private void Initialize() { // create Camera _camera = new ArcBallCamera(MapData.GetWorldPosition(20, 20), 0, MathHelper.PiOver2 * 0.5f * 0.8f * 0.8f, 0, MathHelper.PiOver2, CameraDistance, 30, 100, Manager.GraphicsDevice); // zooming zooming = new Zooming("Middle", "VeryFar", 2f, "Far", 1.3f, "Middle", 1.0f, "Near", 0.7f, "VeryNear", 0.5f, "Detail", 0.2f); zooming.ZoomChanged += delegate(float zoom) { _camera.Distance = CameraDistance * zoom; }; _effect = Manager.Content.Load<Effect>("Content/Effects/Series4Effects"); Mouse.SetPosition(Manager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2, Manager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2); _skyDome = Manager.Content.Load<Model>("Content/Models/dome"); _skyDome.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Effect = _effect.Clone(); _cloudMap = Manager.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Content/Models/cloudMap"); _mapRenderer.Initialize(); _mapRenderer.LoadContent(); // init complete view defaultViewport = new Viewport(); defaultViewport.X = 0; defaultViewport.Y = 0; defaultViewport.Width = Manager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width; defaultViewport.Height = Manager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height; // init control view controlViewport = new Viewport(); controlViewport.X = 4; controlViewport.Y = 27; controlViewport.Width = Manager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width - 8; controlViewport.Height = Manager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height - 32; }
public void SetModelEffect(Effect effect, bool CopyEffect) { foreach (ModelMesh mesh in Model.Meshes) foreach (ModelMeshPart part in mesh.MeshParts) { Effect toSet = effect; // Copy the effect if necessary if (CopyEffect) toSet = effect.Clone(); MeshTag tag = ((MeshTag)part.Tag); // If this ModelMeshPart has a texture, set it to the effect if (tag.Texture != null) { setEffectParameter(toSet, "BasicTexture", tag.Texture); setEffectParameter(toSet, "TextureEnabled", true); } else { setEffectParameter(toSet, "TextureEnabled", false); } // Set our remaining parameters to the effect setEffectParameter(toSet, "DiffuseColor", tag.Color); setEffectParameter(toSet, "SpecularPower", tag.SpecularPower); part.Effect = toSet; } }
public Material( Effect effect, string techniqueName = null, Action<DeviceManager>[] beginHandlers = null, Action<DeviceManager>[] endHandlers = null ) : this() { if (techniqueName != null) { Effect = effect.Clone(); var technique = Effect.Techniques[techniqueName]; if (technique != null) Effect.CurrentTechnique = technique; else { throw new ArgumentException("techniqueName"); } } else { Effect = effect; } OwningThread = Thread.CurrentThread; // FIXME: This should probably never be null. if (Effect != null) { Parameters = new DefaultMaterialSetEffectParameters(Effect); _COMEffect = Effect.GetID3DXEffect(); } else { _COMEffect = null; } BeginHandlers = beginHandlers; EndHandlers = endHandlers; }
public override void LoadContent() { skyDome = game.Content.Load<Model>("Models\\dome"); effect = game.Content.Load<Effect>("Series4Effects"); skyDome.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Effect = effect.Clone(); cloudMap = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Models\\cloudMap"); base.LoadContent(); }
public SkyDome(GraphicsDevice device, ContentManager Content) { this.device = device; this.effect = Content.Load<Effect>("Effects/TexturedEffect"); skyDome = Content.Load<Model>("Models/SkyDome/dome"); cloudMap = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Models/SkyDome/cloudMap"); skyDome.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Effect = effect.Clone(); }
public Enemy(Game game, Effect effect) : base(game) { mechEffect = effect; mech = game.Content.Load<Model>("mech8"); texCube = game.Content.Load<TextureCube>("CubeMap"); effect.Parameters["cubetex"].SetValue(texCube); foreach(ModelMesh mesh in mech.Meshes) foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) meshPart.Effect = mechEffect.Clone(); }
public override void load(ContentManager content, Effect effect) { mModel = content.Load<Model>("dome"); cloudMap = content.Load<Texture2D>("cloud_texture"); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in mModel.Meshes) { foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) { meshPart.Effect = effect.Clone(); } } }
