protected virtual void NetFuncNpcActivate(PackedUInt objectId) { if (!CanDoActions()) { return; } NpcEntity npcEntity = null; if (!TryGetEntityByObjectId(objectId, out npcEntity)) { return; } if (Vector3.Distance(CacheTransform.position, npcEntity.CacheTransform.position) > gameInstance.conversationDistance + 5f) { return; } currentNpcDialog = npcEntity.StartDialog; if (currentNpcDialog != null) { RequestShowNpcDialog(currentNpcDialog.DataId); } }
private void Awake() { if (npcEntity == null) { npcEntity = GetComponentInParent <NpcEntity>(); } }
private bool RemoveEntity(GameObject other) { BasePlayerCharacterEntity player = null; BaseMonsterCharacterEntity monster = null; NpcEntity npc = null; ItemDropEntity itemDrop = null; BuildingEntity building = null; FindEntity(other, out player, out monster, out npc, out itemDrop, out building, false); if (player != null) { return(characters.Remove(player) && players.Remove(player)); } if (monster != null) { return(characters.Remove(monster) && monsters.Remove(monster)); } if (npc != null) { return(npcs.Remove(npc)); } if (itemDrop != null) { return(itemDrops.Remove(itemDrop)); } if (building != null) { return(buildings.Remove(building)); } return(false); }
private bool AddEntity(GameObject other) { BasePlayerCharacterEntity player = null; BaseMonsterCharacterEntity monster = null; NpcEntity npc = null; ItemDropEntity itemDrop = null; BuildingEntity building = null; FindEntity(other, out player, out monster, out npc, out itemDrop, out building); if (player != null) { if (!characters.Contains(player)) { characters.Add(player); } if (!players.Contains(player)) { players.Add(player); } return(true); } if (monster != null) { if (!characters.Contains(monster)) { characters.Add(monster); } if (!monsters.Contains(monster)) { monsters.Add(monster); } return(true); } if (npc != null) { if (!npcs.Contains(npc)) { npcs.Add(npc); } return(true); } if (building != null) { if (!buildings.Contains(building)) { buildings.Add(building); } return(true); } if (itemDrop != null) { if (!itemDrops.Contains(itemDrop)) { itemDrops.Add(itemDrop); } return(true); } return(false); }
public override void OnServerOnlineSceneLoaded() { base.OnServerOnlineSceneLoaded(); this.InvokeInstanceDevExtMethods("OnServerOnlineSceneLoaded"); RegisterEntities(); // Spawn monsters MonsterSpawnArea[] monsterSpawnAreas = FindObjectsOfType <MonsterSpawnArea>(); foreach (MonsterSpawnArea monsterSpawnArea in monsterSpawnAreas) { monsterSpawnArea.SpawnAll(); } // Spawn Warp Portals if (GameInstance.MapWarpPortals.Count > 0) { List <WarpPortal> mapWarpPortals; if (GameInstance.MapWarpPortals.TryGetValue(CurrentMapInfo.Id, out mapWarpPortals)) { foreach (WarpPortal warpPortal in mapWarpPortals) { WarpPortalEntity warpPortalPrefab = warpPortal.entityPrefab != null ? warpPortal.entityPrefab : gameInstance.warpPortalEntityPrefab; if (warpPortalPrefab != null) { GameObject spawnObj = Instantiate(warpPortalPrefab.gameObject, warpPortal.position, Quaternion.identity); WarpPortalEntity warpPortalEntity = spawnObj.GetComponent <WarpPortalEntity>(); warpPortalEntity.type = warpPortal.warpPortalType; warpPortalEntity.mapInfo = warpPortal.warpToMapInfo; warpPortalEntity.position = warpPortal.warpToPosition; Assets.NetworkSpawn(spawnObj); } } } } // Spawn Npcs if (GameInstance.MapNpcs.Count > 0) { List <Npc> mapNpcs; if (GameInstance.MapNpcs.TryGetValue(CurrentMapInfo.Id, out mapNpcs)) { foreach (Npc npc in mapNpcs) { NpcEntity npcPrefab = npc.entityPrefab; if (npcPrefab != null) { GameObject spawnObj = Instantiate(npcPrefab.gameObject, npc.position, Quaternion.Euler(npc.rotation)); NpcEntity npcEntity = spawnObj.GetComponent <NpcEntity>(); npcEntity.StartDialog = npc.startDialog; npcEntity.Title = npc.title; Assets.NetworkSpawn(spawnObj); } } } } // If it's server (not host) spawn simple camera controller if (!IsClient && GameInstance.Singleton.serverCharacterPrefab != null) { Instantiate(GameInstance.Singleton.serverCharacterPrefab); } }
