コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetChannelMessagesAsync(Snowflake channelId, [FromQuery] Dictionary <string, string> queryMap)
            var args = new GetChannelMessagesParams();


            var msg = new Message
                ChannelId = channelId

            if (args.Before.IsSpecified)
                msg.Id = args.Before.Value;
            if (args.Around.IsSpecified)
                msg.Id = args.Around.Value;
            if (args.After.IsSpecified)
                msg.Id = args.After.Value;

            return(Ok(new[] { msg }));
コード例 #2
ファイル: GroupChannel.cs プロジェクト: faulty15/Faulty
        public virtual async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <IMessage> > GetMessagesAsync(ulong fromMessageId, Direction dir, int limit)
            var args = new GetChannelMessagesParams {
                Limit = limit, RelativeMessageId = fromMessageId, RelativeDirection = dir
            var models = await Discord.ApiClient.GetChannelMessagesAsync(Id, args).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(models.Select(x => CreateIncomingMessage(x)).ToImmutableArray());
コード例 #3
        public static IAsyncEnumerable <IReadOnlyCollection <RestMessage> > GetMessagesAsync(IMessageChannel channel, BaseDiscordClient client,
                                                                                             ulong?fromMessageId, Direction dir, int limit, RequestOptions options)
            if (dir == Direction.Around)
                throw new NotImplementedException(); //TODO: Impl
            var guildId = (channel as IGuildChannel)?.GuildId;
            var guild   = guildId != null ? (client as IDiscordClient).GetGuildAsync(guildId.Value, CacheMode.CacheOnly).Result : null;

            return(new PagedAsyncEnumerable <RestMessage>(
                       async(info, ct) =>
                var args = new GetChannelMessagesParams
                    RelativeDirection = dir,
                    Limit = info.PageSize
                if (info.Position != null)
                    args.RelativeMessageId = info.Position.Value;

                var models = await client.ApiClient.GetChannelMessagesAsync(channel.Id, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var builder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <RestMessage>();
                foreach (var model in models)
                    var author = GetAuthor(client, guild, model.Author.Value, model.WebhookId.ToNullable());
                    builder.Add(RestMessage.Create(client, channel, author, model));
                return builder.ToImmutable();
                       nextPage: (info, lastPage) =>
                if (lastPage.Count != DiscordConfig.MaxMessagesPerBatch)
                    return false;
                if (dir == Direction.Before)
                    info.Position = lastPage.Min(x => x.Id);
                    info.Position = lastPage.Max(x => x.Id);
                return true;
                       start: fromMessageId,
                       count: limit
コード例 #4
        public static IAsyncEnumerable<IReadOnlyCollection<RestMessage>> GetMessagesAsync(IMessageChannel channel, BaseDiscordClient client,
            ulong? fromMessageId, Direction dir, int limit, RequestOptions options)
            var guildId = (channel as IGuildChannel)?.GuildId;
            var guild = guildId != null ? (client as IDiscordClient).GetGuildAsync(guildId.Value, CacheMode.CacheOnly).Result : null;

            if (dir == Direction.Around && limit > DiscordConfig.MaxMessagesPerBatch)
                int around = limit / 2;
                if (fromMessageId.HasValue)
                    return GetMessagesAsync(channel, client, fromMessageId.Value + 1, Direction.Before, around + 1, options) //Need to include the message itself
                        .Concat(GetMessagesAsync(channel, client, fromMessageId, Direction.After, around, options));
                else //Shouldn't happen since there's no public overload for ulong? and Direction
                    return GetMessagesAsync(channel, client, null, Direction.Before, around + 1, options);

            return new PagedAsyncEnumerable<RestMessage>(
                async (info, ct) =>
                    var args = new GetChannelMessagesParams
                        RelativeDirection = dir,
                        Limit = info.PageSize
                    if (info.Position != null)
                        args.RelativeMessageId = info.Position.Value;

                    var models = await client.ApiClient.GetChannelMessagesAsync(channel.Id, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var builder = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<RestMessage>();
                    foreach (var model in models)
                        var author = GetAuthor(client, guild, model.Author.Value, model.WebhookId.ToNullable());
                        builder.Add(RestMessage.Create(client, channel, author, model));
                    return builder.ToImmutable();
                nextPage: (info, lastPage) =>
                    if (lastPage.Count != DiscordConfig.MaxMessagesPerBatch)
                        return false;
                    if (dir == Direction.Before)
                        info.Position = lastPage.Min(x => x.Id);
                        info.Position = lastPage.Max(x => x.Id);
                    return true;
                start: fromMessageId,
                count: limit
コード例 #5
 public static IAsyncEnumerable <IReadOnlyCollection <RestMessage> > GetMessagesAsync(IChannel channel, BaseDiscordClient client,
                                                                                      ulong?fromMessageId, Direction dir, int limit, IGuild guild, RequestOptions options)
     if (dir == Direction.Around)
         throw new NotImplementedException(); //TODO: Impl
     return(new PagedAsyncEnumerable <RestMessage>(
                async(info, ct) =>
         var args = new GetChannelMessagesParams
             RelativeDirection = dir,
             Limit = info.PageSize
         if (info.Position != null)
             args.RelativeMessageId = info.Position.Value;
         var models = await client.ApiClient.GetChannelMessagesAsync(channel.Id, args, options).ConfigureAwait(false);
         return models.Select(x => RestMessage.Create(client, guild, x)).ToImmutableArray();
                nextPage: (info, lastPage) =>
         if (lastPage.Count != DiscordConfig.MaxMessagesPerBatch)
             return false;
         if (dir == Direction.Before)
             info.Position = lastPage.Min(x => x.Id);
             info.Position = lastPage.Max(x => x.Id);
         return true;
                start: fromMessageId,
                count: limit
コード例 #6
        public async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <ISocketMessage> > DownloadAsync(ulong?fromId, Direction dir, int limit)
            //TODO: Test heavily, especially the ordering of messages
            if (limit < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(limit));
            if (limit == 0)
                return(ImmutableArray <ISocketMessage> .Empty);

            var cachedMessages = GetMany(fromId, dir, limit);

            if (cachedMessages.Count == limit)
            else if (cachedMessages.Count > limit)
                return(cachedMessages.Skip(cachedMessages.Count - limit).ToImmutableArray());
                var args = new GetChannelMessagesParams
                    Limit             = limit - cachedMessages.Count,
                    RelativeDirection = dir
                if (cachedMessages.Count == 0)
                    if (fromId != null)
                        args.RelativeMessageId = fromId.Value;
                    args.RelativeMessageId = dir == Direction.Before ? cachedMessages[0].Id : cachedMessages[cachedMessages.Count - 1].Id;
                var downloadedMessages = await _discord.ApiClient.GetChannelMessagesAsync(_channel.Id, args).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var guild = (_channel as ISocketGuildChannel)?.Guild;
                return(cachedMessages.Concat(downloadedMessages.Select(x =>
                    IUser user = _channel.GetUser(x.Author.Value.Id, true);
                    if (user == null)
                        var newUser = new User(x.Author.Value);
                        if (guild != null)
                            user = new GuildUser(guild, newUser);
                            user = newUser;
                    return Create(user, x);