public void Process(ThnEvent ev, Cutscene cs) { if (ev.Targets.Capacity == 0) { return; } ThnObject objA; if (!cs.Objects.TryGetValue((string)ev.Targets[0], out objA)) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "Object does not exist " + (string)ev.Targets[0]); return; } if (ev.Targets.Capacity == 1) { var props = (LuaTable)ev.Properties["spatialprops"]; Quaternion?q_orient = null; Vector3 pos; object tmp; if (props.TryGetValue("q_orient", out tmp)) { var tb = (LuaTable)tmp; q_orient = new Quaternion((float)tb[1], (float)tb[2], (float)tb[3], (float)tb[0]); } if (props.TryGetValue("orient", out tmp)) { var orient = ThnScript.GetMatrix((LuaTable)tmp); q_orient = orient.ExtractRotation(); } bool hasPos = props.TryGetVector3("pos", out pos); if (ev.Duration < float.Epsilon) { if (hasPos) { objA.Translate = pos; } if (q_orient != null) { objA.Rotate = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(q_orient.Value); } } else { cs.Coroutines.Add(new StaticSpatialRoutine() { Duration = ev.Duration, HasPos = hasPos, HasQuat = q_orient != null, EndPos = pos, EndQuat = q_orient ?? Quaternion.Identity, This = objA }); } } else { ThnObject objB; if (!cs.Objects.TryGetValue((string)ev.Targets[1], out objB)) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "Object does not exist " + (string)ev.Targets[1]); return; } if (ev.Duration < float.Epsilon) { objA.Translate = objB.Translate; objA.Rotate = objB.Rotate; } else { cs.Coroutines.Add(new FollowSpatialRoutine() { Duration = ev.Duration, HasPos = true, HasQuat = true, This = objA, Follow = objB }); } } }
public void Run() { FLLog.Info("Engine", "Version: " + Platform.GetInformationalVersion <Game>()); //TODO: This makes i5-7200U on mesa 18 faster, but this should probably be a configurable option Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("mesa_glthread", "true"); SSEMath.Load(); if (SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { FLLog.Error("SDL", "SDL_Init failed, exiting."); return; } SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_IME_INTERNAL_EDITING, "1"); SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR, "0"); //Set GL states SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 3); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 2); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, (int)SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24); //Create Window var flags = SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; if (fullscreen) { flags |= SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; } var sdlWin = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow( "LibreLancer", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, width, height, flags ); //Cursors curArrow = SDL.SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL.SDL_SystemCursor.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW); curMove = SDL.SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL.SDL_SystemCursor.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR); curTextInput = SDL.SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL.SDL_SystemCursor.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_IBEAM); curResizeNS = SDL.SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL.SDL_SystemCursor.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENS); curResizeEW = SDL.SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL.SDL_SystemCursor.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEWE); curResizeNESW = SDL.SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL.SDL_SystemCursor.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENESW); curResizeNWSE = SDL.SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL.SDL_SystemCursor.SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENWSE); //Window sizing if (minWindowSize != Point.Zero) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize(sdlWin, minWindowSize.X, minWindowSize.Y); } if (sdlWin == IntPtr.Zero) { FLLog.Error("SDL", "Failed to create window, exiting."); return; } SDL.SDL_EventState(SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_DROPFILE, SDL.SDL_ENABLE); windowptr = sdlWin; var glcontext = SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(sdlWin); if (glcontext == IntPtr.Zero || !GL.CheckStringSDL()) { SDL.SDL_GL_DeleteContext(glcontext); if (Platform.RunningOS == OS.Windows) { SDL.SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL.SDL_MessageBoxFlags.SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, "Librelancer", "Failed to create OpenGL context, exiting.", IntPtr.Zero); } FLLog.Error("OpenGL", "Failed to create OpenGL context, exiting."); return; } else { GL.LoadSDL(); Renderer = string.Format("{0} ({1})", GL.GetString(GL.GL_VERSION), GL.GetString(GL.GL_RENDERER)); } SetVSync(true); //Init game state RenderState = new RenderState(); Load(); //Start game running = true; timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); double last = 0; double elapsed = 0; SDL.SDL_Event e; SDL.SDL_StopTextInput(); while (running) { //Pump message queue while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out e) != 0) { switch (e.type) { case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT: { if (WillClose != null) { WillClose(); } running = false; //TODO: Raise Event break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { Mouse.X = e.motion.x; Mouse.Y = e.motion.y; Mouse.OnMouseMove(); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { Mouse.X = e.button.x; Mouse.Y = e.button.y; var btn = GetMouseButton(e.button.button); Mouse.Buttons |= btn; Mouse.OnMouseDown(btn); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { Mouse.X = e.button.x; Mouse.Y = e.button.y; var btn = GetMouseButton(e.button.button); Mouse.Buttons &= ~btn; Mouse.OnMouseUp(btn); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: { Mouse.OnMouseWheel(e.wheel.y); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_TEXTINPUT: { Keyboard.OnTextInput(GetEventText(ref e)); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYDOWN: { Keyboard.OnKeyDown((Keys)e.key.keysym.sym, (KeyModifiers)e.key.keysym.mod, e.key.repeat != 0); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYUP: { Keyboard.OnKeyUp((Keys)e.key.keysym.sym, (KeyModifiers)e.key.keysym.mod); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (e.