private static bool MapLibraryName(string assemblyLocation, string originalLibName, out string mappedLibName) { mappedLibName = null; if (mapped.TryGetValue(originalLibName, out mappedLibName)) { return(true); } string xmlPath = assemblyLocation + ".config"; if (!File.Exists(xmlPath)) { return(TryFind(assemblyLocation, originalLibName, out mappedLibName)); } FLLog.Debug("DllMap", xmlPath); XElement root = XElement.Load(xmlPath); var map = (from el in root.Elements("dllmap") where ((string)el.Attribute("dll") == originalLibName) && ((string)el.Attribute("os") == "linux") select el).SingleOrDefault(); if (map != null) { mappedLibName = map.Attribute("target").Value; mapped.Add(originalLibName, mappedLibName); } return(mappedLibName != null); }
public void LoadSound(string name) { if (loadedSounds.ContainsKey(name)) { return; } FLLog.Debug("Sounds", "Loading sound " + name); var loaded = new LoadedSound(); loaded.Entry = data.GetAudioEntry(name); loaded.Name = name; if (loaded.Entry.File.ToLowerInvariant().Replace('\\', '/') == "audio/null.wav") { //HACK: Don't bother with sounds using null.wav, makes awful popping noise loaded.Data = null; } else { var path = data.GetAudioPath(name); var snd = audio.AllocateData(); snd.LoadFile(path); loaded.Data = snd; } AddLoaded(loaded); }
public override void Update(double delta) { session.Update(); ProcessCutscenes(); if (scene != null) { scene.UpdateViewport(Game.RenderContext.CurrentViewport); if (paused) { scene.Update(0); } else { scene.Update(firstFrame ? 0 : delta); } } firstFrame = false; if (!firstFrame) { if (session.Popups.Count > 0 && session.Popups.TryDequeue(out var popup)) { FLLog.Debug("Room", "Displaying popup"); ui.Event("Popup", popup.Title, popup.Contents, popup.ID); } } ui.Update(Game); if (ui.KeyboardGrabbed) { Game.EnableTextInput(); } else { Game.DisableTextInput(); } }
public static ShaderVariables Get(string vs, string fs, ShaderCaps caps = ShaderCaps.None) { var k = new Strings2(vs, fs, caps); ShaderVariables sh; if (!shaders.TryGetValue(k, out sh)) { string prelude; if (GLExtensions.Features430) { prelude = "#version 430\n#define FEATURES430\n" + caps.GetDefines() + "\n#line 0\n"; } else { prelude = "#version 150\n" + caps.GetDefines() + "\n#line 0\n"; } FLLog.Debug("Shader", "Compiling [ " + vs + " , " + fs + " ]"); sh = new ShaderVariables( new Shader( prelude + "#define VERTEX_SHADER\n" + ProcessIncludes(Resources.LoadString("LibreLancer.Shaders." + vs)), prelude + "#define FRAGMENT_SHADER\n" + ProcessIncludes(Resources.LoadString("LibreLancer.Shaders." + fs))) ); shaders.Add(k, sh); } return(sh); }
public override void Update(double delta) { if (loading) { if (loader.Update(delta)) { loading = false; loader = null; FinishLoad(); } return; } session.GameplayUpdate(this); if (session.Update()) { return; } if (ShowHud && (Thn == null || !Thn.Running)) { ui.Update(Game); } if (ui.KeyboardGrabbed) { Game.EnableTextInput(); } else { Game.DisableTextInput(); } world.Update(paused ? 0 : delta); if (Thn != null && Thn.Running) { sysrender.Camera = Thn.CameraHandle; } else { sysrender.Camera = camera; } if (frameCount < 2) { frameCount++; if (frameCount == 2) { session.BeginUpdateProcess(); } } else { if (session.Popups.Count > 0 && session.Popups.TryDequeue(out var popup)) { FLLog.Debug("Space", "Displaying popup"); if (!session.Multiplayer) { paused = true; } session.Pause(); ui.Event("Popup", popup.Title, popup.Contents, popup.ID); } } }
