public override void DrawAtPoint(Cell cell, Vector2 point) { var pointInCell = Map.WorldToLocalTile(point); cell.Tiles[(int)pointInCell.y * Map.NumberOfTiles + (int)pointInCell.x].TextureIndex = _currentTileIndex; var texture = (Texture2D)cell.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial.mainTexture; // pTexture is point in texture coords Vector2 pTexture = pointInCell * Map.TileResolution; texture.SetPixels((int)pTexture.x, (int)pTexture.y, Map.TileResolution, Map.TileResolution, _currentTileColors); // For performance, don't update right away instead do them all at once at the end _textureUpdate.Add(texture); }
public override void DrawAtPoint(Cell cell, Vector2 point) { // location of entity var pointInCell = Map.WorldToLocalTile(point); var tile = cell.GetTileFromPointInCell((int)pointInCell.x, (int)pointInCell.y); if (tile.EntityIndex != _currentEntityIndex) { tile.EntityIndex = _currentEntityIndex; // Remove old if an object was there already var old = tile.Entity; Object.DestroyImmediate(old); if (_currentEntity != null) { var entity = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(_currentEntity.GetAsset()); = "(" + pointInCell.x + "," + pointInCell.y + ")"; entity.isStatic = true; var parentName = _currentEntityIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " " + _currentEntity.GetAsset().name; var parent = cell.transform.Find(parentName); if (parent == null) { var pgo = new GameObject(parentName); parent = pgo.transform; parent.parent = cell.transform; parent.transform.localPosition =; } var position = Map.LocalTileToLocalPosition(pointInCell); entity.transform.parent = parent; entity.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(position.x, tile.Heights, position.y); tile.Entity = entity; EditorUtility.SetSelectedWireframeHidden(entity.GetComponent <Renderer>(), true); } } }