public static void Main (string[] args) { ButtonEvents buts = new ButtonEvents (); var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var token = tokenSource.Token; var dialog = new InfoDialog("Attach distance sensor", false); dialog.Show(); var sensor = SensorAttachment.Wait<MSAngleSensor>(token);//wait for sensor to attached on any port LcdConsole.WriteLine("Up reset angle"); LcdConsole.WriteLine("Down read RMP"); LcdConsole.WriteLine("Enter read angle"); LcdConsole.WriteLine("Left read raw"); LcdConsole.WriteLine("Esc. terminate"); buts.EscapePressed += () => { tokenSource.Cancel(); }; buts.EnterPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Angle: " + sensor.ReadAngle().ToString()); }; buts.UpPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Reset angle"); sensor.ResetAngle(); }; buts.DownPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Read RPM: " + sensor.ReadRPM().ToString()); }; buts.LeftPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Read raw: " + sensor.ReadRAW().ToString()); }; token.WaitHandle.WaitOne(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { InfoDialog dialog = new InfoDialog ("Attach a motor to port A", true); dialog.Show ();//Wait for enter to be pressed Motor motor = new Motor (MotorPort.OutA); motor.SetSpeed (50); Thread.Sleep (3000); motor.Off (); Lcd.Instance.Clear (); }
static void Main (string[] args) { var step = new StepContainer (StartWebserver, "Starting server", "Failed to start"); Dialog dialog = new ProgressDialog("Webserver", step); if (dialog.Show ()) { dialog = new InfoDialog ("Press enter to stop", true, "Webserver"); dialog.Show (); StopWebserver (); } }
const int REMOTE_COMMAND_STOP = 's'; // 's' public static void Main() { // 構造体の宣言と初期化 var body = new EV3body (); EV3body.init (ref body); // Bluetooth関係のETロボコン拡張機能を有効にする Brick.InstallETRoboExt (); // リモート接続 NetworkStream connection = connect(); // センサーおよびモータに対して初回アクセスをしておく body.color.Read(); body.sonar.Read(); body.gyro.Read (); body.motorL.SetPower (0); body.motorR.SetPower (0); body.motorT.SetPower (0); body.motorL.ResetTacho (); body.motorR.ResetTacho (); body.motorT.ResetTacho (); Balancer.init (); // スタート待ち wait_start(body, connection); var dialogRun = new InfoDialog ("Running", false); dialogRun.Show ();//Wait for enter to be pressed try{ run(body, connection); }catch(Exception){ var dialogE = new InfoDialog ("Exception.", false); dialogE.Show();//Wait for enter to be pressed } body.motorL.Off (); body.motorR.Off (); body.motorT.Off (); // ソケットを閉じる if (connection != null) { connection.Close (); } Lcd.Instance.Clear (); Lcd.Instance.Update (); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Brick.ExitToMenu (); // MonoBrickメインメニューへ戻る } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="body"></param> public void wait_start(EquipmentParameters body) { //スタート待ち var dialogSTART = new InfoDialog("Touch to START", false); dialogSTART.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed MicroStopwatch stopwatch = new MicroStopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); int counter = 0; Thread.Sleep(2000); while (!body.TouchSensors.IsPressed()) { TailMoter.tailControl(body, EquipmentParameters.TAIL_ANGLE_STAND_UP); //完全停止用角度に制御 if (btConnectionLibrary.CheckRemoteCommand(EquipmentParameters.REMOTE_COMMAND_START)) break; // PC で 'g' キーが押された // 電圧を取得 int battery = Brick.GetVoltageMilliVolt(); int reflection = body.LightSensors.Read(); int gyroNow = body.GyroSensors.Read(); int thetaL = body.MpLeft.GetTachoCount(); int theTaR = body.MpRight.GetTachoCount(); SensorData sendData = new SensorData(); sendData.AddAPower(builder, 0); sendData.AddBPower(builder, 0); sendData.AddBOdometer(builder, thetaL); sendData.AddBattery(builder, battery); sendData.AddCPower (builder, 0); sendData.AddCOdometer (builder, theTaR); sendData.AddGyroSensor(builder, gyroNow); sendData.AddReflectionSensor(builder, reflection); sendData.AddSonerSensor(builder, 0); sendData.AddTouchSenser(builder, 0); sendData.AddTaskProcessTime(builder, stopwatch.ElapsedMicroseconds); btConnectionLibrary.SensorDataContainer.Enqueue(sendData); if (++counter >= 100 / 4) { btConnectionLibrary.SendQueueData2(); counter = 0; } Thread.Sleep(4); } while (body.TouchSensors.IsPressed()) { TailMoter.tailControl(body, EquipmentParameters.TAIL_ANGLE_STAND_UP); //完全停止用角度に制御 Thread.Sleep(4); } }
