コード例 #1
        protected void manageInform(ACLMessage msg)
            Agent              agt     = (Agent)(this.Host);
            string             content = msg.Content;
            FIPASLParserResult result  = parseFipaSLExpression(content);

            if (result.isAction)
                if (result.success)
                    AgentBehaviorExecution be = agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior");
                    if (be != null)
                        ProceduralBehavior pbe = (ProceduralBehavior)(be);
                        AID aid = new AID(result.action.performer, agt.Aid.PlateformName, agt.Aid.PlateformPort);
                        if (result.isDone)
                            aid = new AID(result.action.performer, agt.Aid.PlateformName, agt.Aid.PlateformPort);
                            pbe.onActionDone(aid, result.action.actionName);
                            pbe.onActionRunning(aid, result.action.actionName);
            else if (result.isEqual)
                string entityName = result.iota.paramName[2];
                string slotName   = result.iota.paramName[0];
                string value      = result.iota.value;

                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(entityName + "." + slotName + "=" + value);

                KnowledgeBase        kb       = ((Agent)(this.Host)).KnowledgeBase;
                Mascaret.Environment envKB    = kb.Environment;
                List <Entity>        entities = envKB.getEntities();
                foreach (Entity entity in entities)
                    if (entity.name == entityName)
                        MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("ENTITY ...");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Slot> s in entity.Slots)
                            if (s.Value.name == slotName)
コード例 #2
        protected void manageQueryRef(ACLMessage msg)
            string content = msg.Content;

            FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content);

            Dictionary <string, Agent> agents = VRApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Agents;

            if (result.isIota)
                FIPAIota iota = result.iota;
                if (iota.predicate == "slot")
                    string fml;
                    string res = getSlot(iota.paramName);
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("IOTA : " + iota.predicate + " " + iota.result + " == " + res);
                    if (res != "")
                        // give the intention
                        ACLMessage aclMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM);
                        aclMsg.Sender = ((Agent)Host).Aid;
                        aclMsg.Content        = "((= (iota ?" + iota.paramName[0] + " (" + iota.predicate + " ?" + iota.paramName[1] + " ?" + iota.paramName[2] + ")) " + res + "))";
                        aclMsg.ConversationID = msg.ConversationID;
                        MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Inform message: " + aclMsg.Content);
                        //bilal 19-10-15
                        fml = "<FML><Performative>Inform</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + msg.Sender + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + /* "the " + iota.paramName[1] + " of " + iota.paramName[2] + "is" +*/ res + "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + "" + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>";
                    //bilal 19-10-15
                        fml = "<FML><Performative>Inform</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + msg.Sender + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + "I don't know" + /*" the value of the " + iota.paramName[1] + " of " + iota.paramName[2] +*/ "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + "" + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>";
                    if (fml != null)
                    //bilal 19-10-15
コード例 #3
        protected FIPASLParserResult parseFipaSLExpression(string content)
            FIPASLParserResult result = new FIPASLParserResult();

            FipaSLLexer lex = new FipaSLLexer(new AntlrInputStream(content));
            CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
            FipaSLParser parser = new FipaSLParser(tokens);
            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Parsing  : " + content);
            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Nb Erreur : " + parser.NumberOfSyntaxErrors);

            if (parser.isAction)

                result.success = true;
                result.isAction = parser.isAction;
                result.isDone = parser.done;
                result.isStarted = parser.started;
                FIPAAction action = new FIPAAction();

                action.actionName = parser.actionName;
                action.performer = parser.performer;
                action.paramName = new List<string>();
                action.paramValue = new List<string>();
                action.paramName = parser.paramName;
                action.paramValue = parser.paramValue;
                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Action Name: " + action.actionName);
                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Performer: " + action.performer);
                result.action = action;
                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("MSG : " + action.actionName);

                for (int i = 0; i < action.paramName.Count; i++)
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("MSG" + (i + 2) + " : " + action.paramName[i]);
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("MSG" + (i + 3) + " : " + action.paramValue[i]);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("MSG4 : " + action.paramName[1]);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("MSG5 : " + action.paramValue[1]);
            else if (parser.isEqual)
                if (parser.isIota)
                    result.isEqual = true;
                    result.isIota = true;
                    result.iota = new FIPAIota();
                    result.iota.predicate = parser.predicateSymbol;
                    result.iota.result = parser.askedTerm;
                    result.iota.paramName = new List<string>();
                    result.iota.paramName = parser.paramName;
                    result.iota.value = parser.value;
            else if (parser.isIota)
                result.isIota = true;
                result.iota = new FIPAIota();
                result.iota.predicate = parser.predicateSymbol;
                result.iota.result = parser.askedTerm;
                result.iota.paramName = new List<string>();
                result.iota.paramName = parser.paramName;

