public void Encapsulate(Vector3 point) { if (box.Contains(point) == ContainmentType.Disjoint) { box = BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3[] { point, box.Min, box.Max }); } }
public void BoundingBoxContainsBoundingSphere() { var testSphere = new BoundingSphere(Vector3.Zero, 1); var testBox = new BoundingBox(-Vector3.One, Vector3.One); Assert.AreEqual(testBox.Contains(testSphere), ContainmentType.Contains); testSphere.Center -= Vector3.One; Assert.AreEqual(testBox.Contains(testSphere), ContainmentType.Intersects); testSphere.Center -= Vector3.One; Assert.AreEqual(testBox.Contains(testSphere), ContainmentType.Disjoint); }
protected void PerformKDRegionSearch(KDNode<TriangleGraph> node, ref BoundingBox region, List<TriangleGraph> triangleCollection) { if (node != null) { if (region.Contains(node.element.Centroid) != ContainmentType.Disjoint || region.Contains(node.element.GetVertex0()) != ContainmentType.Disjoint || region.Contains(node.element.GetVertex1()) != ContainmentType.Disjoint || region.Contains(node.element.GetVertex2()) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { triangleCollection.Add(node.element); } PerformKDRegionSearch(node.leftChild, ref region, triangleCollection); PerformKDRegionSearch(node.rightChild, ref region, triangleCollection); } }
protected void PerformKDRegionSearch(KDNode<TriangleGraph> node, ref BoundingBox region, List<TriangleGraph> triangleCollection, bool isLandmark) { if (node != null && (isLandmark || !usedLandmarkTriangles.ContainsKey(node.element.ID))) { if (region.Contains(node.element.Centroid) != ContainmentType.Disjoint || region.Contains(node.element.GetVertex0()) != ContainmentType.Disjoint || region.Contains(node.element.GetVertex1()) != ContainmentType.Disjoint || region.Contains(node.element.GetVertex2()) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { triangleCollection.Add(node.element); } PerformKDRegionSearch(node.leftChild, ref region, triangleCollection, isLandmark); PerformKDRegionSearch(node.rightChild, ref region, triangleCollection, isLandmark); } }
public override void Update(GameTime gametime) { min = MIN + CurrentPosition; max = MAX + CurrentPosition; tankBox = new BoundingBox(min, max); //float distance = Vector3.Subtract(targetTank.CurrentPosition, this.CurrentPosition).Length(); //distance > Tank.destinationThreshold && //if (tankBox.Contains(tankBox) == ContainmentType.Disjoint) if (tankBox.Contains(targetTank.tankBox) == ContainmentType.Disjoint) { //if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && mousepick.GetCollisionPosition().HasValue == true) //{ //pickPosition = mousepick.GetCollisionPosition().Value; Point start = Map.WorldToMap(CurrentPosition); Point end = Map.WorldToMap(targetTank.CurrentPosition); //Point end = Map.WorldToMap(pickPosition); if (end.X < 20 && end.X>=0&&end.Y < 20&&end.Y>=0) { pathfinder = new Pathfinder(map); path = pathfinder.FindPath(start, end); //pathdebug = path; } } if(path!=null&& moveorder<path.Count) { distanceTopickPosition = Vector3.Distance(path[moveorder], CurrentPosition); if (distanceTopickPosition > desThresholdtoplayer) { speed = velocity.Length(); currentAngle = (float)Math.Atan2(velocity.Z, velocity.X); moveAngle = currentAngle - initialAngle; rotation = Matrix.CreateRotationY(-moveAngle); //wheelRotationValue = (float)gametime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 10; //canonRotationValue = (float)Math.Sin(gametime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 0.25f) * 0.333f - 0.333f; //hatchRotationValue = MathHelper.Clamp((float)Math.Sin(gametime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 2) * 2, -1, 0); velocity +=[moveorder], CurrentPosition, velocity) * (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; CurrentPosition += velocity * (float)gametime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; translation = Matrix.CreateTranslation(CurrentPosition); } else moveorder++; } else { moveorder = 0; if (path != null) path.Clear(); } //base.Update(gametime); //turretRorationValue = (float)Math.Sin(gametime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds); }