public override Texture FindTexture(string name) { if (name == NullTextureName) { return(NullTexture); } if (name == WhiteTextureName) { return(WhiteTexture); } Texture outtex; if (!textures.TryGetValue(name, out outtex)) { return(null); } if (outtex == null) { var file = texturefiles[name]; FLLog.Debug("Resources", string.Format("Reloading {0} from {1}", name, file)); LoadResourceFile(file); outtex = textures[name]; } return(outtex); }
void DoTrigger(ScriptedTrigger tr) { FLLog.Debug("Mission", "Running trigger " + tr.Nickname); foreach (var act in tr.Actions) { act.Invoke(this, Script); } }
public Texture FindTexture(string name) { if (name == NullTextureName) { return(NullTexture); } if (name == WhiteTextureName) { return(WhiteTexture); } Texture outtex; if ((outtex = textures[name]) == null) { var file = texturefiles[name]; FLLog.Debug("Resources", string.Format("Reloading {0} from {1}", name, file)); if (file.EndsWith(".mat", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { loadedMatFiles.Remove(file); LoadMat(file); } else if (file.EndsWith(".cmp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var c = new CmpFile(file, this); if (c.MaterialLibrary != null) { AddMaterials(c.MaterialLibrary, file); } AddTextures(c.TextureLibrary, file); } else if (file.EndsWith(".3db", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var m = new ModelFile(file, this); if (m.MaterialLibrary != null) { AddMaterials(m.MaterialLibrary, file); } AddTextures(m.TextureLibrary, file); } else if (file.EndsWith(".txm", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { loadedTxmFiles.Remove(file); LoadTxm(file); } else { textures[name] = ImageLib.Generic.FromFile(file); } outtex = textures[name]; } return(outtex); }
public void Allocate(T[] vertices, ushort[] indices, out VertexBuffer vbo, out int startIndex, out int baseVertex, out IndexResourceHandle index) { foreach (var buf in buffers) { if (buf.Allocate(vertices, indices, out startIndex, out baseVertex, out index)) { vbo = buf.Buffer; return; } } FLLog.Debug("Vertices", "Allocating 16MiB for " + typeof(T).Name); buffers.Add(new VertexResourceBuffer <T>()); buffers[buffers.Count - 1].Allocate(vertices, indices, out startIndex, out baseVertex, out index); vbo = buffers[buffers.Count - 1].Buffer; }
//Global method for checking extensions. Called upon GraphicsDevice creation public static void PopulateExtensions() { if (ExtensionList != null) { return; } int n; GL.GetIntegerv(GL.GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, out n); ExtensionList = new List <string> (n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ExtensionList.Add(GL.GetString(GL.GL_EXTENSIONS, i)); } FLLog.Debug("GL", "Extensions: \n" + string.Join("\n", ExtensionList)); }
//Global method for checking extensions. Called upon GraphicsDevice creation public static void PopulateExtensions() { if (ExtensionList != null) { return; } int n; GL.GetIntegerv(GL.GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, out n); ExtensionList = new List <string> (n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { ExtensionList.Add(GL.GetString(GL.GL_EXTENSIONS, i)); } var versionStr = GL.GetString(GL.GL_VERSION).Trim(); versionInteger = int.Parse(versionStr[0].ToString()) * 100 + int.Parse(versionStr[2].ToString()) * 10; FLLog.Debug("GL", "Extensions: \n" + string.Join("\n", ExtensionList)); }
public string Get(string val) { //Evaluate bottom to top for (int i = regexmaps.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (regexmaps [i].Regex.IsMatch(val)) { FLLog.Debug("MaterialMap", "Matched " + val + " to " + regexmaps [i].Value); return(regexmaps [i].Value); } } if (maps.ContainsKey(val)) { FLLog.Debug("MaterialMap", "Matched " + val + " to " + maps [val]); return(maps [val]); } return(null); }
