public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message != "") { Help(p); return; } ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + p.level.spawnx) * 32); ushort y = (ushort)((1 + p.level.spawny) * 32); ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + p.level.spawnz) * 32); unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, x, y, z, p.level.rotx, p.level.roty); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { p.onTrain = !p.onTrain; if (!p.onTrain) return; Thread trainThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { while (p.onTrain) { Thread.Sleep(3); ushort x = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32); ushort y = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32); ushort z = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32); for (ushort xx = (ushort)(x - 1); xx <= x + 1; xx++) { for (ushort yy = (ushort)(y - 1); yy <= y + 1; yy++) { for (ushort zz = (ushort)(z - 1); zz <= z + 1; zz++) { if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) == Block.train) { p.invincible = true; p.trainGrab = true; byte newY = 0; if (y - yy == -1) newY = 240; else if (y - yy == 0) newY = 0; else newY = 8; unchecked { if (x - xx == -1) if (z - zz == -1) p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)96, newY); else if (z - zz == 0) p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)64, newY); else p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)32, newY); else if (x - xx == 0) if (z - zz == -1) p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)128, newY); else if (z - zz == 0) { } else p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)0, newY); else if (z - zz == -1) p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)160, newY); else if (z - zz == 0) p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)192, newY); else p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)224, newY); } goto skip; } } } } Thread.Sleep(3); p.invincible = false; p.trainGrab = false; skip: ; } Player.SendMessage(p, "Dismounted"); Thread.Sleep(1000); p.invincible = false; p.trainGrab = false; })); trainThread.Start(); Player.SendMessage(p, "Stand near a train to mount it"); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } try { Level foundLevel = Level.Find(message); if (foundLevel != null) { Level startLevel = p.level; GC.Collect(); if (p.level == foundLevel) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You are already in \"" + + "\"."); return; } if (!p.ignorePermission) if ( < foundLevel.permissionvisit) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You're not allowed to go to " + + "."); return; } if (foundLevel.locked) { Player.SendMessage(p, "\"" + + "\" is locked!"); return; } p.Loading = true; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) if (p.level == pl.level && p != pl) p.SendDie(; foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) if (p.level == b.level) p.SendDie(; Player.GlobalDie(p, true); p.level = foundLevel; p.SendUserMOTD(); p.SendMap(); GC.Collect(); ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + foundLevel.spawnx) * 32); ushort y = (ushort)((1 + foundLevel.spawny) * 32); ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + foundLevel.spawnz) * 32); if (!p.hidden) Player.GlobalSpawn(p, x, y, z, foundLevel.rotx, foundLevel.roty, true); else unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, x, y, z, foundLevel.rotx, foundLevel.roty); } foreach (Player pl in Player.players) if (pl.level == p.level && p != pl && !pl.hidden) p.SendSpawn(, pl.color +, pl.pos[0], pl.pos[1], pl.pos[2], pl.rot[0], pl.rot[1]); foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) if (b.level == p.level) p.SendSpawn(, b.color +, b.pos[0], b.pos[1], b.pos[2], b.rot[0], b.rot[1]); if (!p.hidden) Player.GlobalChat(p, p.color + "*" + + Server.DefaultColor + " went to &b" +, false); p.Loading = false; bool skipUnload = false; if (startLevel.unload && !"&cMuseum ")) { foreach (Player pl in Player.players) if (pl.level == startLevel) skipUnload = true; if (!skipUnload && Server.AutoLoad) startLevel.Unload(); } } else if (Server.AutoLoad) { Command.all.Find("load").Use(p, message); foundLevel = Level.Find(message); if (foundLevel != null) Use(p, message); } else Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no level \"" + message + "\" loaded."); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } }
public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type) { byte by = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z); p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, by); Pos bp = (Pos)p.blockchangeObject; double a = Math.Sin(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double b = Math.Cos(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double c = Math.Cos(((double)(p.rot[1] + 64) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double bigDiag = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(p.level.width * p.level.width + p.level.height * p.level.height) + p.level.depth * p.level.depth + p.level.width * p.level.width); List <CatchPos> previous = new List <CatchPos>(); List <CatchPos> allBlocks = new List <CatchPos>(); CatchPos pos; if (p.modeType != Block.air) { type = p.modeType; } Thread gunThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { ushort startX = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32); ushort startY = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32); ushort startZ = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32); pos.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * 3)); pos.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * 3)); pos.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * 3)); for (double t = 4; bigDiag > t; t++) { pos.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * t)); pos.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * t)); pos.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * t)); by = p.level.GetTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); if (by != Block.air && !allBlocks.Contains(pos)) { if (p.level.physics < 2 || bp.ending <= 0) { break; } else { if (bp.ending == 1) { if ((!Block.LavaKill(by) && !Block.NeedRestart(by)) && by != { break; } } else if (p.level.physics >= 3) { if (by != { p.level.MakeExplosion(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1); break; } } else { break; } } } p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, type); previous.Add(pos); allBlocks.Add(pos); bool comeOut = false; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == p.level) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 + 1) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 - 1) == pos.x) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 + 1) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 - 1) == pos.y) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 + 1) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 - 1) == pos.z) { if (p.level.ctfmode && !p.level.ctfgame.friendlyfire && == { comeOut = true; break; } if (p.level.ctfmode) { = - 25; if ( > 0) { pl.SendMessage("You have been shot! You have &c" + + Server.DefaultColor + " health remaining."); comeOut = true; break; } } if (p.level.physics >= 3 && bp.ending >= 2) { pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was blown up by " + p.color +, true); } else { pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was shot by " + p.color +; } comeOut = true; } } } } } if (comeOut) { break; } if (t > 12 && bp.ending != 3) { pos = previous[0]; p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, Block.air); previous.Remove(pos); } if (bp.ending != 3) { Thread.Sleep(20); } } if (bp.ending == -1) { try { unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].x * 32), (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].y * 32 + 32), (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].z * 32), p.rot[0], p.rot[1]); } } catch { } } if (bp.ending == 3) { Thread.Sleep(400); } foreach (CatchPos pos1 in previous) { p.level.Blockchange(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, Block.air); if (bp.ending != 3) { Thread.Sleep(20); } } })); gunThread.Start(); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { message = "list"; } string[] parameters = message.Split(' '); if (parameters[0].ToLower() == "list") { if (parameters.Length > 1) { int pageNum, currentNum; try { pageNum = int.Parse(parameters[1]) * 10; currentNum = pageNum - 10; } catch { Help(p); return; } if (currentNum < 0) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Must be greater than 0"); return; } if (pageNum > p.level.ZoneList.Count) { pageNum = p.level.ZoneList.Count; } if (currentNum > p.level.ZoneList.Count) { Player.SendMessage(p, "No Zones beyond number " + (p.level.ZoneList.Count - 1)); return; } Player.SendMessage(p, "Zones (" + currentNum + " to " + (pageNum - 1) + "):"); for (int i = currentNum; i < pageNum; i++) { Level.Zone zone = p.level.ZoneList[i]; Player.SendMessage(p, "&c" + i + " &b(" + zone.smallX + "-" + zone.bigX + ", " + zone.smallY + "-" + zone.bigY + ", " + zone.smallZ + "-" + zone.bigZ + ") &f" + zone.Owner); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < p.level.ZoneList.Count; i++) { Level.Zone zone = p.level.ZoneList[i]; Player.SendMessage(p, "&c" + i + " &b(" + zone.smallX + "-" + zone.bigX + ", " + zone.smallY + "-" + zone.bigY + ", " + zone.smallZ + "-" + zone.bigZ + ") &f" + zone.Owner); } Player.SendMessage(p, "For a more structured list, use /tpzone list <1/2/3/..>"); } } else { int zoneID; try { zoneID = int.Parse(message); } catch { Help(p); return; } if (zoneID < 0 || zoneID > p.level.ZoneList.Count) { Player.SendMessage(p, "This zone doesn't exist"); return; } Level.Zone zone = p.level.ZoneList[zoneID]; unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(zone.bigX * 32 + 16), (ushort)(zone.bigY * 32 + 32), (ushort)(zone.bigZ * 32 + 16), p.rot[0], p.rot[1]); } Player.SendMessage(p, "Teleported to zone &c" + zoneID + " &b(" + zone.bigX + ", " + zone.bigY + ", " + zone.bigZ + ") &f" + zone.Owner); } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Help(p); return; } try { Level foundLevel = Level.Find(message); if (foundLevel != null) { Level startLevel = p.level; GC.Collect(); if (p.level == foundLevel) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You are already in \"" + + "\"."); return; } if (!p.ignorePermission) { if ( < foundLevel.permissionvisit) { Player.SendMessage(p, "You're not allowed to go to " + + "."); return; } } p.Loading = true; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (p.level == pl.level && p != pl) { p.SendDie(; } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (p.level == b.level) { p.SendDie(; } } Player.GlobalDie(p, true); p.level = foundLevel; p.SendUserMOTD(); p.SendMap(); GC.Collect(); ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + foundLevel.spawnx) * 32); ushort y = (ushort)((1 + foundLevel.spawny) * 32); ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + foundLevel.spawnz) * 32); if (!p.hidden) { Player.GlobalSpawn(p, x, y, z, foundLevel.rotx, foundLevel.roty, true); } else { unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, x, y, z, foundLevel.rotx, foundLevel.roty); } } foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == p.level && p != pl && !pl.hidden) { p.SendSpawn(, pl.color +, pl.pos[0], pl.pos[1], pl.pos[2], pl.rot[0], pl.rot[1]); } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (b.level == p.level) { p.SendSpawn(, b.color +, b.pos[0], b.pos[1], b.pos[2], b.rot[0], b.rot[1]); } } if (!p.hidden) { Player.GlobalChat(p, p.color + "*" + + Server.DefaultColor + " went to &b" +, false); } p.Loading = false; bool skipUnload = false; if (startLevel.unload && !"&cMuseum ")) { foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == startLevel) { skipUnload = true; } } if (!skipUnload && Server.AutoLoad) { startLevel.Unload(); } } } else if (Server.AutoLoad) { Command.all.Find("load").Use(p, message); foundLevel = Level.Find(message); if (foundLevel != null) { Use(p, message); } } else { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no level \"" + message + "\" loaded."); } GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); } }
public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type) { byte by = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z); p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, by); Pos bp = (Pos)p.blockchangeObject; double a = Math.Sin(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double b = Math.Cos(((double)(128 - p.rot[0]) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double c = Math.Cos(((double)(p.rot[1] + 64) / 256) * 2 * Math.PI); double bigDiag = Math.Sqrt(Math.Sqrt(p.level.width * p.level.width + p.level.height * p.level.height) + p.level.depth * p.level.depth + p.level.width * p.level.width); List<CatchPos> previous = new List<CatchPos>(); List<CatchPos> allBlocks = new List<CatchPos>(); CatchPos pos; if (p.modeType != Block.air) type = p.modeType; Thread gunThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { ushort startX = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32); ushort startY = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32); ushort startZ = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32); pos.