/// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the StatelessServiceDescription class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceName">The full name of the service with 'fabric:' URI scheme.</param>
 /// <param name="serviceTypeName">Name of the service type as specified in the service manifest.</param>
 /// <param name="partitionDescription">The partition description as an object.</param>
 /// <param name="instanceCount">The instance count.</param>
 /// <param name="applicationName">The name of the application, including the 'fabric:' URI scheme.</param>
 /// <param name="initializationData">The initialization data as an array of bytes. Initialization data is passed to
 /// service instances or replicas when they are created.</param>
 /// <param name="placementConstraints">The placement constraints as a string. Placement constraints are boolean
 /// expressions on node properties and allow for restricting a service to particular nodes based on the service
 /// requirements. For example, to place a service on nodes where NodeType is blue specify the following: "NodeColor ==
 /// blue)".</param>
 /// <param name="correlationScheme">The correlation scheme.</param>
 /// <param name="serviceLoadMetrics">The service load metrics.</param>
 /// <param name="servicePlacementPolicies">The service placement policies.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultMoveCost">The move cost for the service. Possible values include: 'Zero', 'Low', 'Medium',
 /// 'High', 'VeryHigh'
 /// Specifies the move cost for the service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="isDefaultMoveCostSpecified">Indicates if the DefaultMoveCost property is specified.</param>
 /// <param name="servicePackageActivationMode">The activation mode of service package to be used for a service.
 /// Possible values include: 'SharedProcess', 'ExclusiveProcess'
 /// The activation mode of service package to be used for a Service Fabric service. This is specified at the time of
 /// creating the Service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="serviceDnsName">The DNS name of the service. It requires the DNS system service to be enabled in
 /// Service Fabric cluster.</param>
 /// <param name="scalingPolicies">Scaling policies for this service.</param>
 /// <param name="tagsRequiredToPlace">Tags for placement of this service.</param>
 /// <param name="tagsRequiredToRun">Tags for running of this service.</param>
 /// <param name="minInstanceCount">MinInstanceCount is the minimum number of instances that must be up to meet the
 /// EnsureAvailability safety check during operations like upgrade or deactivate node.
 /// The actual number that is used is max( MinInstanceCount, ceil( MinInstancePercentage/100.0 * InstanceCount) ).
 /// Note, if InstanceCount is set to -1, during MinInstanceCount computation -1 is first converted into the number of
 /// nodes on which the instances are allowed to be placed according to the placement constraints on the service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="minInstancePercentage">MinInstancePercentage is the minimum percentage of InstanceCount that must be
 /// up to meet the EnsureAvailability safety check during operations like upgrade or deactivate node.
 /// The actual number that is used is max( MinInstanceCount, ceil( MinInstancePercentage/100.0 * InstanceCount) ).
 /// Note, if InstanceCount is set to -1, during MinInstancePercentage computation, -1 is first converted into the
 /// number of nodes on which the instances are allowed to be placed according to the placement constraints on the
 /// service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="flags">Flags indicating whether other properties are set. Each of the associated properties
 /// corresponds to a flag, specified below, which, if set, indicate that the property is specified.
 /// This property can be a combination of those flags obtained using bitwise 'OR' operator.
 /// For example, if the provided value is 1 then the flags for InstanceCloseDelayDuration is set.
 /// - None - Does not indicate any other properties are set. The value is zero.
 /// - InstanceCloseDelayDuration - Indicates the InstanceCloseDelayDuration property is set. The value is 1.
 /// - InstanceRestartWaitDuration - Indicates the InstanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds property is set. The value is 2.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="instanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds">Duration in seconds, to wait before a stateless instance is closed,
 /// to allow the active requests to drain gracefully. This would be effective when the instance is closing during the
 /// application/cluster upgrade and disabling node.
 /// The endpoint exposed on this instance is removed prior to starting the delay, which prevents new connections to
 /// this instance.
 /// In addition, clients that have subscribed to service endpoint change
 /// events(https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.fabric.fabricclient.servicemanagementclient.registerservicenotificationfilterasync),
 /// can do
 /// the following upon receiving the endpoint removal notification:
 /// - Stop sending new requests to this instance.
 /// - Close existing connections after in-flight requests have completed.
 /// - Connect to a different instance of the service partition for future requests.
 /// Note, the default value of InstanceCloseDelayDuration is 0, which indicates that there won't be any delay or
 /// removal of the endpoint prior to closing the instance.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="instanceLifecycleDescription">Defines how instances of this service will behave during their
 /// lifecycle.</param>
 /// <param name="instanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds">When a stateless instance goes down, this timer starts. When it
 /// expires Service Fabric will create a new instance on any node in the cluster.
 /// This configuration is to reduce unnecessary creation of a new instance in situations where the instance going down
 /// is likely to recover in a short time. For example, during an upgrade.
 /// The default value is 0, which indicates that when stateless instance goes down, Service Fabric will immediately
 /// start building its replacement.
