public void Start() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { return; } try { RPMVesselComputer comp = RPMVesselComputer.Instance(vessel); if (!groupList.ContainsKey(actionName) && !customGroupList.ContainsKey(actionName)) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Action \"{0}\" is not supported.", actionName); return; } // Parse the needs-electric-charge here. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(needsElectricCharge)) { switch (needsElectricCharge.ToLowerInvariant().Trim()) { case "true": case "yes": case "1": needsElectricChargeValue = true; break; case "false": case "no": case "0": needsElectricChargeValue = false; break; } } // Now parse consumeOnToggle and consumeWhileActive... if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumeOnToggle)) { string[] tokens = consumeOnToggle.Split(','); if (tokens.Length == 3) { consumeOnToggleName = tokens[0].Trim(); if (!(PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(consumeOnToggleName) != null && float.TryParse(tokens[1].Trim(), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out consumeOnToggleAmount))) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Could not parse \"{0}\"", consumeOnToggle); } switch (tokens[2].Trim().ToLower()) { case "on": consumingOnToggleUp = true; break; case "off": consumingOnToggleDown = true; break; case "both": consumingOnToggleUp = true; consumingOnToggleDown = true; break; default: JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "So should I consume resources when turning on, turning off, or both in \"{0}\"?", consumeOnToggle); break; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumeWhileActive)) { string[] tokens = consumeWhileActive.Split(','); if (tokens.Length == 2) { consumeWhileActiveName = tokens[0].Trim(); if (!(PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(consumeWhileActiveName) != null && float.TryParse(tokens[1].Trim(), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out consumeWhileActiveAmount))) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Could not parse \"{0}\"", consumeWhileActive); } else { consumingWhileActive = true; JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Switch in prop {0} prop id {1} will consume {2} while active at a rate of {3}", internalProp.propName, internalProp.propID, consumeWhileActiveName, consumeWhileActiveAmount); } } } if (groupList.ContainsKey(actionName)) { kspAction = groupList[actionName]; currentState = vessel.ActionGroups[kspAction]; // action group switches may not belong to a radio group switchGroupIdentifier = -1; } else { isCustomAction = true; switch (actionName) { case "intlight": persistentVarName = internalLightName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(internalLightName)) { Light[] availableLights = internalModel.FindModelComponents <Light>(); if (availableLights != null && availableLights.Length > 0) { List <Light> lights = new List <Light>(availableLights); for (int i = lights.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (lights[i].name != internalLightName) { lights.RemoveAt(i); } } if (lights.Count > 0) { lightObjects = lights.ToArray(); needsElectricChargeValue |= string.IsNullOrEmpty(needsElectricCharge) || needsElectricChargeValue; } else { actionName = "dummy"; } } } else { actionName = "dummy"; } break; case "plugin": persistentVarName = string.Empty; comp.UpdateDataRefreshRate(refreshRate); foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PROP")) { if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName) { foreach (ConfigNode pluginConfig in node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID].GetNodes("PLUGINACTION")) { if (pluginConfig.HasValue("name") && pluginConfig.HasValue("actionMethod")) { string action = pluginConfig.GetValue("name").Trim() + ":" + pluginConfig.GetValue("actionMethod").Trim(); actionHandler = (Action <bool>)comp.GetMethod(action, internalProp, typeof(Action <bool>)); if (actionHandler == null) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Failed to instantiate action handler {0}", action); } else { if (pluginConfig.HasValue("stateMethod")) { string state = pluginConfig.GetValue("name").Trim() + ":" + pluginConfig.GetValue("stateMethod").Trim(); stateVariable = "PLUGIN_" + state; } else if (pluginConfig.HasValue("stateVariable")) { stateVariable = pluginConfig.GetValue("stateVariable").Trim(); } isPluginAction = true; break; } } } } } if (actionHandler == null) { actionName = "dummy"; JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Plugin handlers did not start, reverting to dummy mode."); } break; case "transfer": persistentVarName = string.Empty; comp.UpdateDataRefreshRate(refreshRate); foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PROP")) { if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName) { foreach (ConfigNode pluginConfig in node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID].GetNodes("TRANSFERACTION")) { if ((pluginConfig.HasValue("name") || pluginConfig.HasValue("getVariable")) && pluginConfig.HasValue("perPodPersistenceName")) { transferPersistentName = pluginConfig.GetValue("perPodPersistenceName").Trim(); if (pluginConfig.HasValue("stateMethod")) { string state = pluginConfig.GetValue("name").Trim() + ":" + pluginConfig.GetValue("stateMethod").Trim(); stateVariable = "PLUGIN_" + state; } else if (pluginConfig.HasValue("stateVariable")) { stateVariable = pluginConfig.GetValue("stateVariable").Trim(); } if (pluginConfig.HasValue("setMethod")) { string action = pluginConfig.GetValue("name").Trim() + ":" + pluginConfig.GetValue("setMethod").Trim(); transferSetter = (Action <double>)comp.GetMethod(action, internalProp, typeof(Action <double>)); if (transferSetter == null) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Failed to instantiate transfer handler {0}", pluginConfig.GetValue("name")); } else { //JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Got setter {0}", action); break; } } else if (pluginConfig.HasValue("getMethod")) { string action = pluginConfig.GetValue("name").Trim() + ":" + pluginConfig.GetValue("getMethod").Trim(); var getter = (Func <double>)comp.GetMethod(action, internalProp, typeof(Func <double>)); if (getter == null) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Failed to instantiate transfer handler {0}", pluginConfig.GetValue("name")); } else { transferGetter = "PLUGIN_" + action; //JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Got getter {0}", action); break; } } else if (pluginConfig.HasValue("getVariable")) { transferGetter = pluginConfig.GetValue("getVariable").Trim(); } } } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(transferGetter) && transferSetter == null) { actionName = "dummy"; stateVariable = string.Empty; JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Transfer handlers did not start, reverting to dummy mode."); } break; default: persistentVarName = "switch" + internalProp.propID + "_" + moduleID; break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(perPodPersistenceName)) { persistentVarName = perPodPersistenceName; } else { // If there's no persistence name, there's no valid group id for this switch switchGroupIdentifier = -1; } } if (customGroupList.ContainsKey(actionName)) { customAction = customGroupList[actionName]; } if (needsElectricChargeValue || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(persistentVarName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(perPodMasterSwitchName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(masterVariableName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(transferGetter) || transferSetter != null) { rpmComp = RasterPropMonitorComputer.Instantiate(internalProp); comp.UpdateDataRefreshRate(refreshRate); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(masterVariableName)) { string[] range = masterVariableRange.Split(','); if (range.Length == 2) { masterVariable = new VariableOrNumberRange(masterVariableName, range[0], range[1]); } else { masterVariable = null; } } } // set up the toggle switch if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(switchTransform)) { if (momentarySwitch) { SmarterButton.CreateButton(internalProp, switchTransform, Click, Click); } else { SmarterButton.CreateButton(internalProp, switchTransform, Click); } } if (isCustomAction) { if (isPluginAction && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(stateVariable)) { try { currentState = (comp.ProcessVariable(stateVariable, -1).MassageToInt()) > 0; } catch { // no-op } } else { if (rpmComp != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(persistentVarName)) { if (switchGroupIdentifier >= 0) { int activeSwitch = rpmComp.GetVar(persistentVarName, 0); currentState = customGroupState = (switchGroupIdentifier == activeSwitch); } else { currentState = customGroupState = rpmComp.GetBool(persistentVarName, initialState); } if (customAction == CustomActions.IntLight) { // We have to restore lighting after reading the // persistent variable. SetInternalLights(customGroupState); } } } } if (rpmComp != null && !rpmComp.HasVar(persistentVarName)) { if (switchGroupIdentifier >= 0) { if (currentState) { rpmComp.SetVar(persistentVarName, switchGroupIdentifier); } } else { rpmComp.SetVar(persistentVarName, currentState); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animationName)) { // Set up the animation Animation[] animators = animateExterior ? part.FindModelAnimators(animationName) : internalProp.FindModelAnimators(animationName); if (animators.Length > 0) { anim = animators[0]; } else { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Could not find animation \"{0}\" on {2} \"{1}\"", animationName, animateExterior ? :, animateExterior ? "part" : "prop"); return; } anim[animationName].