void AddLoaded(LoadedSound snd) { if (lruHead == null) { lruHead = lruTail = new LoadedSoundPtr() { Sound = snd }; loadedSounds[snd.Name] = snd; return; } LoadedSoundPtr ptr; if (loadedSounds.Count == SOUNDS_MAX) { FLLog.Debug("Sounds", "Evicting sound"); //Evict oldest and reuse ptr object var h = lruHead; if (h.Sound.Data != null) { h.Sound.Data.Dispose(); } loadedSounds.Remove(h.Sound.Name); lruHead = h.Next; ptr = h; ptr.Sound = snd; ptr.Next = null; ptr.Previous = lruTail; } else { ptr = new LoadedSoundPtr() { Sound = snd, Previous = lruTail }; } lruTail.Next = ptr; lruTail = ptr; loadedSounds[snd.Name] = snd; }
public RenderState() { GL.ClearColor(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); GL.Enable(GL.GL_BLEND); GL.Enable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); GL.BlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GL.DepthFunc(GL.GL_LEQUAL); GL.Enable(GL.GL_CULL_FACE); GL.CullFace(GL.GL_BACK); Instance = this; PreferredFilterLevel = TextureFiltering.Trilinear; if (GLExtensions.Anisotropy) { int af; GL.GetIntegerv(GL.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, out af); MaxAnisotropy = af; FLLog.Debug("GL", "Max Anisotropy: " + af); } else { MaxAnisotropy = 0; FLLog.Debug("GL", "Anisotropic Filter Not Supported!"); } }
void NetworkThread() { sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var listener = new EventBasedNetListener(); client = new NetManager(listener) { UnconnectedMessagesEnabled = true, IPv6Enabled = true, NatPunchEnabled = true, ChannelsCount = 3 }; listener.NetworkReceiveUnconnectedEvent += (remote, msg, type) => { if (type == UnconnectedMessageType.Broadcast) { return; } if (msg.GetInt() == 0) { lock (srvinfo) { foreach (var info in srvinfo) { if (info.EndPoint.Equals(remote)) { var t = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; info.Ping = (int)(t - info.LastPingTime); if (info.Ping < 0) { info.Ping = 0; } } } } } else if (ServerFound != null) { var info = new LocalServerInfo(); info.EndPoint = remote; info.Unique = msg.GetInt(); info.Name = msg.GetString(); info.Description = msg.GetString(); info.DataVersion = msg.GetString(); info.CurrentPlayers = msg.GetInt(); info.MaxPlayers = msg.GetInt(); info.LastPingTime = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; NetDataWriter writer = new NetDataWriter(); writer.Put(LNetConst.PING_MAGIC); client.SendUnconnectedMessage(writer, remote); lock (srvinfo) { bool add = true; for (int i = 0; i < srvinfo.Count; i++) { if (srvinfo[i].Unique == info.Unique) { add = false; //Prefer IPv6 if (srvinfo[i].EndPoint.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork && info.EndPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { srvinfo[i].EndPoint = info.EndPoint; } break; } } if (add) { srvinfo.Add(info); mainThread.QueueUIThread(() => ServerFound?.Invoke(info)); } } } msg.Recycle(); }; listener.NetworkReceiveEvent += (peer, reader, method) => { try { var packetCount = reader.GetByte(); //reliable packets can be merged if (packetCount > 1) { FLLog.Debug("Net", $"Received {packetCount} merged packets"); } for (int i = 0; i < packetCount; i++) { var pkt = Packets.Read(reader); if (connecting) { if (pkt is AuthenticationPacket) { var auth = (AuthenticationPacket)pkt; FLLog.Info("Net", "Authentication Packet Received"); if (auth.Type == AuthenticationKind.Token) { FLLog.Info("Net", "Token"); var str = reader.GetString(); mainThread.QueueUIThread(() => AuthenticationRequired(str)); } else