effect Struct Buffer.ReadString(true); // Clickname Buffer.SkipBytes(4); // clickunk7 Buffer.SkipBytes(30); // Proc Effect Struct Buffer.ReadString(true); // Proc Name Buffer.SkipBytes(4); // unknown5 Buffer.SkipBytes(30); // Worn Effect Struct Buffer.ReadString(true); // Worn Name Buffer.SkipBytes(4); // unknown6 Buffer.SkipBytes(30); // Worn Effect Struct Buffer.ReadString(true); // Worn Name Buffer.SkipBytes(4); // unknown6 Buffer.SkipBytes(30); // Worn Effect Struct Buffer.ReadString(true); // Worn Name Buffer.SkipBytes(4); // unknown6 Buffer.SkipBytes(30); // Worn Effect Struct Buffer.ReadString(true); // Worn Name Buffer.SkipBytes(4); // unknown6 Buffer.SkipBytes(103); // Item Quaternary Body Struct - 4 (we want to read the SubLength field at the end) UInt32 SubLengths = Buffer.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < SubLengths; ++i) { Buffer.SkipBytes(4); ExploreSubItem(OutputStream, ref Buffer); } }