コード例 #1
ファイル: MainMenu.cs プロジェクト: markustenghamn/EggRoll
        //Gets info from game and menu items.
        //public MainMenu(SpriteFont spriteFont, string[] menuItems)
        public MainMenu(SpriteFont spriteFont)
            this.spriteFont = spriteFont;
            //this.menuItems = menuItems;
            fontColor = Color.White;

            logo = new Sprite("logo");
            logo.Scale = 0.4f;
            logo.Position = new Vector2(Stuff.Resolution.X * 0.675f, Stuff.Resolution.Y * 0.3f);

            buttons = new List<Button>();

            //start game
            Button b = new Button("Buttons", new Vector2(150, 50), new Rectangle(0, 120 * 2, 250, 120), false, false);
            //high scores
            b = new Button("Buttons", new Vector2(150, 170), new Rectangle(0, 120 * 4, 250, 120), false, false);
            b = new Button("Buttons", new Vector2(150, 290), new Rectangle(0, 120 * 5, 250, 120), false, false);
            //exit game
            b = new Button("Buttons", new Vector2(150, 410), new Rectangle(0, 120 * 7, 250, 120), false, false);
            menuEgg = new MenuEgg();
コード例 #2
ファイル: Slot_old.cs プロジェクト: HaKDMoDz/operation-cronos
 public Slot_old(Game game)
     : base(game)
     img = new Sprite(game, GraphicsCollection.GetPack("steag"));
     img.StackOrder = 6;
コード例 #3
ファイル: SpriteManager.cs プロジェクト: jlyonsmith/ToyBox
        public void AttachAnimation(Sprite sprite, Animation animation, params ActiveAnimationSetUpdater[] animationUpdaters)
            animation.Initialize(this, sprite);

            foreach (var animationUpdater in animationUpdaters)

            Animation activeAnimation = sprite.ActiveAnimation;

            if (activeAnimation == null)
                sprite.ActiveAnimation = animation;
                while (activeAnimation.NextAnimation != null)
                    activeAnimation = activeAnimation.NextAnimation;

                    if (activeAnimation == animation)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Same animation attached more than once");

                activeAnimation.NextAnimation = animation;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Reticle.cs プロジェクト: Kmann180/WormsRemake
 public Reticle(Texture2D tex, SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 pos)
     this._sprite = new Sprite(tex, sb, pos);
     this._mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
     this._position.X = this._mouseState.Position.X;
     this._position.Y = this._mouseState.Position.Y;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiates the cursor.
 /// Sets the cursor's layer.
 /// Offsets the cursor to be centered on it's position.
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateCursor()
     _cursor = new Sprite(Content.Load<Texture2D>("cursor"), Vector2.Zero);
         _cursor.Layer = 1.0f;
コード例 #6
ファイル: RectRenderer.cs プロジェクト: jpgdev/JPEngine
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            //TODO: Handle rotation??
            //TODO: Keep only one sprite and change it, do not recreate one
            Sprite s = new Sprite(Texture, RectangleToRender, Color, Layer)
                Rotation = GameObject.Transform.Rotation,
                Color = Color,
                Origin = Origin,
                Scale = GameObject.Transform.Scale


            //if (Texture != null)
                //    Texture,
                //    RectangleToRender,
                //    null,
                //    Color,
                //    0,
                //    //new Vector2((float)RectangleToRender.Width / 2, (float)RectangleToRender.Height / 2),//TODO: Why is the Origin acting so weird?
                //    Vector2.Zero,
                //    SpriteEffects.None,
                //    0);
コード例 #7
ファイル: MainScene.cs プロジェクト: markustenghamn/EggRoll
        public MainScene(ContentManager content, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsManager)
            Stuff.Initialize(content, graphicsManager);
            graphics = graphicsManager;
            onScreenMessages = new OnScreenMessages();
            Camera2d.Position = Stuff.ScreenCenter;
            input = new Input();
            characters = new List<Character>();
            player = new Player(characters);

