コード例 #1
ファイル: Command.cs プロジェクト: ramseur/ModernMUD
        /// <summary>
        /// By Xangis.  Currently only lists known languages 
        /// Can change current language too.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="str"></param>
        public static void Speak(CharData ch, string[] str)
            if( ch == null ) return;

            string arg1 = String.Empty;

            if (ch.IsNPC())

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(arg1))
                int count;
                string text;
                for (count = 0; count < Race.MAX_LANG; ++count)
                    if (count == (int)Race.Language.unknown)
                    if (((PC)ch).LanguageAptitude[count] > 20)
                        if (((PC)ch).LanguageAptitude[count] < 40)
                            text = String.Format("You have a basic understanding of {0}.\r\n",
                        else if (((PC)ch).LanguageAptitude[count] < 60)
                            text = String.Format("You comprehend {0}.\r\n",
                        else if (((PC)ch).LanguageAptitude[count] < 90)
                            text = String.Format("You are quite fluent in {0}.\r\n",
                            text = String.Format("You are a master of {0}.\r\n",

                if (((PC)ch).Speaking == Race.Language.unknown)
                    ((PC)ch).Speaking = Race.RaceList[ch.GetOrigRace()].PrimaryLanguage;
                text = String.Format("Currently speaking ");
                text += Race.LanguageTable[(int)((PC)ch).Speaking];
                text += ".\r\n";
                Race.Language lang = StringLookup.LanguageLookup(ch, arg1);

                if (ch.CanSpeakLanguage(lang))
                    string buf7 = String.Format("You begin speaking {0}.\r\n", Race.LanguageTable[(int)lang]);
                    ((PC)ch).Speaking = lang;
                    ch.SendText("You don't know that language!\r\n");
コード例 #2
ファイル: Command.cs プロジェクト: ramseur/ModernMUD
        /// <summary>
        /// Direct telepathy-like communication with another individual.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="str"></param>
        public static void Tell(CharData ch, string[] str)
            if( ch == null ) return;

            if (!ch.CanSpeak())
                ch.SendText("Your lips move but no sound comes out.\r\n");

            if (str.Length < 2)
                ch.SendText("Tell what to who?\r\n");

            * PCs can receive a tell anywhere, but NPCs only can only hear them in the same room.
            * get PC target first, if fails then get NPC

            CharData victim = ch.GetCharWorld(str[0]);
            if (!victim || (victim.IsNPC() && victim.InRoom != ch.InRoom))
                ch.SendText("They aren't here.\r\n");

            if (victim == ch)
                ch.SendText("You listen to your own thoughts. *cricket* *cricket*\r\n");

            if ((ch.IsRacewar(victim)) && (!ch.IsImmortal() && !victim.IsImmortal())
                    && (ch.InRoom != victim.InRoom))
                ch.SendText("They aren't here.\r\n");

            /* Can tell to other side of racewar iff the opponent is in the same
            room or one of the people are Immortals. */
            if ((!ch.IsImmortal() && !victim.IsImmortal()) && (ch.IsRacewar(victim))
                    && (victim.InRoom != ch.InRoom))
                ch.SendText("They aren't here.\r\n");

            if ((!ch.IsNPC() && (ch.HasActionBit(PC.PLAYER_SILENCE) || !ch.HasActionBit(PC.PLAYER_TELL)
                || (!victim.IsNPC() && !victim.HasActionBit(PC.PLAYER_TELL))))
                    || victim.InRoom.HasFlag(RoomTemplate.ROOM_SILENT))
                ch.SendText("They can't hear you.\r\n");

            if (!victim.Socket && !victim.IsNPC())
                SocketConnection.Act("$N&n is &+Llinkdead&n.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);

            if (!ch.IsImmortal() && !victim.IsAwake())
                SocketConnection.Act("$E isn't paying attention.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);

            if (victim.IsIgnoring(ch))
                SocketConnection.Act("$E is ignoring you.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);