/// <summary> /// 接続処理 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Connect() { bool isConnect = false; // サーバとの接続設定 IPAddress ipAddr = IPAddress.Parse(IpAddress); var listener = new TcpListener(ipAddr, EquipmentParameters.SOCKET_PORT); listener.Start(); // クライアントからの受信接続要求の待機を開始 var dialogCON = new InfoDialog("Please connect...", false); dialogCON.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed try { Socket sock = listener.AcceptSocket(); // 接続要求の受け入れ var dialogCONA = new InfoDialog("AcceptSocket...", false); dialogCONA.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed Connection = new NetworkStream(sock, true); var dialogCONB = new InfoDialog("NetworkStream...", false); dialogCONB.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed isConnect = true; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { var dialogE = new InfoDialog("Connect is Failed1.", false); dialogE.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed Connection = null; } catch (IOException) { var dialogE = new InfoDialog("Connect is Failed2.", false); dialogE.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed Connection = null; } catch (SocketException) { var dialogE = new InfoDialog("Connect is Failed3.", false); dialogE.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed Connection = null; } var dialogCON2 = new InfoDialog("Listener connected.", false); dialogCON2.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed listener.Stop(); return isConnect; }
public static bool TurnCheckBoxOnOff (bool isChecked) { if (isChecked) { var step = new StepContainer (DummyStep, "Turning off", "Failed to turn off"); var progressDialog = new ProgressDialog ("Information", step); progressDialog.Show (); return false; } else { var dialog = new InfoDialog("Turning On", true); dialog.Show(); return true; } }
private void OnUpdateCompleted(StepDialog dialog) { if (dialog.ExecutedOk) { Parent.SuspendButtonEvents (); Lcd.Clear (); Lcd.WriteText (Font.MediumFont, new Point (0, 0), "Shutting down...", true); Lcd.Update (); Buttons.LedPattern (2); Brick.TurnOff (); var whyAreYouHereDialog = new InfoDialog ("Cut the power", "Reboot failed"); whyAreYouHereDialog.Show (); Lcd.Clear (); new ManualResetEvent (false).WaitOne (); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { // AOT Compile ProcessHelper.RunAndWaitForProcess(monoPath, "--aot=full " + ProgramPathSdCard + "/" + TargetProgramFolder + "/" + TargetProgramNameEXE); ProcessHelper.RunAndWaitForProcess(monoPath, "--aot=full " + ProgramPathSdCard + "/" + TargetProgramFolder + "/" + "MonoBrickFirmware.dll"); var info = new InfoDialog("AOTCompileApp is Success.", true, "Program"); info.Show(); } catch { var info = new InfoDialog("AOTCompileApp is Error.", true, "Program"); info.Show (); } }
public static void Main (string[] args) { using (ButtonEvents buts = new ButtonEvents ()) { var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource (); var token = tokenSource.Token; buts.EscapePressed += tokenSource.Cancel; var dialog = new InfoDialog ("Attach distance sensor"); dialog.Show (); var sensor = SensorAttachment.Wait<MSDistanceSensor> (token);//wait for sensor to attached on any port if (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Up power on"); LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Down power off"); LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Enter read sensor"); LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Left read voltage"); LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Right read range type"); LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Esc. terminate"); buts.EnterPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Sensor reading: " + sensor.ReadAsString ()); }; buts.UpPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Power on"); sensor.PowerOn (); }; buts.DownPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Power off"); sensor.PowerOff (); }; buts.LeftPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Voltage: " + sensor.GetVolgage ()); }; buts.RightPressed += () => { LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Sensor range is : " + sensor.GetRange ()); }; } token.WaitHandle.WaitOne (); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> static void Main(string[] args) { var initDialog = new InfoDialog("InitializingDB", false); initDialog.Show();//Wait for enter to be pressed // 