public bool isColliding(BoundingBox box) { for (int I = 0; I < this.model.Meshes.Count; ++I) { BoundingSphere sphere1 = this.model.Meshes[I].BoundingSphere; sphere1 = sphere1.Transform(this.World); if (box.Contains(sphere1) == ContainmentType.Intersects) return true; } return false; }
private static bool ContaiseGeomertry(BoundingBox box, Geomertry geomertry) { if (geomertry is Triangle) { Triangle triangle = (Triangle) geomertry; Vector3 at = Vector3.Transform(triangle.A, triangle.Transform); Vector3 bt = Vector3.Transform(triangle.B, triangle.Transform); Vector3 ct = Vector3.Transform(triangle.C, triangle.Transform); return box.Contains(at) == ContainmentType.Contains || box.Contains(bt) == ContainmentType.Contains || box.Contains(ct) == ContainmentType.Contains; } else if (geomertry is Sphere) { Sphere sphere = (Sphere) geomertry; Vector3 center = Vector3.Transform(sphere.Center, sphere.Transform); float rx = sphere.Radius*sphere.Transform.M11; float ry = sphere.Radius*sphere.Transform.M22; float rz = sphere.Radius*sphere.Transform.M33; float maxR = Math.Max(rx, Math.Max(ry, rz)); float a = box.Max.X - box.Min.X; float b = box.Max.Y - box.Min.Y; float c = box.Max.Z - box.Min.Z; float halfDiagonal = (float) ((Math.Sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c))/2.0); float distance = Vector3.Distance(center, (box.Max + box.Min)/2.0f); return distance <= halfDiagonal + maxR; } throw new Exception("Unsupported geometry"); }
public bool BoundingBoxVisible(BoundingBox bounds) { if (bounds.Contains(camPos) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) return true; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Vector3 vec; vec.X = (planes[i].a >= 0) ? bounds.Max.X : bounds.Min.X; vec.Y = (planes[i].b >= 0) ? bounds.Max.Y : bounds.Min.Y; vec.Z = (planes[i].c >= 0) ? bounds.Max.Z : bounds.Min.Z; if (planes[i].PointBehindPlane(vec)) return false; } return true; }
public bool IsColliding(BoundingBox boundingBox) { /* If the bounding box '''contains''' either of our end-points, we're definitely colliding */ if ( boundingBox.Contains(new Vector3(Start, 0f)) == ContainmentType.Contains || boundingBox.Contains(new Vector3(End, 0f)) == ContainmentType.Contains ) { return true; } float intersection = findIntersection(boundingBox); if (intersection > 0 && intersection < Length) { return true; } return false; }
public void PreUpdate(BoundingBox area) { area.Contains(waterSource); ForeGround[(int)waterSource.X, (int)waterSource.Y].SetType(NodeFactory.Get(NodeTypes.Water)); }
public void PreUpdate(BoundingBox area) { sun.Clear(); sky.Clear(); foreach (var light in lights) { light.Clear(); } sun.Update(area); sky.Update(area); foreach (var light in lights) { if (area.Contains(light.Source.Postion) == ContainmentType.Contains) light.Update(area); } for (int i1 = (int)area.Min.X; i1 < area.Max.X; i1++) { for (int i2 = (int) area.Min.Y; i2 < area.Max.Y; i2++) { var node = ForeGround[i1, i2]; if (node.Type.Opacity != 0) LightField[0][i1, i2] = (node.Incident + node.Emmision) * node.Type.Color + node.Type.Emission; else LightField[0][i1, i2] = (node.Incident + node.Emmision) + node.Type.Emission; LightField[1][i1, i2] = (node.Emmision) * node.Type.Color; } } }
public bool IsColliding(BoundingBox box) { //Check if the given box is colliding with any other box foreach (BoundingBox b in levelBoxes) { if (b.Intersects(box) || b.Contains(box) == ContainmentType.Contains || box.Contains(b) == ContainmentType.Contains) { return true; } } return false; }
public static ContainmentType Contains(ref BoundingBox b1, ref BoundingSphere s1) { return b1.Contains(s1); }
