public override NodeStatus Analyze() { var mapTypesMono = GetNamespaceMap(rgTypesMono); var mapTypesMS = GetNamespaceMap(rgTypesMS); foreach (string strNamespaceMS in mapTypesMS.Keys) { if (strNamespaceMS != null) { var rgContainedTypesMS = (ArrayList)mapTypesMS [strNamespaceMS]; var rgContainedTypesMono = (ArrayList)mapTypesMono [strNamespaceMS]; var mns = new MissingNameSpace(strNamespaceMS, rgContainedTypesMono, rgContainedTypesMS); var nsNamespace = mns.Analyze(); m_nodeStatus.AddChildren(nsNamespace); if (rgTypesMono != null) { mapTypesMono.Remove(strNamespaceMS); } rgNamespaces.Add(mns); } } foreach (string strNamespaceMono in mapTypesMono.Keys) { if (strNamespaceMono != null) { var rgContainedTypesMono = (ArrayList)mapTypesMono [strNamespaceMono]; var mns = new MissingNameSpace(strNamespaceMono, rgContainedTypesMono, null); var nsNamespace = mns.Analyze(); m_nodeStatus.AddChildren(nsNamespace); rgNamespaces.Add(mns); } } rgAttributes = new ArrayList(); var nsAttributes = MissingAttribute.AnalyzeAttributes( assMono.GetCustomAttributes(true), assMS.GetCustomAttributes(true), rgAttributes); m_nodeStatus.Add(nsAttributes); return(m_nodeStatus); }
public override NodeStatus Analyze() { if (!Status.IsMissing) { rgAttributes = new ArrayList(); nsAttributes = MissingAttribute.AnalyzeAttributes( (mInfoMono == null) ? null : mInfoMono.GetCustomAttributes(false), (mInfoMS == null) ? null : mInfoMS.GetCustomAttributes(false), rgAttributes); if (mInfoMono != null && mInfoMS != null) { Accessibility acMono = GetAccessibility(mInfoMono); Accessibility acMS = GetAccessibility(mInfoMS); if (acMono != acMS) { Status.AddWarning("Should be " + AccessibilityToString(acMS)); } } m_nodeStatus.Add(nsAttributes); } return(m_nodeStatus); }
public override NodeStatus Analyze() { Hashtable htMono = new Hashtable(); if (typeMono != null) { ArrayList rgIgnoreMono = new ArrayList(); foreach (MemberInfo miMono in typeMono.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { if (typeMono == miMono.DeclaringType) { string strName = MissingMember.GetUniqueName(miMono); htMono.Add(strName, miMono); // ignore any property/event accessors if (miMono.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property) { PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)miMono; MemberInfo miGet = pi.GetGetMethod(); if (miGet != null) { rgIgnoreMono.Add(miGet); } MemberInfo miSet = pi.GetSetMethod(); if (miSet != null) { rgIgnoreMono.Add(miSet); } } else if (miMono.MemberType == MemberTypes.Event) { EventInfo ei = (EventInfo)miMono; MemberInfo miAdd = ei.GetAddMethod(); if (miAdd != null) { rgIgnoreMono.Add(miAdd); } MemberInfo miRemove = ei.GetRemoveMethod(); if (miRemove != null) { rgIgnoreMono.Add(miRemove); } MemberInfo miRaise = ei.GetRaiseMethod(); if (miRaise != null) { rgIgnoreMono.Add(miRaise); } } } } foreach (MemberInfo miIgnore in rgIgnoreMono) { htMono.Remove(MissingMember.GetUniqueName(miIgnore)); } } Hashtable htMethodsMS = new Hashtable(); if (typeMS != null) { ICollection colMembersMS = typeMS.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); Hashtable htIgnoreMS = new Hashtable(); foreach (MemberInfo miMS in colMembersMS) { // ignore any property/event accessors if (miMS.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property) { PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo)miMS; MemberInfo miGet = pi.GetGetMethod(); if (miGet != null) { htIgnoreMS.Add(miGet, miMS); } MemberInfo miSet = pi.GetSetMethod(); if (miSet != null) { htIgnoreMS.Add(miSet, miMS); } } else if (miMS.MemberType == MemberTypes.Event) { EventInfo ei = (EventInfo)miMS; MemberInfo miAdd = ei.GetAddMethod(); if (miAdd != null) { htIgnoreMS.Add(miAdd, miMS); } MemberInfo miRemove = ei.GetRemoveMethod(); if (miRemove != null) { htIgnoreMS.Add(miRemove, miMS); } MemberInfo miRaise = ei.GetRaiseMethod(); if (miRaise != null) { htIgnoreMS.Add(miRaise, miMS); } } } foreach (MemberInfo miMS in colMembersMS) { if (miMS != null && miMS.DeclaringType == typeMS && !htIgnoreMS.Contains(miMS)) { string strNameUnique = MissingMember.GetUniqueName(miMS); MemberInfo miMono = (MemberInfo)htMono [strNameUnique]; MissingMember mm = CreateMember(miMono, miMS); bool fVisibleMS = IsVisible(miMS); if (miMono == null) { if (fVisibleMS) { AddMember(mm); } } else { if (miMono.MemberType != miMS.MemberType) { //AddMember (null, miMS); //MissingMember mm2 = CreateMember (miMono, null); //mm2.Status.AddWarning ("MemberType mismatch, is: '" + miMono.MemberType.ToString () + "' [should be: '" + miMS.MemberType.ToString ()+"']"); //AddMember (mm2); mm.Status.AddWarning("MemberType mismatch, is: '" + miMono.MemberType.ToString() + "' [should be: '" + miMS.MemberType.ToString() + "']"); AddMember(mm); } else if (fVisibleMS || IsVisible(miMono)) { AddMember(mm); } htMono.Remove(strNameUnique); } switch (miMS.