public Terrain(float CellSize, float Height, float TextureTiling, int size, Vector3 Position, Effect effect, Texture2D BaseTexture, Type type = Type.Flat, int depth = 0, Texture2D RedTexture = null, Texture2D GreenTexture = null, Texture2D WeightTexture = null) { this.type = type; this.Size = size; this.depth = depth; this.CellSize = CellSize; this.Height = Height; this.Position = Position; this.baseTexture = BaseTexture; this.redTexture = RedTexture; this.greenTexture = GreenTexture; this.weightTexture = WeightTexture; this.TextureTiling = TextureTiling; this.PersistantRot = Matrix.Identity; this.waterSphere = new BoundingSphere(Vector3.Zero, PlanetRadius + Planet.HeightMag); this.MyRawHeightBorders = new List<float>[4]; this.OtherRawHeightBorders = new List<float>[4]; this.MyHeightBorders = new List<float>[4]; this.nVertices = Size * Size; this.vertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[nVertices]; //2 tris per cell, 3 indices per tris nIndices = (Size - 1) * (Size - 1) * 6; this.effect = effect.Clone(); this.cachedEffect = effect.Clone(); this.effect.Parameters["DiffuseColor"].SetValue(new Vector3(1)); this.cachedEffect.Parameters["DiffuseColor"].SetValue(new Vector3(1)); this.effect.Parameters["AmbientColor"].SetValue(new Vector3(0.75f)); this.cachedEffect.Parameters["AmbientColor"].SetValue(new Vector3(0.75f)); this.effect.Parameters["BasicTexture"].SetValue(baseTexture); this.cachedEffect.Parameters["BasicTexture"].SetValue(baseTexture); }
public BaseMaterial(PipeEngine engine, Effect eff) { this.engine = engine; if(eff == null) { throw new ArgumentException("effect"); } this.effect = eff.Clone(engine.GraphicsDevice); this.effect.CurrentTechnique = this.effect.Techniques[0]; g_world = this.effect.Parameters["gWorld"]; g_view = this.effect.Parameters["gView"]; }
public override void load(ContentManager content, Effect effect) { mModel = content.Load<Model>("xwing"); mNoiseArray = loadPerlinNoiseFromFile(); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in mModel.Meshes) { foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) { meshPart.Effect = effect.Clone(); } } }
public static Model LoadModel(string assetName, out Texture2D[] textures, ContentManager content, Effect effect) { Model newModel = content.Load<Model>(assetName); textures = new Texture2D[newModel.Meshes.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (ModelMesh mesh in newModel.Meshes) foreach (BasicEffect currentEffect in mesh.Effects) textures[i++] = currentEffect.Texture; foreach (ModelMesh mesh in newModel.Meshes) foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) meshPart.Effect = effect.Clone(); return newModel; }
public Material(ContentManager contentManager, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Effect baseEffect) { if (graphicsDevice == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("graphicsDevice"); } device = graphicsDevice; if (contentManager == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("contentManager"); } content = contentManager; if (baseEffect == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("baseEffect"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Example 2.1 // // // // There are many ways to store and organize the constants // // used for a material. For this example, an entiire // // Effect instance is cloned from the basic material shader // // and the material parameters are bound to that instance. // // The result is a vastly simplified way of rendering a // // material by simply setting the appropriate shader and // // starting to draw. This is also a very efficient // // technique on the XBox 360, but typically less so on a // // PC. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// effectInstance = baseEffect.Clone(device); effectInstance.CurrentTechnique = effectInstance.Techniques[0]; device = graphicsDevice; // Set the defaults for the effect effectInstance.Parameters["specularPower"].SetValue(specularPowerValue); effectInstance.Parameters["specularIntensity"].SetValue( specularIntensityValue); effectInstance.Parameters["materialColor"].SetValue(colorValue.ToVector4()); effectInstance.Parameters["textureUReps"].SetValue(textureURepsValue); effectInstance.Parameters["textureVReps"].SetValue(textureVRepsValue); }
public SkyRenderer(ContentManager contentManager, Camera camera) : base(contentManager) { = camera; skyDome = Content.Load<Model>("sky_dome"); effect = Content.Load<Effect>("sky"); skyDome.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Effect = effect.Clone(Device); projectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4, Device.Viewport.AspectRatio, Config.Instance.Rendering.NearClippingDistance, Config.Instance.Rendering.FarClippingDistance); var pp = Device.PresentationParameters; cloudsRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(Device, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, 1, Device.DisplayMode.Format); cloudStaticMap = CreateStaticMap(32); fullScreenVertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(Device, VertexPositionTexture.VertexElements); fullScreenVertices = SetUpFullscreenVertices(); }