private void TrackGroupConnectivePath(int groupId) { Vector3 vector3_1 = FezMath.ScreenSpaceMask(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint); Vector3 b = FezMath.Abs(FezMath.ForwardVector(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint)); this.connectedAos.Clear(); foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance in this.LevelMaterializer.LevelArtObjects) { int? attachedGroup = artObjectInstance.ActorSettings.AttachedGroup; int num = groupId; if ((attachedGroup.GetValueOrDefault() != num ? 0 : (attachedGroup.HasValue ? 1 : 0)) != 0) this.connectedAos.Add(artObjectInstance); } foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance1 in this.connectedAos) { if (artObjectInstance1.ActorSettings.NextNode.HasValue) artObjectInstance1.ActorSettings.NextNodeAo = this.LevelManager.ArtObjects[artObjectInstance1.ActorSettings.NextNode.Value]; foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance2 in this.connectedAos) { if (artObjectInstance2.ActorSettings.NextNode.HasValue && artObjectInstance2.ActorSettings.NextNode.Value == artObjectInstance1.Id) artObjectInstance1.ActorSettings.PrecedingNodeAo = artObjectInstance2; } } TrileGroup group; if (!this.LevelManager.Groups.TryGetValue(groupId, out group)) { Logger.Log("MovingGroupsHost::TrackGroupConnectivePath", LogSeverity.Warning, "Node is connected to a group that doesn't exist!"); } else { if (group.MoveToEnd) { ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance1 = (ArtObjectInstance) null; foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance2 in this.connectedAos) { if (!artObjectInstance2.ActorSettings.NextNode.HasValue && artObjectInstance2.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.ConnectiveRail) { artObjectInstance1 = artObjectInstance2; break; } } if (artObjectInstance1 == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("No end-node! Can't move to end."); Vector3 zero = Vector3.Zero; foreach (TrileInstance trileInstance in group.Triles) zero += trileInstance.Center; Vector3 vector3_2 = zero / (float) group.Triles.Count; Vector3 ordering = artObjectInstance1.Position - vector3_2; group.Triles.Sort((IComparer<TrileInstance>) new MovingTrileInstanceComparer(ordering)); foreach (TrileInstance instance in group.Triles) { instance.Position += ordering; this.LevelManager.UpdateInstance(instance); } } BoundingBox boundingBox1 = new BoundingBox(new Vector3(float.MaxValue), new Vector3(float.MinValue)); Vector3 zero1 = Vector3.Zero; foreach (TrileInstance trileInstance in group.Triles) { Vector3 vector3_2 = trileInstance.TransformedSize / 2f; boundingBox1.Min = Vector3.Min(boundingBox1.Min, (trileInstance.Center - vector3_2) * vector3_1); boundingBox1.Max = Vector3.Max(boundingBox1.Max, (trileInstance.Center + vector3_2) * vector3_1 + b); zero1 += trileInstance.Center; } Vector3 vector3_3 = zero1 / (float) group.Triles.Count; BoundingBox boundingBox2 = new BoundingBox(); foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance in this.connectedAos) { if (artObjectInstance.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.None) { Vector3 vector3_2 = artObjectInstance.Scale * artObjectInstance.ArtObject.Size / 2f; boundingBox2 = new BoundingBox(artObjectInstance.Position - vector3_2, artObjectInstance.Position + vector3_2); Quaternion rotation = artObjectInstance.Rotation; FezMath.RotateOnCenter(ref boundingBox2, ref rotation); boundingBox2.Min *= vector3_1; boundingBox2.Max = boundingBox2.Max * vector3_1 + b; if (boundingBox1.Intersects(boundingBox2)) break; } } ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance3 = (ArtObjectInstance) null; foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance1 in this.connectedAos) { if (artObjectInstance1.