処理速度の観点からNG //using System.Diagnostics; //がソースファイルの一番上に書かれているものとする // DefaultTraceListenerオブジェクトを取得 // DefaultTraceListener drl; // drl = (DefaultTraceListener)Trace.Listeners["Default"]; // LogFileNameを変更する // drl.LogFileName = @"home/root/apps/ET2015/test1.txt"; // drl.LogFileName = @"test1.txt"; initDialog.UpdateMessage("InitializeingParam"); initDialog.Show();//Wait for enter to be pressed // 構造体の宣言と初期化 // var body = new EV3body(); // EV3body.init(ref body); var equipParameter = new EquipmentParameters(); var mainControl = new MainLogic(); // ログ取得対象のセンサを追加する // Bluetooth関係のETロボコン拡張機能を有効にする Brick.InstallETRoboExt(); var btConnectionLibrary = new Bluetooth(); // リモート接続 btConnectionLibrary.Connect(); mainControl.btConnectionLibrary = btConnectionLibrary; //キャリブレーション equipParameter.GyroSensors.Reset(); InfoDialog dialogGyro = new InfoDialog ("Calibrate Gyro", false); dialogGyro.Show ();//Wait for enter to be pressed equipParameter.GyroSensors.Read() + 600; //int gyroOff = gyro.ReadAngularAcceleration (); // 左・右走行? // センサーおよびモータに対して初回アクセスをしておく equipParameter.LightSensors.Read(); equipParameter.DistSensors.Read(); equipParameter.GyroSensors.Read(); equipParameter.MpLeft.SetPower(0); equipParameter.MpRight.SetPower(0); equipParameter.TailMoter.SetPower(0); equipParameter.MpLeft.ResetTacho(); equipParameter.MpRight.ResetTacho(); equipParameter.TailMoter.ResetTacho(); Balancer.init(); // スタート待ち // TODO: 処理速度 mainControl.wait_start(equipParameter); try {; } catch (Exception) { var dialogE = new InfoDialog("Exception.", false); dialogE.Show();//Wait for enter to be pressed } equipParameter.MpLeft.Off(); equipParameter.MpRight.Off(); equipParameter.TailMoter.Off(); // ソケットを閉じる // if (connection != null) // { // connection.Close(); // } Lcd.Instance.Clear(); Lcd.Instance.Update(); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { Brick.ExitToMenu(); // MonoBrickメインメニューへ戻る } }
static NetworkStream connect(){ // サーバとの接続設定 NetworkStream connection; IPAddress ipAddr = IPAddress.Parse(""); var listener = new TcpListener (ipAddr, SOCKET_PORT); listener.Start(); // クライアントからの受信接続要求の待機を開始 var dialogCON = new InfoDialog ("Please connect...", false); dialogCON.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed try { Socket sock = listener.AcceptSocket(); // 接続要求の受け入れ connection = new NetworkStream(sock, true); } catch (SocketException) { var dialogE = new InfoDialog ("Connect is Failed.", false); dialogE.Show(); // Wait for enter to be pressed connection = null; } listener.Stop(); return connection; }
static bool ShowUpdatesDialogs () { if (WiFiDevice.IsLinkUp ()) { bool newImage = false; bool newFirmwareApp = false; bool newAddin = false; VersionInfo versionInfo = null; var step = new StepContainer ( delegate() { try { versionInfo = VersionHelper.AvailableVersions (); newImage = versionInfo.Image != VersionHelper.CurrentImageVersion (); newFirmwareApp = versionInfo.Fimrware != firmwareVersion; string addInVersion = VersionHelper.CurrentAddInVersion (); if (addInVersion != null) newAddin = versionInfo.AddIn != VersionHelper.CurrentAddInVersion (); } catch { return false; } return true; }, "Checking server", "Failed to check for Updates"); var dialog = new ProgressDialog ("Updates", step); dialog.Show (); if (newImage) { var visitWebsiteDialog = new InfoDialog ("New image available. Download it at", true); visitWebsiteDialog.Show (); } else { if (newFirmwareApp) { var updateQuestion = new QuestionDialog ("New firmware available. Update?", "New Fiwmware"); if (updateQuestion.Show ()) { var updateHelper = new UpdateHelper (versionInfo.Fimrware); List<IStep> steps = new List<IStep> (); steps.Add (new StepContainer (updateHelper.DownloadFirmware, "Downloading...", "Failed to download files")); steps.Add (new StepContainer (updateHelper.UpdateBootFile, "Updating system", "Failed to update boot file")); var updateDialog = new StepDialog ("Updating", steps); if (updateDialog.Show ()) { for (int seconds = 10; seconds > 0; seconds--) { var rebootDialog = new InfoDialog ("Update completed. Rebooting in " + seconds, false); rebootDialog.Show (); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000); } ProcessHelper.RunAndWaitForProcess ("/sbin/shutdown", "-h now"); Thread.Sleep (120000); var whyAreYouHereDialog = new InfoDialog ("Cut the power", false, "Reboot failed"); whyAreYouHereDialog.Show (); new ManualResetEvent (false).WaitOne (); } } } else { if (newAddin) { var visitWebsiteDialog = new InfoDialog ("New Xamarin Add-in. Download it at", true); visitWebsiteDialog.Show (); } else { var noUpdateDialog = new InfoDialog ("No updates available", true); noUpdateDialog.Show (); } } } } else { var dialog = new InfoDialog ("WiFi device is not pressent", true); dialog.Show(); } return false; }