public Water(GraphicsDevice device, ContentManager content, Effect GBuffer) { this.GBuffer = GBuffer; this.device = device; int backbufferWidth = device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth; int backbufferHeight = device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight; refractionRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(device, backbufferWidth, backbufferHeight, false, device.DisplayMode.Format, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, 1, RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents); reflectionRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(device, backbufferWidth, backbufferHeight, false, device.DisplayMode.Format, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, 1, RenderTargetUsage.DiscardContents); skyDome = content.Load<Model>("Models/SkyDome/dome"); skyDome.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Effect = GBuffer.Clone(); cloudMap = content.Load<Texture2D>("Models/SkyDome/cloudMap"); waterEffect = content.Load<Effect>("Effects/Water"); waterBump = content.Load<Texture2D>("waterbump"); SetUpWaterVertices(); waterVertexDeclaration = VertexPositionTexture.VertexDeclaration; }
public SpatialHash4(GraphicsDevice device, Effect effect, int width, int height, int particleNumber, Vector2 spatialHashTextureSize, Vector3 buckets, Vector3 bucketSpacePosition, Vector3 bucketSpaceDimensions) { state1.DepthBufferEnable = true; state1.DepthBufferWriteEnable = true; state1.DepthBufferFunction = CompareFunction.Greater; state2.DepthBufferEnable = true; state2.DepthBufferFunction = CompareFunction.Less; state2.StencilEnable = true; state2.StencilFunction = CompareFunction.Greater; state2.ReferenceStencil = 1; state2.StencilPass = StencilOperation.Increment; this.effect = effect; this.effect2 = effect.Clone(); Device = device; this.pwidth = width; this.pheight = height; Buckets = buckets; BucketSpacePosition = bucketSpacePosition; BucketSpaceDimensions = bucketSpaceDimensions; SpatialHashTextureSize = spatialHashTextureSize; createParticles(); ParticleNumber = particleNumber; loadContent(); }
/// <summary> /// This loads the model and texture data needed to render the skybox. /// </summary> public SkyBox(Game game, ContentManager content, Camera camera) { = game; = camera; GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice = game.GraphicsDevice; model = content.Load<Model>("Content\\Models\\Skybox"); textures = new Texture2D[model.Meshes.Count]; // Initialize the effect. effect = content.Load<Effect>("Content\\Shaders\\Skybox"); // Save the textures in the mesh to the textures array. int textureCount = 0; foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes) { foreach (BasicEffect meshEffect in mesh.Effects) { textures[textureCount] = meshEffect.Texture; ++textureCount; } } // We need to pass our effect down to the child mesh parts. foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes) { foreach (ModelMeshPart part in mesh.MeshParts) { part.Effect = effect.Clone(graphicsDevice); } } }
/// <summary> /// Alters a model so it will draw using a custom effect, while preserving /// whatever textures were set on it as part of the original effects. /// </summary> static void ChangeEffectUsedByModel(Model model, Effect replacementEffect) { // Table mapping the original effects to our replacement versions. Dictionary<Effect, Effect> effectMapping = new Dictionary<Effect, Effect>(); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes) { if (mesh.Effects[0].GetType() == typeof(BasicEffect)) { // Scan over all the effects currently on the mesh. foreach (BasicEffect oldEffect in mesh.Effects) { // If we haven't already seen this effect... if (!effectMapping.ContainsKey(oldEffect)) { // Make a clone of our replacement effect. We can't just use // it directly, because the same effect might need to be // applied several times to different parts of the model using // a different texture each time, so we need a fresh copy each // time we want to set a different texture into it. Effect newEffect = replacementEffect.Clone(); // Copy across the texture from the original effect. newEffect.Parameters["Texture"].SetValue(oldEffect.Texture); newEffect.Parameters["TextureEnabled"].SetValue(oldEffect.TextureEnabled); effectMapping.Add(oldEffect, newEffect); } } // Now that we've found all the effects in use on this mesh, // update it to use our new replacement versions. foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) { meshPart.Effect = effectMapping[meshPart.Effect]; } } } }
public virtual void SetModelEffect(Effect effect, bool copyEffect) { CacheEffect(); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in Model.Meshes) { foreach (ModelMeshPart part in mesh.MeshParts) { Effect toBeSet = effect; if (copyEffect) { toBeSet = effect.Clone(); } var tag = (part.Tag as MeshTag); if (tag.Texture!=null) { SetEffectParameter(toBeSet, "Texture", tag.Texture); SetEffectParameter(toBeSet, "TextureEnabled", true); } else { SetEffectParameter(toBeSet, "TextureEnabled", false); } SetEffectParameter(toBeSet, "DiffuseColor", tag.Color); SetEffectParameter(toBeSet, "SpecularPower", tag.SpecularPower); part.Effect = toBeSet; } } }