            string text = String.Join(" ", str, 1, (str.Length - 1));
            text = DrunkSpeech.MakeDrunk(text, ch);

            int position = victim.CurrentPosition;
            victim.CurrentPosition = Position.standing;
            Race.Language lang = ch.IsNPC() ? Race.RaceList[ch.GetOrigRace()].PrimaryLanguage :
            if (lang == Race.Language.god || lang == Race.Language.unknown)
                text = String.Format("&+WYou tell $N&+W '$t&+W'&n");
                text = String.Format("&+WYou tell $N&+W in {0} '$t&+W'&n", Race.LanguageTable[(int)lang]);

            SocketConnection.Act(text, ch, text, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);
            if (lang == Race.Language.god || lang == Race.Language.unknown)
                text = String.Format("&+W$n&+W tells you '$t&+W'&n");
                text = String.Format("&+W$n&+W tells you in {0} '$t&+W'&n", Race.LanguageTable[(int)lang]);
            SocketConnection.Act(text, ch, SocketConnection.TranslateText(text, ch, victim), victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.victim);
            victim.CurrentPosition = position;
            victim.ReplyTo = ch;

            if (victim.HasActionBit(PC.PLAYER_AFK))
                SocketConnection.Act("Just so you know, $E is &+RAFK&n.", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);
            else if (victim.HasActionBit(PC.PLAYER_BOTTING))
                SocketConnection.Act("Just so you know, $E is a &+YBOT&n", ch, null, victim, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);

            // players can't have talk files -- go home!  Quest stuff.
            if (!victim.IsNPC())

            bool questfound = false;
            foreach (QuestTemplate it in QuestTemplate.QuestList)
                bool isquest = (ch.IsImmortal() && !MUDString.StringsNotEqual(text, "quest")) ? true : false;

                if (it.Messages == null || (it.IndexNumber != victim.MobileTemplate.IndexNumber))
                foreach (TalkData message in it.Messages)
                    if (MUDString.NameContainedIn(text, message.Keywords) || isquest)
                        questfound = true;
            // Chatterbot code.  Bots won't check if a quest matched (prevents multiple statements).
            if (!questfound && victim.ChatBot != null)
                victim.ChatBot.CheckConversation(victim, ch, text);

コード例 #3
ファイル: Fraglist.cs プロジェクト: ramseur/ModernMUD
        /// <summary>
        /// Code to check if someone just fragged. 
        /// Will also have to add to race, class, and guild frag tables in
        /// addition to the master frag table.  This does not update any
        /// lists yet and instead only updates the totals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="victim"></param>
        public static void CheckForFrag( CharData ch, CharData victim )
            // NPC's don't participate in fragging, can't frag yourself,
            // have to be within 10 levels, no same side frags, no frags
            // from races not participating in racewars, have to be level
            // 20 to frag, and have to be a valid class.

            // Check to see if kill qualifies for a frag.

            if( ch.IsNPC() )
            if( victim.IsNPC() )
            if( ch == victim )
            if( ch.GetRacewarSide() == Race.RacewarSide.neutral )
            if( !ch.IsRacewar( victim ) )
            if( ch.IsImmortal() )
            if( victim.IsImmortal() )
            if( victim.Level < 20 )
            if( ch.Level < 20 )
            if( ( ch.Level - 10 ) > victim.Level )
            if (ch.IsClass(CharClass.Names.none) || victim.IsClass(CharClass.Names.none))
            if( victim.GetOrigRace() > Limits.MAX_PC_RACE )

            // Give frag to ch.
            ( (PC)ch ).Frags++;

            // Protect against polymorphed character race frags.
            if( ch.GetOrigRace() < Limits.MAX_PC_RACE )
                _fraglist._totalFragsByRaceAndClass[ch.GetOrigRace()][ (int)ch.CharacterClass.ClassNumber]++;
                _fraglist._totalFragsBySide[ (int)ch.GetRacewarSide() ]++;

            if( ( (PC)ch ).GuildMembership != null )
                ( (PC)ch ).GuildMembership.Frags++;