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) { SDL.SDL_GetWindowSize(windowptr, out width, out height); OnResize(); } break; case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_DROPFILE: { var file = UnsafeHelpers.PtrToStringUTF8(e.drop.file); OnDrop(file); SDL.SDL_free(e.drop.file); break; } } } //Do game things if (!running) { break; } Action work; while (actions.TryDequeue(out work)) { work(); } totalTime = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; Update(elapsed); if (!running) { break; } Draw(elapsed); //Frame time before, FPS after var tk = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds - totalTime; frameTime = CalcAverageTime(tk); if (_screenshot) { TakeScreenshot(); _screenshot = false; } SDL.SDL_GL_SwapWindow(sdlWin); if (GL.FrameHadErrors()) //If there was a GL error, track it down. { GL.ErrorChecking = true; } elapsed = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds - last; renderFrequency = (1.0 / CalcAverageTick(elapsed)); last = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; totalTime = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; if (elapsed < 0) { elapsed = 0; FLLog.Warning("Timing", "Stopwatch returned negative time!"); } } Cleanup(); SDL.SDL_Quit(); }
void NetworkThread() { var conf = new NetPeerConfiguration(NetConstants.DEFAULT_APP_IDENT); client = new NetClient(conf); client.Start(); NetIncomingMessage im; while (running) { while ((im = client.ReadMessage()) != null) { try { switch (im.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.DebugMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.ErrorMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.WarningMessage: case NetIncomingMessageType.VerboseDebugMessage: FLLog.Info("Lidgren", im.ReadString()); break; case NetIncomingMessageType.DiscoveryResponse: if (ServerFound != null) { var info = new LocalServerInfo(); info.EndPoint = im.SenderEndPoint; info.Name = im.ReadString(); info.Description = im.ReadString(); info.CurrentPlayers = im.ReadInt32(); info.MaxPlayers = im.ReadInt32(); mainThread.QueueUIThread(() => ServerFound(info)); } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged: var status = (NetConnectionStatus)im.ReadByte(); if (status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected) { connecting = false; Disconnected(im.ReadString()); } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.Data: var kind = (PacketKind)im.ReadByte(); if (connecting) { if (kind == PacketKind.Authentication) { FLLog.Info("Net", "Authentication Packet Received"); var authkind = (AuthenticationKind)im.ReadByte(); if (authkind == AuthenticationKind.Token) { FLLog.Info("Net", "Token"); AuthenticationRequired(im.ReadString()); } else if (authkind == AuthenticationKind.GUID) { FLLog.Info("Net", "GUID"); var response = client.CreateMessage(); response.Write((byte)PacketKind.Authentication); response.Write((byte)AuthenticationKind.GUID); var arr = UUID.ToByteArray(); foreach (var b in arr) { response.Write(b); } client.SendMessage(response, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); } else { client.Shutdown("Invalid Packet"); } } else if (kind == PacketKind.AuthenticationSuccess) { connecting = false; var inf = new CharacterSelectInfo(); inf.ServerNews = im.ReadString(); mainThread.QueueUIThread(() => CharacterSelection(inf)); } else { client.Shutdown("Invalid Packet"); } break; } switch (kind) { case PacketKind.NewCharacter: break; } break; } } catch (Exception) { FLLog.Error("Net", "Error reading message of type " + im.MessageType.ToString()); } client.Recycle(im); } Thread.Sleep(1); } FLLog.Info("Lidgren", "Client shutdown"); client.Shutdown("Shutdown"); }
public void Process(ThnEvent ev, Cutscene cs) { ThnObject objA; ThnObject objB; if (!cs.Objects.TryGetValue((string)ev.Targets[0], out objA)) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "Object doesn't exist " + (string)ev.Targets[0]); return; } if (!cs.Objects.TryGetValue((string)ev.Targets[1], out objB)) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "Object doesn't exist " + (string)ev.Targets[1]); return; } var targetType = ThnEnum.Check <TargetTypes>(ev.Properties["target_type"]); var flags = AttachFlags.Position | AttachFlags.Orientation; object tmp; if (ev.Properties.TryGetValue("flags", out tmp)) { flags = ThnEnum.Check <AttachFlags>(tmp); } //Attach GameObjects to eachother GameObject part = null; string tgt_part; ev.Properties.TryGetValue("target_part", out tmp); tgt_part = (tmp as string); if (targetType == TargetTypes.Hardpoint && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tgt_part)) { if (objB.Object == null) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "Could not get hardpoints on " + objB.Name); } else { part = new GameObject(); part.Parent = objB.Object; part.Attachment = objB.Object.GetHardpoint(ev.Properties["target_part"].ToString()); } } if (targetType == TargetTypes.Part && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tgt_part)) { if (objB.Object == null || objB.Object.CmpConstructs == null) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "Could not get hardpoints on " + objB.Name); } else { var hp = new Hardpoint(null, objB.Object.CmpConstructs.Find(ev.Properties["target_part"] .ToString())); //Create a dummy hardpoint to attach to part = new GameObject(); part.Parent = objB.Object; part.Attachment = hp; } } Vector3 offset = Vector3.Zero; if (ev.Properties.TryGetValue("offset", out tmp)) { offset = ((LuaTable)tmp).ToVector3(); } Quaternion lastRotate = Quaternion.Identity; if ((flags & AttachFlags.Orientation) == AttachFlags.Orientation && (flags & AttachFlags.OrientationRelative) == AttachFlags.OrientationRelative) { if (part != null) { lastRotate = part.GetTransform().ExtractRotation(); } else { lastRotate = objB.Rotate.ExtractRotation(); } } cs.Coroutines.Add(new AttachRoutine() { Duration = ev.Duration, Child = objA, Parent = objB, Part = part, Position = ((flags & AttachFlags.Position) == AttachFlags.Position), Orientation = ((flags & AttachFlags.Orientation) == AttachFlags.Orientation), OrientationRelative = ((flags & AttachFlags.OrientationRelative) == AttachFlags.OrientationRelative), EntityRelative = ((flags & AttachFlags.EntityRelative) == AttachFlags.EntityRelative), LookAt = ((flags & AttachFlags.LookAt) == AttachFlags.LookAt), LastRotate = lastRotate, Offset = offset }); }