            debugTiles = new List<Sprite>();
            for (int i = -10; i < 30; i++)
                Sprite s = new Sprite("SpriteSheet");
                s.Source = new Rectangle(1 * 150, 9 * 150, 150, 150);
                s.Position = new Vector2(i * 150, 400);
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                Sprite tempSprite = new Sprite("SpriteSheet");
                tempSprite.Source = new Rectangle(11 * 150, 9 * 150, 150, 150);
                tempSprite.Position = new Vector2(150*i, 250 + (-150*i));
コード例 #8
ファイル: GraphBar.cs プロジェクト: HaKDMoDz/operation-cronos
 public GraphBar(Game game, int percent)
     : base(game)
     visual = new Sprite(game, GraphicsCollection.GetPack("pixel"));
     Percent = percent;
コード例 #9
ファイル: MoveableTile.cs プロジェクト: zmthy/play-dead
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Moveable tile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sprite">Sprite representing texture, size, and position of the tile. </param>
        /// <param name="collision">Type of collision for the tile.</param>
        /// <param name="velocity">Tile velocity: .X is the movement angle in radians and .Y is the speed in pixels per second.</param>
        public MoveableTile(Sprite sprite, TileCollision collision, Vector2 velocity)
            : base(sprite, collision)
            this.velocity = velocity;

            Leader = this; // By default, tiles lead themselves
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the CombatTextureHolder's arrays, and all the members in them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">Main game class's Content Loader.</param>
        protected CombatTextureHolder(GraphicsDevice graphics)
            int numAbilities = ConstantHolder.textureLoader.getTexturesByType((int)TextureTypes.Ability).Count;
            int numAbilityEffects = ConstantHolder.textureLoader.getTexturesByType((int)TextureTypes.AbilityEffect).Count;
            abilityButtonSprites = new Sprite[numAbilities];
            abilityAnimationSprites = new Sprite[numAbilities];
            abilityEffectSprites = new Sprite[numAbilityEffects];
            abilityImpactSprites = new Sprite[numAbilities];
            effectIconSprites = new Sprite[numAbilityEffects];

            int abilityIndex = 0;

            foreach (TextureXML tex in ConstantHolder.textureLoader.textureCategories[(int)TextureTypes.Ability])
                ConstantHolder.AbilityButtonDict.Add(tex.fileName, abilityIndex);
                //For abilities, portrait = impact
                loadAbilityAnimation(graphics, abilityIndex++, tex.fileName, tex.mainSize.vec, tex.ColumnHeights,
                                     tex.portraitName, tex.portraitSize.vec, tex.PortraitColumnHeights,
                                     tex.buttonName, tex.buttonSize.vec, tex.ButtonColumnHeights);

            int effectIndex = 0;

            foreach (TextureXML tex in ConstantHolder.textureLoader.textureCategories[(int)TextureTypes.AbilityEffect])
                ConstantHolder.AbilityEffectSpriteDict.Add(tex.fileName, effectIndex);
                loadEffect(graphics, effectIndex++, tex.fileName, tex.mainSize.vec, tex.ColumnHeights,
                    tex.iconName, tex.iconSize.vec, tex.IconColumnHeights);
コード例 #11
        //check for colisions
        public void Update(List<Sprite> collisionArray)
            for (int x = 0; x < collisionArray.Count; ++x)
                //where the sprite collisions happened
                Collided_Bottom = null;
                Collided_Top = null;
                Collided_Left = null;
                Collided_Right = null;

                for (int y = 0; y < collisionArray.Count; ++y)
                    //check if it contains the bottom center

                    //If bottom left overlaps check if it is more bottom or more left
                    if (x !=y && collisionArray[x].HitBox.Intersects(collisionArray[y].HitBox))

                        //CollisionArray returns 0 when the objects should collide normally, 1 if it should ignore collisions

                        //Check if the mid points of figure y touch figure x
                        if (collisionArray[y].HitBox.Contains((int)(collisionArray[x].HitBox.X + collisionArray[x].HitBox.Width / 2), (int)(collisionArray[x].HitBox.Y + collisionArray[x].HitBox.Height)) && collisionArray[y].HitBox.Y > collisionArray[x].HitBox.Y)
                                Collided_Bottom = collisionArray[y];
                        if (collisionArray[y].HitBox.Contains((int)(collisionArray[x].HitBox.X + collisionArray[x].HitBox.Width / 2), (int)(collisionArray[x].HitBox.Y)) && collisionArray[x].HitBox.Y > collisionArray[y].HitBox.Y)
                               Collided_Top = collisionArray[y];
                        if (collisionArray[y].HitBox.Contains((int)(collisionArray[x].HitBox.X), (int)(collisionArray[x].HitBox.Y + collisionArray[x].HitBox.Height / 2)) && collisionArray[y].HitBox.X < collisionArray[x].HitBox.X)
                                Collided_Left = collisionArray[y];
                        if (collisionArray[y].HitBox.Contains((int)collisionArray[x].HitBox.X + collisionArray[x].HitBox.Width, (int)collisionArray[x].HitBox.Y + collisionArray[x].HitBox.Height / 2) && collisionArray[x].HitBox.X < collisionArray[y].HitBox.X)
                                Collided_Right = collisionArray[y];
                        //Adjusts the location of the collisionArray so that they are no longer colliding and changes their velocity
                        AdjustPosition(collisionArray, x);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Mask.cs プロジェクト: hgrandry/Mgx
        public Mask(Sprite spriteMask, Sprite spriteTarget)
            _spriteMask = spriteMask;
            _spriteTarget = spriteTarget;

