public List <PropertyData> GetPropertiesPaths(MongoDatabaseInfo databaseInfo, string collectionName) { MongoCollectionModelInfo model = GetModel(databaseInfo, collectionName); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.ModelCode)) { throw new Exception("Model does not exist"); } var types = new MongoDynamicCodeRunner().CompileModelCode(model.ModelCode); var rootType = types.Find(t => t.Name == model.RootClassName); if (rootType == null) { throw new Exception($"{model.RootClassName} class not found in Model."); } List <PropertyData> properties = ObjectHelper.ToPropertyPaths(rootType); return(properties); }
private MongoCollectionModelInfo GetModel(MongoDatabaseInfo databaseInfo, string collectionName) { MongoCollectionInfo collectionInfo = databaseInfo.GetCollectionInfo(collectionName); if (collectionInfo != null && collectionInfo.HasModel) { // Model already exists for this collection. return(collectionInfo.Models[0]); } // Generate and save model code. var collection = databaseInfo.GetCollection(collectionName); var doc = collection.FindOne(); if (doc == null) { throw new Exception( $"Collection '{collectionName}' is empty. Unable to determine schema from first document"); } var schemaInfo = MongoCollectionSchemaStore.GetSchemaDocument(databaseInfo, collectionName); var classes = new BsonDocumentConverter().ToCSharpClassDeclarations(schemaInfo.SchemaDocument, collectionName); var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var classSyntax in classes) { sb.AppendLine(classSyntax); } string modelCode = sb.ToString(); MongoCollectionModelInfo newModel = databaseInfo.SetCollectionModel(collectionName, modelCode, "Doc0", true, (int)schemaInfo.SampleSize, schemaInfo.SamplePercent); Settings.Instance.Save(); return(newModel); }