public override void SetModelEffect(Effect effect, bool CopyEffect) { foreach (ModelMesh mesh in Model.Meshes) foreach (ModelMeshPart part in mesh.MeshParts) { Effect toSet = effect; // Copy the effect if necessary if (CopyEffect) toSet = effect.Clone(); MeshTag tag = ((MeshTag)part.Tag); if (DrawingDepthNormalPass) { SetEffectParameter(toSet, "BumpMap", normalmap);// hennkou } SetEffectParameter(toSet, "BasicTexture", Mercator);// hennkou SetEffectParameter(toSet, "TextureEnabled", true); // Set our remaining parameters to the effect SetEffectParameter(toSet, "DiffuseColor", tag.Color); SetEffectParameter(toSet, "SpecularPower", tag.SpecularPower); part.Effect = toSet; } }
protected override void LoadContent() { device = graphics.GraphicsDevice; screenWidth = device.Viewport.Width; screenHeight = device.Viewport.Height; camFeed = new Texture2D(device, 1, 1); motionDetector = new MotionDetector(screenHeight, screenWidth); camAvailable = motionDetector.isCameraAvailable(); if (camAvailable){ currentCameraName= motionDetector.ConnectToFeed(); } optConPos = new Vector2((float)200 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)190 / 640 * screenHeight); optCamPos = new Vector2((float)200 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)220 / 640 * screenHeight); optMinColRPos = new Vector2((float)150 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)360 / 640 * screenHeight); optMinColGPos = new Vector2((float)150 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)390 / 640 * screenHeight); optMinColBPos = new Vector2((float)150 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)420 / 640 * screenHeight); optMaxColRPos = new Vector2((float)350 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)360 / 640 * screenHeight); optMaxColGPos = new Vector2((float)350 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)390 / 640 * screenHeight); optMaxColBPos = new Vector2((float)350 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)420 / 640 * screenHeight); optCamPrvPos = new Vector2((float)530 / 800 * screenWidth, (float)200 / 640 * screenHeight); sceneryTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/texturemap"); grassTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/grass"); sandTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/sand"); rockTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/rock"); mainMenuBG = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/menuBack"); aboutMenuBG = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/aboutMenuBack"); optionsMenuBG = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/optionsMenuBack"); helpBG = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/helpMenuBack"); cloudMap = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/cloudMap"); waterBumpMap = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/waterbump"); optSelectedBack = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/optionsSelected"); //maxColTex = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); ColTex = new Texture2D(GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); //maxColTex.SetData(new Color[] { new Color(new Vector3(motionDetector.getRMax(), motionDetector.getGMax(), motionDetector.getBMax())) }); ColTex.SetData(new Color[] { new Color(new Vector3(motionDetector.getRMax(), motionDetector.getGMax(), motionDetector.getBMax())) }); SetUpBuildingVertices(); basicEffect = new BasicEffect(device, null); customEffect = Content.Load<Effect>("effects"); tEffect = Content.Load<Effect>("tEffects"); shipModel = Content.Load<Model>("Models/jet2"); //car = Content.Load<Model>("Models/car"); //textModel=Content.Load<Model>("Models/moratext"); itemModel = BasicLoadModel("Models/bonus1"); treeModel = BasicLoadModel("Models/tree2"); //skyboxModel = LoadModel("Models/skybox2", out skyboxTextures); skyDome = Content.Load<Model>("Models/dome"); skyDome.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Effect = tEffect.Clone(device); //boundingSphereRenderer = new BoundingSphereRenderer(this); //boundingSphereRenderer.OnCreateDevice(); //camPreviewBorder = new Texture2D(device, 1, 1, 0, TextureUsage.Tiled, SurfaceFormat.Color); //Int32[] pixel = { 0xFFFFFF }; // White. 