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; if (currentState ^ reverse) { anim[animationName].speed = float.MaxValue; anim[animationName].normalizedTime = 0; } else { anim[animationName].speed = float.MinValue; anim[animationName].normalizedTime = 1; } anim.Play(animationName); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(coloredObject)) { // Set up the color shift. Renderer colorShiftRenderer = internalProp.FindModelComponent <Renderer>(coloredObject); disabledColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(disabledColor); enabledColorValue = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(enabledColor); colorShiftMaterial = colorShiftRenderer.material; colorShiftMaterial.SetColor(colorName, (currentState ^ reverse ? enabledColorValue : disabledColorValue)); } else { JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Warning, neither color nor animation are defined in prop {0} #{1} (this may be okay).", internalProp.propName, internalProp.propID); } audioOutput = JUtil.SetupIVASound(internalProp, switchSound, switchSoundVolume, false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loopingSound) && loopingSoundVolume > 0.0f) { loopingOutput = JUtil.SetupIVASound(internalProp, loopingSound, loopingSoundVolume, true); } startupComplete = true; } catch { JUtil.AnnoyUser(this); enabled = false; throw; } }
public void Start() { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { return; } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(perPodPersistenceName)) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "perPodPersistenceName must be defined"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValue)) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "defaultValue must be defined"); return; } if (stepSize < 0.0f) { stepSize = 0.0f; } //JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Start(): {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", perPodPersistenceName, defaultValue, minValue, maxValue, stepSize); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(minValue)) { minRange = VariableOrNumber.Instantiate(minValue); //JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Created lower bound variable"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxValue)) { maxRange = VariableOrNumber.Instantiate(maxValue); //JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Created upper bound variable"); } if ((minRange == null || maxRange == null) && loopInput == true) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Overriding loopInput - minValue or maxValue is missing"); loopInput = false; } rpmComp = RasterPropMonitorComputer.Instantiate(internalProp); if (!rpmComp.HasVar(perPodPersistenceName)) { //JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Initializing per pod persistence value {0}", perPodPersistenceName); RPMVesselComputer comp = RPMVesselComputer.Instance(vessel); VariableOrNumber von = VariableOrNumber.Instantiate(defaultValue); float value; if (von.Get(out value, comp)) { if (stepSize > 0.0f) { float remainder = value % stepSize; value -= remainder; } //JUtil.LogMessage(this, " ... Initialized to {0}", (int)value); rpmComp.SetVar(perPodPersistenceName, (int)value); } else { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Failed to evaluate default value of {0} for {1}", defaultValue, perPodPersistenceName); return; } } ConfigNode moduleConfig = null; foreach (ConfigNode node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PROP")) { if (node.GetValue("name") == internalProp.propName) { moduleConfig = node.GetNodes("MODULE")[moduleID]; ConfigNode[] inputNodes = moduleConfig.GetNodes("USERINPUTSET"); for (int i = 0; i < inputNodes.Length; i++) { try { numericInputs.Add(new NumericInput(inputNodes[i], internalProp)); //JUtil.LogMessage(this, "Added USERINPUTSET {0}", inputNodes[i].GetValue("switchTransform")); } catch (ArgumentException e) { JUtil.LogErrorMessage(this, "Error in building prop number {1} - {0}", e.Message, internalProp.propID); } } break; } } enabled = true; } catch { JUtil.AnnoyUser(this); enabled = false; throw; } }
public bool HasVar(string persistentVarName) { return(comp.HasVar(persistentVarName)); }