                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("IOTA : " + parser.predicateSymbol + " " + parser.askedTerm + " : " + parser.paramName.Count);

            return result;
コード例 #4
        protected void manageRequestAction(ACLMessage msg)
            Agent agt = (Agent)(this.Host);

            string content = msg.Content;

            FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content);

            if (result.success)
                if (result.isAction)
                    bool done = false;

                    AgentBehavior behavior = agt.getBehaviorByBame(result.action.actionName);

                    if (behavior != null)
                        Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> parameters = new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>();

                        if (result.action.paramName.Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++)
                                LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]);
                                parameters.Add(result.action.paramName[i], (ValueSpecification)(stringValue));
                            for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++)
                                LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]);
                                parameters.Add("param" + i + '0', (ValueSpecification)(stringValue));

                        BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(behavior, agt, parameters, false);
                        ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE);
                        reponse.Content = msg.Content;
                        done = true;

                    Class     classifier = agt.Classifier;
                    Operation operation  = null;
                    if (classifier != null && classifier.Operations.ContainsKey(result.action.actionName))
                        operation = classifier.Operations[result.action.actionName];
                        //System.Console.WriteLine("Operation:" + operation.getFullName());
                    if (operation != null)
                        Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> param = new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>();
                        List <Parameter> parameters = operation.Parameters;
                        List <string>    paramValue = result.action.paramValue;
                        List <string>    paramName  = result.action.paramName;

                        if (parameters.Count == paramValue.Count)
                            for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
                                // Pour tous les parametres issus de l'operation
                                string parameterName = parameters[i].name;

                                // Cherche l'indice de ce parameter dans paramsName
                                int indice = 0; bool found = false;
                                while (!found && indice < paramName.Count)
                                    if (paramName[indice] == parameterName)
                                        found = true;

                                if (found)
                                    string strVal = paramValue[indice];

                                    System.Console.Write("Type : " + parameters[i].Type.getFullName());
                                    System.Console.Write(" - Name: " + parameters[i].name);
                                    System.Console.WriteLine(" - Value: " + strVal);

                                    string typeName = parameters[i].Type.getFullName();
                                    if (typeName == "boolean" || typeName == "integer" || typeName == "real" || typeName == "string")
                                        param.Add(parameters[i].name, parameters[i].Type.createValueFromString(strVal.ToLower()));
                                            InstanceSpecification inst = MascaretApplication.Instance.getEnvironment().getInstance(strVal.ToLower());
                                            param.Add(parameters[i].name, new InstanceValue(inst));
                                        catch (NullReferenceException e)

                            //BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(operation.Method, agt, param, false);

                             *  List<ActionNode> possibleTranslation = _translateOperationToActions(operation);
                             *  shared_ptr<AgentBehaviorExecution> abe = agt->getBehaviorExecutionByName("ProceduralBehavior"); //hasslich... ja...
                             *  shared_ptr<ProceduralBehavior> pbe  = shared_dynamic_cast<ProceduralBehavior> (abe);
                             *  if (possibleTranslation.size() && pbe)
                             *  {
                             *      //add actionNode in ProceduralBehavior
                             *      pbe->pushActionToDo(possibleTranslation[0]);
                             *  }
                             *  else
                             *  {
                             *      //call method
                            BehaviorExecution be = BehaviorScheduler.Instance.executeBehavior(operation.Method, agt, param, false);

                             * if (be != null)
                             * {
                             *  be.addCallbackOnBehaviorStop(bind(&SimpleCommunicationBehavior::_onBehaviorStop,this,_1));
                             *  _requestedAction[be->getSpecification()->getName()].push_back(msg->getSender());
                             * }*/
                            // }

                            ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE);
                            reponse.Content = msg.Content;

                            System.Console.WriteLine("Content-Sent: " + reponse.Content);
                            ACLMessage reponse    = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD);
                            string     contentRep = "";
                            contentRep     += content;
                            reponse.Content = contentRep;
                        string procName = result.action.actionName;
                        bool   found    = false;
                        OrganisationalEntity askedOrg  = null;
                        Procedure            askedProc = null;
                        Role askedRole = null;
                        List <OrganisationalEntity> orgs = agt.Plateform.Organisations;

                        for (int iOrg = 0; iOrg < orgs.Count; iOrg++)
                            List <RoleAssignement> assigns = orgs[iOrg].RoleAssignement;

                            for (int iAss = 0; iAss < assigns.Count; iAss++)
                                if (assigns[iAss].Agent.toString() == agt.Aid.toString())
                                    OrganisationalStructure os    = orgs[iOrg].Structure;
                                    List <Procedure>        procs = os.Procedures;