0xFF is Red, 0xFF0000 is Blue //camPreviewBorder.SetData(pixel,0,1,SetDataOptions.None);//, 0, camPreviewBorder.Width * camPreviewBorder.Height); PresentationParameters pp = device.PresentationParameters; refractionRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(device, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, 1, device.DisplayMode.Format); reflectionRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(device, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, 1, device.DisplayMode.Format); cloudsRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(device, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, 1, device.DisplayMode.Format); cloudStaticMap = CreateStaticMap(16); timeS = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/timeS"); timeE = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/timeE"); select = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/select"); explode = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/explode"); item = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/item"); shoot = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/shoot"); go = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/go"); warning = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sounds/warning"); warningInstance = warning.CreateInstance(); goInstance = go.CreateInstance(); timeSInstance = timeS.CreateInstance(); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphics.GraphicsDevice); gameFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("gameFont"); menuFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("menuFont"); optionsMenuFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("optionsFont"); LoadTerrainVertices(); //MediaPlayer.Volume = 0.6f; setupMenu(); }
/// <summary> /// Applies an effect to a mesh. /// </summary> /// <param name="inMeshName">Name of the mesh to apply to.</param> /// <param name="inEffect">Effect to apply.</param> /// <param name="inCopyEffect">If true, cache the effect.</param> protected virtual void SetMeshEffect(string inMeshName, Effect inEffect, bool inCopyEffect) { foreach (ModelMesh modelMesh in this.Model.Meshes) { if (modelMesh.Name != inMeshName) { continue; } foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in modelMesh.MeshParts) { Effect effectToSet = inEffect; if (inCopyEffect) { effectToSet = inEffect.Clone(); } MeshTag tag = (MeshTag)meshPart.Tag; if (tag.Texture != null) { SetEffectParameter(effectToSet, "t_Basic", tag.Texture); SetEffectParameter(effectToSet, "TextureEnabled", true); } else { SetEffectParameter(effectToSet, "TextureEnabled", false); } SetEffectParameter(effectToSet, "DiffuseColor", tag.Color); SetEffectParameter(effectToSet, "SpecularColor", tag.SpecularPower); meshPart.Effect = effectToSet; } } }
// Adds the given effect onto the actor public virtual void setEffect(Effect pmEffect) { foreach(ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes) { foreach(ModelMeshPart part in mesh.MeshParts) part.Effect= pmEffect.Clone(); } }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. //spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); //Models myBenchModel = Content.Load<Model>("bench"); myLaternModel = Content.Load<Model>("latern1"); //myTreeModel = Content.Load<Model>("Alan Tree"); //Textures //treeTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(""); grassTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GrassTry"); benchTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GrassTry"); laternTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("GrassTry"); //Effect loading if (basic) { } else { myEffect = Content.Load<Effect>("shaderPointLight"); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in myBenchModel.Meshes) foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) meshPart.Effect = myEffect.Clone(); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in myLaternModel.Meshes) foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) meshPart.Effect = myEffect.Clone(); /*foreach (ModelMesh mesh in myTreeModel.Meshes) foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) meshPart.Effect = myEffect.Clone();*/ } aspectRatio = graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio; // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here }
private static void ChangeEffectUsedByModel(Model model, Effect replacementEffect) { Dictionary<Effect, Effect> effectMapping = new Dictionary<Effect, Effect>(); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes) { foreach (BasicEffect oldEffect in mesh.Effects) { if (!effectMapping.ContainsKey(oldEffect)) { Effect newEffect = replacementEffect.Clone(); newEffect.Parameters["Texture"].SetValue(oldEffect.Texture); newEffect.Parameters["TextureEnabled"].SetValue(oldEffect.TextureEnabled); effectMapping.Add(oldEffect, newEffect); } } foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) { meshPart.Effect = effectMapping[meshPart.Effect]; } } }
private Model LoadModel(string assetName, Effect technique) { Model newModel = ContentLoader.Load<Model>(ContentType.FBX, assetName); foreach (ModelMesh mesh in newModel.Meshes) { foreach (ModelMeshPart meshPart in mesh.MeshParts) { meshPart.Effect = technique.Clone(); } } return newModel; }