if (auth.Type == AuthenticationKind.GUID) { FLLog.Info("Net", "GUID"); SendPacket(new AuthenticationReplyPacket() { Guid = this.UUID }, PacketDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); } } else if (pkt is LoginSuccessPacket) { FLLog.Info("Client", "Login success"); connecting = false; } else { client.DisconnectAll(); } } else { packets.Enqueue(pkt); } } } catch (Exception e) { FLLog.Error("Client", "Error reading packet"); client.DisconnectAll(); } }; listener.PeerDisconnectedEvent += (peer, info) => { mainThread.QueueUIThread(() => { Disconnected?.Invoke(info.Reason.ToString()); }); }; client.Start(); while (running) { if (Interlocked.Read(ref localPeerRequests) > 0) { Interlocked.Decrement(ref localPeerRequests); var dw = new NetDataWriter(); dw.Put(LNetConst.BROADCAST_KEY); client.SendBroadcast(dw, LNetConst.DEFAULT_PORT); } //ping servers lock (srvinfo) { foreach (var inf in srvinfo) { var nowMs = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (nowMs - inf.LastPingTime > 2000) //ping every 2 seconds? { inf.LastPingTime = nowMs; var om = new NetDataWriter(); om.Put(LNetConst.PING_MAGIC); client.SendUnconnectedMessage(om, inf.EndPoint); } } } //events client.PollEvents(); Thread.Sleep(1); } client.DisconnectAll(); client.Stop(); }
public void HandlePacket(IPacket pkt) { if (!(pkt is ObjectUpdatePacket)) { FLLog.Debug("Client", "Got packet of type " + pkt.GetType()); } switch (pkt) { case CallThornPacket ct: AddGameplayAction(gp => { var thn = new ThnScript(Game.GameData.ResolveDataPath(ct.Thorn)); gp.Thn = new Cutscene(new ThnScript[] { thn }, gp); }); break; case AddRTCPacket rtc: AddRTC(rtc.RTC); break; case MsnDialogPacket msndlg: AddGameplayAction(gp => { RunDialog(msndlg.Lines); }); break; case PlaySoundPacket psnd: PlaySound(psnd.Sound); break; case PlayMusicPacket mus: PlayMusic(mus.Music); break; case SpawnPlayerPacket p: PlayerBase = null; PlayerSystem = p.System; PlayerPosition = p.Position; PlayerOrientation = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation); SetSelfLoadout(p.Ship); SceneChangeRequired(); break; case BaseEnterPacket b: PlayerBase = b.Base; SetSelfLoadout(b.Ship); SceneChangeRequired(); break; case SpawnObjectPacket p: var shp = Game.GameData.GetShip((int)p.Loadout.ShipCRC); //Set up player object + camera var newobj = new GameObject(shp, Game.ResourceManager); newobj.Name = "NetPlayer " + p.ID; newobj.Transform = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(p.Position); objects.Add(p.ID, newobj); if (worldReady) {; } else { toAdd.Add(newobj); } break; case ObjectUpdatePacket p: foreach (var update in p.Updates) { UpdateObject(update); } break; case DespawnObjectPacket p: var despawn = objects[p.ID]; if (worldReady) {; } else { toAdd.Remove(despawn); } objects.Remove(p.ID); break; default: if (ExtraPackets != null) { ExtraPackets(pkt); } else { FLLog.Error("Network", "Unknown packet type " + pkt.GetType().ToString()); } break; } }
internal unsafe void AddCharacter(GlyphCollection col, uint cp) { if (cp == (uint)'\t') { var spaceGlyph = col.GetGlyph((uint)' '); col.glyphs.Add(cp, new GlyphInfo(spaceGlyph.AdvanceX * 4, spaceGlyph.AdvanceY, spaceGlyph.CharIndex, spaceGlyph.Kerning)); } Face.SetCharSize(0, col.Size, 0, 96); var c_face = Face; bool dobold = emulate_bold; bool doitalics = emulate_italics; bool dokern = true; uint index = c_face.GetCharIndex(cp); if (index == 0) { //Glyph does not exist in font if (cp == (uint)'?') { throw new Exception("Font does not have required ASCII character '?'"); } var