// Code to run when used by a player public override void Use(Player p, string message) { if (message != "") { Player target = Player.Find(message); if (target == null || (target.hidden && p.Rank < target.Rank)) { if (Player.left.ContainsKey(message.ToLower())) { string playerName = message.ToLower(); string ip = Player.left[playerName]; message = "&e" + playerName + " is " + Player.GetColor(playerName) + Player.GetGroup(playerName).Name + "&e."; if (p.Rank >= GroupEnum.Operator) { message += " IP: " + ip + "."; } p.SendChat(p, message); } else { p.SendMessage("No entry found for \"" + message + "\"."); } } else { p.SendMessage(target.color + target.name + "&e is online, use /whois instead."); } } else { Help(p); } }
/// <summary> /// Handles private chat between players /// </summary> /// <param name="to">The player name we are sending a message to</param> /// <param name="message">The message to send to the player</param> void HandleQuery(string to, string message) { // Find the player to send it too Player p = Find(to); // Make sure we're not trying to send to ourselves if (p != this) { // Make sure we actually found the player and that the player isn't hiding from the world if (p != null && !p.hidden) { Logger.Log(name + " @" + p.name + ": " + message, LogType.PrivateChat); p.SendChat(this, "&e[<] " + color + name + ": &f" + message); SendChat(this, "&9[>] " + p.color + p.name + ": &f" + message); } else { SendMessage("Player \"" + to + "\" doesn't exist!"); } } else { SendMessage("Trying to talk to yourself, huh?"); } }
// Command usage help public override void Help(Player p) { p.SendMessage("/color [player] <color> - Changes the nick color."); p.SendChat(p, "&0black &1navy &2green &3teal &4maroon &5purple &6gold &7silver"); p.SendChat(p, "&8gray &9blue &alime &baqua &cred &dpink &eyellow &fwhite"); }