コード例 #1
        internal static (__m128, __m128) Inverse(__m128 p1, __m128 p2)
            // s, t computed as in the normalization
            __m128 b2    = Detail.dp_bc(p1, p1);
            __m128 s     = Detail.rsqrt_nr1(b2);
            __m128 bc    = Detail.dp_bc(_mm_xor_ps(p1, _mm_set_ss(-0f)), p2);
            __m128 b2Inv = Detail.rcp_nr1(b2);
            __m128 t     = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_mul_ps(bc, b2Inv), s);
            __m128 neg   = _mm_set_ps(-0f, -0f, -0f, 0f);

            // p1 * (s + t e0123)^2 = (s * p1 - t P1perp) * (s + t e0123)
            // = s^2 p1 - s t P1perp - s t P1perp
            // = s^2 p1 - 2 s t P1perp
            // (the scalar component above needs to be negated)
            // p2 * (s + t e0123)^2 = s^2 p2 NOTE: s^2 = b2_inv
            __m128 st = _mm_mul_ps(s, t);

            st = _mm_mul_ps(p1, st);
            p2 = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_mul_ps(p2, b2Inv),
                            _mm_xor_ps(_mm_add_ps(st, st), _mm_set_ss(-0f)));
            p2 = _mm_xor_ps(p2, neg);

            p1 = _mm_xor_ps(_mm_mul_ps(p1, b2Inv), neg);

            return(p1, p2);
コード例 #2
        public static Motor operator /(Motor r, float s)
            __m128 vs = Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_set1_ps(s));
            var    p1 = _mm_mul_ps(r.P1, vs);
            var    p2 = _mm_mul_ps(r.P2, vs);

            return(new Motor(p1, p2));
コード例 #3
ファイル: Point.cs プロジェクト: Ziriax/KleinSharp
        public Point Inverse()
            __m128 p3      = P3;
            __m128 invNorm = Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_swizzle_ps(p3, 0 /* 0, 0, 0, 0 */));

            p3 = _mm_mul_ps(invNorm, p3);
            p3 = _mm_mul_ps(invNorm, p3);
            return(new Point(p3));
コード例 #4
ファイル: Math.cs プロジェクト: Ziriax/KleinSharp
        public static Branch Log(Rotor r)
            float cos_ang = _mm_store_ss(r.P1);
            float ang     = MathF.Acos(cos_ang);
            float sin_ang = MathF.Sin(ang);

            var p1 = _mm_mul_ps(r.P1, Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_set1_ps(sin_ang)));

            p1 = _mm_mul_ps(p1, _mm_set1_ps(ang));
            p1 = Sse41.IsSupported
                                ? _mm_blend_ps(p1, _mm_setzero_ps(), 1)
                                : _mm_and_ps(p1, _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_set_epi32(-1, -1, -1, 0)));

            return(new Branch(p1));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Line.cs プロジェクト: Ziriax/KleinSharp
        internal static (__m128, __m128) Normalized(__m128 p1, __m128 p2)
            // l = b + c where b is p1 and c is p2
            // l * ~l = |b|^2 - 2(b1 c1 + b2 c2 + b3 c3)e0123
            // sqrt(l*~l) = |b| - (b1 c1 + b2 c2 + b3 c3)/|b| e0123
            // 1/sqrt(l*~l) = 1/|b| + (b1 c1 + b2 c2 + b3 c3)/|b|^3 e0123
            //              = s + t e0123
            __m128 b2 = Detail.hi_dp_bc(p1, p1);
            __m128 s  = Detail.rsqrt_nr1(b2);
            __m128 bc = Detail.hi_dp_bc(p1, p2);
            __m128 t  = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_mul_ps(bc, Detail.rcp_nr1(b2)), s);

            // p1 * (s + t e0123) = s * p1 - t P1perp
            __m128 tmp = _mm_mul_ps(p2, s);

            p2 = _mm_sub_ps(tmp, _mm_mul_ps(p1, t));
            p1 = _mm_mul_ps(p1, s);

            return(p1, p2);
コード例 #6
        internal static (__m128, __m128) Normalized(__m128 p1, __m128 p2)
            // m = b + c where b is p1 and c is p2
            // m * ~m = |b|^2 + 2(b0 c0 - b1 c1 - b2 c2 - b3 c3)e0123
            // The square root is given as:
            // |b| + (b0 c0 - b1 c1 - b2 c2 - b3 c3)/|b| e0123
            // The inverse of this is given by:
            // 1/|b| + (-b0 c0 + b1 c1 + b2 c2 + b3 c3)/|b|^3 e0123 = s + t e0123
            // Multiplying our original Motor by this inverse will give us a
            // normalized Motor.
            __m128 b2 = Detail.dp_bc(p1, p1);
            __m128 s  = Detail.rsqrt_nr1(b2);
            __m128 bc = Detail.dp_bc(_mm_xor_ps(p1, _mm_set_ss(-0f)), p2);
            __m128 t  = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_mul_ps(bc, Detail.rcp_nr1(b2)), s);

            // (s + t e0123) * Motor =
            // s b0 +
            // s b1 e23 +
            // s b2 e31 +
            // s b3 e12 +
            // (s c0 + t b0) e0123 +
            // (s c1 - t b1) e01 +
            // (s c2 - t b2) e02 +
            // (s c3 - t b3) e03

            __m128 tmp = _mm_mul_ps(p2, s);

            p2 = _mm_sub_ps(tmp, _mm_xor_ps(_mm_mul_ps(p1, t), _mm_set_ss(-0f)));
            p1 = _mm_mul_ps(p1, s);

            return(p1, p2);
コード例 #7
 public static Plane operator /(Plane p, float s)
     return(new Plane(_mm_mul_ps(p.P0, Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_set1_ps(s)))));
コード例 #8
ファイル: Direction.cs プロジェクト: Ziriax/KleinSharp
 public static Direction operator /(Direction a, float s)
     return(new Direction(_mm_mul_ps(a.P3, Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_set1_ps(s)))));
コード例 #9
ファイル: Point.cs プロジェクト: Ziriax/KleinSharp
 public static Point operator /(Point p, float s)
     return(new Point(_mm_mul_ps(p.P3, Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_set1_ps(s)))));
コード例 #10
ファイル: Point.cs プロジェクト: Ziriax/KleinSharp
        public Point Normalized()
            __m128 tmp = Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_swizzle_ps(P3, 0 /* 0, 0, 0, 0 */));

            return(new Point(_mm_mul_ps(P3, tmp)));
コード例 #11
ファイル: IdealLine.cs プロジェクト: Ziriax/KleinSharp
 public static IdealLine operator /(IdealLine a, float s)
     return(new IdealLine(_mm_mul_ps(a.P2, Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_set1_ps(s)))));
コード例 #12
ファイル: Branch.cs プロジェクト: Ziriax/KleinSharp
 public static Branch operator /(Branch b, float s)
     return(new Branch(_mm_mul_ps(b.P1, Detail.rcp_nr1(_mm_set1_ps(s)))));