static void wait_start(EV3body body, NetworkStream connection){ //スタート待ち var dialogSTART = new InfoDialog ("Touch to START", false); dialogSTART.Show (); // Wait for enter to be pressed while (!body.touch.IsPressed()) { tail_control(body, TAIL_ANGLE_STAND_UP); //完全停止用角度に制御 if (checkRemoteCommand(connection, REMOTE_COMMAND_START)) break; // PC で 'g' キーが押された Thread.Sleep (4); } while (body.touch.IsPressed ()) { tail_control(body, TAIL_ANGLE_STAND_UP); //完全停止用角度に制御 Thread.Sleep (4); } }
private void OnCompileInfoDialogExit(InfoDialog dialog) { compileDialog.SetFocus (Parent, OnStartProgramCompileExit); }
static void RunAndWaitForProgram(string programName, ExecutionMode mode) { switch (mode) { case ExecutionMode.Debug: programName = @"--debug --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,address=" + settings.DebugSettings.Port + ",server=y " + programName; System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process (); Dialog dialog = null; Thread escapeThread = null; CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); CancellationToken token = cts.Token; string portString = ("Port: " + settings.DebugSettings.Port).PadRight(6).PadRight(6); if (settings.DebugSettings.TerminateWithEscape) { escapeThread = new System.Threading.Thread (delegate() { while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { if (Buttons.Instance.GetKeypress (token) == Buttons.ButtonStates.Escape) { proc.Kill (); Console.WriteLine ("Killing process"); cts.Cancel(); } } }); escapeThread.Start(); dialog = new InfoDialog (portString + " Press escape to terminate", false, "Debug Mode"); } else { dialog = new InfoDialog (portString + " Waiting for connection.", false, "Debug Mode"); } dialog.Show (); proc.EnableRaisingEvents = false; Console.WriteLine ("Starting process: {0} with arguments: {1}", "/usr/local/bin/mono", programName); proc.StartInfo.FileName = "/usr/local/bin/mono"; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = programName; proc.Start (); proc.WaitForExit (); if (escapeThread != null && !token.IsCancellationRequested) { cts.Cancel(); escapeThread.Join(); } break; case ExecutionMode.Normal: ProcessHelper.RunAndWaitForProcess("/usr/local/bin/mono", programName); break; case ExecutionMode.AOT: ProcessHelper.RunAndWaitForProcess("/usr/local/bin/mono", "--full-aot " + programName); break; } }
static bool ShowProgramOptions(string programFolder) { string fileName = ""; try { fileName = Directory.EnumerateFiles (programFolder, "*.exe").First (); } catch { var info = new InfoDialog (programFolder + "is not executable", true, "Program"); info.Show (); Directory.Delete (programFolder, true); updateProgramList = true; return true; } var dialog = new SelectDialog<string> (new string[] { "Run Program", "Debug Program", "Run In AOT", "AOT Compile", "Delete Program", }, "Options", true); dialog.Show (); if (!dialog.EscPressed) { Action programAction = null; switch (dialog.GetSelectionIndex ()) { case 0: Lcd.Instance.Clear (); Lcd.Instance.DrawBitmap (monoLogo, new Point ((int)(Lcd.Width - monoLogo.Width) / 2, 5)); Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle (new Point (0, Lcd.Height - (int)Font.SmallFont.maxHeight - 2), new Point (Lcd.Width, Lcd.Height - 2)); Lcd.Instance.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Running...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Instance.Update (); programAction = () => RunAndWaitForProgram (fileName, ExecutionMode.Normal); break; case 1: programAction = () => RunAndWaitForProgram (fileName, ExecutionMode.Debug); break; case 2: if (!AOTHelper.IsFileCompiled (fileName)) { if (AOTCompileAndShowDialog (programFolder)) { programAction = () => RunAndWaitForProgram (fileName, ExecutionMode.AOT); } } else { programAction = () => RunAndWaitForProgram (fileName, ExecutionMode.AOT); } break; case 3: if (AOTHelper.IsFileCompiled (fileName)) { var questionDialog = new QuestionDialog ("Progran already compiled. Recompile?", "AOT recompile"); if (questionDialog.Show ()) { AOTCompileAndShowDialog (programFolder); } } else { AOTCompileAndShowDialog (programFolder); } break; case 4: var question = new QuestionDialog ("Are you sure?", "Delete"); if (question.Show ()) { var step = new StepContainer (() => { Directory.Delete (programFolder, true); return true; }, "Deleting ", "Error deleting program"); var progressDialog = new ProgressDialog ("Program", step); progressDialog.Show (); updateProgramList = true; } break; } if (programAction != null) { Console.WriteLine("Starting application"); programAction(); Console.WriteLine ("Done running application"); } return updateProgramList; } return false; }