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * 3)); pos.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * 3)); pos.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * 3)); for (double t = 4; bigDiag > t; t++) { pos.x = (ushort)Math.Round(startX + (double)(a * t)); pos.y = (ushort)Math.Round(startY + (double)(c * t)); pos.z = (ushort)Math.Round(startZ + (double)(b * t)); by = p.level.GetTile(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); if (by != Block.air && !allBlocks.Contains(pos)) { if (p.level.physics < 2 || bp.ending <= 0) { break; } else { if (bp.ending == 1) { if ((!Block.LavaKill(by) && !Block.NeedRestart(by)) && by != { break; } } else if (p.level.physics >= 3) { if (by != { p.level.MakeExplosion(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1); break; } } else { break; } } } p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, type); previous.Add(pos); allBlocks.Add(pos); bool comeOut = false; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == p.level) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 + 1) == pos.x || (ushort)(pl.pos[0] / 32 - 1) == pos.x) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 + 1) == pos.y || (ushort)(pl.pos[1] / 32 - 1) == pos.y) { if ((ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 + 1) == pos.z || (ushort)(pl.pos[2] / 32 - 1) == pos.z) { if (p.level.ctfmode && !p.level.ctfgame.friendlyfire && == { comeOut = true; break; } if (p.level.ctfmode) { = - 25; if ( > 0) { pl.SendMessage("You have been shot! You have &c" + + Server.DefaultColor + " health remaining."); comeOut = true; break; } } if (p.level.physics >= 3 && bp.ending >= 2) pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was blown up by " + p.color +, true); else pl.HandleDeath(Block.stone, " was shot by " + p.color +; comeOut = true; } } } } } if (comeOut) break; if (t > 12 && bp.ending != 3) { pos = previous[0]; p.level.Blockchange(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, Block.air); previous.Remove(pos); } if (bp.ending != 3) Thread.Sleep(20); } if (bp.ending == -1) try { unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].x * 32), (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].y * 32 + 32), (ushort)(previous[previous.Count - 3].z * 32), p.rot[0], p.rot[1]); } } catch { } if (bp.ending == 3) Thread.Sleep(400); foreach (CatchPos pos1 in previous) { p.level.Blockchange(pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, Block.air); if (bp.ending != 3) Thread.Sleep(20); } })); gunThread.Start(); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { message =; } if (message.ToLower() == "all") { if ( < LevelPermission.Operator) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Reserved for OP+"); return; } foreach (Player who in Player.players) { if (who.level == p.level) { who.Loading = true; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (who.level == pl.level && who != pl) { who.SendDie(; } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (who.level == b.level) { who.SendDie(; } } Player.GlobalDie(who, true); who.SendUserMOTD(); who.SendMap(); ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + who.level.spawnx) * 32); ushort y = (ushort)((1 + who.level.spawny) * 32); ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + who.level.spawnz) * 32); if (!who.hidden) { Player.GlobalSpawn(who, x, y, z, who.level.rotx, who.level.roty, true); } else { unchecked { who.SendPos((byte)-1, x, y, z, who.level.rotx, who.level.roty); } } foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == who.level && who != pl && !pl.hidden) { who.SendSpawn(, pl.color +, pl.pos[0], pl.pos[1], pl.pos[2], pl.rot[0], pl.rot[1]); } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (b.level == who.level) { who.SendSpawn(, b.color +, b.pos[0], b.pos[1], b.pos[2], b.rot[0], b.rot[1]); } } who.Loading = false; who.SendMessage("&bMap reloaded by " +; Player.SendMessage(p, "&4Finished reloading for " +; /* * foreach (Player pl in Player.players) if (who.level == pl.level && who != pl) who.SendDie(; * foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) if (who.level == b.level) who.SendDie(; * Player.GlobalDie(who, true); * * who.SendMap(); * * ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + who.level.spawnx) * 32); * ushort y = (ushort)((1 + who.level.spawny) * 32); * ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + who.level.spawnz) * 32); * * Player.GlobalSpawn(who, x, y, z, who.level.rotx, who.level.roty, true); * * foreach (Player pl in Player.players) * if (pl.level == who.level && who != pl && !pl.hidden) * who.SendSpawn(, pl.color +, pl.pos[0], pl.pos[1], pl.pos[2], pl.rot[0], pl.rot[1]); * * foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) * if (b.level == who.level) * who.SendSpawn(, b.color +, b.pos[0], b.pos[1], b.pos[2], b.rot[0], b.rot[1]); * * who.SendMessage("Map reloaded."); */ } } GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } else { Player who = Player.Find(message); if (who == null) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Could not find player."); return; } else if ( > && p != who) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot reload the map of someone higher than you."); return; } who.Loading = true; foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (who.level == pl.level && who != pl) { who.SendDie(; } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (who.level == b.level) { who.SendDie(; } } Player.GlobalDie(who, true); who.SendUserMOTD(); who.SendMap(); ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + who.level.spawnx) * 32); ushort y = (ushort)((1 + who.level.spawny) * 32); ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + who.level.spawnz) * 32); if (!who.hidden) { Player.GlobalSpawn(who, x, y, z, who.level.rotx, who.level.roty, true); } else { unchecked { who.SendPos((byte)-1, x, y, z, who.level.rotx, who.level.roty); } } foreach (Player pl in Player.players) { if (pl.level == who.level && who != pl && !pl.hidden) { who.SendSpawn(, pl.color +, pl.pos[0], pl.pos[1], pl.pos[2], pl.rot[0], pl.rot[1]); } } foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) { if (b.level == who.level) { who.SendSpawn(, b.color +, b.pos[0], b.pos[1], b.pos[2], b.rot[0], b.rot[1]); } } who.Loading = false; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); who.SendMessage("&bMap reloaded by " +; Player.SendMessage(p, "&4Finished reloading for " +; /* * foreach (Player pl in Player.players) if (who.level == pl.level && who != pl) who.SendDie(; * foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) if (who.level == b.level) who.SendDie(; * Player.GlobalDie(who, true); * * who.SendMap(); * * ushort x = (ushort)((0.5 + who.level.spawnx) * 32); * ushort y = (ushort)((1 + who.level.spawny) * 32); * ushort z = (ushort)((0.5 + who.level.spawnz) * 32); * * Player.GlobalSpawn(who, x, y, z, who.level.rotx, who.level.roty, true); * * foreach (Player pl in Player.players) * if (pl.level == who.level && who != pl && !pl.hidden) * who.SendSpawn(, pl.color +, pl.pos[0], pl.pos[1], pl.pos[2], pl.rot[0], pl.rot[1]); * * foreach (PlayerBot b in PlayerBot.playerbots) * if (b.level == who.level) * who.SendSpawn(, b.color +, b.pos[0], b.pos[1], b.pos[2], b.rot[0], b.rot[1]); * * who.SendMessage("Map reloaded."); */ } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { p.onTrain = !p.onTrain; if (!p.onTrain) { return; } Thread trainThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { while (p.onTrain) { Thread.Sleep(3); ushort x = (ushort)(p.pos[0] / 32); ushort y = (ushort)(p.pos[1] / 32); ushort z = (ushort)(p.pos[2] / 32); for (ushort xx = (ushort)(x - 1); xx <= x + 1; xx++) { for (ushort yy = (ushort)(y - 1); yy <= y + 1; yy++) { for (ushort zz = (ushort)(z - 1); zz <= z + 1; zz++) { if (p.level.GetTile(xx, yy, zz) == Block.train) { p.invincible = true; p.trainGrab = true; byte newY = 0; if (y - yy == -1) { newY = 240; } else if (y - yy == 0) { newY = 0; } else { newY = 8; } unchecked { if (x - xx == -1) { if (z - zz == -1) { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)96, newY); } else if (z - zz == 0) { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)64, newY); } else { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)32, newY); } } else if (x - xx == 0) { if (z - zz == -1) { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)128, newY); } else if (z - zz == 