            // Take frag from victim.
            ( (PC)victim ).Frags--;

            // Protect against polymorphed character race frags
            if( victim.GetOrigRace() < Limits.MAX_PC_RACE )
                _fraglist._totalFragsByRaceAndClass[victim.GetOrigRace()][ (int)victim.CharacterClass.ClassNumber]--;
                _fraglist._totalFragsBySide[ (int)victim.GetRacewarSide() ]--;

            if (((PC)victim).GuildMembership != null)

            ch.SendText( "&+WYou gain a frag!&n\r\n" );
            victim.SendText( "&+WYou lose a frag!&n\r\n" );

            string text = ch.Name + " has fragged " + victim.Name + " in room " + ch.InRoom.IndexNumber + ".";
            ImmortalChat.SendImmortalChat( ch, ImmortalChat.IMMTALK_DEATHS, Limits.LEVEL_AVATAR, text );
            Log.Trace( text );

            // Check to see if either person goes up or down on their particular lists.
            if( ( (PC)ch ).Frags > 0 )
                SortFraglist( ch, _fraglist._topFrags );
                SortFraglist( ch, _fraglist._topRaceFrags[ ch.GetOrigRace() ] );
                SortFraglist(ch, _fraglist._topClassFrags[(int)ch.CharacterClass.ClassNumber]);
            else if( ( (PC)ch ).Frags < 0 )
                SortFraglist( ch, _fraglist._bottomFrags );
                SortFraglist( ch, _fraglist._bottomRaceFrags[ ch.GetOrigRace() ] );
                SortFraglist(ch, _fraglist._bottomClassFrags[(int)ch.CharacterClass.ClassNumber]);

            if( ( (PC)victim ).Frags > 0 )
                SortFraglist( victim, _fraglist._topFrags );
                SortFraglist( victim, _fraglist._topRaceFrags[ victim.GetOrigRace() ] );
                SortFraglist(victim, _fraglist._topClassFrags[(int)victim.CharacterClass.ClassNumber]);
            else if( ( (PC)victim ).Frags < 0 )
                SortFraglist( victim, _fraglist._bottomFrags );
                SortFraglist( victim, _fraglist._bottomRaceFrags[ victim.GetOrigRace() ] );
                SortFraglist(victim, _fraglist._bottomClassFrags[(int)victim.CharacterClass.ClassNumber]);


コード例 #4
ファイル: Command.cs プロジェクト: ramseur/ModernMUD
        /// <summary>
        /// Say something out loud.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="str"></param>
        public static void Say(CharData ch, string[] str)
            if( ch == null ) return;

            if (str.Length == 0)
                ch.SendText("Say what?\r\n");

            if (!ch.CanSpeak())
                ch.SendText("Your lips move but no sound comes out.\r\n");

            string text = String.Join(" ", str);

            text = DrunkSpeech.MakeDrunk(text, ch);

            if (ch.InRoom != null)
                foreach (CharData roomChar in ch.InRoom.People)
                    if (roomChar == ch || roomChar.IsNPC())

                    string output;
                    if (ch.IsNPC() || (!ch.IsNPC() && (((PC)ch).Speaking == Race.Language.god ||
                        ((PC)ch).Speaking == Race.Language.unknown)))
                        output = String.Format("{0} says '&n$T&n'", ch.ShowNameTo(roomChar, true));
                        output = String.Format("{0} says in {1} '&n$T&n'", ch.ShowNameTo(roomChar, true),
                                  ch.IsNPC() ? Race.LanguageTable[(int)Race.RaceList[ch.GetOrigRace()].PrimaryLanguage]
                                  : Race.LanguageTable[(int)((PC)ch).Speaking]);
                    // Add foreign language filter.
                    SocketConnection.Act(output, roomChar, null, SocketConnection.TranslateText(text, ch, roomChar), SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);
                    // Chatterbot code.  May want to restrict chatterbots to tells, asks, and whispers.
                    if (roomChar.ChatBot != null)
                        roomChar.ChatBot.CheckConversation(roomChar, ch, text);