public void HandlePacket(IPacket pkt) { if (!(pkt is ObjectUpdatePacket)) { FLLog.Debug("Client", "Got packet of type " + pkt.GetType()); } switch (pkt) { case CallThornPacket ct: AddGameplayAction(gp => { var thn = new ThnScript(Game.GameData.ResolveDataPath(ct.Thorn)); gp.Thn = new Cutscene(new ThnScript[] { thn }, gp); }); break; case UpdateRTCPacket rtc: AddRTC(rtc.RTCs); break; case MsnDialogPacket msndlg: AddGameplayAction(gp => { RunDialog(msndlg.Lines); }); break; case PlaySoundPacket psnd: PlaySound(psnd.Sound); break; case PlayMusicPacket mus: PlayMusic(mus.Music); break; case SpawnPlayerPacket p: PlayerBase = null; PlayerSystem = p.System; PlayerPosition = p.Position; PlayerOrientation = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation); SetSelfLoadout(p.Ship); SceneChangeRequired(); break; case BaseEnterPacket b: PlayerBase = b.Base; SetSelfLoadout(b.Ship); SceneChangeRequired(); AddRTC(b.RTCs); break; case SpawnObjectPacket p: var shp = Game.GameData.GetShip((int)p.Loadout.ShipCRC); //Set up player object + camera var newobj = new GameObject(shp, Game.ResourceManager); newobj.Name = "NetPlayer " + p.ID; newobj.Transform = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(p.Position); objects.Add(p.ID, newobj); if (worldReady) {; } else { toAdd.Add(newobj); } break; case ObjectUpdatePacket p: foreach (var update in p.Updates) { UpdateObject(update); } break; case DespawnObjectPacket p: var despawn = objects[p.ID]; if (worldReady) {; } else { toAdd.Remove(despawn); } objects.Remove(p.ID); break; default: if (ExtraPackets != null) { ExtraPackets(pkt); } else { FLLog.Error("Network", "Unknown packet type " + pkt.GetType().ToString()); } break; } }
public void HandlePacket(IPacket pkt) { switch (pkt) { case SpawnPlayerPacket p: PlayerBase = null; PlayerSystem = p.System; PlayerPosition = p.Position; PlayerOrientation = Matrix3.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation); SetSelfLoadout(p.Ship); Start(); break; case BaseEnterPacket b: PlayerBase = b.Base; SetSelfLoadout(b.Ship); Start(); break; case SpawnObjectPacket p: var shp = Game.GameData.GetShip((int)p.Loadout.ShipCRC); shp.LoadResources(); //Set up player object + camera var newobj = new GameObject(shp, Game.ResourceManager); newobj.Name = "NetPlayer " + p.ID; newobj.Transform = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation) * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(p.Position); objects.Add(p.ID, newobj); if (worldReady) {; } else { toAdd.Add(newobj); } break; case ObjectUpdatePacket p: foreach (var update in p.Updates) { UpdateObject(update); } break; case DespawnObjectPacket p: var despawn = objects[p.ID]; if (worldReady) {; } else { toAdd.Remove(despawn); } objects.Remove(p.ID); break; default: if (ExtraPackets != null) { ExtraPackets(pkt); } else { FLLog.Error("Network", "Unknown packet type " + pkt.GetType().ToString()); } break; } }
void FinishLoad() { var shp = Game.GameData.GetShip(session.PlayerShip); //Set up player object + camera player = new GameObject(shp.ModelFile.LoadFile(Game.ResourceManager), Game.ResourceManager, true, false); control = new ShipPhysicsComponent(player); control.Ship = shp; shipInput = new ShipInputComponent(player); player.Components.Add(shipInput); player.Components.Add(control); weapons = new WeaponControlComponent(player); player.Components.Add(weapons); player.Transform = session.PlayerOrientation * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(session.PlayerPosition); player.PhysicsComponent.Mass = shp.Mass; if (shp.Mass < 0) { FLLog.Error("Ship", "Mass < 0"); } player.Nickname = "player"; foreach (var equipment in session.Mounts) { var equip = Game.GameData.GetEquipment(equipment.Item); if (equip == null) { continue; } EquipmentObjectManager.InstantiateEquipment(player, Game.ResourceManager, true, equipment.Hardpoint, equip); } powerCore = player.GetComponent <PowerCoreComponent>(); if (powerCore == null) { throw new Exception("Player launched without a powercore equipped!"); } camera = new ChaseCamera(Game.Viewport); camera.ChasePosition = session.PlayerPosition; camera.ChaseOrientation = player.Transform.ClearTranslation(); var offset = shp.ChaseOffset; camera.DesiredPositionOffset = offset; if (shp.CameraHorizontalTurnAngle > 0) { camera.HorizontalTurnAngle = shp.CameraHorizontalTurnAngle; } if (shp.CameraVerticalTurnUpAngle > 0) { camera.VerticalTurnUpAngle = shp.CameraVerticalTurnUpAngle; } if (shp.CameraVerticalTurnDownAngle > 0) { camera.VerticalTurnDownAngle = shp.CameraVerticalTurnDownAngle; } camera.Reset(); sysrender = new SystemRenderer(camera, Game.GameData, Game.ResourceManager, Game); world = new GameWorld(sysrender); world.LoadSystem(sys, Game.ResourceManager); session.WorldReady(); player.World = world; world.Objects.Add(player); world.RenderUpdate += World_RenderUpdate; world.PhysicsUpdate += World_PhysicsUpdate; player.Register(world.Physics); Game.Sound.PlayMusic(sys.MusicSpace); debugphysics = new PhysicsDebugRenderer(); //world.Physics.EnableWireframes(debugphysics); cur_arrow = Game.ResourceManager.GetCursor("cross"); cur_reticle = Game.ResourceManager.GetCursor("fire_neutral"); current_cur = cur_arrow; Game.Keyboard.TextInput += Game_TextInput; Game.Keyboard.KeyDown += Keyboard_KeyDown; Game.Mouse.MouseDown += Mouse_MouseDown; input = new InputManager(Game); input.ToggleActivated += Input_ToggleActivated; input.ToggleUp += Input_ToggleUp; pilotcomponent = new AutopilotComponent(player); pilotcomponent.DockComplete += Pilotcomponent_DockComplete; player.Components.Add(pilotcomponent); player.World = world; world.MessageBroadcasted += World_MessageBroadcasted; Game.Sound.ResetListenerVelocity(); FadeIn(0.5, 0.5); }
