コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Sample14()
            // Check is data posted
            if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                //### Set variables and get POST data
                System.Collections.Hashtable result = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
                String clientId = Request.Form["clientId"];
                String privateKey = Request.Form["privateKey"];
                String path = Request.Form["path"];
                // Set entered data to the results list
                result.Add("clientId", clientId);
                result.Add("privateKey", privateKey);
                result.Add("path", path);
                String message = null;
                // Check is all needed fields are entered
                if (clientId == null || privateKey == null || path == null)
                    // If not all fields entered send error message
                    message = "Please enter all parameters";
                    result.Add("error", message);
                    return View("Sample14", null, result);
                    //### Create a proper path from entered path
                    //Reaplace dashlet's with proper dashlet "/"
                    String properPath = path.Replace("(\\/)", "/");
                    //Convert string to array
                    String[] pathArray = properPath.Split('/');
                    String lastFolder = "";
                    String newPath = "";
                    //Check if array content more than one element
                    if (pathArray.Length > 1)
                        //Create string with proper path from array
                        lastFolder = pathArray[pathArray.Length - 1];
                        newPath = String.Join("/", pathArray);
                        lastFolder = pathArray[0];
                    String basePath = Request.Form["basePath"];
                    //Check is base path entered
                    if (basePath.Equals(""))
                        //If base path empty set base path to the dev server
                        basePath = "https://api.groupdocs.com/v2.0";
                    result.Add("basePath", basePath);
                    // Create service for Groupdocs account
                    GroupdocsService service = new GroupdocsService(basePath, clientId, privateKey);
                    // Get all folders from account
                    Groupdocs.Api.Contract.ListEntitiesResult folders = service.GetFileSystemEntities("", 0, -1, null, true, null, null);
                    decimal folderId = new decimal();
                    //Get folder Id
                    if (folders.Folders != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < folders.Folders.Length; i++)
                            if (folders.Folders[i].Name == lastFolder)
                                folderId = folders.Folders[i].Id;
                    //Get all sharers for entered folder
                    Groupdocs.Api.Contract.UserInfo[] shares = service.GetFolderSharers(folderId);
                    // Check is request return data
                    if (shares.Length != 0)
                        String emails = "";
                        //Get all emails of sharers
                        for (int n = 0; n < shares.Length; n++)
                            emails += shares[n].PrimaryEmail + "<br />";
                        //Convert string to HTML string
                        MvcHtmlString email = MvcHtmlString.Create(emails);
                        // Return primary email to the template
                        result.Add("shares", email);
                        return View("Sample14", null, result);
                    // If request return's null return error to the template
                        message = "Something is wrong with your data";
                        result.Add("error", message);
                        return View("Sample14", null, result);


            // If data not posted return to template for filling of necessary fields
                return View("Sample14");