/// <summary>
        /// Push properties for the selected item to the properties window.
        /// Note that throwing from a Windows Forms event handler would cause
        /// Visual Studio to crash. So if you expect your code to throw
        /// you should make sure to catch the exceptions you expect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Event sender</param>
        /// <param name="e">Arguments</param>
        private void listView1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            // If the change originates from us setting the selection, ignore the event
            if (ignoreSelectedObjectsChanges)
            // Create the array that will hold the properties (one set of properties per item selected)
            ArrayList selectedObjects = new ArrayList();

            if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                // Get the index of the selected item
                int index = listView1.Items.IndexOf(listView1.SelectedItems[0]);
                // Get the IVsWindowFrame for that item
                IVsWindowFrame frame = toolWindowsList[index];
                // Add the properties for the selected item
                SelectionProperties properties = toolWindowsList.GetFrameProperties(frame);
                // Keeping track of the index helps us know which tool window was selected
                // when the change is done through the property window drop-down.
                properties.Index = index;
                // This sample only supports single selection, but if multiple
                // selection is supported, multiple items could be added. The
                // properties that they had in common would then be shown.

            // Update our selection container
            selectionContainer.SelectedObjects = selectedObjects;
            // In order to enable the drop-down of the properties window to display
            // all our possible items, we need to provide the list
            selectionContainer.SelectableObjects = toolWindowsList.WindowsProperties;
            // Inform Visual Studio that we changed the selection and push the new list of properties