コード例 #1
        public string Process(string template, string name, DisplayContext context = null, dynamic model = null)
                var renderingContext = new TemplateRenderingContext
                    TemplateType = TemplateType.TemplateContentItem,
                    TemplatePath = name

                return _templateService.ExecuteTemplate(template, model, renderingContext);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.IsFatal()) throw;

                Logger.Error(ex, "An unexpected exception was caught during rendering the \"" + name + "\" Liquid template.");

                var reportActivityName = T("Liquid template errors: {0} shape", name).Text;

                var liquidReport = _reportsManager
                    .GetReports().FirstOrDefault(report => report.ActivityName == reportActivityName);

                var liquidReportId = liquidReport == null
                    ? _reportsManager
                            T("Errors caught in the Liquid template of the {0} shape.", name).Text,
                    : liquidReport.ReportId;

                _reportsManager.Add(liquidReportId, ReportEntryType.Error, ex.Message);

                return T("<strong style=\"color:red;font-weight:bold;\">An unexpected exception was caught during rendering \"{0}\" Liquid template. {1}</strong>", name, ex.Message).Text;
コード例 #2
        public void Render(ViewContext context, TextWriter writer)
            var filename = context.HttpContext.Server.MapPath(ViewPath);

            var renderingContext = new TemplateRenderingContext
                TemplateType = TemplateType.TemplateFile,
                TemplatePath = ViewPath

            var output = _liquidTemplateService.ExecuteTemplate(File.ReadAllText(filename), context.ViewData.Model, renderingContext);