public void Run() { SSEMath.Load(); if (SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { FLLog.Error("SDL", "SDL_Init failed, exiting."); return; } SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_IME_INTERNAL_EDITING, "1"); SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR, "0"); //Set GL states SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 3); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 2); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, (int)SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24); //Create Window var flags = SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; if (fullscreen) { flags |= SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; } var sdlWin = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow( "LibreLancer", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, width, height, flags ); if (minWindowSize != Point.Zero) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize(sdlWin, minWindowSize.X, minWindowSize.Y); } if (sdlWin == IntPtr.Zero) { FLLog.Error("SDL", "Failed to create window, exiting."); return; } windowptr = sdlWin; if (forceANGLE) { LoadANGLE(); } else { var glcontext = SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(sdlWin); bool check = GL.CheckStringSDL(); if (!check) { FLLog.Warning("GL", "GL Version Insufficient - Using DX9"); SDL.SDL_GL_DeleteContext(glcontext); } if (glcontext == IntPtr.Zero || !check) { if (Platform.RunningOS == OS.Windows) { LoadANGLE(); } else { FLLog.Error("OpenGL", "Failed to create OpenGL context, exiting."); return; } } else { GL.LoadSDL(); Renderer = string.Format("{0} ({1})", GL.GetString(GL.GL_VERSION), GL.GetString(GL.GL_RENDERER)); } } SetVSync(true); //Init game state RenderState = new RenderState(); Load(); //Start game running = true; var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); double last = 0; double elapsed = 0; SDL.SDL_Event e; SDL.SDL_StopTextInput(); while (running) { //Pump message queue while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out e) != 0) { switch (e.type) { case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT: { if (WillClose != null) { WillClose(); } running = false; //TODO: Raise Event break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { Mouse.X = e.motion.x; Mouse.Y = e.motion.y; Mouse.OnMouseMove(); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { Mouse.X = e.button.x; Mouse.Y = e.button.y; var btn = GetMouseButton(e.button.button); Mouse.Buttons |= btn; Mouse.OnMouseDown(btn); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { Mouse.X = e.button.x; Mouse.Y = e.button.y; var btn = GetMouseButton(e.button.button); Mouse.Buttons &= ~btn; Mouse.OnMouseUp(btn); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: { Mouse.OnMouseWheel(e.wheel.y); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_TEXTINPUT: { Keyboard.OnTextInput(GetEventText(ref e)); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYDOWN: { Keyboard.OnKeyDown((Keys)e.key.keysym.sym, (KeyModifiers)e.key.keysym.mod, e.key.repeat != 0); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYUP: { Keyboard.OnKeyUp((Keys)e.key.keysym.sym, (KeyModifiers)e.key.keysym.mod); break; } case SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (e.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) { SDL.SDL_GetWindowSize(windowptr, out width, out height); } break; } } //Do game things if (!running) { break; } Action work; while (actions.TryDequeue(out work)) { work(); } totalTime = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; Update(elapsed); if (!running) { break; } Draw(elapsed); //Frame time before, FPS after var tk = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds - totalTime; frameTime = CalcAverageTime(tk); if (_screenshot) { TakeScreenshot(); _screenshot = false; } if (angle != null) { angle.SwapBuffers(); } else { SDL.SDL_GL_SwapWindow(sdlWin); } if (GL.FrameHadErrors()) //If there was a GL error, track it down. { GL.ErrorChecking = true; } elapsed = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds - last; renderFrequency = (1.0 / CalcAverageTick(elapsed)); last = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; totalTime = timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; if (elapsed < 0) { elapsed = 0; FLLog.Warning("Timing", "Stopwatch returned negative time!"); } } Cleanup(); SDL.SDL_Quit(); }
void AddAsteroidToBuffer(StaticAsteroid ast, Material mat, bool singleMat) { var model = (ModelFile)ast.Drawable.LoadFile(sys.ResourceManager); model.Initialize(sys.ResourceManager); var l0 = model.Levels[0]; var vertType = l0.Mesh.VertexBuffer.VertexType.GetType(); var transform = ast.RotationMatrix * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(ast.Position * field.CubeSize); var norm = transform; Matrix4x4.Invert(norm, out norm); norm = Matrix4x4.Transpose(norm); int vertOffset = verts.Count; for (int i = 0; i < l0.Mesh.VertexCount; i++) { VertexPositionNormalDiffuseTexture vert; if (vertType == typeof(VertexPositionNormalDiffuseTexture)) { vert = l0.Mesh.verticesVertexPositionNormalDiffuseTexture[i]; } else if (vertType == typeof(VertexPositionNormalTexture)) { var v = l0.Mesh.verticesVertexPositionNormalTexture[i]; vert = new VertexPositionNormalDiffuseTexture( v.Position, v.Normal, (uint)Color4.White.ToAbgr(), v.TextureCoordinate); } else if (vertType == typeof(VertexPositionNormalTextureTwo)) { var v = l0.Mesh.verticesVertexPositionNormalTextureTwo[i]; vert = new VertexPositionNormalDiffuseTexture( v.Position, v.Normal, (uint)Color4.White.ToAbgr(), v.TextureCoordinate); } else if (vertType == typeof(VertexPositionNormalDiffuseTextureTwo)) { var v = l0.Mesh.verticesVertexPositionNormalDiffuseTextureTwo[i]; vert = new VertexPositionNormalDiffuseTexture( v.Position, v.Normal, v.Diffuse, v.TextureCoordinate); } else { FLLog.Error("Render", "Asteroids: " + vertType.FullName + " not support"); return; } vert.Position = Vector3.Transform(vert.Position, transform); cubeRadius = Math.Max(cubeRadius, vert.Position.Length()); vert.Normal = Vector3.TransformNormal(vert.Normal, norm); verts.Add(vert); } for (int i = l0.StartMesh; i < l0.StartMesh + l0.MeshCount; i++) { var m = l0.Mesh.Meshes[i]; if (m.Material != mat && !singleMat) { continue; } var baseVertex = vertOffset + l0.StartVertex + m.StartVertex; int indexStart = m.TriangleStart; int indexCount = m.NumRefVertices; for (int j = indexStart; j < indexStart + indexCount; j++) { var idx = baseVertex + l0.Mesh.Indices[j]; if (idx > ushort.MaxValue) { throw new Exception(); } indices.Add((ushort)idx); } } }
void NetworkThread() { sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var listener = new EventBasedNetListener(); client = new NetManager(listener) { UnconnectedMessagesEnabled = true, IPv6Mode = IPv6Mode.SeparateSocket, NatPunchEnabled = true, EnableStatistics = true, ChannelsCount = 3 }; listener.NetworkReceiveUnconnectedEvent += (remote, msg, type) => { if (type == UnconnectedMessageType.Broadcast) { return; } if (msg.GetInt() == 0) { lock (srvinfo) { foreach (var info in srvinfo) { if (info.EndPoint.Equals(remote)) { var t = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; info.Ping = (int)(t - info.LastPingTime); if (info.Ping < 0) { info.Ping = 0; } } } } } else if (ServerFound != null) { var info = new LocalServerInfo(); info.EndPoint = remote; info.Unique = msg.GetInt(); info.Name = msg.GetString(); info.Description = msg.GetString(); info.DataVersion = msg.GetString(); info.CurrentPlayers = msg.GetInt(); info.MaxPlayers = msg.GetInt(); info.LastPingTime = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; NetDataWriter writer = new NetDataWriter(); writer.Put(LNetConst.PING_MAGIC); client.SendUnconnectedMessage(writer, remote); lock (srvinfo) { bool add = true; for (int i = 0; i < srvinfo.Count; i++) { if (srvinfo[i].Unique == info.Unique) { add = false; //Prefer IPv6 if (srvinfo[i].EndPoint.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork && info.EndPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { srvinfo[i].EndPoint = info.EndPoint; } break; } } if (add) { srvinfo.Add(info); mainThread.QueueUIThread(() => ServerFound?.Invoke(info)); } } } msg.Recycle(); }; listener.NetworkReceiveEvent += (peer, reader, channel, method) => { #if !DEBUG try { #endif var packetCount = reader.GetByte(); //reliable packets can be merged if (packetCount > 1) { FLLog.Debug("Net", $"Received {packetCount} merged packets"); } for (int i = 0; i < packetCount; i++) { var pkt = Packets.Read(reader); if (connecting) { if (pkt is AuthenticationPacket) { var auth = (AuthenticationPacket)pkt; FLLog.Info("Net", "Authentication Packet Received"); if (auth.Type == AuthenticationKind.Token) { FLLog.Info("Net", "Token"); var str = reader.GetString(); mainThread.QueueUIThread(() => AuthenticationRequired(str)); } else if (auth.Type == AuthenticationKind.GUID) { FLLog.Info("Net", "GUID"); SendPacket(new AuthenticationReplyPacket() { Guid = this.UUID }, PacketDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); } } else if (pkt is LoginSuccessPacket) { FLLog.Info("Client", "Login success"); connecting = false; } else { client.DisconnectAll(); } } else { packets.Enqueue(pkt); } } #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { FLLog.Error("Client", "Error reading packet"); client.DisconnectAll(); } #endif }; listener.PeerDisconnectedEvent += (peer, info) => { mainThread.QueueUIThread(() => { Disconnected?.Invoke(info.Reason.ToString()); }); }; client.Start(); while (running) { if (Interlocked.Read(ref localPeerRequests) > 0) { Interlocked.Decrement(ref localPeerRequests); var dw = new NetDataWriter(); dw.Put(LNetConst.BROADCAST_KEY); client.SendBroadcast(dw, LNetConst.DEFAULT_PORT); } //ping servers lock (srvinfo) { foreach (var inf in srvinfo) { var nowMs = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (nowMs - inf.LastPingTime > 2000) //ping every 2 seconds? { inf.LastPingTime = nowMs; var om = new NetDataWriter(); om.Put(LNetConst.PING_MAGIC); client.SendUnconnectedMessage(om, inf.EndPoint); } } } //events client.PollEvents(); Thread.Sleep(1); } client.DisconnectAll(); client.Stop(); }
public Task <ShipPurchaseStatus> PurchaseShip(int package, MountId[] mountedPlayer, MountId[] mountedPackage, SellCount[] sellPlayer, SellCount[] sellPackage) { var b = Game.GameData.GetBase(Base); var resolved = Game.GameData.GetShipPackage((uint)package); if (resolved == null) { return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } if (b.SoldShips.All(x => x.Package != resolved)) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to purchase ship package not available on base"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } var included = new List <PackageAddon>(); foreach (var a in resolved.Addons) { included.Add(new PackageAddon() { Equipment = a.Equipment, Amount = a.Amount }); } long shipPrice = resolved.BasePrice; //Sell included Items foreach (var item in sellPackage) { var a = included[item.ID]; if (a == null) { return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } if (item.Count > a.Amount) { return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } var price = GetUnitPrice(a.Equipment); shipPrice -= (long)price * item.Count; a.Amount -= item.Count; if (a.Amount <= 0) { included[item.ID] = null; } } if (shipPrice < 0) { shipPrice = 0; } //Deduct ship worth shipPrice -= (long)GetShipWorth(); //Add price of rest of items foreach (var a in included) { if (a == null) { continue; } var price = GetUnitPrice(a.Equipment); shipPrice += (long)price * a.Amount; } Dictionary <int, int> counts = new Dictionary <int, int>(); //Calculate player items price foreach (var item in sellPlayer) { var slot = Character.