            //    MOBtrigger = false;
            SocketConnection.Act("You say '&n$T&n'", ch, null, text, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);
            //    prog_speech_trigger( argument, ch );
コード例 #5
ファイル: Combat.cs プロジェクト: carriercomm/ModernMUD
        * Compute xp for a kill.
        * Also adjust alignment of killer.
        * Edit this function to change xp computations.
        static int ComputeExperience( CharData killer, CharData victim )
            int percent = 100;
            int sign;
            int alignDir;

            // Uses a semi-exponential table called ExperienceTable.Table
            // no exp is awarded for anything 20 levels below you.
            // exp is reduced by 10% per level of the creature below you
            // for the first 9 levels, and then another 1% for the next 9 levels.
            // It actually counts down starting at 91%.
            /* If victim is lower level */
            if( victim.Level < killer.Level )
                /* If victim is less than 10 levels below */
                if( killer.Level - victim.Level < 10 )
                    percent = 101 - ( ( killer.Level - victim.Level ) * 10 );
                /* If victim is less than 20 levels below */
                else if( killer.Level - victim.Level < 20 )
                    percent = 20 - ( killer.Level - victim.Level );
                    percent = 0;
            /* If victim is over 10 levels over */
            else if( victim.Level > ( killer.Level + 10 ) && killer.Level <= 20 )
                // Experience penalty for killing stuff way higher than you, 33 level difference and you
                // get about nothing.
                // Tweaked this slightly, 96 % at 10 levels above, 96% at 10 levels, etc
                percent = 129 - ( ( victim.Level - killer.Level ) * 4 );
                if( percent < 2 )
                    percent = 2;
                percent += ( victim.Level - killer.Level );

            if( killer.Alignment > 0 )
                sign = 1;
                sign = -1;
            if( victim.Alignment > 0 )
                alignDir = -1;
                alignDir = 1;
            int chance = Math.Abs( killer.Alignment - victim.Alignment ) - sign * killer.Alignment;
            chance /= 10;
            if( chance < 0 )
                chance *= -1;
            if( killer.Level > victim.Level )
                chance -= ( killer.Level - victim.Level );
            chance = Macros.Range( 0, chance, 100 );

            string lbuf = String.Format( "ComputeExperience: {0} has a {1} chance of gaining {2} align.",
                                         killer.Name, chance, alignDir );
            ImmortalChat.SendImmortalChat( null, ImmortalChat.IMMTALK_SPAM, 0, lbuf );
            if( MUDMath.NumberPercent() < chance && killer.Alignment != -1000 )
                killer.Alignment += alignDir;
                if( killer.Alignment <= -1000 )
                    killer.SendText( "&+RThe d&+rarkside t&+lakes over...&n\r\n" );

            killer.Alignment = Macros.Range( -1000, killer.Alignment, 1000 );

            // 25% bonus for sanctuary
            if (victim.IsAffected(Affect.AFFECT_SANCTUARY))
                percent = ( percent * 5 ) / 4;

            // 10% bonus for fireshield
            if( victim.IsAffected( Affect.AFFECT_FIRESHIELD ) )
                percent = ( percent * 11 ) / 10;

            // 12.5% bonus for an armed opponent
            Object obj = Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( victim, ObjTemplate.WearLocation.hand_one );
            if( obj )
                percent = ( percent * 9 ) / 8;

            // 8.25% bonus for secondary weapon
            obj = Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter( victim, ObjTemplate.WearLocation.hand_two );
            if( obj )
                percent = ( percent * 13 ) / 12;

            // 10% bonus for racially hated mobs
            if( MUDString.NameContainedIn( Race.RaceList[ victim.GetRace() ].Name, Race.RaceList[ killer.GetOrigRace() ].Hate ) )
                percent = ( percent * 11 ) / 10;