public void SetModelEffect(Effect effect, bool CopyEffect) { foreach (ModelMesh mesh in Model.Meshes) foreach (ModelMeshPart part in mesh.MeshParts) { Effect toSet = effect; //copy effect if necessary if (CopyEffect) toSet = effect.Clone(); MeshTag tag = ((MeshTag)part.Tag); //set texture if (tag.Texture != null) { setEffectParameter(toSet, "BasicTexture", tag.Texture); setEffectParameter(toSet, "TextureEnabled", true); } else setEffectParameter(toSet, "TextureEnabled", false); //set other params setEffectParameter(toSet, "DiffuseColor", tag.Color); setEffectParameter(toSet, "SpecularPower", tag.SpecularPower); part.Effect = toSet; } }
private void LoadMap(String map) { effect = game.Content.Load<Effect>("EterniaEffects"); skyDome = game.Content.Load<Model>("models/dome"); skyDome.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Effect = effect.Clone(); LoadVertices(map); LoadTextures(); }
protected override void LoadContent() { //Load explosion texture and effects explosionTexture = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\Particle"); explosionColorsTexture = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Textures\ParticleColors"); explosionEffect = Game.Content.Load<Effect>(@"effects\particle"); //set effect parameters that don't change per particle explosionEffect.CurrentTechnique = explosionEffect.Techniques["Technique1"]; explosionEffect.Parameters["theTexture"].SetValue(explosionTexture); //Load the stars starTexture = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"textures\stars"); starEffect = explosionEffect.Clone(); starEffect.CurrentTechnique = starEffect.Techniques["Technique1"]; starEffect.Parameters["theTexture"].SetValue(explosionTexture); //Initialize particle star sheet stars = new ParticleStarSheet(GraphicsDevice, new Vector3(2000,2000,-1900), 1500, starTexture, particleSettings, starEffect); base.LoadContent(); }
public GameModel SetEffect(Effect effect, bool clone = true, bool allowSpecular = true) { foreach (var mesh in Model.Meshes) foreach (var part in mesh.MeshParts) { var to = (clone ? effect.Clone() : effect); var tag = (MeshTag)part.Tag; if (tag.Texture != null) { if (to.Parameters["BasicTexture"] != null) to.Parameters["BasicTexture"].SetValue(tag.Texture); if (to.Parameters["TextureEnabled"] != null) to.Parameters["TextureEnabled"].SetValue(true); } else { if (to.Parameters["TextureEnabled"] != null) to.Parameters["TextureEnabled"].SetValue(false); } if (to.Parameters["DiffuseColor"] != null) to.Parameters["DiffuseColor"].SetValue(tag.Color); if (to.Parameters["SpecularPower"] != null) to.Parameters["SpecularPower"].SetValue(tag.SpecularPower); if (to.Parameters["SpecularEnabled"] != null) to.Parameters["SpecularEnabled"].SetValue(allowSpecular); part.Effect = to; } return this; }
/// <summary> /// Load your graphics content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { /// /// Physics Load Content /// = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound/fire"); = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound/fire"); CannonBall.blast = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound/blast"); EnemyCannonBall.blast = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Sound/blast"); Physic.LoadContent(); // Terrain material TerrainMaterial material = new TerrainMaterial(); material.DiffuseTexture1 = LoadTextureMaterial("Terrain1", new Vector2(50, 50)); material.DiffuseTexture2 = LoadTextureMaterial("Terrain2", new Vector2(50, 50)); material.DiffuseTexture3 = LoadTextureMaterial("Terrain3", new Vector2(30, 30)); material.DiffuseTexture4 = LoadTextureMaterial("Terrain4", Vector2.One); material.AlphaMapTexture = LoadTextureMaterial("AlphaMap", Vector2.One); material.NormalMapTexture = LoadTextureMaterial("Rockbump", new Vector2(196, 196)); material.LightMaterial = new LightMaterial(new Vector3(0.8f), new Vector3(0.3f), 32); terrain.Material = material; //Load Sky Content effect = Content.Load<Effect>(GameAssetsPath.EFFECTS_PATH + "Series4Effects"); skyDome = Content.Load<Model>("dome"); skyDome.Meshes[0].MeshParts[0].Effect = effect.Clone(); cloudMap = Content.Load<Texture2D>("cloudMap"); skybox = new Skybox(GameAssetsPath.TEXTURES_PATH + "t", Content); /* //skysphere // Load the effect, the texture it uses, and // the model used for drawing it SkySphereEffect = Content.Load<Effect>(GameAssetsPath.EFFECTS_PATH +"SkySphere"); TextureCube SkyboxTexture = Content.Load<TextureCube>(GameAssetsPath.TEXTURES_PATH + "t"); SkySphere = Content.Load<Model>(GameAssetsPath.MODELS_PATH + "SphereHighPoly"); // Set the parameters of the effect SkySphereEffect.Parameters["ViewMatrix"].SetValue( camera.View); SkySphereEffect.Parameters["ProjectionMatrix"].SetValue( camera.Projection); SkySphereEffect.Parameters["SkyboxTexture"].SetValue( SkyboxTexture); // Set the Skysphere Effect to each part of the Skysphere model foreach (ModelMesh mesh in SkySphere.Meshes) { foreach (ModelMeshPart part in mesh.MeshParts) { part.Effect = SkySphereEffect; } }*/ MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; MediaPlayer.Play(music); MediaPlayer.Volume = 0.5f; }