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == item.ID); if (slot == null) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to sell unknown slot {item.ID}"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } if (!counts.TryGetValue(slot.ID, out int count)) { counts[slot.ID] = slot.Count; } if (count < item.Count) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to oversell slot"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } var price = GetUnitPrice(slot.Equipment); if (slot.Equipment is not CommodityEquipment) { price = (ulong)(price * TradeConstants.EQUIP_RESALE_MULTIPLIER); } shipPrice -= (long)price * item.Count; counts[slot.ID] = (count - item.Count); } //Check if we have credits if (shipPrice > Character.Credits) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} does not have enough credits"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } //Check that all mounts are valid HashSet <int> mountedP = new HashSet <int>(); HashSet <int> mountedInc = new HashSet <int>(); HashSet <string> usedHardpoints = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var item in mountedPackage) { if (included[item.ID] == null) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to mount sold item"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } var hp = item.Hardpoint.ToLowerInvariant(); if (mountedInc.Contains(item.ID)) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to mount from package twice"); mountedInc.Add(item.ID); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } if (hp != "internal" && usedHardpoints.Contains(hp)) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to mount to hardpoint {hp} twice"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } if (hp != "internal") { usedHardpoints.Add(hp); } } foreach (var item in mountedPlayer) { var slot = Character.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == item.ID); if (slot == null) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to mount non-existant item"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } if (counts.TryGetValue(item.ID, out var nc) && nc == 0) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to mount sold item"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } var hp = item.Hardpoint.ToLowerInvariant(); if (mountedP.Contains(item.ID)) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to mount item twice"); mountedP.Add(item.ID); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } if (hp != "internal" && usedHardpoints.Contains(hp)) { FLLog.Error("Player", $"{Name} tried to mount to hardpoint {hp} twice"); return(Task.FromResult(ShipPurchaseStatus.Fail)); } if (hp != "internal") { usedHardpoints.Add(hp); } } //Remove sold items foreach (var item in counts) { var slot = Character.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == item.Key); Character.RemoveCargo(slot, slot.Count - item.Value); } //Unmount items and remove items without a good List <NetCargo> toRemove = new List <NetCargo>(); foreach (var item in Character.Items) { item.Hardpoint = null; if (item.DbItem != null) { item.DbItem.Hardpoint = null; } if (item.Equipment.Good == null) { toRemove.Add(item); } } foreach (var item in toRemove) { Character.RemoveCargo(item, item.Count); } //Set Ship Character.SetShip(Game.GameData.GetShip(resolved.Ship)); //Install new cargo and mount foreach (var item in mountedPlayer) { var slot = Character.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == item.ID); slot.Hardpoint = item.Hardpoint; if (slot.DbItem != null) { slot.DbItem.Hardpoint = item.Hardpoint; } } foreach (var item in mountedPackage) { var inc = included[item.ID]; Character.AddCargo(inc.Equipment, item.Hardpoint, inc.Amount); included[item.ID] = null; } foreach (var item in included) { if (item == null) { continue; } Character.AddCargo(item.Equipment, item.Equipment.Good == null ? item.Hardpoint : null, item.Amount); } Character.UpdateCredits(Character.Credits - shipPrice); rpcClient.UpdateInventory(Character.Credits, GetShipWorth(), Character.EncodeLoadout()); //Success return(Task.FromResult(shipPrice < 0 ? ShipPurchaseStatus.SuccessGainCredits : ShipPurchaseStatus.Success)); }
public void HandlePacket(IPacket pkt) { if (!(pkt is ObjectUpdatePacket)) { FLLog.Debug("Client", "Got packet of type " + pkt.GetType()); } switch (pkt) { case CallThornPacket ct: RunSync(() => { var thn = new ThnScript(Game.GameData.ResolveDataPath(ct.Thorn)); gp.Thn = new Cutscene(new ThnScript[] { thn }, gp); }); break; case UpdateRTCPacket rtc: AddRTC(rtc.RTCs); break; case MsnDialogPacket msndlg: RunSync(() => { RunDialog(msndlg.Lines); }); break; case PlaySoundPacket psnd: PlaySound(psnd.Sound); break; case PlayMusicPacket mus: PlayMusic(mus.Music); break; case SpawnPlayerPacket p: PlayerBase = null; PlayerSystem = p.System; PlayerPosition = p.Position; PlayerOrientation = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation); SetSelfLoadout(p.Ship); SceneChangeRequired(); break; case BaseEnterPacket b: PlayerBase = b.Base; SetSelfLoadout(b.Ship); SceneChangeRequired(); AddRTC(b.RTCs); break; case SpawnSolarPacket solar: RunSync(() => { foreach (var si in solar.Solars) { if (!objects.ContainsKey(si.ID)) { var arch = Game.GameData.GetSolarArchetype(si.Archetype); var go = new GameObject(arch, Game.ResourceManager, true); go.StaticPosition = si.Position; go.Transform = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(si.Orientation) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(si.Position); go.Nickname = $"$Solar{si.ID}"; go.World =; go.Register(go.World.Physics); go.CollisionGroups = arch.CollisionGroups; FLLog.Debug("Client", $"Spawning object {si.ID}");; objects.Add(si.ID, go); } } }); break; case DestroyPartPacket p: RunSync(() => { objects[p.ID].DisableCmpPart(p.PartName); }); break; case SpawnDebrisPacket p: RunSync(() => { var arch = Game.GameData.GetSolarArchetype(p.Archetype); var mdl = ((IRigidModelFile)arch.ModelFile.LoadFile(Game.ResourceManager)).CreateRigidModel(true); var