0) { } else { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)0, newY); } } else if (z - zz == -1) { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)160, newY); } else if (z - zz == 0) { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)192, newY); } else { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(xx * 32 + 16), (ushort)((yy + 1) * 32 - 2), (ushort)(zz * 32 + 16), (byte)224, newY); } } goto skip; } } } } Thread.Sleep(3); p.invincible = false; p.trainGrab = false; skip:; } Player.SendMessage(p, "Dismounted"); Thread.Sleep(1000); p.invincible = false; p.trainGrab = false; })); trainThread.Start(); Player.SendMessage(p, "Stand near a train to mount it"); }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") { Command.all.Find("spawn"); return; } string[] split = message.Split(' '); if (split.Length <= 1) { Player who = Player.Find(message); if (who == null || (who.hidden && < LevelPermission.Admin)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no player \"" + message + "\"!"); return; } if (p.level != who.level) { if ("cMuseum")) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Player \"" + message + "\" is in a museum!"); return; } if (who.level.locked) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Player \"" + message + "\" is in a locked level!"); return; } else { Command.all.Find("goto").Use(p,; } } if (p.level == who.level) { if (who.Loading) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Waiting for " + who.color + + Server.DefaultColor + " to spawn..."); while (who.Loading) { } } while (p.Loading) { } //Wait for player to spawn in new map unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, who.pos[0], who.pos[1], who.pos[2], who.rot[0], 0); } } return; } if (split.Length <= 2) { ushort x; ushort y; ushort z; try // X (width) { x = Convert.ToUInt16(split[0]); } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid coordinates!"); return; } try // Y (height) { y = Convert.ToUInt16(split[1]); } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid coordinates!"); return; } try // Z (depth) { z = Convert.ToUInt16(split[2]); } catch { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid coordinates!"); return; } if ((x > p.level.width) || (y > p.level.height) || (z > p.level.depth)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid coordinates!"); return; } unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, x, y, z, p.rot[0], 0); } } }
public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message == "") message = "list"; string[] parameters = message.Split(' '); if (parameters[0].ToLower() == "list") { if (parameters.Length > 1) { int pageNum, currentNum; try { pageNum = int.Parse(parameters[1]) * 10; currentNum = pageNum - 10; } catch { Help(p); return; } if (currentNum < 0) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Must be greater than 0"); return; } if (pageNum > p.level.ZoneList.Count) pageNum = p.level.ZoneList.Count; if (currentNum > p.level.ZoneList.Count) { Player.SendMessage(p, "No Zones beyond number " + (p.level.ZoneList.Count - 1)); return; } Player.SendMessage(p, "Zones (" + currentNum + " to " + (pageNum - 1) + "):"); for (int i = currentNum; i < pageNum; i++) { Level.Zone zone = p.level.ZoneList[i]; Player.SendMessage(p, "&c" + i + " &b(" + zone.smallX + "-" + zone.bigX + ", " + zone.smallY + "-" + zone.bigY + ", " + zone.smallZ + "-" + zone.bigZ + ") &f" + zone.Owner); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < p.level.ZoneList.Count; i++) { Level.Zone zone = p.level.ZoneList[i]; Player.SendMessage(p, "&c" + i + " &b(" + zone.smallX + "-" + zone.bigX + ", " + zone.smallY + "-" + zone.bigY + ", " + zone.smallZ + "-" + zone.bigZ + ") &f" + zone.Owner); } Player.SendMessage(p, "For a more structured list, use /tpzone list <1/2/3/..>"); } } else { int zoneID; try { zoneID = int.Parse(message); } catch { Help(p); return; } if (zoneID < 0 || zoneID > p.level.ZoneList.Count) { Player.SendMessage(p, "This zone doesn't exist"); return; } Level.Zone zone = p.level.ZoneList[zoneID]; unchecked { p.SendPos((byte)-1, (ushort)(zone.bigX * 32 + 16), (ushort)(zone.bigY * 32 + 32), (ushort)(zone.bigZ * 32 + 16), p.rot[0], p.rot[1]); } Player.SendMessage(p, "Teleported to zone &c" + zoneID + " &b(" + zone.bigX + ", " + zone.bigY + ", " + zone.bigZ + ") &f" + zone.Owner); } }