コード例 #1
		// Used for debuggin purposes
		internal static void SaveToFile (string fileName, CGBitmapContext bitmap)

			if (bitmap == null)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException ("cgimage");

			// With MonoTouch we can use UTType from CoreMobileServices but since
			// MonoMac does not have that yet (or at least can not find it) I will 
			// use the string version of those for now.  I did not want to add another
			// #if #else in here.

			// for now we will just default this to png
			var typeIdentifier = "public.png";

			// * NOTE * we only support one image for right now.
			//NSMutableData imgData = new NSMutableData();
			NSUrl url = NSUrl.FromFilename (fileName);

			// Create an image destination that saves into the imgData 
            CGImageDestination dest = CGImageDestination.Create (url, typeIdentifier, 1);

			// Add an image to the destination
            dest.AddImage(bitmap.GetImage(), (NSDictionary)null);

			// Finish the export
			bool success = dest.Close ();
			//                        if (success == false)
			//                                Console.WriteLine("did not work");
			//                        else
			//                                Console.WriteLine("did work: " + path);

			dest = null;