newpart = mdl.Parts[p.Part].Clone(); var newmodel = new RigidModel() { Root = newpart, AllParts = new[] { newpart }, MaterialAnims = mdl.MaterialAnims, Path = mdl.Path, }; var go = new GameObject($"debris{p.ID}", newmodel, Game.ResourceManager, p.Part, p.Mass, true); go.Transform = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(p.Position); go.World =; go.Register(go.World.Physics);; objects.Add(p.ID, go); }); break; case SpawnObjectPacket p: RunSync(() => { var shp = Game.GameData.GetShip((int)p.Loadout.ShipCRC); //Set up player object + camera var newobj = new GameObject(shp, Game.ResourceManager); newobj.Name = "NetPlayer " + p.ID; newobj.Transform = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(p.Position); if (connection is GameNetClient) { newobj.Components.Add(new CNetPositionComponent(newobj)); } objects.Add(p.ID, newobj);; }); break; case ObjectUpdatePacket p: RunSync(() => { foreach (var update in p.Updates) { UpdateObject(p.Tick, update); } }); break; case DespawnObjectPacket p: RunSync(() => { var despawn = objects[p.ID];; objects.Remove(p.ID); }); break; default: if (ExtraPackets != null) { ExtraPackets(pkt); } else { FLLog.Error("Network", "Unknown packet type " + pkt.GetType().ToString()); } break; } }
public void Process(ThnEvent ev, Cutscene cs) { if (ev.Targets.Capacity == 0) { return; } ThnObject objA; if (!cs.Objects.TryGetValue((string)ev.Targets[0], out objA)) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "Object does not exist " + (string)ev.Targets[0]); return; } bool hasPos = false; Quaternion?q_orient = null; if (ev.Targets.Capacity >= 1) { var props = (LuaTable)ev.Properties["spatialprops"]; Vector3 pos; object tmp; if (props.TryGetValue("q_orient", out tmp)) { var tb = (LuaTable)tmp; q_orient = new Quaternion((float)tb[1], (float)tb[2], (float)tb[3], (float)tb[0]); } if (props.TryGetValue("orient", out tmp)) { var orient = ThnScript.GetMatrix((LuaTable)tmp); q_orient = orient.ExtractRotation(); } AxisRotation axisRotation = null; if (props.TryGetValue("axisrot", out tmp)) { var axisRot_Table = (LuaTable)tmp; axisRotation = new AxisRotation(); if (!axisRot_Table.TryGetVector3(1, out axisRotation.Axis)) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "invalid axisrot"); return; } axisRotation.Axis = Vector3.TransformNormal(axisRotation.Axis, objA.Rotate); axisRotation.Degrees = (float)axisRot_Table[0]; axisRotation.OriginalRotate = objA.Rotate; } hasPos = props.TryGetVector3("pos", out pos); if (ev.Targets.Capacity > 1) { ThnObject objB; if (!cs.Objects.TryGetValue((string)ev.Targets[1], out objB)) { FLLog.Error("Thn", "Object does not exist " + (string)ev.Targets[1]); return; } if (ev.Duration < float.Epsilon) { objA.Translate = objA.Translate; objA.Rotate = objA.Rotate; } else { cs.Coroutines.Add(new FollowSpatialRoutine() { Duration = ev.Duration, HasPos = hasPos, HasQuat = q_orient != null, This = objA, Follow = objB }); } } else { if (ev.Duration < float.Epsilon) { if (hasPos) { objA.Translate = pos; } if (q_orient != null) { objA.Rotate = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(q_orient.Value); } } else { cs.Coroutines.Add(new StaticSpatialRoutine() { Duration = ev.Duration, HasPos = hasPos, HasQuat = q_orient != null, EndPos = pos, EndQuat = q_orient ?? Quaternion.Identity, This = objA, AxisRot = axisRotation }); } } } }
public GameData.Nebula GetNebula(GameData.StarSystem sys, Legacy.Universe.Nebula nbl) { var n = new GameData.Nebula(); n.Zone = sys.Zones.Where((z) => z.Nickname.ToLower() == nbl.ZoneName.ToLower()).First(); var panels = new Legacy.Universe.TexturePanels(nbl.TexturePanels.Files[0]); foreach (var txmfile in panels.Files) { resource.LoadResourceFile(Compatibility.VFS.GetPath(fldata.Freelancer.DataPath + txmfile)); } n.ExteriorFill = nbl.ExteriorFillShape; n.ExteriorColor = nbl.ExteriorColor ?? Color4.White; n.FogColor = nbl.FogColor ?? Color4.Black; n.FogEnabled = (nbl.FogEnabled ?? 0) != 0; n.FogRange = new Vector2(nbl.FogNear ?? 0, nbl.FogDistance ?? 0); n.SunBurnthroughScale = n.SunBurnthroughIntensity = 1f; if (nbl.NebulaLights != null && nbl.NebulaLights.Count > 0) { n.AmbientColor = nbl.NebulaLights[0].Ambient; n.SunBurnthroughScale = nbl.NebulaLights[0].SunBurnthroughScaler ?? 1f; n.SunBurnthroughIntensity = nbl.NebulaLights[0].SunBurnthroughIntensity ?? 1f; } if (nbl.CloudsPuffShape != null) { n.HasInteriorClouds = true; GameData.CloudShape[] shapes = new GameData.CloudShape[nbl.CloudsPuffShape.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Length; i++) { var name = nbl.CloudsPuffShape[i]; if (!panels.Shapes.ContainsKey(name)) { FLLog.Error("Nebula", "Shape " + name + " does not exist in " + nbl.TexturePanels.Files[0]); shapes[i].Texture = ResourceManager.NullTextureName; shapes[i].Dimensions = new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1); } else { shapes[i].Texture = panels.Shapes[name].TextureName; shapes[i].Dimensions = panels.Shapes[name].Dimensions; } } n.InteriorCloudShapes = new WeightedRandomCollection <GameData.CloudShape>( shapes, nbl.CloudsPuffWeights.ToArray() ); n.InteriorCloudColorA = nbl.CloudsPuffColorA.Value; n.InteriorCloudColorB = nbl.CloudsPuffColorB.Value; n.InteriorCloudRadius = nbl.CloudsPuffRadius.Value; n.InteriorCloudCount = nbl.CloudsPuffCount.Value; n.InteriorCloudMaxDistance = nbl.CloudsMaxDistance.Value; n.InteriorCloudMaxAlpha = nbl.CloudsPuffMaxAlpha ?? 1f; n.InteriorCloudFadeDistance = nbl.CloudsNearFadeDistance.Value; n.InteriorCloudDrift = nbl.CloudsPuffDrift.Value; } if (nbl.ExteriorShape != null) { n.HasExteriorBits = true; GameData.CloudShape[] shapes = new GameData.CloudShape[nbl.ExteriorShape.