protected void SetTargetNpc(NpcEntity npc) { if (uiTargetNpc == null) { return; } if (npc == null) { uiTargetNpc.Hide(); return; } uiTargetNpc.Data = npc; uiTargetNpc.Show(); }
protected void UpdateInput() { if (GenericUtils.IsFocusInputField()) { return; } if (PlayerCharacterEntity.IsDead()) { return; } // If it's building something, don't allow to activate NPC/Warp/Pickup Item if (!ConstructingBuildingEntity) { // Activate nearby npcs / players / activable buildings if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("Activate")) { targetPlayer = null; if (ActivatableEntityDetector.players.Count > 0) { targetPlayer = ActivatableEntityDetector.players[0]; } targetNpc = null; if (ActivatableEntityDetector.npcs.Count > 0) { targetNpc = ActivatableEntityDetector.npcs[0]; } targetBuilding = null; if (ActivatableEntityDetector.buildings.Count > 0) { targetBuilding = ActivatableEntityDetector.buildings[0]; } targetVehicle = null; if (ActivatableEntityDetector.vehicles.Count > 0) { targetVehicle = ActivatableEntityDetector.vehicles[0]; } // Priority Player -> Npc -> Buildings if (targetPlayer && CacheUISceneGameplay) { // Show dealing, invitation menu SelectedEntity = targetPlayer; CacheUISceneGameplay.SetActivePlayerCharacter(targetPlayer); } else if (targetNpc) { // Talk to NPC SelectedEntity = targetNpc; PlayerCharacterEntity.RequestNpcActivate(targetNpc.ObjectId); } else if (targetBuilding) { // Use building SelectedEntity = targetBuilding; ActivateBuilding(targetBuilding); } else if (targetVehicle) { // Enter vehicle PlayerCharacterEntity.RequestEnterVehicle(targetVehicle.ObjectId); } else { // Enter warp, For some warp portals that `warpImmediatelyWhenEnter` is FALSE PlayerCharacterEntity.RequestEnterWarp(); } } // Pick up nearby items if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("PickUpItem")) { targetItemDrop = null; if (ItemDropEntityDetector.itemDrops.Count > 0) { targetItemDrop = ItemDropEntityDetector.itemDrops[0]; } if (targetItemDrop != null) { PlayerCharacterEntity.RequestPickupItem(targetItemDrop.ObjectId); } } // Reload if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("Reload")) { // Reload ammo when press the button ReloadAmmo(); } if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("ExitVehicle")) { // Exit vehicle PlayerCharacterEntity.RequestExitVehicle(); } if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("SwitchEquipWeaponSet")) { // Switch equip weapon set PlayerCharacterEntity.RequestSwitchEquipWeaponSet((byte)(PlayerCharacterEntity.EquipWeaponSet + 1)); } if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("Sprint")) { // Toggles sprint state isSprinting = !isSprinting; } // Auto reload if (PlayerCharacterEntity.EquipWeapons.rightHand.IsAmmoEmpty() || PlayerCharacterEntity.EquipWeapons.leftHand.IsAmmoEmpty()) { // Reload ammo when empty and not press any keys ReloadAmmo(); } } // Update inputs UpdateLookInput(); UpdateWASDInput(); // Set sprinting state PlayerCharacterEntity.SetExtraMovement(isSprinting ? ExtraMovementState.IsSprinting : ExtraMovementState.None); }
