/* * @param void, @return redirect * Method to get Menu o * to Menu on Index view method */ public bool getMenu(int id = 0) { String preId; if (id == 0) { if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { preId = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); if (User.IsInRole(preId)) { id = Int32.Parse(preId); } else { return(false);//RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"); } } else { if ((Int32.TryParse(Session["id"].ToString(), out id)) == true) { //out int id = int id } else { return(true);//RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); } } } XMLController XC = new XMLController(); List <String> values = XC.readXML("plc", id); List <String> items = XC.readNodesNameXML("plc", id, 3); List <String> plc = XC.readNodesNameXML("plc", id, 1); List <String> names = XC.readNodesNameXML("plc", id, 2); List <String> types = XC.XMLgetTypes("plc", id); string ProjectName = XC.readNodeXML("name", id); int i = 0; foreach (String value in values) { //String name = names[i] + items[i]; Session.Add(items[i], value); i++; } Session.Add("values", values); Session.Add("id", id); Session.Add("names", names); Session.Add("plc", plc); Session.Add("types", types); Session.Add("ProjectName", ProjectName); return(true);//return RedirectToAction("Index", "Menu"); }
public ActionResult Index() { try { string name = User.Identity.Name; XMLController XC = new XMLController(); string[] existingRolesForUser = Roles.GetRolesForUser(); List <int> Numbers = XC.GetAllConfigsProjectNumbers(existingRolesForUser); ViewBag.Numbers = Numbers; ViewBag.Count = Numbers.Count(); List <string> Texts = XC.GetAllConfigsNames(existingRolesForUser); ViewBag.Text = Texts; ViewBag.menuDisable = true; return(View()); } catch (Exception e) { return(View()); } }