                                    for (int iP = 0; iP < procs.Count; iP++)
                                        System.Console.WriteLine(procName + " / " + procs[iP].name);
                                        if (procs[iP].name == procName)
                                            askedProc = procs[iP];
                                            askedOrg  = orgs[iOrg];
                                            askedRole = assigns[iAss].Role;
                                            found     = true;

                        if (found)
                            ACLMessage reponse = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE);
                            reponse.Content = msg.Content;

                            // Recherche du comportement procedural
                            // UGGLY
                            AgentBehaviorExecution pbehavior = agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior");

                            //AgentBehaviorExecution> behavior2 = agt->getBehaviorExecutionByName("ActionListenerBehavior");
                            if (pbehavior != null)
                                ProceduralBehavior procBehave = (ProceduralBehavior)(pbehavior);

                                Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification> procParams = new Dictionary <string, ValueSpecification>();
                                for (int i = 0; i < result.action.paramName.Count; i++)
                                    LiteralString stringValue = new LiteralString(result.action.paramValue[i]);
                                    procParams.Add(result.action.paramName[i], stringValue);

                                Activity act = askedProc.Activity;
                                //List<ActivityNode>  nodes  = act.Nodes;

                                procBehave.pushProcedureToDo(askedProc, askedOrg, askedRole, procParams);

                                ACLMessage reponse2 = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.AGREE);
                                reponse2.Content = msg.Content;

                             * else if (behavior2)
                             * {
                             *  shared_ptr<ActionListenerBehavior> procBehave  = shared_dynamic_cast<ActionListenerBehavior> (behavior2);
                             *  procBehave->pushProcedureToDo(askedProc, askedOrg, askedRole, Parameters());
                             *  procBehave->restart();
                             *  shared_ptr<ACLMessage> reponse = make_shared<ACLMessage>(AGREE);
                             *  reponse->setContent(msg->getContent());
                             *  reponse->addReceiver(msg->getSender());
                             *  agt->send(reponse);
                             * }*/
                                if (!done)
                                    ACLMessage reponse3   = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD);
                                    string     contentRep = "";
                                    contentRep      += result.action.actionName;
                                    reponse3.Content = contentRep;
                            if (!done)
                                ACLMessage reponse    = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD);
                                string     contentRep = "";
                                contentRep     += result.action.actionName;
                                reponse.Content = contentRep;
                    // Proposition Non encore traite....
                System.Console.WriteLine("[SimpleCommunicationBehavior Warning] Parsing error. Message content parsing error: " + content);

                ACLMessage reponse    = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.NOT_UNDERSTOOD);
                string     contentRep = "";
                contentRep += content;

                reponse.Content = contentRep;
コード例 #5
        protected FIPASLParserResult parseFipaSLExpression(string content)
            FIPASLParserResult result = new FIPASLParserResult();

            FipaSLLexer       lex    = new FipaSLLexer(new AntlrInputStream(content));
            CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
            FipaSLParser      parser = new FipaSLParser(tokens);

            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Parsing  : " + content);
            MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Nb Erreur : " + parser.NumberOfSyntaxErrors);

            if (parser.isAction)
                result.success   = true;
                result.isAction  = parser.isAction;
                result.isDone    = parser.done;
                result.isStarted = parser.started;
                FIPAAction action = new FIPAAction();

                action.actionName = parser.actionName;
                action.performer  = parser.performer;
                action.paramName  = new List <string>();
                action.paramValue = new List <string>();
                action.paramName  = parser.paramName;
                action.paramValue = parser.paramValue;
                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Action Name: " + action.actionName);
                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Performer: " + action.performer);
                result.action = action;
                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("MSG : " + action.actionName);

                for (int i = 0; i < action.paramName.Count; i++)
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("MSG" + (i + 2) + " : " + action.paramName[i]);
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("MSG" + (i + 3) + " : " + action.paramValue[i]);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("MSG4 : " + action.paramName[1]);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("MSG5 : " + action.paramValue[1]);
            else if (parser.isEqual)
                if (parser.isIota)
                    result.isEqual        = true;
                    result.isIota         = true;
                    result.iota           = new FIPAIota();
                    result.iota.predicate = parser.predicateSymbol;
                    result.iota.result    = parser.askedTerm;
                    result.iota.paramName = new List <string>();
                    result.iota.paramName = parser.paramName;
                    result.iota.value     = parser.value;
            else if (parser.isIota)
                result.isIota         = true;
                result.iota           = new FIPAIota();
                result.iota.predicate = parser.predicateSymbol;
                result.iota.result    = parser.askedTerm;
                result.iota.paramName = new List <string>();
                result.iota.paramName = parser.paramName;

                MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("IOTA : " + parser.predicateSymbol + " " + parser.askedTerm + " : " + parser.paramName.Count);
コード例 #6
        protected void manageQueryRef(ACLMessage msg)
             * Dictionary<string, Agent> agents = VRApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Agents;
             * string agentName = msg.Sender.toString();
             * //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Sender : " + agentName + " - Host: "+this.Host.name);
             * if (agents.ContainsKey(agentName))
             * {
             *  Mascaret.Agent agt = agents[agentName];
             *  ProceduralBehavior pbehavior = (ProceduralBehavior)(agt.getBehaviorExecutingByName("ProceduralBehavior"));
             *  List<ProcedureExecution> procedures = pbehavior.runningProcedures;
             *  //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("M-Procedures : " + procedures.Count);
             *  foreach (ProcedureExecution proc in procedures)
             *      MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(proc.procedure.getFullName());
             *  List<KeyValuePair<ProcedureExecution, ActionNode>> actionNodes = pbehavior.actionsToDo;
             *  //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("M-Action Nodes Count: " + actionNodes.Count);
             *  for (int atd = 0; atd < actionNodes.Count; ++atd)
             *  {
             *      if (actionNodes[atd].Value.Action.GetType().ToString() == "Mascaret.CallOperationAction")
             *      {
             *          //MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Action Node Description: "+actionNodes[atd].Value.Description);
             *          string fml=null;
             *          if (msg.Content == "action")
             *          {
             *              fml = "<FML><Performative>Inform</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + agentName + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + actionNodes[atd].Value.Description + "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + "" + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>";
             *          }
             *          else if (msg.Content == "object")
             *          {
             *              CallOperationAction coa = (CallOperationAction)(actionNodes[atd].Value.Action);
             *              List<InputPin> pins = coa.InputPins;
             *              if (pins.Count >= 1)
             *              {
             *                  InputPin ip = pins[0];
             *                  List<ObjectNode> nObjNode = ip.getIncomingObjectNode();
             *                  if (nObjNode.Count >= 1)
             *                  {
             *                      ObjectNode on = nObjNode[0];
             *                      foreach (ProcedureExecution pe in procedures)
             *                      {
             *                          Dictionary<string, InstanceSpecification> affect = pe.getAffectations();
             *                          if (affect.ContainsKey(on.name))
             *                          {
             *                              InstanceSpecification instance = affect[on.name];
             *                              fml = "<FML><Performative>Point</Performative><Receivers><Receiver>" + agentName + "</Receiver></Receivers><Content>" + "" + "</Content><Emotion>Neutral</Emotion><Ressources><Ressource>" + instance.name + "</Ressource></Ressources></FML>";
             *                          }
             *                      }
             *                  }
             *              }
             *          }
             *          if(fml != null) ((EmbodiedAgent)(Host)).addIntention(fml);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/

            //////////////////////////////////////////////////bilal Sep2015////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
            string content = msg.Content;

            FIPASLParserResult result = parseFipaSLExpression(content);

            Dictionary <string, Agent> agents = VRApplication.Instance.AgentPlateform.Agents;

            if (result.isIota)
                FIPAIota iota = result.iota;
                if (iota.predicate == "slot")
                    string res = getSlot(iota.paramName);
                    MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("IOTA : " + iota.predicate + " " + iota.result + " == " + res);
                    if (res != "")
                        // give the intention
                        ACLMessage aclMsg = new ACLMessage(ACLPerformative.INFORM);
                        aclMsg.Sender = ((Agent)Host).Aid;
                        aclMsg.Content = "((= (iota ?" + iota.paramName[0] + " (" + iota.predicate + " ?" + iota.paramName[1] + " ?" + iota.paramName[2] + ")) " + res + "))";
                        MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Inform message: " + aclMsg.Content);

            /*string agentName = msg.Sender.toString();
             * MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log("Sender : " + agentName + " - Host: "+this.Host.name);
             * if (agents.ContainsKey(agentName))
             * {
             *  Mascaret.Agent agt = agents[agentName];
             *  KnowledgeBase kb = agt.KnowledgeBase;
             *  Mascaret.Environment envKB = kb.Environment;
             *  List<Entity> entitiesKB = envKB.getEntities();
             *  foreach (Entity entity in entitiesKB)
             *  {
             *      MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(entity.getFullName());
             *      if (entity.Slots.Count > 0)
             *      {
             *          foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Slot> s in entity.Slots)
             *          {
             *              if (s.Value.getValue() != null)
             *                  MascaretApplication.Instance.VRComponentFactory.Log(s.Key + " = " + s.Value.getValue().getStringFromValue());
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/