            // 10% penalty for killing same race
            if( victim.GetRace() == killer.GetOrigRace() )
                percent = ( percent * 9 ) / 10;

            // Lowbie experience bonus was eliminated since the ExperienceTable.Table
            // made it no longer necessary

            if( victim.IsNPC() )
                // 5% bonus for aggros
                if( victim.HasActionBit(MobTemplate.ACT_AGGRESSIVE ) )
                    percent = ( percent * 21 ) / 20;

                // 50% penalty for killing shopkeepers
                if( victim.MobileTemplate.ShopData != null )
                    percent = percent / 2;

                // No bonus for special function #1 because they get that by having a class.
                // 10% bonus for each extra special function.
                int count = victim.SpecialFunction.Count;
                percent = ( percent * ( 10 + count ) ) / 10;
                // Player-vs-player experience
                // Killing a level 1-5 makes you lose a small amount of experience
                // and you get no experience for anyone under level 10.
                // Those 11-20 are worth one fifth experience.
                if( victim.Level < 6 )
                    killer.SendText( "You killed a newbie!  You feel like a twink!\r\n" );
                    return (victim.Level - 6);
                if( victim.Level < 11 )
                    return 0;
                if( victim.Level < 20 )
                    percent /= 5;
                    percent *= 2;

                if( !killer.IsRacewar( victim ) )
                    if( !killer.HasActionBit( PC.PLAYER_BOTTING ))
                        killer.SendText("You gain no experience for killing your own side.\r\n");
                        return 0;
                    // Same-side bot kills are worth normal experience.
                    killer.SendText("You gain experience for vanquishing an automaton.\r\n");
                else if( killer.HasActionBit( PC.PLAYER_BOTTING ))
                    // Racewar bot kills.  50% bonus exp.
                    killer.SendText("You gain bonus experience for killing an automaton.\r\n");
                    percent = percent * 3/2;

            int xp = ( percent * ExperienceTable.Table[ victim.Level ].MobExperience ) / 100;
            xp = Math.Max( 0, xp );
            return xp;
コード例 #6
ファイル: SocketConnection.cs プロジェクト: ramseur/ModernMUD
        /// <summary>
        /// Mangles text based on languages used by speaker and listener.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sstring"></param>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="victim"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string TranslateText( string sstring, CharData ch, CharData victim )
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sstring) || ch == null || victim == null)
                return String.Empty;
            const string alphabet = "ecdfighjaklmnpyqrstvowxzub ";
            const string numbers = "1234567890";
            int i;
            Race.Language lang = ch.IsNPC() ? Race.RaceList[ ch.GetOrigRace() ].PrimaryLanguage : ( (PC)ch ).Speaking;

            // Immortals have perfect speech & NPCs have perfect ears & nobody misunderstands themselves.
            if (victim.IsImmortal() || ch.IsImmortal() || victim.IsNPC() || (ch == victim) || ch.IsNPC())
                return sstring;

            /* Step 1: Copy string. */
            char[] buffer = sstring.ToCharArray();

            /* Step 3: Check to see if ch says everything right.
            * NPC's never say anything wrong.
            if( !ch.IsNPC() )
                for( i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++ )
                    if( MUDMath.NumberPercent() > ( (PC)ch ).LanguageAptitude[ (int)lang ]
                            && MUDMath.NumberPercent() < 50 )
                        if( Char.IsLetter( buffer[ i ] ) )
                            if( Char.IsLower( buffer[ i ] ) )
                                buffer[ i ] = alphabet[ buffer[ i ] - 'a' ];
                                buffer[ i ] = Char.ToUpper( alphabet[ buffer[ i ] - 'A' ] );
                        else if( Char.IsDigit( buffer[ i ] ) )
                            buffer[ i ] = numbers[ buffer[ i ] - '0' ];
                            buffer[ i ] = buffer[ i ];