static bool ShowUpdatesDialogs() { if (WiFiDevice.IsLinkUp()) { var step = new StepContainer( delegate() { try{ return UpdateAvailable (); } catch { return false; } }, "Checking server", "No software updates available", "Software update available. Visit"); var dialog = new ProgressDialog("Updates", step); dialog.Show(); } else { var dialog = new InfoDialog ("WiFi device is not pressent", true); dialog.Show(); } return false; }
public static void Main (string[] args) { if (!File.Exists (SuspendFile)) { File.Create (SuspendFile); } FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); watcher.Path = Path.GetDirectoryName(SuspendFile); watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; watcher.Filter = Path.GetFileName(SuspendFile); watcher.Changed += OnSuspendFileChanged; watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; Menu menu = new Menu ("Main Menu"); menu.AddItem(new ItemWithProgramList ("Programs", false)); menu.AddItem(new ItemWiFiOptions ()); menu.AddItem(new ItemWithSettings ()); menu.AddItem(new ItemWithUpdateDialog ()); //menu.AddItem(new ItemWithWebserver ()); menu.AddItem(new ItemWithBrickInfo ()); menu.AddItem(new ItemWithTurnOff ()); container = new FirmwareMenuContainer (menu); Bitmap monoLogo = Bitmap.FromResouce(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "monologo.bitmap"); Lcd.DrawBitmap (monoLogo, new Point ((int)(Lcd.Width - monoLogo.Width) / 2, 5)); Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle (new Point (0, Lcd.Height - (int)Font.SmallFont.maxHeight - 2), new Point (Lcd.Width, Lcd.Height - 2)); Lcd.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Initializing...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Update (); WiFiDevice.TurnOff (); ProgramManager.CreateSDCardFolder(); Lcd.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Loading settings...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Update (); FirmwareSettings.Load (); Lcd.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Applying settings...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Update (); if (FirmwareSettings.GeneralSettings.ConnectToWiFiAtStartUp) { Lcd.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Connecting to WiFi...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Update (); if (WiFiDevice.TurnOn (FirmwareSettings.WiFiSettings.SSID, FirmwareSettings.WiFiSettings.Password, FirmwareSettings.WiFiSettings.Encryption, 40000)) { if (FirmwareSettings.GeneralSettings.CheckForSwUpdatesAtStartUp) { container.Show (3); //show the menu container with the update dialog return; } else { var dialog = new InfoDialog ("Connected Successfully " + WiFiDevice.GetIpAddress ()); dialog.Show (); } } else { var dialog = new InfoDialog ("Failed to connect to WiFI Network"); dialog.Show (); } } container.Show (); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Lcd.Instance.DrawBitmap (monoLogo, new Point ((int)(Lcd.Width - monoLogo.Width) / 2, 5)); Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle (new Point (0, Lcd.Height - (int)Font.SmallFont.maxHeight - 2), new Point (Lcd.Width, Lcd.Height - 2)); Lcd.Instance.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Initializing...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Instance.Update (); WiFiDevice.TurnOff (); if (!Directory.Exists (ProgramPathSdCard)) Directory.CreateDirectory (ProgramPathSdCard); // JIT work-around remove when JIT problem is fixed System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (10); Console.WriteLine ("JIT workaround - please remove!!!"); Lcd.Instance.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Checking WiFi...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Instance.Update (); //WiFiDevice.IsLinkUp (); Lcd.Instance.