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.ConnectiveRail) { Vector3 vector3_2 = artObjectInstance1.Scale * artObjectInstance1.ArtObject.Size / 2f; BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox((artObjectInstance1.Position - vector3_2) * vector3_1, (artObjectInstance1.Position + vector3_2) * vector3_1 + b); if (boundingBox2.Intersects(box)) { artObjectInstance3 = artObjectInstance1; break; } } } if (artObjectInstance3 == null) { InvalidOperationException operationException = new InvalidOperationException("Nodeless branch!"); Logger.Log("Connective Groups", LogSeverity.Warning, operationException.Message); throw operationException; } else { ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance1; for (; artObjectInstance3.ActorSettings.PrecedingNodeAo != null; artObjectInstance3 = artObjectInstance3.ActorSettings.PrecedingNodeAo) { Vector3 a = artObjectInstance3.ActorSettings.PrecedingNodeAo.Position - artObjectInstance3.Position; if ((double) Math.Abs(FezMath.Dot(a, b)) <= (double) Math.Abs(FezMath.Dot(a, FezMath.XZMask - b))) { bool flag = false; Vector3 point = a / 2f + artObjectInstance3.Position; foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance2 in this.connectedAos) { if (artObjectInstance2.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.None) { Vector3 vector3_2 = artObjectInstance2.Scale * artObjectInstance2.ArtObject.Size / 2f; BoundingBox boundingBox3 = new BoundingBox(artObjectInstance2.Position - vector3_2, artObjectInstance2.Position + vector3_2); Quaternion rotation = artObjectInstance2.Rotation; FezMath.RotateOnCenter(ref boundingBox3, ref rotation); if (boundingBox3.Contains(point) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { flag = true; break; } } } if (!flag) { artObjectInstance1 = artObjectInstance3; goto label_72; } } } artObjectInstance1 = artObjectInstance3; label_72: Vector3 ordering = artObjectInstance1.Position - vector3_3; group.Triles.Sort((IComparer<TrileInstance>) new MovingTrileInstanceComparer(ordering)); foreach (TrileInstance instance in group.Triles) { instance.Position += ordering; this.LevelManager.UpdateInstance(instance); } MovementPath movementPath = new MovementPath() { EndBehavior = PathEndBehavior.Bounce }; ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance4 = artObjectInstance1; PathSegment pathSegment1 = (PathSegment) null; while (true) { ArtObjectInstance nextNodeAo = artObjectInstance4.ActorSettings.NextNodeAo; if (nextNodeAo != null) { Vector3 a = nextNodeAo.Position - artObjectInstance4.Position; bool flag1 = (double) Math.Abs(FezMath.Dot(a, b)) > (double) Math.Abs(FezMath.Dot(a, FezMath.XZMask - b)); bool flag2 = false; Vector3 point = a / 2f + artObjectInstance4.Position; foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance2 in this.connectedAos) { if (artObjectInstance2.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.None) { Vector3 vector3_2 = artObjectInstance2.Scale * artObjectInstance2.ArtObject.Size / 2f; BoundingBox boundingBox3 = new BoundingBox(artObjectInstance2.Position - vector3_2, artObjectInstance2.Position + vector3_2); Quaternion rotation = artObjectInstance2.Rotation; FezMath.RotateOnCenter(ref boundingBox3, ref rotation); if (boundingBox3.Contains(point) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { flag2 = true; break; } } } if (flag2 || flag1) { PathSegment pathSegment2 = nextNodeAo.ActorSettings.Segment.Clone(); pathSegment2.Destination = (pathSegment1 == null ? Vector3.Zero : pathSegment1.Destination) + nextNodeAo.Position - artObjectInstance4.Position; if (!flag2) pathSegment2.Duration = TimeSpan.Zero; movementPath.Segments.Add(pathSegment2); pathSegment1 = pathSegment2; artObjectInstance4 = nextNodeAo; } else break; } else break; } group.Path = movementPath; MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState movingGroupState = new MovingGroupsHost.MovingGroupState(group, true) { Enabled = false }; this.trackedGroups.Add(movingGroupState); if (group.MoveToEnd) { group.MoveToEnd = false; movingGroupState.MoveToEnd(); } foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance2 in this.connectedAos) artObjectInstance2.Enabled = true; } } }