            // Step 4: Check for comprehend languages.  If so, victim understands perfectly.
            if (victim.IsAffected(Affect.AFFECT_COMP_LANG) || (lang == Race.Language.unknown))
                return new String(buffer);

            victim.PracticeLanguage( lang );

            // Step 5: Check to see if victim hears everything right.
            for( i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++ )
                if( MUDMath.NumberPercent() > ( (PC)victim ).LanguageAptitude[ (int)lang ]
                        && MUDMath.NumberPercent() < 50 )
                    if( Char.IsLetter( buffer[ i ] ) )
                        if (Char.IsLower(buffer[i]))
                            buffer[i] = alphabet[buffer[i] - 'a'];
                            buffer[i] = Char.ToUpper(alphabet[buffer[i] - 'A']);
                    else if (Char.IsDigit(buffer[i]))
                        buffer[i] = numbers[buffer[i] - '0'];
                        buffer[i] = buffer[i];

            /* Step 6: return the (probably messed up if it got this far) string. */
            return new String(buffer);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Combat.cs プロジェクト: carriercomm/ModernMUD
        /// <summary>
        /// When player ch kills victim, adjusts faction standings of the player, player's guild,
        /// and the player's race.
        /// Keep in mind that _raceFaction values are "how they feel about us" values and not
        /// "how we feel about them" values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="victim"></param>
        public static void AdjustFaction(CharData ch, CharData victim)
            // Faction hits can only be had when a player kills a mob.
            if (ch == null || victim == null || ch.IsNPC() || !victim.IsNPC())

            if (Macros.IsSet((int)Database.SystemData.ActFlags, (int)Sysdata.MudFlags.disablefaction))

            if (Macros.IsSet((int)Database.SystemData.ActFlags, (int)Sysdata.MudFlags.checkfactionbit) &&

            // First we do player faction.
            PC pc = (PC)ch;
            int race = victim.GetOrigRace();
            pc.RaceFaction[race] -= 1.0;
            if (pc.RaceFaction[race] < Limits.MIN_FACTION)
                pc.RaceFaction[race] = Limits.MIN_FACTION;

            // Now we do guild faction at 1/10 the strength.
            if (pc.GuildMembership != null)
                pc.GuildMembership.RaceFactionStandings[race] -= 0.1;
                if (pc.GuildMembership.RaceFactionStandings[race] < Limits.MIN_FACTION)
                    pc.GuildMembership.RaceFactionStandings[race] = Limits.MIN_FACTION;

            // Now we do race faction at 1/100 the strength.
            int pcrace = pc.GetOrigRace();
            Race.RaceList[pcrace].RaceFaction[race] -= 0.01;
            if (Race.RaceList[pcrace].RaceFaction[race] < Limits.MIN_FACTION)
                Race.RaceList[pcrace].RaceFaction[race] = Limits.MIN_FACTION;

            // Now we check rival races to see whether we get any faction bonuses.
            for( int racenum = 0; racenum < Race.RaceList.Length; racenum++ )
                // Already adjusted this one or it's our race.
                if (racenum == race || racenum == pcrace )

                // Adjustment is done in fractions of a percent of a point (-1% to 1% based on how strongly the
                // opposing race feels).  This may need to be increased.
                double adjustment = (Race.RaceList[racenum].RaceFaction[race] / Limits.MAX_FACTION) * 0.01;
                // Since a race that has high faction with the race that was just killed will result in a positive number
                // we subtract it from the player's faction with that race.
                pc.RaceFaction[racenum] -= adjustment;
                if (pc.RaceFaction[racenum] < Limits.MIN_FACTION)
                    pc.RaceFaction[racenum] = Limits.MIN_FACTION;
                else if (pc.RaceFaction[racenum] > Limits.MAX_FACTION)
                    pc.RaceFaction[racenum] = Limits.MAX_FACTION;