 /// </param>
 public StatelessServiceDescription(
     ServiceName serviceName,
     string serviceTypeName,
     PartitionSchemeDescription partitionDescription,
     ApplicationName applicationName = default(ApplicationName),
     byte[] initializationData       = default(byte[]),
     string placementConstraints     = default(string),
     IEnumerable <ServiceCorrelationDescription> correlationScheme            = default(IEnumerable <ServiceCorrelationDescription>),
     IEnumerable <ServiceLoadMetricDescription> serviceLoadMetrics            = default(IEnumerable <ServiceLoadMetricDescription>),
     IEnumerable <ServicePlacementPolicyDescription> servicePlacementPolicies = default(IEnumerable <ServicePlacementPolicyDescription>),
     MoveCost?defaultMoveCost        = default(MoveCost?),
     bool?isDefaultMoveCostSpecified = default(bool?),
     ServicePackageActivationMode?servicePackageActivationMode = default(ServicePackageActivationMode?),
     string serviceDnsName = default(string),
     IEnumerable <ScalingPolicyDescription> scalingPolicies = default(IEnumerable <ScalingPolicyDescription>),
     NodeTagsDescription tagsRequiredToPlace = default(NodeTagsDescription),
     NodeTagsDescription tagsRequiredToRun   = default(NodeTagsDescription),
     int?minInstanceCount      = default(int?),
     int?minInstancePercentage = default(int?),
     int?flags = default(int?),
     long?instanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds = default(long?),
     InstanceLifecycleDescription instanceLifecycleDescription = default(InstanceLifecycleDescription),
     long?instanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds = default(long?))
     : base(
     instanceCount?.ThrowIfLessThan("instanceCount", -1);
     instanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds?.ThrowIfOutOfInclusiveRange("instanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds", 0, 4294967295);
     instanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds?.ThrowIfOutOfInclusiveRange("instanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds", 0, 4294967295);
     this.InstanceCount         = instanceCount;
     this.MinInstanceCount      = minInstanceCount;
     this.MinInstancePercentage = minInstancePercentage;
     this.Flags = flags;
     this.InstanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds  = instanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds;
     this.InstanceLifecycleDescription       = instanceLifecycleDescription;
     this.InstanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds = instanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the StatelessServiceUpdateDescription class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flags">Flags indicating whether other properties are set. Each of the associated properties
 /// corresponds to a flag, specified below, which, if set, indicate that the property is specified.
 /// This property can be a combination of those flags obtained using bitwise 'OR' operator.
 /// For example, if the provided value is 6 then the flags for ReplicaRestartWaitDuration (2) and
 /// QuorumLossWaitDuration (4) are set.
 /// - None - Does not indicate any other properties are set. The value is zero.
 /// - TargetReplicaSetSize/InstanceCount - Indicates whether the TargetReplicaSetSize property (for Stateful services)
 /// or the InstanceCount property (for Stateless services) is set. The value is 1.
 /// - ReplicaRestartWaitDuration - Indicates the ReplicaRestartWaitDuration property is set. The value is  2.
 /// - QuorumLossWaitDuration - Indicates the QuorumLossWaitDuration property is set. The value is 4.
 /// - StandByReplicaKeepDuration - Indicates the StandByReplicaKeepDuration property is set. The value is 8.
 /// - MinReplicaSetSize - Indicates the MinReplicaSetSize property is set. The value is 16.
 /// - PlacementConstraints - Indicates the PlacementConstraints property is set. The value is 32.
 /// - PlacementPolicyList - Indicates the ServicePlacementPolicies property is set. The value is 64.
 /// - Correlation - Indicates the CorrelationScheme property is set. The value is 128.
 /// - Metrics - Indicates the ServiceLoadMetrics property is set. The value is 256.
 /// - DefaultMoveCost - Indicates the DefaultMoveCost property is set. The value is 512.
 /// - ScalingPolicy - Indicates the ScalingPolicies property is set. The value is 1024.
 /// - ServicePlacementTimeLimit - Indicates the ServicePlacementTimeLimit property is set. The value is 2048.
 /// - MinInstanceCount - Indicates the MinInstanceCount property is set. The value is 4096.
 /// - MinInstancePercentage - Indicates the MinInstancePercentage property is set. The value is 8192.
 /// - InstanceCloseDelayDuration - Indicates the InstanceCloseDelayDuration property is set. The value is 16384.
 /// - InstanceRestartWaitDuration - Indicates the InstanceCloseDelayDuration property is set. The value is 32768.
 /// - DropSourceReplicaOnMove - Indicates the DropSourceReplicaOnMove property is set. The value is 65536.
 /// - ServiceDnsName - Indicates the ServiceDnsName property is set. The value is 131072.
 /// - TagsForPlacement - Indicates the TagsForPlacement property is set. The value is 1048576.