public static BoundingBox Intersect(BoundingBox b1, BoundingBox b2) { if (b1.Contains(b2) == ContainmentType.Contains) return b2; if (b2.Contains(b1) == ContainmentType.Contains) return b1; return new BoundingBox( new Vector3( Math.Max(b1.Min.X, b2.Min.X), Math.Max(b1.Min.Y, b2.Min.Y), Math.Max(b1.Min.Z, b2.Min.Z) ), new Vector3( Math.Min(b1.Max.X, b2.Max.X), Math.Min(b1.Max.Y, b2.Max.Y), Math.Min(b1.Max.Z, b2.Max.Z) )); }
/// <summary> /// How many of the triangles corners are inside the bounding box /// </summary> public int PointsInside(BoundingBox box) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Vertex.Length; i++) { if (box.Contains(Vertex[i]) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { count++; } } return count; }
public void getElements(BoundingBox bb, ISelectionExecutor executor) { ContainmentType t = bb.Contains(BoundingBox); if (t == ContainmentType.Contains) { foreach (SceneElement e in m_elements) { executor.execute(e); if (m_children != null) { foreach (OctreeNode node in m_children) { node.getElements(bb, executor); } } } } else if (t == ContainmentType.Intersects) { foreach (SceneElement se in m_elements) { t = bb.Contains(se.BoundingBox); if (t == ContainmentType.Contains || t == ContainmentType.Intersects) { executor.execute(se); } } if (m_children != null) { foreach (OctreeNode node in m_children) { node.getElements(bb, executor); } } } return; }
public static ActionAnimationScript MakeScript(IList<Tile> path, ActorBase actor) { var scriptBuilder = new ActionAnimationScriptBuilder().Name(actor.ActorId + "Move"); for (int pathIndex = 1; pathIndex < path.Count; pathIndex++) { var tile = path[pathIndex]; float tileYPos = tile.CreateBoundingBox().Max.Y; var tilePosition = tile.GetTopCenter(); BoundingBox centerCheckBox = new BoundingBox(tilePosition - new Vector3(5.0f), tilePosition + new Vector3(5.0f)); scriptBuilder = scriptBuilder .Segment() .OnStart((sv) => { Vector3 directionToMove = actor.GetDirectionToPoint(tilePosition); FaceAndMoveToPoint(tilePosition, actor); if (directionToMove.Y > 0.0f) { actor.Velocity.Y *= 2; sv.SetVariable("evalFunc", new Func<Vector3, bool>((v) => v.Y >= tileYPos)); } else if (directionToMove.Y <= 0) { Vector3 currentPosition = actor.Position; if (directionToMove.X >= 0.9f) { sv.SetVariable("evalFunc", new Func<Vector3, bool>((v) => v.X >= currentPosition.X + 32f)); } else if (directionToMove.X <= -0.9f) { sv.SetVariable("evalFunc", new Func<Vector3, bool>((v) => v.X <= currentPosition.X - 32f)); } else if (directionToMove.Z <= -0.9f) { sv.SetVariable("evalFunc", new Func<Vector3, bool>((v) => v.Z <= currentPosition.Z - 32f)); } else if (directionToMove.Z >= 0.9f) { sv.SetVariable("evalFunc", new Func<Vector3, bool>((v) => v.Z >= currentPosition.Z + 32f)); } actor.Velocity.Y = 0; } }) .EndCondition((sv) => { bool result = sv.GetVariable<Func<Vector3, bool>>("evalFunc")(actor.Position); return result; }); if (pathIndex == path.Count - 1) { var removeFromTileEvent = new ActorEvent(DoomEventType.RemoveFromCurrentTile, actor); scriptBuilder = scriptBuilder .Segment() .OnStart(() => { if (path.Count == 2) MessagingSystem.DispatchEvent(removeFromTileEvent, actor.ActorId); FaceAndMoveToPoint(tilePosition, actor); }) .EndCondition(() => { return centerCheckBox.Contains(actor.Position) == ContainmentType.Contains; }) .OnComplete(() => { actor.Velocity = Vector3.Zero; actor.SnapToTile(tile); tile.SetActor(actor); }); } else if (pathIndex == 1) { var removeFromTileEvent = new ActorEvent(DoomEventType.RemoveFromCurrentTile, actor); scriptBuilder = scriptBuilder .Segment() .OnStart(() => { MessagingSystem.DispatchEvent(removeFromTileEvent, actor.ActorId); FaceAndMoveToPoint(tilePosition, actor); }) .EndCondition(() => { return centerCheckBox.Contains(actor.Position) == ContainmentType.Contains; }); } else if (pathIndex != path.Count - 1) { scriptBuilder = scriptBuilder .Segment() .OnStart(() => { FaceAndMoveToPoint(tilePosition, actor); }) .EndCondition(() => { return centerCheckBox.Contains(actor.Position) == ContainmentType.Contains; }); } } return scriptBuilder.Build(); }