                // Adjust the race faction rankings of the player's guild.
                if (pc.GuildMembership != null)
                    // Guild takes 1/10 the adjustment.
                    pc.GuildMembership.RaceFactionStandings[racenum] -= (adjustment / 10.0);
                    if (pc.GuildMembership.RaceFactionStandings[racenum] < Limits.MIN_FACTION)
                        pc.GuildMembership.RaceFactionStandings[racenum] = Limits.MIN_FACTION;
                    else if (pc.GuildMembership.RaceFactionStandings[racenum] > Limits.MAX_FACTION)
                        pc.GuildMembership.RaceFactionStandings[racenum] = Limits.MAX_FACTION;

                // Adjust the race faction rankings of the players race.
                Race.RaceList[pcrace].RaceFaction[racenum] -= (adjustment / 100.0);
                if (Race.RaceList[pcrace].RaceFaction[racenum] < Limits.MIN_FACTION)
                    Race.RaceList[pcrace].RaceFaction[racenum] = Limits.MIN_FACTION;
                else if (Race.RaceList[pcrace].RaceFaction[racenum] > Limits.MAX_FACTION)
                    Race.RaceList[pcrace].RaceFaction[racenum] = Limits.MAX_FACTION;
コード例 #8
ファイル: CharData.cs プロジェクト: carriercomm/ModernMUD
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the current character is at racewar with the supplied character.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsRacewar( CharData ch )
            // Gods don't participate in racewars.
            if( IsImmortal() || ch.IsImmortal() )
                return false;

            // NPCs are not a part of the war.
            if( IsNPC() || ch.IsNPC() )
                return false;

            // We check using original race because racewars are based on the side a person is *really* on at heart.
            if( Race.RaceList[ GetOrigRace() ].WarSide != Race.RaceList[ ch.GetOrigRace() ].WarSide )
                return true;

            return false;
コード例 #9
ファイル: CharData.cs プロジェクト: carriercomm/ModernMUD
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the caller's faction standing with the victim.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="victim"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual double GetFaction(CharData victim)
     int race = victim.GetOrigRace();
     return GetFaction(race);
コード例 #10
ファイル: CharData.cs プロジェクト: carriercomm/ModernMUD
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts a character from the world.  If delete is true, it then deletes that character.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ch"></param>
        /// <param name="delete"></param>
        public static void ExtractChar( CharData ch, bool delete )
            if( ch == null )
                Log.Error( "ExtractChar: null ch.", 0 );

                if (ch.Fighting)
                    Combat.StopFighting(ch, true);



                // Remove any affects we want to be gone next time they log in.

                // Meaning they're dead for good or have left the game.
                if (delete)
                    string name;

                    if (ch.IsNPC())
                        name = ch.ShortDescription;
                        name = ch.Name;

                    if (ch.GroupLeader || ch.NextInGroup)

                    /* Get rid of weapons _first_ */

                        Object obj3 = Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter(ch, ObjTemplate.WearLocation.hand_one);
                        Object obj2 = Object.GetEquipmentOnCharacter(ch, ObjTemplate.WearLocation.hand_two);

                        if (obj3 != null)

                        /* Now kill obj2 if it exists no matter if on body or floor */
                        if (obj2)

                    for (int i = ch.Carrying.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)

                CharData worldChar;
                for (int xx = Database.CharList.Count - 1; xx >= 0; xx--)
                    worldChar = Database.CharList[xx];
                    if (worldChar.ReplyTo == ch)
                        worldChar.ReplyTo = null;
                    if (worldChar.IsConsenting(ch))
                        SocketConnection.Act("You stop consenting $N&n.", worldChar, null, ch, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);
                    if (worldChar.IsIgnoring(ch))
                        SocketConnection.Act("You stop ignoring $N&n.", worldChar, null, ch, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);
                    if (!worldChar.IsNPC() && ((PC)worldChar).Guarding == ch)
                        ((PC)worldChar).Guarding = null;
                        SocketConnection.Act("You stop guarding $N&n.", worldChar, null, ch, SocketConnection.MessageTarget.character);
                    if (worldChar.IsHating(ch))
                    if (worldChar.Hunting && worldChar.Hunting.Who == ch)
                    if (worldChar.Fearing && worldChar.Fearing.Who == ch)
                    // Remove from the active character list.
                    // BUG: TODO: FIXME: This invalidates the list for anyone iterating through
                    // a list that may kill characters, such as violence_update.
                    // it = CharList.erase( it );