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Starting Mono Runtime...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Instance.Update (); string monoVersion = "Unknown"; Type type = Type.GetType ("Mono.Runtime"); if (type != null) { MethodInfo displayName = type.GetMethod ("GetDisplayName", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (displayName != null) monoVersion = (string)displayName.Invoke (null, null); Console.WriteLine ("Mono Version" + monoVersion); } string monoCLR = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().ImageRuntimeVersion; // JIT work-around end but look for more below //Load settings Lcd.Instance.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Loading settings...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Instance.Update (); settings = settings.Load(); if (settings != null) { Lcd.Instance.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Applying settings...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Instance.Update (); settings.Save();// JIT work-around WriteWpaSupplicantConfiguration(settings.WiFiSettings.SSID, settings.WiFiSettings.Password, settings.WiFiSettings.Encryption); if (settings.WiFiSettings.ConnectAtStartUp) { Lcd.Instance.WriteTextBox (Font.SmallFont, textRect, "Connecting to WiFi...", true, Lcd.Alignment.Center); Lcd.Instance.Update (); if (WiFiDevice.TurnOn (60000)) { WiFiDevice.GetIpAddress ();// JIT work-around if (settings.GeneralSettings.CheckForSwUpdatesAtStartUp) { ShowUpdatesDialogs (); } else { var dialog = new InfoDialog ("Connected Successfully " + WiFiDevice.GetIpAddress (), true); dialog.Show (); } } else { var dialog = new InfoDialog ("Failed to connect to WiFI Network", true); dialog.Show (); } } } else { var dialog = new InfoDialog ("Failed to load settings", true); dialog.Show (); settings = new FirmwareSettings(); } //Keep showing the menu even if user press esc while(true) { ShowMainMenu(); } }
static bool ShowWiFiMenu() { List<IMenuItem> items = new List<IMenuItem> (); var ssidItem = new MenuItemWithCharacterInput("SSID", "Enter SSID", settings.WiFiSettings.SSID); ssidItem.OnDialogExit += delegate(string text) { new Thread(delegate() { settings.WiFiSettings.SSID = text; settings.Save(); }).Start(); }; var passwordItem = new MenuItemWithCharacterInput("Password", "Password", settings.WiFiSettings.Password, true); passwordItem.OnDialogExit += delegate(string text) { new Thread(delegate() { settings.WiFiSettings.Password = text; settings.Save(); }).Start(); }; var encryptionItem = new MenuItemWithOptions<string>("Encryption", new string[]{"None","WPA/2"}, settings.WiFiSettings.Encryption ? 1 : 0); encryptionItem.OnOptionChanged += delegate(string newOpstion) { new Thread(delegate() { if(newOpstion == "None") settings.WiFiSettings.Encryption = false; else settings.WiFiSettings.Encryption = true; settings.Save(); }).Start(); }; var connectItem = new MenuItemWithCheckBox("Connect", WiFiDevice.IsLinkUp(), delegate(bool WiFiOn) { bool isOn = WiFiOn; var createFileStep = new StepContainer( delegate() { WriteWpaSupplicantConfiguration(settings.WiFiSettings.SSID,settings.WiFiSettings.Password,settings.WiFiSettings.Encryption); return true; }, "Creating file", "Error creating WPA file"); var progressDialog = new ProgressDialog("WiFi", createFileStep); progressDialog.Show(); if(WiFiOn){ var turnOffStep = new StepContainer( delegate() { WiFiDevice.TurnOff(); return true; }, "Turning Off","Error turning off WiFi","WiFi Disabled"); var dialog = new ProgressDialog("WiFi", turnOffStep); dialog.Show(); isOn = false; } else{ var turnOnStep = new StepContainer( delegate() { return WiFiDevice.TurnOn(60000); }, "Connecting", "Failed to connect"); Dialog dialog = new ProgressDialog("WiFi", turnOnStep); if(dialog.Show()){ if(settings.WiFiSettings.ConnectAtStartUp == false){ var question = new QuestionDialog("Do you want to connect at start-up?", "Settings"); if(question.Show()){ new Thread(delegate() { settings.WiFiSettings.ConnectAtStartUp = true; settings.Save(); }).Start(); } } dialog = new InfoDialog("Connected Successfully " + WiFiDevice.GetIpAddress(), true, "WiFi"); dialog.Show(); isOn = true; } else{ isOn = false; } } return isOn; } ); items.Add(ssidItem); items.Add(passwordItem); items.Add(encryptionItem); items.Add(connectItem); //Show the menu Menu m = new Menu ("WiFi Connection", items); m.Show (); return false; }