public void Update() { Vector3 position = this.MailboxAo.Position; Vector3 center = this.PlayerManager.Center; Vector3 b1 = FezMath.SideMask(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint); Vector3 b2 = FezMath.ForwardVector(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint); Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(FezMath.Dot(position, b1), position.Y, 0.0f); BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(vector3 - new Vector3(0.5f, 0.75f, 0.5f), vector3 + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.75f, 0.5f)); Vector3 point = new Vector3(FezMath.Dot(center, b1), center.Y, 0.0f); if ((double) FezMath.Dot(center, b2) >= (double) FezMath.Dot(this.MailboxAo.Position, b2) || boundingBox.Contains(point) == ContainmentType.Disjoint || this.InputManager.GrabThrow != FezButtonState.Pressed) return; this.GameState.SaveData.ThisLevel.InactiveArtObjects.Add(this.MailboxAo.Id); ServiceHelper.AddComponent((IGameComponent) new LetterViewer(ServiceHelper.Game, this.MailboxAo.ActorSettings.TreasureMapName)); this.GomezService.OnReadMail(); this.Empty = true; }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (this.GameState.Loading || this.GameState.InMap || (this.PointsList.Length == 0 || this.Dot.PreventPoI) || (this.GameState.Paused || this.GameState.InMenuCube || this.Dot.Owner != null && this.Dot.Owner != this) || (this.GameState.FarawaySettings.InTransition || ActionTypeExtensions.IsEnteringDoor(this.PlayerManager.Action))) return; Vector3 vector3 = FezMath.DepthMask(this.CameraManager.Viewpoint); BoundingBox boundingBox1 = new BoundingBox(this.PlayerManager.Center - new Vector3(6f), this.PlayerManager.Center + new Vector3(6f)); Volume volume1 = (Volume) null; foreach (Volume volume2 in this.PointsList) { if (volume2.Enabled) { BoundingBox boundingBox2 = volume2.BoundingBox; boundingBox2.Min -= vector3 * 1000f; boundingBox2.Max += vector3 * 1000f; if (boundingBox1.Contains(boundingBox2) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { this.Dot.ComeOut(); this.Dot.Behaviour = DotHost.BehaviourType.RoamInVolume; this.Dot.RoamingVolume = volume1 = volume2; } if (this.SpeechBubble.Hidden) { if (this.talkWaiter != null && this.talkWaiter.Alive) this.talkWaiter.Cancel(); if (this.eDotTalk != null && !this.eDotTalk.Dead) this.eDotTalk.FadeOutAndPause(0.1f); } if (!this.SpeechBubble.Hidden && this.PlayerManager.CurrentVolumes.Contains(volume2) && volume2.ActorSettings.DotDialogue.Count > 0 && (this.PlayerManager.Action == ActionType.Suffering || this.PlayerManager.Action == ActionType.SuckedIn || (this.PlayerManager.Action == ActionType.LesserWarp || this.PlayerManager.Action == ActionType.GateWarp))) { this.SpeechBubble.Hide(); this.Dot.Behaviour = DotHost.BehaviourType.ReadyToTalk; this.InGroup = false; } if (!this.GameState.InFpsMode && this.PlayerManager.CurrentVolumes.Contains(volume2) && volume2.ActorSettings.DotDialogue.Count > 0) { if (this.SpeechBubble.Hidden && (this.InputManager.CancelTalk == FezButtonState.Pressed || this.InGroup)) { switch (this.PlayerManager.Action) { case ActionType.Sliding: case ActionType.Landing: case ActionType.IdlePlay: case ActionType.IdleSleep: case ActionType.IdleLookAround: case ActionType.IdleYawn: case ActionType.Idle: case ActionType.Walking: case ActionType.Running: volume2.ActorSettings.NextLine = (volume2.ActorSettings.NextLine + 1) % volume2.ActorSettings.DotDialogue.Count; int index1 = (volume2.ActorSettings.NextLine + 1) % volume2.ActorSettings.DotDialogue.Count; this.InGroup = volume2.ActorSettings.DotDialogue[volume2.ActorSettings.NextLine].Grouped && volume2.ActorSettings.DotDialogue[index1].Grouped && index1 != 0; volume2.ActorSettings.PreventHey = true; string index2 = volume2.ActorSettings.DotDialogue[volume2.ActorSettings.NextLine].ResourceText; bool flag; if (this.GameState.SaveData.OneTimeTutorials.TryGetValue(index2, out flag) && !flag) { this.GameState.SaveData.OneTimeTutorials[index2] = true; this.SyncTutorials(); } if (this.talkWaiter != null && this.talkWaiter.Alive) this.talkWaiter.Cancel(); string @string = GameText.GetString(index2); this.SpeechBubble.ChangeText(@string); this.PlayerManager.Action = ActionType.ReadingSign; if (this.eDotTalk == null || this.eDotTalk.Dead) { this.eDotTalk = SoundEffectExtensions.EmitAt(this.sDotTalk, this.Dot.Position, true); } else { this.eDotTalk.Position = this.Dot.Position; Waiters.Wait(0.100000001490116, (Action) (() => { this.eDotTalk.Cue.Resume(); this.eDotTalk.VolumeFactor = 1f; })).AutoPause = true; } this.talkWaiter = Waiters.Wait(0.100000001490116 + 0.0750000029802322 * (double) Util.StripPunctuation(@string).Length * (Culture.IsCJK ? 2.0 : 1.0), (Action) (() => { if (this.eDotTalk == null) return; this.eDotTalk.FadeOutAndPause(0.1f); })); this.talkWaiter.AutoPause = true; break; } } if (this.SpeechBubble.Hidden && !volume2.ActorSettings.PreventHey) { if (this.PlayerManager.Grounded) { switch (this.PlayerManager.Action) { case ActionType.Sliding: case ActionType.Landing: case ActionType.IdlePlay: case ActionType.IdleSleep: case ActionType.IdleLookAround: case ActionType.IdleYawn: case ActionType.Idle: case ActionType.Walking: case ActionType.Running: this.Dot.Behaviour = DotHost.BehaviourType.ThoughtBubble; this.Dot.FaceButton = DotFaceButton.B; if (this.Dot.Owner != this) this.Dot.Hey(); this.Dot.Owner = (object) this; break; default: this.Dot.Behaviour = DotHost.BehaviourType.ReadyToTalk; break; } } } else this.Dot.Behaviour = DotHost.BehaviourType.ReadyToTalk; if (!this.SpeechBubble.Hidden) this.SpeechBubble.Origin = this.Dot.Position; if (this.Dot.Behaviour == DotHost.BehaviourType.ReadyToTalk || this.Dot.Behaviour == DotHost.BehaviourType.ThoughtBubble) break; } } } if (this.Dot.Behaviour != DotHost.BehaviourType.ThoughtBubble && this.Dot.Owner == this && this.SpeechBubble.Hidden) this.Dot.Owner = (object) null; if (volume1 != null || this.Dot.RoamingVolume == null) return; this.Dot.Burrow(); }
public void OnUpdate() { Vector3 camPos = view.GetPosition(); Vector3 halfBox = new Vector3(grassPerPatch, terrain.MaximumHeight*0.5f, grassPerPatch);// new Vector3((float)grassPerPatch / (float)terrain.GetWidth(), 1, (float)grassPerPatch / (float)terrain.GetDepth()); halfBox *= (float)numVisiblePatches*0.75f;//*terrain.Transformation.GetScale(); BoundingBox clipBounds = new BoundingBox(camPos-halfBox, camPos+halfBox); for (int i = 0; i < patches.Keys.Count; i++) { int key = patches.Keys[i]; GrassPatch currPatch = patches[key]; Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[8]; currPatch.Bounds.GetCorners(corners); currPatch.CanRender = false; for (int j = 0; j < corners.Length; j++) { if (Vector3.Distance(corners[j], camPos) < GFXShaderConstants.GRASSFALLOFF) { currPatch.CanRender = true; break; } } if (clipBounds.Contains(currPatch.Bounds) == ContainmentType.Disjoint) { patches.Remove(key); } } PlaceGrass(); }