protected override void Update() { if (PlayerCharacterEntity == null || !PlayerCharacterEntity.IsOwnerClient) { return; } base.Update(); UpdateLookAtTarget(); tempDeltaTime = Time.deltaTime; turnTimeCounter += tempDeltaTime; // Hide construction UI if (CurrentBuildingEntity == null) { if (CacheUISceneGameplay.uiConstructBuilding.IsVisible()) { CacheUISceneGameplay.uiConstructBuilding.Hide(); } } if (ActiveBuildingEntity == null) { if (CacheUISceneGameplay.uiCurrentBuilding.IsVisible()) { CacheUISceneGameplay.uiCurrentBuilding.Hide(); } } IsBlockController = CacheUISceneGameplay.IsBlockController(); // Lock cursor when not show UIs Cursor.lockState = !IsBlockController ? CursorLockMode.Locked : CursorLockMode.None; Cursor.visible = IsBlockController; CacheGameplayCameraControls.updateRotation = !IsBlockController; // Clear selected entity SelectedEntity = null; // Update crosshair (with states from last update) if (isDoingAction) { UpdateCrosshair(currentCrosshairSetting, currentCrosshairSetting.expandPerFrameWhileAttacking); } else if (movementState.HasFlag(MovementState.Forward) || movementState.HasFlag(MovementState.Backward) || movementState.HasFlag(MovementState.Left) || movementState.HasFlag(MovementState.Right) || movementState.HasFlag(MovementState.IsJump)) { UpdateCrosshair(currentCrosshairSetting, currentCrosshairSetting.expandPerFrameWhileMoving); } else { UpdateCrosshair(currentCrosshairSetting, -currentCrosshairSetting.shrinkPerFrame); } // Clear controlling states from last update isDoingAction = false; movementState = MovementState.None; UpdateActivatedWeaponAbility(tempDeltaTime); if (IsBlockController || GenericUtils.IsFocusInputField()) { mustReleaseFireKey = false; PlayerCharacterEntity.KeyMovement(, MovementState.None); DeactivateWeaponAbility(); return; } // Find target character Ray ray = CacheGameplayCameraControls.CacheCamera.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0)); Vector3 forward = CacheGameplayCameraControls.CacheCameraTransform.forward; Vector3 right = CacheGameplayCameraControls.CacheCameraTransform.right; float distanceFromOrigin = Vector3.Distance(ray.origin, PlayerCharacterEntity.CacheTransform.position); float aimDistance = distanceFromOrigin; // Calculating aim distance, also read attack inputs here // Attack inputs will be used to calculate attack distance if (CurrentBuildingEntity == null) { // Attack with right hand weapon tempPressAttackRight = InputManager.GetButton("Fire1"); if (weaponAbility == null && leftHandWeapon != null) { // Attack with left hand weapon if left hand weapon not empty tempPressAttackLeft = InputManager.GetButton("Fire2"); } else if (weaponAbility != null) { // Use weapon ability if it can tempPressWeaponAbility = InputManager.GetButtonDown("Fire2"); } // Is left hand attack when not attacking with right hand // So priority is right > left isLeftHandAttacking = !tempPressAttackRight && tempPressAttackLeft; // Calculate aim distance by skill or weapon if (queueSkill != null && queueSkill.IsAttack()) { // Increase aim distance by skill attack distance aimDistance += PlayerCharacterEntity.GetSkillAttackDistance(queueSkill, isLeftHandAttacking); } else { // Increase aim distance by attack distance aimDistance += PlayerCharacterEntity.GetAttackDistance(isLeftHandAttacking); } } actionLookDirection = aimPosition = ray.origin + ray.direction * aimDistance; actionLookDirection.y = PlayerCharacterEntity.CacheTransform.position.y; actionLookDirection = actionLookDirection - PlayerCharacterEntity.CacheTransform.position; actionLookDirection.Normalize(); // Prepare