コード例 #1
        public Tuple <int, Tuple <int, int>, GameBoard <counters>, GameBoard <int> > MakeRandomMove(GameBoard <counters> board, counters counter, int ply, Tuple <int, int> positions, bool mmax, GameBoard <int> scoreBoard, ref int cont)
            List <Tuple <int, int> > availableMoves = getAvailableMoves(board, positions);
            Tuple <int, int>         Move           = new Tuple <int, int>(0, 0);
            Random           rnd       = new Random();
            int              randMoveX = rnd.Next(1, 7);   // creates a number between 1 and 7
            int              randMoveY = rnd.Next(1, 7);   // creates a number between 1 and 7
            Tuple <int, int> randMove  = new Tuple <int, int>(randMoveX, randMoveY);
            int              score     = Consts.MIN_SCORE; // current score of move
            counters         us        = Flip(counter);
            int              ourindex  = 1;
            // Create new stopwatch.
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            // Begin timing.
            Move      = randMove;
            positions = randMove; // HWL: NB: this overwrites the arg positions; which means you are actually not considering the move in positions, but a different, random move; this probably explains why you get such strange moves in your gameplay
            //cont = 1;
            if (ply > 0)
                score = EvalCurrentBoard(board, scoreBoard, ourindex, us);  // is current pos a win?
            // Stop timing.
            Console.WriteLine("========================================================================================================================" +
                              "RANDOMLY SELECTED MOVE:" + Environment.NewLine + "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" +
                              "position: " + positions + "; " +
                              "for player: " + counter + "; " +
                              "score: " + score + "; " +
                              "positions visited " + cont + "; " +
                              "depth level: " + ply + Environment.NewLine +
                              "elapsed time for move: " + stopwatch.Elapsed + "; " +
                              "no. of remaining moves left: " + availableMoves.Count + Environment.NewLine +
                              "two in a row detected at: " + "Cell 1: " + IsLeftofTwo(board, counter) + ", " + "Cell 2: " + IsRightofTwo(board, counter)
                              + Environment.NewLine +
                              "build on two-in-row? " + "left: " + board.IsTwoLeftNeighbourEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintTwoLeftNeighbour(board, counter) +
                              ", right: " + board.IsTwoRightNeighbourEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintTwoRightNeighbour(board, counter) + Environment.NewLine +
                              "top: " + board.IsTwoTopNeighbourEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintTwoTopNeighbour(board, counter) +
                              ", bottom: " + board.IsTwoBottomNeighbourEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintTwoBottomNeighbour(board, counter) + Environment.NewLine
                              + "build on one-in-row? " + "left: " + board.IsOneLeftNeighbourEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintOneLeftNeighbour(board, counter) +
                              ", right: " + board.IsOneRightNeighbourEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintOneRightNeighbour(board, counter) + Environment.NewLine +
                              "top: " + board.IsOneTopNeighbourEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintOneTopNeighbour(board, counter) +
                              ", bottom: " + board.IsOneBottomNeighbourEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintOneBottomNeighbour(board, counter) + Environment.NewLine +
                              "build on two-in-row?:" + " with horzi gap? " + board.IsTwoWithHorziGapEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintTwoWithHorziGap(board, counter) +
                              ", with vertical gap?: " + board.IsTwoWithVerticalGapEmpty(board, counter) + " at position " + board.PrintTwoWithVerticalGap(board, counter));
            // Console.ReadLine();
            // assign score to correct cell in score
            scoreBoard[randMoveX, randMoveY] = score;
            // RandScoringSummary(board, scoreBoard);
            //  scoreBoard.DisplayBoard();
            // Console.ReadLine();
            return(new Tuple <int, Tuple <int, int>, GameBoard <counters>, GameBoard <int> >(score, positions, board, scoreBoard));