            Render.Viewport.ResolutionChanged += Setup;

            _maskStencilState = new DepthStencilState
                StencilEnable = true,
                StencilFunction = CompareFunction.Always,
                StencilPass = StencilOperation.Replace,
                ReferenceStencil = 1,
                DepthBufferEnable = false,

            _targetStencilState = new DepthStencilState
                StencilEnable = true,
                StencilFunction = CompareFunction.LessEqual,
                StencilPass = StencilOperation.Replace,
                ReferenceStencil = 1,
                DepthBufferEnable = false,

            Add(new DrawComponent(Draw));
コード例 #13
ファイル: Actor.cs プロジェクト: thormme/WsoftCompo2013
 public Actor(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Sprite sprite)
     Position = position;
     Size = size;
     Sprite = sprite;
     facingLeft = false;
コード例 #14
ファイル: BrainMapManager.cs プロジェクト: rodstrom/soul
        //private BrainMapMarker currentMapMarker = null;
        public BrainMapManager(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, InputManager controls, Vector2 position)
            this.audioManager = audioManager;
            bg = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.BRAIN_MAP_BG);
            mapList = new List<BrainMapMarker>();

            List<BrainMapMarker> tmpList = new List<BrainMapMarker>();
            tmpList = new List<BrainMapMarker>();
            tmpList = new List<BrainMapMarker>();

            menuManager = new MenuManager(controls);
            ImageButton button = new ImageButton(spriteBatch, game, controls, new Vector2((float)Constants.RESOLUTION_VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5f - 150, (float)Constants.RESOLUTION_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.5f + 200), Constants.GUI_CLEANSE, "cleanse");
            button.onClick += new ImageButton.ButtonEventHandler(OnButtonPress);
            button = new ImageButton(spriteBatch, game, controls, new Vector2((float)Constants.RESOLUTION_VIRTUAL_WIDTH * 0.5f + 150, (float)Constants.RESOLUTION_VIRTUAL_HEIGHT * 0.5f + 200), Constants.GUI_BACK, "back");
            button.onClick += new ImageButton.ButtonEventHandler(OnButtonPress);
            fadeinOut = new FadeInOut(spriteBatch, game, 100);
            this.position = position;
            offset = new Vector2((float)bg.X * 0.5f, (float)bg.Y *0.5f);
            this.controls = controls;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Goomba.cs プロジェクト: Exor/SuperMarimoBros
 public Goomba(Vector2 initialPosition)
     : base(initialPosition)
     death = new Sprite(Textures.GetTexture(Textures.Texture.goomba), new Rectangle(16, 0 + (16 * World.WorldType), 16, 16));
     goomba = new Sprite(Textures.GetTexture(Textures.Texture.goomba), new Rectangle(0, 0 + (16 * World.WorldType), 16, 16));
     velocity.X = -walkingSpeed;
コード例 #16
        public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
            //TODO: Keep only one sprite and change it, do not recreate one
            Sprite s = new Sprite(Texture, new Vector2(_paralaxPosition.X, Transform.Position.Y), Color, Layer)
                DrawnPortion = DrawnPortion,
                Rotation = GameObject.Transform.Rotation,
                Color = Color,
                Origin = Origin,
                Scale = GameObject.Transform.Scale,
                Layer = Layer


