static void Main(string[] args) { int Amount_New = 0; TownCarPark first = new TownCarPark(); TownCarPark second = new TownCarPark(5, 6, 3); TownCarPark third = new TownCarPark(2, 3, 1, 2, 5, true, 0); var fourth = CreateCarPark(); first.Information(); second.Information(); third.Information(); fourth.Information(); Console.WriteLine("How many car parks do you want to add? "); Amount_New = CheckInt(); TownCarPark[] List = new TownCarPark[Amount_New]; CarPark_List(List); Console.WriteLine($"Number of car parks created: {TownCarPark.Quantity_Car_Park}"); Console.ReadKey(); return; }
public static CarPark CreateCarPark() { Console.WriteLine("Enter basic information: "); Console.WriteLine("Quantity of cars: "); int Cars = CheckInt(); Console.WriteLine("Quantity of trucks: "); int Trucks = CheckInt(); Console.WriteLine("Quantity of places to relax: "); int PlacesToRelax = CheckInt(); Console.WriteLine("Quantity of manholes: "); int Manholes = CheckInt(); Console.WriteLine("Quantity of service stations: "); int ServiceStations = CheckInt(); bool magnetic_parking = false; Console.WriteLine("Is there a magnetic parking lot? True ( yes ) or False ( no )"); magnetic_parking = CheckBool(); Console.WriteLine("Enter quantity of equipments on special vehicles: "); int Amount = CheckInt(); TownCarPark CarPark = new TownCarPark(Cars, Trucks, ServiceStations, Manholes, PlacesToRelax, magnetic_parking, Amount); if (Amount > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Enter items through 'Enter' in turn: "); for (int i = 0; i < Amount; i++) { CarPark[i] = Check(); } } Console.Clear(); return(CarPark); }