 /// - TagsForRunning - Indicates the TagsForRunning property is set. The value is 2097152.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="placementConstraints">The placement constraints as a string. Placement constraints are boolean
 /// expressions on node properties and allow for restricting a service to particular nodes based on the service
 /// requirements. For example, to place a service on nodes where NodeType is blue specify the following: "NodeColor ==
 /// blue)".</param>
 /// <param name="correlationScheme">The correlation scheme.</param>
 /// <param name="loadMetrics">The service load metrics.</param>
 /// <param name="servicePlacementPolicies">The service placement policies.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultMoveCost">The move cost for the service. Possible values include: 'Zero', 'Low', 'Medium',
 /// 'High', 'VeryHigh'
 /// Specifies the move cost for the service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="scalingPolicies">Scaling policies for this service.</param>
 /// <param name="serviceDnsName">The DNS name of the service.</param>
 /// <param name="tagsForPlacement">Tags for placement of this service.</param>
 /// <param name="tagsForRunning">Tags for running of this service.</param>
 /// <param name="instanceCount">The instance count.</param>
 /// <param name="minInstanceCount">MinInstanceCount is the minimum number of instances that must be up to meet the
 /// EnsureAvailability safety check during operations like upgrade or deactivate node.
 /// The actual number that is used is max( MinInstanceCount, ceil( MinInstancePercentage/100.0 * InstanceCount) ).
 /// Note, if InstanceCount is set to -1, during MinInstanceCount computation -1 is first converted into the number of
 /// nodes on which the instances are allowed to be placed according to the placement constraints on the service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="minInstancePercentage">MinInstancePercentage is the minimum percentage of InstanceCount that must be
 /// up to meet the EnsureAvailability safety check during operations like upgrade or deactivate node.
 /// The actual number that is used is max( MinInstanceCount, ceil( MinInstancePercentage/100.0 * InstanceCount) ).
 /// Note, if InstanceCount is set to -1, during MinInstancePercentage computation, -1 is first converted into the
 /// number of nodes on which the instances are allowed to be placed according to the placement constraints on the
 /// service.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="instanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds">Duration in seconds, to wait before a stateless instance is closed,
 /// to allow the active requests to drain gracefully. This would be effective when the instance is closing during the
 /// application/cluster upgrade and disabling node.
 /// The endpoint exposed on this instance is removed prior to starting the delay, which prevents new connections to
 /// this instance.
 /// In addition, clients that have subscribed to service endpoint change
 /// events(https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.fabric.fabricclient.servicemanagementclient.registerservicenotificationfilterasync),
 /// can do
 /// the following upon receiving the endpoint removal notification:
 /// - Stop sending new requests to this instance.
 /// - Close existing connections after in-flight requests have completed.
 /// - Connect to a different instance of the service partition for future requests.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="instanceLifecycleDescription">Defines how instances of this service will behave during their
 /// lifecycle.</param>
 /// <param name="instanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds">When a stateless instance goes down, this timer starts. When it
 /// expires Service Fabric will create a new instance on any node in the cluster.
 /// This configuration is to reduce unnecessary creation of a new instance in situations where the instance going down
 /// is likely to recover in a short time. For example, during an upgrade.
 /// The default value is 0, which indicates that when stateless instance goes down, Service Fabric will immediately
 /// start building its replacement.
 /// </param>
 public StatelessServiceUpdateDescription(
     string flags = default(string),
     string placementConstraints = default(string),
     IEnumerable <ServiceCorrelationDescription> correlationScheme            = default(IEnumerable <ServiceCorrelationDescription>),
     IEnumerable <ServiceLoadMetricDescription> loadMetrics                   = default(IEnumerable <ServiceLoadMetricDescription>),
     IEnumerable <ServicePlacementPolicyDescription> servicePlacementPolicies = default(IEnumerable <ServicePlacementPolicyDescription>),
     MoveCost?defaultMoveCost = default(MoveCost?),
     IEnumerable <ScalingPolicyDescription> scalingPolicies = default(IEnumerable <ScalingPolicyDescription>),
     string serviceDnsName = default(string),
     NodeTagsDescription tagsForPlacement = default(NodeTagsDescription),
     NodeTagsDescription tagsForRunning   = default(NodeTagsDescription),
     int?instanceCount         = default(int?),
     int?minInstanceCount      = default(int?),
     int?minInstancePercentage = default(int?),
     string instanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds = default(string),
     InstanceLifecycleDescription instanceLifecycleDescription = default(InstanceLifecycleDescription),
     string instanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds = default(string))
     : base(
     instanceCount?.ThrowIfLessThan("instanceCount", -1);
     this.InstanceCount                      = instanceCount;
     this.MinInstanceCount                   = minInstanceCount;
     this.MinInstancePercentage              = minInstancePercentage;
     this.InstanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds  = instanceCloseDelayDurationSeconds;
     this.InstanceLifecycleDescription       = instanceLifecycleDescription;
     this.InstanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds = instanceRestartWaitDurationSeconds;