                if (ch.InRoom)
                    // This was placed *after* the act strings to be safe.
                    for (int iwch = ch.InRoom.People.Count - 1; iwch >= 0; iwch--)
                        if (ch.InRoom.People[iwch] == ch)

                // They're not being yanked from game, probably just dead and going to the menu.
                if (!delete)
                    Room location;

                    if (ch.Level < 5 || Macros.IsSet((int)Database.SystemData.ActFlags, (int)Sysdata.MudFlags.alwaysequip))

                    if (!ch.IsNPC() && (ch.GetOrigRace() < Limits.MAX_PC_RACE) && ((int)ch.CharacterClass.ClassNumber < CharClass.ClassList.Length))
                        // Get the default respawn location based on currhome, then race/class default.
                        location = Room.GetRoom(((PC)ch).CurrentHome);
                        if (location == null)
                            int place;
                            List<RepopulationPoint> repoplist = ch.GetAvailableRepops();
                            if (repoplist.Count < 1)
                                place = StaticRooms.GetRoomNumber("ROOM_NUMBER_START");
                                place = repoplist[0].RoomIndexNumber;
                            location = Room.GetRoom(place);
                            if (location == null)
                                Log.Error("Starting room does not exist for class {0} of player's race!  Calling ch.AddToRoom() for altar.", (int)ch.CharacterClass.ClassNumber);
                        location = Room.GetRoom(StaticRooms.GetRoomNumber("ROOM_NUMBER_START"));
                        if (location == null)
                            Log.Error("Starting room {0} does not exist!  Calling char_to_room for altar.", StaticRooms.GetRoomNumber("ROOM_NUMBER_START"));

                // Clear modifiers.
                if (ch.IsNPC())
                    ((PC)ch).Hunger = 48;
                    ((PC)ch).Thirst = 48;
                    ((PC)ch).Drunk = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).LastRentLocation = 0;
                    ch.ArmorPoints = 100;
                    ch.CurrentPosition = Position.standing;
                    ch.Hitpoints = Math.Max(1, ch.Hitpoints);
                    ch.CurrentMana = Math.Max(1, ch.CurrentMana);
                    ch.CurrentMoves = Math.Max(1, ch.CurrentMoves);
                    ((PC)ch).HitpointModifier = 0;
                    ch.Hitroll = 0;
                    ch.Damroll = 0;
                    ch.SavingThrows[0] = 0;
                    ch.SavingThrows[1] = 0;
                    ch.SavingThrows[2] = 0;
                    ch.SavingThrows[3] = 0;
                    ch.SavingThrows[4] = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedStrength = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedIntelligence = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedWisdom = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedDexterity = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedConstitution = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedAgility = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedCharisma = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedPower = 0;
                    ch.ModifiedLuck = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxStrMod = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxIntMod = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxWisMod = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxDexMod = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxConMod = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxAgiMod = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxChaMod = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxPowMod = 0;
                    ((PC)ch).MaxLukMod = 0;

                if (ch.Socket && ch.Socket.Original)
                    CommandType.Interpret(ch, "return");

                ch.DeleteMe = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Exception in ExtractChar: " + ex.ToString());
コード例 #11
ファイル: PC.cs プロジェクト: carriercomm/ModernMUD
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the player's faction standing with the victim.  Uses race, guild, and player standings in calculation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="victim"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override double GetFaction(CharData victim)
     int race = victim.GetOrigRace();
     return GetFaction(race);