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Method: { string strNameMSFull = miMS.ToString(); int ichMS = strNameMSFull.IndexOf(' '); string strNameMS = strNameMSFull.Substring(ichMS + 1); if (!htMethodsMS.Contains(strNameMS)) { htMethodsMS.Add(strNameMSFull.Substring(ichMS + 1), miMS); } break; } } } } } foreach (MemberInfo miMono in htMono.Values) { if (IsVisible(miMono)) { MissingMember mm = CreateMember(miMono, null); switch (miMono.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Method: { string strNameMonoFull = miMono.ToString(); int ichMono = strNameMonoFull.IndexOf(' '); string strNameMono = strNameMonoFull.Substring(ichMono + 1); MemberInfo miMS = (MemberInfo)htMethodsMS [strNameMono]; if (miMS != null) { string strNameMSFull = miMS.ToString(); int ichMS = strNameMSFull.IndexOf(' '); string strReturnTypeMS = strNameMSFull.Substring(0, ichMS); string strReturnTypeMono = strNameMonoFull.Substring(0, ichMono); mm.Status.AddWarning("Return type mismatch, is: '" + strReturnTypeMono + "' [should be: '" + strReturnTypeMS + "']"); //Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: Return type mismatch on "+miMS.DeclaringType.FullName+"."+strNameMono+", is: '"+strReturnTypeMono+"' [should be: '"+strReturnTypeMS+"']"); } break; } } AddMember(mm); } } // compare the attributes rgAttributes = new ArrayList(); nsAttributes = MissingAttribute.AnalyzeAttributes( (typeMono == null) ? null : typeMono.GetCustomAttributes(false), (typeMS == null) ? null : typeMS.GetCustomAttributes(false), rgAttributes); rgInterfaces = new ArrayList(); if (typeMono != null && typeMS != null) { // compare base types string strBaseMono = (typeMono.BaseType == null) ? null : typeMono.BaseType.FullName; string strBaseMS = (typeMS.BaseType == null) ? null : typeMS.BaseType.FullName; if (strBaseMono != strBaseMS) { m_nodeStatus.AddWarning("Base class mismatch, is '" + strBaseMono + "' [should be: '" + strBaseMS + "']"); //Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: Base class mismatch on "+typeMono.FullName+", is: '"+strBaseMono+"' [should be: '"+strBaseMS+"']"); } // compare the interfaces Hashtable htInterfacesMono = new Hashtable(); Type [] rgInterfacesMono = typeMono.GetInterfaces(); foreach (Type ifaceMono in rgInterfacesMono) { if (ifaceMono != null) { string strName = ifaceMono.FullName; htInterfacesMono.Add(strName, ifaceMono); } } Type [] rgInterfacesMS = typeMS.GetInterfaces(); foreach (Type ifaceMS in rgInterfacesMS) { if (ifaceMS != null) { string strName = ifaceMS.FullName; Type ifaceMono = (Type)htInterfacesMono [strName]; MissingInterface mi = new MissingInterface(ifaceMono, ifaceMS); mi.Analyze(); rgInterfaces.Add(mi); if (ifaceMono != null) { htInterfacesMono.Remove(strName); } nsInterfaces.AddChildren(mi.Status); } } foreach (Type ifaceMono in htInterfacesMono.Values) { MissingInterface mi = new MissingInterface(ifaceMono, null); mi.Analyze(); rgInterfaces.Add(mi); //Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: additional interface on "+typeMono.FullName+": '"+ifaceMono.FullName+"'"); nsInterfaces.AddChildren(mi.Status); } // serializable attribute // AddFakeAttribute (typeMono.IsSerializable, typeMS.IsSerializable, "System.SerializableAttribute"); AddFakeAttribute(typeMono.IsAutoLayout, typeMS.IsAutoLayout, "System.AutoLayoutAttribute"); AddFakeAttribute(typeMono.IsExplicitLayout, typeMS.IsExplicitLayout, "System.ExplicitLayoutAttribute"); AddFakeAttribute(typeMono.IsLayoutSequential, typeMS.IsLayoutSequential, "System.SequentialLayoutAttribute"); Accessibility accessibilityMono = GetAccessibility(typeMono); Accessibility accessibilityMS = GetAccessibility(typeMS); if (accessibilityMono != accessibilityMS) { m_nodeStatus.AddWarning("Should be " + AccessibilityToString(accessibilityMono)); } AddFlagWarning(typeMono.IsSealed, typeMS.IsSealed, "sealed"); AddFlagWarning(typeMono.IsAbstract, typeMS.IsAbstract, "abstract"); } // sum up the sub-sections m_nodeStatus.Add(nsAttributes); m_nodeStatus.Add(nsMethods); m_nodeStatus.Add(nsProperties); m_nodeStatus.Add(nsEvents); m_nodeStatus.Add(nsFields); m_nodeStatus.Add(nsConstructors); m_nodeStatus.Add(nsNestedTypes); m_nodeStatus.Add(nsInterfaces); return(m_nodeStatus); }