            //    Texture,
            //    new Vector2(_paralaxPosition.X, Transform.Position.Y),
            //    DrawnPortion,
            //    Color,
            //    GameObject.Transform.Rotation,
            //    Origin,
            //    GameObject.Transform.Scale,
            //    SpriteEffects,
            //    Engine.SpriteManager.GetZIndex(this));
コード例 #17
ファイル: MapTile.cs プロジェクト: xcmel/FWPGame
 public void Add(Sprite s)
     s.myMapPosition = myMapPosition;
     s.myPosition = myPosition;
     s.myScale = myScale;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Tile.cs プロジェクト: zmthy/play-dead
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new tile.
 /// </summary>
 public Tile(Sprite sprite, TileCollision collision)
     if (sprite != null)
         Sprite = sprite;
         Sprite = new Sprite();
     Collision = collision;
コード例 #19
ファイル: EntityOld.cs プロジェクト: realcore/progark-spill
 public Entity(Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, Texture2D texture)
     sprite = new Sprite(texture);
     Velocity = velocity;
     this.position = position;
     CombatState = new CombatStats();
     Status = new Alive();
コード例 #20
ファイル: Particle.cs プロジェクト: mueschm/Spirit-Force
 public Particle(Sprite animation, float timeTillDeath, Vector2 startPosition, float angle)
     this.animation = animation;
     this.timeTillDeath = timeTillDeath;
     this.angle = angle;
コード例 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepares the selection icon to draw.
 /// </summary>
 public static void Initialize()
     sprite = new Sprite(ContentStorageManager.Get<Texture2D>("SelectionDisc"));
     sprite.Origin = (sprite.GetTextureSize() / 2);
     sprite.Scale = 1f;
     sprite.Color = Color.White;
コード例 #22
ファイル: OctorokBullet.cs プロジェクト: Uhha/Zelda
 public OctorokBullet(Sprite sprite, Collision collision, BaseObject player, Direction direction)
     _sprite = sprite;
     _player = player;
     _direction = direction;
     _speed = 1.5f;
     _collision = collision;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Carrot.cs プロジェクト: Linusa/AI_Project
        public Carrot(Texture2D texture, Vector2 position)
            sprite = new Sprite<byte>(texture, Vector2.Zero,
                new Rectangle(0, 0, 36, 36));


            Position = position;
コード例 #24
ファイル: LadderTile.cs プロジェクト: zmthy/play-dead
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor defaulting to inactive ladder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sprite"></param>
        /// <param name="collision"></param>
        public LadderTile(Sprite sprite, TileCollision collision)
            : base(sprite, collision)
            activated = sprite.Texture;
            deactivated = null;

            isActive = false;
            this.Sprite = sprite;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Wall.cs プロジェクト: Dahrkael/TopDown-Racer
 public Wall(Vector2 Position, int Width, int Height)
     rect = new Rect(Width, Height, false);
     rect.Position = Position;
     rect.IgnoreGravity = true;
     image = new Sprite(Position);
     image.Texture = new Texture2D(XNAGame.I.GraphicsDevice, Width, Height);
コード例 #26
ファイル: Portal01.cs プロジェクト: GianUPN/Tesis_02repo
 public override void evento_ColisionHorizontalSprite(Sprite objSprite)
     if (objSprite is PersonajePrincipal)
         TileMap.GetInstance.posSpriteScrollingTileX = 9;
         TileMap.GetInstance.posSpriteScrollingTileY = 10;
コード例 #27
ファイル: MenuState.cs プロジェクト: ngzaharias/1942
 public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
     if (_Background == null)
         _Background = new Sprite();
         _Background._Size = Game1.ScreenSize;
         _Background._Position = Game1.ScreenSize * 0.5f;
コード例 #28
ファイル: Game1.cs プロジェクト: Geozgomer/Fighter-Game
        public Game1()
            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            /*Initialize Dictionaries*/
            spriteDict["player"] = new Sprite("Attack.Block", 1, new Vector2(25, floor));
            spriteDict["enemy"] = new Sprite("enemy-attack-block", 0, new Vector2(200, floor));
コード例 #29
ファイル: PauseMenu.cs プロジェクト: markustenghamn/EggRoll
 public PauseMenu()
     btnBack = new Button("Buttons", new Vector2(200, 400), new Rectangle(0, 120 * 7, 250, 120), false, false);
     btnResume = new Button("Buttons", new Vector2(600, 400), new Rectangle(0, 120 * 3, 250, 120), false, false);
     transparentBackground = new Sprite("pixel");
     transparentBackground.Source = new Rectangle(0, 0, Stuff.Resolution.X, Stuff.Resolution.Y);
     transparentBackground.iColor.SetColor(0, 0, 0, 100);
     transparentBackground.Origin = Vector2.Zero;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Line.cs プロジェクト: Linusa/AI_Project
        public Line(Vector2 position, int width, Color color)
            Rectangle dimensions = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, defaultLineHeight);
            LineSprite = new Sprite<byte>(TextureManager.SingleWhitePixel,
                position, dimensions);

            LineSprite.Color = color;
            LineSprite.AddAnimationFrame(0, dimensions);
            LineSprite.ActiveAnimation = 0;