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < shapes.Length; i++) { var name = nbl.ExteriorShape[i]; if (!panels.Shapes.ContainsKey(name)) { FLLog.Error("Nebula", "Shape " + name + " does not exist in " + nbl.TexturePanels.Files[0]); shapes[i].Texture = ResourceManager.NullTextureName; shapes[i].Dimensions = new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1); } else { shapes[i].Texture = panels.Shapes[name].TextureName; shapes[i].Dimensions = panels.Shapes[name].Dimensions; } } n.ExteriorCloudShapes = new WeightedRandomCollection <GameData.CloudShape>( shapes, nbl.ExteriorShapeWeights.ToArray() ); n.ExteriorMinBits = nbl.ExteriorMinBits.Value; n.ExteriorMaxBits = nbl.ExteriorMaxBits.Value; n.ExteriorBitRadius = nbl.ExteriorBitRadius.Value; n.ExteriorBitRandomVariation = nbl.ExteriorBitRadiusRandomVariation ?? 0; n.ExteriorMoveBitPercent = nbl.ExteriorMoveBitPercent ?? 0; } if (nbl.ExclusionZones != null) { n.ExclusionZones = new List <GameData.ExclusionZone>(); foreach (var excz in nbl.ExclusionZones) { if (excz.Exclusion == null) { continue; } var e = new GameData.ExclusionZone(); e.Zone = sys.Zones.Where((z) => z.Nickname.ToLower() == excz.Exclusion.Nickname.ToLower()).First(); e.FogFar = excz.FogFar ?? n.FogRange.Y; if (excz.ZoneShellPath != null) { var pth = Compatibility.VFS.GetPath(fldata.Freelancer.DataPath + excz.ZoneShellPath); e.Shell = resource.GetDrawable(pth); e.ShellTint = excz.Tint ?? Color3f.White; e.ShellScalar = excz.ShellScalar ?? 1f; e.ShellMaxAlpha = excz.MaxAlpha ?? 1f; } n.ExclusionZones.Add(e); } } if (nbl.BackgroundLightningDuration != null) { n.BackgroundLightning = true; n.BackgroundLightningDuration = nbl.BackgroundLightningDuration.Value; n.BackgroundLightningColor = nbl.BackgroundLightningColor.Value; n.BackgroundLightningGap = nbl.BackgroundLightningGap.Value; } if (nbl.DynamicLightningDuration != null) { n.DynamicLightning = true; n.DynamicLightningGap = nbl.DynamicLightningGap.Value; n.DynamicLightningColor = nbl.DynamicLightningColor.Value; n.DynamicLightningDuration = nbl.DynamicLightningDuration.Value; } if (nbl.CloudsLightningDuration != null) { n.CloudLightning = true; n.CloudLightningDuration = nbl.CloudsLightningDuration.Value; n.CloudLightningColor = nbl.CloudsLightningColor.Value; n.CloudLightningGap = nbl.CloudsLightningGap.Value; n.CloudLightningIntensity = nbl.CloudsLightningIntensity.Value; } return(n); }
public GameData.StarSystem GetSystem(string id) { var legacy = fldata.Universe.FindSystem(id); if (fldata.Stars != null) { foreach (var txmfile in fldata.Stars.TextureFiles) { resource.LoadResourceFile(Compatibility.VFS.GetPath(fldata.Freelancer.DataPath + txmfile)); } } var sys = new GameData.StarSystem(); sys.AmbientColor = legacy.AmbientColor ?? Color4.White; sys.Name = legacy.StridName; sys.Id = legacy.Nickname; sys.BackgroundColor = legacy.SpaceColor ?? Color4.Black; sys.MusicSpace = legacy.MusicSpace; sys.FarClip = legacy.SpaceFarClip ?? 20000f; if (legacy.BackgroundBasicStarsPath != null) { try { sys.StarsBasic = resource.GetDrawable(legacy.BackgroundBasicStarsPath); } catch (Exception) { sys.StarsBasic = null; FLLog.Error("System", "Failed to load starsphere " + legacy.BackgroundBasicStarsPath); } } if (legacy.BackgroundComplexStarsPath != null) { try { sys.StarsComplex = resource.GetDrawable(legacy.BackgroundComplexStarsPath); } catch (Exception) { sys.StarsComplex = null; FLLog.Error("System", "Failed to load starsphere " + legacy.BackgroundComplexStarsPath); } } if (legacy.BackgroundNebulaePath != null) { try { sys.StarsNebula = resource.GetDrawable(legacy.BackgroundNebulaePath); } catch (Exception) { sys.StarsNebula = null; FLLog.Error("System", "Failed to load starsphere " + legacy.BackgroundNebulaePath); } } if (legacy.LightSources != null) { foreach (var src in legacy.LightSources) { var lt = new RenderLight(); lt.Color = src.Color.Value; lt.Position = src.Pos.Value; lt.Range = src.Range.Value; lt.Direction = src.Direction ?? new Vector3(0, 0, 1); lt.Kind = ((src.Type ?? Legacy.Universe.LightType.Point) == Legacy.Universe.LightType.Point) ? LightKind.Point : LightKind.Directional; lt.Attenuation = src.Attenuation ?? Vector3.UnitY; if (src.AttenCurve != null) { lt.Kind = LightKind.PointAttenCurve; lt.Attenuation = ApproximateCurve.GetQuadraticFunction( fldata.Graphs.FindFloatGraph(src.AttenCurve).Points.ToArray() ); } sys.LightSources.Add(lt); } } foreach (var obj in legacy.Objects) { sys.Objects.Add(GetSystemObject(obj)); } if (legacy.Zones != null) { foreach (var zne in legacy.Zones) { var z = new GameData.Zone(); z.Nickname = zne.Nickname; z.EdgeFraction = zne.EdgeFraction ?? 0.25f; z.Position = zne.Pos.Value; if (zne.Rotate != null) { var r = zne.Rotate.Value; var qx = Quaternion.FromEulerAngles( MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(r.X), MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(r.Y), MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(r.Z) ); z.RotationMatrix = Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(qx); z.RotationAngles = new Vector3( MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(r.X), MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(r.Y), MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(r.Z) ); } else { z.RotationMatrix = Matrix4.Identity; z.RotationAngles = Vector3.Zero; } switch (zne.Shape.Value) { case Legacy.Universe.ZoneShape.ELLIPSOID: z.Shape = new GameData.ZoneEllipsoid(z, zne.Size.Value.X, zne.Size.Value.Y, zne.Size.Value.Z ); break; case Legacy.Universe.ZoneShape.SPHERE: z.Shape = new GameData.ZoneSphere(z, zne.Size.Value.X ); break; case Legacy.Universe.ZoneShape.BOX: z.Shape = new GameData.ZoneBox(z, zne.Size.Value.X, zne.Size.Value.Y, zne.Size.Value.Z ); break; case Legacy.Universe.ZoneShape.CYLINDER: z.Shape = new GameData.ZoneCylinder(z, zne.Size.Value.X, zne.Size.Value.Y ); break; case Legacy.Universe.ZoneShape.RING: z.Shape = new GameData.ZoneRing(z, zne.Size.Value.X, zne.Size.Value.Y, zne.Size.Value.Z ); break; default: Console.WriteLine(zne.Nickname); Console.WriteLine(zne.Shape.Value); throw new NotImplementedException(); } sys.Zones.Add(z); } } if (legacy.Asteroids != null) { foreach (var ast in legacy.Asteroids) { sys.AsteroidFields.Add(GetAsteroidField(sys, ast)); } } if (legacy.Nebulae != null) { foreach (var nbl in legacy.Nebulae) { sys.Nebulae.Add(GetNebula(sys, nbl)); } } return(sys); }