public ValveState(ValvesBoltsTimeswitchesHost host, ArtObjectInstance ao) { ServiceHelper.InjectServices((object) this); this.Host = host; this.ArtObject = ao; this.IsBolt = this.ArtObject.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.BoltHandle; this.IsTimeswitch = this.ArtObject.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.Timeswitch; BoundingBox boundingBox = new BoundingBox(this.ArtObject.Position - this.ArtObject.ArtObject.Size / 2f, this.ArtObject.Position + this.ArtObject.ArtObject.Size / 2f); if (this.ArtObject.ActorSettings.AttachedGroup.HasValue) this.AttachedGroup = this.LevelManager.Groups[this.ArtObject.ActorSettings.AttachedGroup.Value]; if (this.IsTimeswitch) { this.eTimeswitchWindBack = SoundEffectExtensions.EmitAt(this.Host.TimeswitchWindBackSound, ao.Position, true, true); foreach (ArtObjectInstance artObjectInstance in (IEnumerable<ArtObjectInstance>) this.LevelManager.ArtObjects.Values) { if (artObjectInstance != ao && artObjectInstance.ArtObject.ActorType == ActorType.TimeswitchMovingPart) { BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox(artObjectInstance.Position - artObjectInstance.ArtObject.Size / 2f, artObjectInstance.Position + artObjectInstance.ArtObject.Size / 2f); if (boundingBox.Intersects(box)) { this.TimeswitchScrewAo = artObjectInstance; break; } } } } int num1; if (!this.IsBolt && !this.IsTimeswitch && (this.GameState.SaveData.ThisLevel.PivotRotations.TryGetValue(this.ArtObject.Id, out num1) && num1 != 0)) { int num2 = Math.Abs(num1); int num3 = Math.Sign(num1); for (int index = 0; index < num2; ++index) this.ArtObject.Rotation *= Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitY, 1.570796f * (float) num3); } if (this.IsBolt) { foreach (TrileInstance instance in this.AttachedGroup.Triles) instance.PhysicsState = new InstancePhysicsState(instance); } foreach (Volume volume in (IEnumerable<Volume>) this.LevelManager.Volumes.Values) { Vector3 vector3 = FezMath.Abs(volume.To - volume.From); if ((double) vector3.X == 3.0 && (double) vector3.Z == 3.0 && ((double) vector3.Y == 1.0 && boundingBox.Contains(volume.BoundingBox) == ContainmentType.Contains)) { this.CenterOffset = (volume.From + volume.To) / 2f - this.ArtObject.Position; break; } } }
private ActionAnimationScript ShootFireballAction(Level level, AbilityDetails abilityDetails, Tile selectedTile) { // calculate damages var damageList = abilityDetails.CalculateDamages(level, selectedTile); // animation CurrentAnimation = ActorAnimationManager.Make("cacoshoot", ActorId); CurrentAnimation.OnComplete = Idle; var tilebox = selectedTile.CreateBoundingBox(); var average = tilebox.Min + (tilebox.Max - tilebox.Min) / 2.0f; Vector3 target = new Vector3(average.X, tilebox.Max.Y + Height / 2.0f, average.Z); BoundingBox targetBoundingBox = new BoundingBox(target - new Vector3(20, 20, 20), target + new Vector3(20, 20, 20)); Vector3 source = new Vector3(Position.X, Position.Y + Height / 3.0f, Position.Z); var direction = target - source; var velocity = Vector3.Normalize(direction) * 5.0f; var cacoFireball = ActorSpawnMethods.GetSpawnMethod(ActorType.CacoFireball).Invoke(source, velocity); var spawnEvent = new ActorEvent(DoomEventType.SpawnActor, cacoFireball); var soundEvent = new SoundEvent(DoomEventType.PlaySound, FireballShootSound); var script = new ActionAnimationScriptBuilder().Name(ActorId + "shootFireball") .Segment() .OnStart(() => { FacePoint(selectedTile.GetTopCenter(), false); MessagingSystem.DispatchEvent(spawnEvent, ActorId); MessagingSystem.DispatchEvent(soundEvent, ActorId); }) .EndCondition(() => targetBoundingBox.Contains(cacoFireball.Position) == ContainmentType.Contains) .OnComplete(() => { ApplyAndDisplayDamages(damageList); cacoFireball.Die(); }) .Segment() .EndOnEvent(DoomEventType.AnimationEnd, cacoFireball.ActorId) .OnComplete(() => MessagingSystem.DispatchEvent(new DespawnActorEvent(DoomEventType.DespawnActor, cacoFireball), ActorId) ) .Build(); return script; }
public bool isColliding(BoundingBox box, Camera cam, Vector3 playerDimensions) { BoundingBox cameraBox = new BoundingBox( new Vector3(cam.GetPosition.X - (playerDimensions.X / 2), cam.GetPosition.Y - (playerDimensions.Y), cam.GetPosition.Z - (playerDimensions.Z / 2)), new Vector3(cam.GetPosition.X + (playerDimensions.X / 2), cam.GetPosition.Y, cam.GetPosition.Z + (playerDimensions.Z / 2)) ); return box.Contains(cameraBox) != ContainmentType.Disjoint; }