variables to find nearest raycasted hit point float tempDistance; float tempNearestDistance = float.MaxValue; // Find for enemy character if (CurrentBuildingEntity == null) { int tempCount = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(ray, raycasts, aimDistance); for (int tempCounter = 0; tempCounter < tempCount; ++tempCounter) { tempHitInfo = raycasts[tempCounter]; tempEntity = tempHitInfo.collider.GetComponent <BaseGameEntity>(); // Find building entity from building material if (tempEntity == null) { tempBuildingMaterial = tempHitInfo.collider.GetComponent <BuildingMaterial>(); if (tempBuildingMaterial != null) { tempEntity = tempBuildingMaterial.buildingEntity; } } if (tempEntity == null || tempEntity == PlayerCharacterEntity) { continue; } // Target must be alive if (tempEntity is IDamageableEntity && (tempEntity as IDamageableEntity).IsDead()) { continue; } // Target must be in front of player character if (!PlayerCharacterEntity.IsPositionInFov(15f, tempEntity.CacheTransform.position, forward)) { continue; } // Set aim position and found target tempDistance = Vector3.Distance(CacheGameplayCameraControls.CacheCameraTransform.position, tempHitInfo.point); if (tempDistance < tempNearestDistance) { tempNearestDistance = tempDistance; aimPosition = tempHitInfo.point; if (tempEntity != null) { SelectedEntity = tempEntity; } } } // Show target hp/mp CacheUISceneGameplay.SetTargetEntity(SelectedEntity); } else { // Clear area before next find CurrentBuildingEntity.buildingArea = null; // Find for position to construction building bool foundSnapBuildPosition = false; int tempCount = Physics.RaycastNonAlloc(ray, raycasts, gameInstance.buildDistance); BuildingArea buildingArea = null; for (int tempCounter = 0; tempCounter < tempCount; ++tempCounter) { tempHitInfo = raycasts[tempCounter]; tempEntity = tempHitInfo.collider.GetComponentInParent <BuildingEntity>(); if (tempEntity == null || tempEntity == CurrentBuildingEntity) { continue; } buildingArea = tempHitInfo.transform.GetComponent <BuildingArea>(); if (buildingArea == null || (buildingArea.buildingEntity != null && buildingArea.buildingEntity == CurrentBuildingEntity) || !CurrentBuildingEntity.buildingType.Equals(buildingArea.buildingType)) { continue; } // Set aim position tempDistance = Vector3.Distance(CacheGameplayCameraControls.CacheCameraTransform.position, tempHitInfo.point); if (tempDistance < tempNearestDistance) { aimPosition = tempHitInfo.point; CurrentBuildingEntity.buildingArea = buildingArea; if (buildingArea.snapBuildingObject) { foundSnapBuildPosition = true; break; } } } // Update building position if (!foundSnapBuildPosition) { CurrentBuildingEntity.CacheTransform.position = aimPosition; // Rotate to camera Vector3 direction = (aimPosition - CacheGameplayCameraControls.CacheCameraTransform.position).normalized; direction.y = 0; CurrentBuildingEntity.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); } } // If mobile platforms, don't receive input raw to make it smooth bool raw = !InputManager.useMobileInputOnNonMobile && !Application.isMobilePlatform; Vector3 moveDirection =; forward.y = 0f; right.y = 0f; forward.Normalize(); right.Normalize(); float inputV = InputManager.GetAxis("Vertical", raw); float inputH = InputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal", raw); moveDirection += forward * inputV; moveDirection += right * inputH; // Set movement state by inputs switch (mode) { case Mode.Adventure: if (inputV > 0.5f || inputV < -0.5f || inputH > 0.5f || inputH < -0.5f) { movementState = MovementState.Forward; } moveLookDirection = moveDirection; break; case Mode.Combat: moveDirection += forward * inputV; moveDirection += right * inputH; if (inputV > 0.5f) { movementState |= MovementState.Forward; } else if (inputV < -0.5f) { movementState |= MovementState.Backward; } if (inputH > 0.5f) { movementState |= MovementState.Right; } else if (inputH < -0.5f) { movementState |= MovementState.Left; } moveLookDirection = actionLookDirection; break; } // normalize input if it exceeds 1 in combined length: if (moveDirection.sqrMagnitude > 1) { moveDirection.Normalize(); } if (CurrentBuildingEntity != null) { mustReleaseFireKey = false; // Building tempPressAttackRight = InputManager.GetButtonUp("Fire1"); if (tempPressAttackRight) { if (showConfirmConstructionUI) { // Show confirm UI if (!CacheUISceneGameplay.uiConstructBuilding.IsVisible()) { CacheUISceneGameplay.uiConstructBuilding.Show(); } } else { // Build when click ConfirmBuild(); } } else { // Update move direction if (moveDirection.magnitude != 0f) { targetLookDirection = moveLookDirection; } } } else { // Have to release fire key, then check press fire key later on next frame if (mustReleaseFireKey) { tempPressAttackRight = false; tempPressAttackLeft = false; if (!isLeftHandAttacking && (InputManager.GetButtonUp("Fire1") || !InputManager.GetButton("Fire1"))) { mustReleaseFireKey = false; } if (isLeftHandAttacking && (InputManager.GetButtonUp("Fire2") || !InputManager.GetButton("Fire2"))) { mustReleaseFireKey = false; } } // Not building so it is attacking tempPressActivate = InputManager.GetButtonDown("Activate"); tempPressPickupItem = InputManager.GetButtonDown("PickUpItem"); tempPressReload = InputManager.GetButtonDown("Reload"); if (queueSkill != null || tempPressAttackRight || tempPressAttackLeft || tempPressActivate || PlayerCharacterEntity.IsPlayingActionAnimation()) { // Find forward character / npc / building / warp entity from camera center targetPlayer = null; targetNpc = null; targetBuilding = null; if (tempPressActivate && !tempPressAttackRight && !tempPressAttackLeft) { if (SelectedEntity is BasePlayerCharacterEntity) { targetPlayer = SelectedEntity as BasePlayerCharacterEntity; } if (SelectedEntity is NpcEntity) { targetNpc = SelectedEntity as NpcEntity; } if (SelectedEntity is BuildingEntity) { targetBuilding = SelectedEntity as BuildingEntity; } } // While attacking turn to camera forward tempCalculateAngle = Vector3.Angle(PlayerCharacterEntity.CacheTransform.forward, actionLookDirection); if (tempCalculateAngle > 15f) { if (queueSkill != null && queueSkill.IsAttack()) { turningState = TurningState.UseSkill; } else if (tempPressAttackRight || tempPressAttackLeft) { turningState = TurningState.Attack; } else if (tempPressActivate) { turningState = TurningState.Activate; } turnTimeCounter = ((180f - tempCalculateAngle) / 180f) * turnToTargetDuration; targetLookDirection = actionLookDirection; // Set movement state by inputs if (inputV > 0.5f) { movementState |= MovementState.Forward; } else if (inputV < -0.5f) { movementState |= MovementState.Backward; } if (inputH > 0.5f) { movementState |= MovementState.Right; } else if (inputH < -0.5f) { movementState |= MovementState.Left; } } else { // Attack immediately if character already look at target if (queueSkill != null && queueSkill.IsAttack()) { UseSkill(isLeftHandAttacking, aimPosition); isDoingAction = true; } else if (tempPressAttackRight || tempPressAttackLeft) { Attack(isLeftHandAttacking); isDoingAction = true; } else if (tempPressActivate) { Activate(); } } // If skill is not attack skill, use it immediately if (queueSkill != null && !queueSkill.IsAttack()) { UseSkill(false); } queueSkill = null; } else if (tempPressWeaponAbility) { switch (weaponAbilityState) { case WeaponAbilityState.Activated: case WeaponAbilityState.Activating: DeactivateWeaponAbility(); break; case WeaponAbilityState.Deactivated: case WeaponAbilityState.Deactivating: ActivateWeaponAbility(); break; } } else if (tempPressPickupItem) { // Find for item to pick up if (SelectedEntity != null) { PlayerCharacterEntity.RequestPickupItem((SelectedEntity as ItemDropEntity).ObjectId); } } else if (tempPressReload) { // Reload ammo when press the button ReloadAmmo(); } else { // Update move direction if (moveDirection.magnitude != 0f) { targetLookDirection = moveLookDirection; } } // Setup releasing state if (tempPressAttackRight && rightHandWeapon != null && rightHandWeapon.fireType == FireType.SingleFire) { // The weapon's fire mode is single fire, so player have to release fire key for next fire mustReleaseFireKey = true; } else if (tempPressAttackLeft && leftHandWeapon != null && leftHandWeapon.fireType == FireType.SingleFire) { // The weapon's fire mode is single fire, so player have to release fire key for next fire mustReleaseFireKey = true; } // Auto reload if (!tempPressAttackRight && !tempPressAttackLeft && !tempPressReload && (PlayerCharacterEntity.EquipWeapons.rightHand.IsAmmoEmpty() || PlayerCharacterEntity.EquipWeapons.leftHand.IsAmmoEmpty())) { // Reload ammo when empty and not press any keys ReloadAmmo(); } } SetAimPosition(aimPosition); // Hide Npc UIs when move if (moveDirection.magnitude != 0f) { HideNpcDialogs(); PlayerCharacterEntity.StopMove(); PlayerCharacterEntity.SetTargetEntity(null); } // If jumping add jump state if (InputManager.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { movementState |= MovementState.IsJump; } PlayerCharacterEntity.KeyMovement(moveDirection, movementState); }
private void FindEntity(GameObject other, out BasePlayerCharacterEntity player, out BaseMonsterCharacterEntity monster, out NpcEntity npc, out ItemDropEntity itemDrop, out BuildingEntity building, bool findWithAdvanceOptions = true) { player = null; if (findPlayer) { player = other.GetComponent <BasePlayerCharacterEntity>(); if (player == BasePlayerCharacterController.OwningCharacter) { player = null; } if (findWithAdvanceOptions) { if (findOnlyAlivePlayers && player != null && player.IsDead()) { player = null; } if (findPlayerToAttack && player != null && player.IsAlly(BasePlayerCharacterController.OwningCharacter)) { player = null; } } } monster = null; if (findMonster) { monster = other.GetComponent <BaseMonsterCharacterEntity>(); if (findWithAdvanceOptions) { if (findOnlyAliveMonsters && monster != null && monster.IsDead()) { monster = null; } if (findMonsterToAttack && monster != null && monster.IsAlly(BasePlayerCharacterController.OwningCharacter)) { monster = null; } } } npc = null; if (findNpc) { npc = other.GetComponent <NpcEntity>(); } itemDrop = null; if (findItemDrop) { itemDrop = other.GetComponent <ItemDropEntity>(); } building = null; if (findBuilding) { BuildingMaterial buildingMaterial = other.GetComponent <BuildingMaterial>(); if (buildingMaterial != null) { building = buildingMaterial.buildingEntity; } if (findWithAdvanceOptions) { if (findOnlyAliveBuildings && building != null && building.IsDead()) { building = null; } if (findOnlyActivatableBuildings && building != null && !building.Activatable) { building = null; } } } }