fallback = Platform.GetFallbackFace(ren.FT, cp); if ((index = fallback.GetCharIndex(cp)) != 0) { try { c_face = fallback; c_face.SetCharSize(0, col.Size, 0, 96); dobold = doitalics = dokern = false; } catch (Exception) { var qmGlyph = col.GetGlyph((uint)'?'); col.glyphs.Add(cp, qmGlyph); return; } } else { var qmGlyph = col.GetGlyph((uint)'?'); col.glyphs.Add(cp, qmGlyph); return; } } c_face.LoadGlyph(index, LoadFlags.Default | LoadFlags.ForceAutohint, LoadTarget.Normal); if (dobold) { //Automatically determine a strength var strength = (c_face.UnitsPerEM * c_face.Size.Metrics.ScaleY.Value) / 0x10000; strength /= 24; c_face.Glyph.Outline.Embolden(Fixed26Dot6.FromRawValue(strength)); } if (doitalics) { c_face.Glyph.Outline.Transform(new FTMatrix(0x10000, 0x0366A, 0x00000, 0x10000)); } c_face.Glyph.RenderGlyph(RenderMode.Normal); if (c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Width == 0 || c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Rows == 0) { col.glyphs.Add(cp, new GlyphInfo( (int)Math.Ceiling((float)c_face.Glyph.Advance.X), (int)Math.Ceiling((float)c_face.Glyph.Advance.Y), index, dokern && Face.HasKerning ) ); } else { if (c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.PixelMode != PixelMode.Gray) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } if (currentX + c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Width > TEXTURE_SIZE) { currentX = 0; currentY += lineMax; lineMax = 0; } if (currentY + c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Rows > TEXTURE_SIZE) { currentX = 0; currentY = 0; lineMax = 0; textures.Add(new Texture2D( TEXTURE_SIZE, TEXTURE_SIZE, false, SurfaceFormat.R8 )); FLLog.Debug("Text", string.Format("{0}@{1}, New Texture", facename, col.Size)); } lineMax = (int)Math.Max(lineMax, c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Rows); var rect = new Rectangle( currentX, currentY, c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Width, c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Rows ); var tex = textures [textures.Count - 1]; GL.PixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); //Set tex.SetData(0, rect, c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Buffer); GL.PixelStorei(GL.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); currentX += c_face.Glyph.Bitmap.Width; col.glyphs.Add( cp, new GlyphInfo( tex, rect, (int)Math.Ceiling((float)c_face.Glyph.Advance.X), (int)Math.Ceiling((float)c_face.Glyph.Advance.Y), (int)Math.Ceiling((float)c_face.Glyph.Metrics.HorizontalAdvance), c_face.Glyph.BitmapLeft, c_face.Glyph.BitmapTop, index, dokern && Face.HasKerning ) ); } }
public void HandlePacket(IPacket pkt) { if (!(pkt is ObjectUpdatePacket)) { FLLog.Debug("Client", "Got packet of type " + pkt.GetType()); } switch (pkt) { case CallThornPacket ct: RunSync(() => { var thn = new ThnScript(Game.GameData.ResolveDataPath(ct.Thorn)); gp.Thn = new Cutscene(new ThnScript[] { thn }, gp); }); break; case UpdateRTCPacket rtc: AddRTC(rtc.RTCs); break; case MsnDialogPacket msndlg: RunSync(() => { RunDialog(msndlg.Lines); }); break; case PlaySoundPacket psnd: PlaySound(psnd.Sound); break; case PlayMusicPacket mus: PlayMusic(mus.Music); break; case SpawnPlayerPacket p: PlayerBase = null; PlayerSystem = p.System; PlayerPosition = p.Position; PlayerOrientation = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation); SetSelfLoadout(p.Ship); SceneChangeRequired(); break; case BaseEnterPacket b: PlayerBase = b.Base; SetSelfLoadout(b.Ship); SceneChangeRequired(); AddRTC(b.RTCs); break; case SpawnSolarPacket solar: RunSync(() => { foreach (var si in solar.Solars) { if (!objects.ContainsKey(si.ID)) { var arch = Game.GameData.GetSolarArchetype(si.Archetype); var go = new GameObject(arch, Game.ResourceManager, true); go.StaticPosition = si.Position; go.Transform = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(si.Orientation) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(si.Position); go.Nickname = $"$Solar{si.ID}"; go.World =; go.Register(go.World.Physics); go.CollisionGroups = arch.CollisionGroups; FLLog.Debug("Client", $"Spawning object {si.ID}");; objects.Add(si.ID, go); } } }); break; case DestroyPartPacket p: RunSync(() => { objects[p.ID].DisableCmpPart(p.PartName); }); break; case SpawnDebrisPacket p: RunSync(() => { var arch = Game.GameData.GetSolarArchetype(p.Archetype); var mdl = ((IRigidModelFile)arch.ModelFile.LoadFile(Game.ResourceManager)).CreateRigidModel(true); var newpart = mdl.Parts[p.Part].Clone(); var newmodel = new RigidModel() { Root = newpart, AllParts = new[] { newpart }, MaterialAnims = mdl.MaterialAnims, Path = mdl.Path, }; var go = new GameObject($"debris{p.ID}", newmodel, Game.ResourceManager, p.Part, p.Mass, true); go.Transform = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(p.Position); go.World =; go.Register(go.World.Physics);; objects.Add(p.ID, go); }); break; case SpawnObjectPacket p: RunSync(() => { var shp = Game.GameData.GetShip((int)p.Loadout.ShipCRC); //Set up player object + camera var newobj = new GameObject(shp, Game.ResourceManager); newobj.Name = "NetPlayer " + p.ID; newobj.Transform = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(p.Orientation) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(p.Position); if (connection is GameNetClient) { newobj.Components.Add(new CNetPositionComponent(newobj)); } objects.Add(p.ID, newobj);; }); break; case ObjectUpdatePacket p: RunSync(() => { foreach (var update in p.Updates) { UpdateObject(p.Tick, update); } }); break; case DespawnObjectPacket p: RunSync(() => { var despawn = objects[p.ID];; objects.Remove(p.ID); }); break; default: if (ExtraPackets != null) { ExtraPackets(pkt); } else { FLLog.Error("Network", "Unknown packet type " + pkt.GetType().ToString()); } break; } }
void DoTrigger(int i, SpaceGameplay gameplay) { active[i] = true; var tr = msn.Triggers[i]; if (!CheckConditions(tr)) { return; } FLLog.Debug("Mission", "Running trigger " + tr.Nickname); if (timers.ContainsKey(tr.Nickname)) { timers.Remove(tr.Nickname); } triggered[i] = true; foreach (var act in tr.Actions) { switch (act.Type) { case TriggerActions.Act_ActTrig: var trname = act.Entry[0].ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < msn.Triggers.Count; j++) { if (trname.Equals(msn.Triggers[j].Nickname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { DoTrigger(j, gameplay); break; } } break; case TriggerActions.Act_PlaySoundEffect: session.Game.Sound.PlaySound(act.Entry[0].ToString()); break; case TriggerActions.Act_ForceLand: session.ForceLand(act.Entry[0].ToString()); break; case TriggerActions.Act_AdjAcct: session.Credits += act.Entry[0].ToInt32(); break; case TriggerActions.Act_SpawnSolar: SpawnSolar(act.Entry[0].ToString(),; break; case TriggerActions.Act_StartDialog: RunDialog(msn.Dialogs.First((x) => x.Nickname.Equals(act.Entry[0].ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); break; case TriggerActions.Act_MovePlayer: gameplay.player.Transform = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(act.Entry[0].ToSingle(), act.Entry[1].ToSingle(), act.Entry[2].ToSingle()); //last param seems to always be one? break; case TriggerActions.Act_LightFuse: var fuse = session.Game.GameData.GetFuse(act.Entry[1].ToString()); var gameObj =[0].ToString()); var fzr = new FuseRunnerComponent(gameObj) { Fuse = fuse }; gameObj.Components.Add(fzr); fzr.Run(); break; case TriggerActions.Act_PlayMusic: session.Game.Sound.PlayMusic(act.Entry[3].ToString()); break; case TriggerActions.Act_CallThorn: var thn = new ThnScript(gameplay.FlGame.GameData.ResolveDataPath(act.Entry[0].ToString())); gameplay.Thn = new Cutscene(new ThnScript[] { thn }, gameplay); break; case TriggerActions.Act_SetShipAndLoadout: if (!act.Entry[0].ToString().Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var loadout = session.Game.GameData.Ini.Loadouts.FindLoadout(act.Entry[1].ToString()); if (loadout != null) { session.PlayerShip = act.Entry[0].ToString(); session.Mounts = new List <EquipMount>(); foreach (var equip in loadout.Equip) { if (equip.Value == null) { continue; } var hp = equip.Key.StartsWith("__noHardpoint") ? null : equip.Key; session.Mounts.Add(new EquipMount(hp, equip.Value)); } } } break; } } }
void DoTrigger(int i) { active[i] = true; var tr = msn.Triggers[i]; if (!CheckConditions(tr)) { return; } FLLog.Debug("Mission", "Running trigger " + tr.Nickname); if (timers.ContainsKey(tr.Nickname)) { timers.Remove(tr.Nickname); } triggered[i] = true; foreach (var act in tr.Actions) { switch (act.Type) { case TriggerActions.Act_ActTrig: var trname = act.Entry[0].ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < msn.Triggers.Count; j++) { if (trname.Equals(msn.Triggers[j].Nickname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { DoTrigger(j); break; } } break; case TriggerActions.Act_PlaySoundEffect: player.PlaySound(act.Entry[0].ToString()); break; case TriggerActions.Act_ForceLand: player.ForceLand(act.Entry[0].ToString()); break; case TriggerActions.Act_AdjAcct: //session.Credits += act.Entry[0].ToInt32(); break; case TriggerActions.Act_SpawnSolar: SpawnSolar(act.Entry[0].ToString(), player); break; case TriggerActions.Act_StartDialog: RunDialog(msn.Dialogs.First((x) => x.Nickname.Equals(act.Entry[0].ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); break; case TriggerActions.Act_MovePlayer: //gameplay.player.Transform = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(act.Entry[0].ToSingle(), act.Entry[1].ToSingle(), act.Entry[2].ToSingle()); //last param seems to always be one? break; case TriggerActions.Act_LightFuse: player.WorldAction(() => { var fuse = player.World.Server.GameData.GetFuse(act.Entry[1].ToString()); var gameObj = player.World.GameWorld.GetObject(act.Entry[0].ToString()); var fzr = new SFuseRunnerComponent(gameObj) { Fuse = fuse }; gameObj.Components.Add(fzr); fzr.Run(); }); break; case TriggerActions.Act_PlayMusic: player.PlayMusic(act.Entry[3].ToString()); break; case TriggerActions.Act_CallThorn: player.CallThorn(act.Entry[0].ToString()); break; case TriggerActions.Act_AddRTC: player.AddRTC(act.Entry[0].ToString()); break; case TriggerActions.Act_SetShipAndLoadout: /*if(!act.Entry[0].ToString().Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) * { * var loadout = session.Game.GameData.Ini.Loadouts.FindLoadout(act.Entry[1].ToString()); * if (loadout != null) * { * session.PlayerShip = act.Entry[0].ToString(); * session.Mounts = new List<EquipMount>(); * foreach(var equip in loadout.Equip) * { * if (equip.Value == null) continue; * var hp = equip.Key.StartsWith("__noHardpoint") * ? null * : equip.Key; * session.Mounts.Add(new EquipMount(hp, equip.Value)); * } * } * * }*/ break; } } }