コード例 #1
        public List <ImageRecord> QueryImage(string queryImagePath, out string messageToLog, SurfSettings surfSetting = null)
            List <ImageRecord> rtnImageList = new List <ImageRecord>();

            #region Diagnostic Region
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch sw1 = new Stopwatch();
            long      _loadingTime = 0, _modelImageDectionlong = 0, _queryingTime = 0, _matchingTime = 0;
            #endregion Diagnostic Region

            #region Surf Dectator Region
            double hessianThresh       = 500;
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.8;
            int    minGoodMatchPercent = 0;

            if (surfSetting != null)
                hessianThresh       = surfSetting.HessianThresh.Value;
                uniquenessThreshold = surfSetting.UniquenessThreshold.Value;
                minGoodMatchPercent = surfSetting.GoodMatchThreshold.Value;
            float hessianThreshold2 = (float)hessianThresh / 1000000;
            SpeededUpRobustFeaturesDetector surf = new SpeededUpRobustFeaturesDetector(hessianThreshold2);
            #endregion Surf Dectator Region

            #region Get Model Dectection and Validation
            sw.Reset(); sw.Start();
            List <SpeededUpRobustFeaturePoint> modelImageSurfPoints;
            using (Bitmap modelImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(queryImagePath))
                modelImageSurfPoints = surf.ProcessImage(modelImage);

            if (modelImageSurfPoints == null ||
                modelImageSurfPoints.Count < 4)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Insuffucient interesting point in query image, try another query image");
            _modelImageDectionlong = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            #region Search Images
            sw.Reset(); sw.Start();
            string fullFileName = Path.Combine(DirectoryHelper.SaveDirectoryPath, "SurfAccordLinear.bin");
            if (!File.Exists(fullFileName))
                string exMsg = string.Format("Can't get the Surf Index at {0}, please index first", fullFileName);
                throw new FileNotFoundException(fullFileName);
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fullFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None))
                System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bf
                    = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
                long fileLength = fs.Length;
                while (fs.Position < fileLength)
                    SURFAccordRecord3        record  = (SURFAccordRecord3)bf.Deserialize(fs);
                    KNearestNeighborMatching matcher = new KNearestNeighborMatching(2);
                    matcher.Threshold = uniquenessThreshold;
                    AForge.IntPoint[][] matches = matcher.Match(modelImageSurfPoints, record.SurfDescriptors);
                    var countOfMatchPoint = matches[0].Length;
                    if (countOfMatchPoint > 0)
                        double totalnumberOfModelFeature = modelImageSurfPoints.Count;
                        double matchPercentage           = ((totalnumberOfModelFeature - (double)countOfMatchPoint) / totalnumberOfModelFeature);
                        matchPercentage = (1 - matchPercentage) * 100;
                        matchPercentage = Math.Round(matchPercentage);
                        if (matchPercentage >= minGoodMatchPercent)
                            record.Distance = matchPercentage;
                    record = null;
            _matchingTime = sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            _queryingTime = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            string msg = String.Format("Loading: {0}, Model detection: {1}, Querying: {2}, Matching: {3}",
                                       _loadingTime, _modelImageDectionlong, _queryingTime, _matchingTime);
            messageToLog = msg;

            if (rtnImageList.Count > 0)
                rtnImageList = rtnImageList.OrderByDescending(rec => rec.Distance)
                               .ToList <ImageRecord>();
コード例 #2
        public void IndexFiles(FileInfo[] imageFiles, System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker IndexBgWorker,
                               Action <string> logWriter,
                               SurfSettings surfSetting = null)
            //For Time Profilling
            long readingTime, indexingTime = 0, saveingTime = 0;

            #region Surf Dectator Region
            double hessianThresh       = 500;
            double uniquenessThreshold = 0.8;

            if (surfSetting != null)
                hessianThresh       = surfSetting.HessianThresh.Value;
                uniquenessThreshold = surfSetting.UniquenessThreshold.Value;
            float hessianThreshold2 = (float)hessianThresh / 1000000;
            SpeededUpRobustFeaturesDetector surf = new SpeededUpRobustFeaturesDetector(hessianThreshold2);

            int rows = 0;

            Stopwatch sw1;

            sw1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            logWriter("Index started...");

            string fullFileName = Path.Combine(DirectoryHelper.SaveDirectoryPath, "SurfAccordLinear.bin");
            if (File.Exists(fullFileName))
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fullFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter bf
                    = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
                int totalFileCount = imageFiles.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < totalFileCount; i++)
                    var fi = imageFiles[i];

                    using (Bitmap observerImage = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(fi.FullName))
                        List <SpeededUpRobustFeaturePoint> observerImageSurfPoints = surf.ProcessImage(observerImage);

                        if (observerImageSurfPoints.Count > 4)
                            SURFAccordRecord3 record = new SURFAccordRecord3
                                Id              = i,
                                ImageName       = fi.Name,
                                ImagePath       = fi.FullName,
                                SurfDescriptors = observerImageSurfPoints
                            bf.Serialize(fs, record);
                            Debug.WriteLine(fi.Name + " skip from index, because it didn't have significant feature");

            readingTime = sw1.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            logWriter(string.Format("Reading Surb Complete, it tooked {0} ms. Saving Repository...", readingTime));

            logWriter(string.Format("Reading: {0} ms, Indexing: {1} ms, Saving Indexed data {2}", readingTime, indexingTime, saveingTime));