コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Sample20()
            // Check is data posted
            if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                //### Set variables and get POST data
                System.Collections.Hashtable result = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
                String clientId = Request.Form["clientId"];
                String privateKey = Request.Form["privateKey"];
                String resultFileId = Request.Form["resultFileId"];
                // Set entered data to the results list
                result.Add("clientId", clientId);
                result.Add("privateKey", privateKey);
                result.Add("sourceFileId", resultFileId);
                String message = null;
                // Check is all needed fields are entered
                if (clientId == null || privateKey == null || resultFileId == null)
                    // If not all fields entered send error message
                    message = "Please enter all parameters";
                    result.Add("error", message);
                    return View("Sample20", null, result);

                    String basePath = Request.Form["basePath"];
                    //Check is base path entered
                    if (basePath.Equals(""))
                        //If base path empty set base path to the dev server
                        basePath = "https://api.groupdocs.com/v2.0";
                    result.Add("basePath", basePath);
                    // Create service for Groupdocs account
                    GroupdocsService service = new GroupdocsService(basePath, clientId, privateKey);
                    //###Make request to ComparisonApi using user id
                    //Get changes list for document
                    Groupdocs.Api.Comparison.Contract.ChangesResponse info = service.GetChanges(resultFileId);

                    if (info.Status != null)

                        String action = null;
                        String width = null;
                        String height = null;
                        String text = null;
                        String type = null;
                        //###Create table with changes for template
                        String table = "<table class='border'>";
                        table += "<tr><td><font color='green'>Change Name</font></td><td><font color='green'>Change</font></td></tr>";
                        //Count of iterations
                        for (int i = 0; i < info.Result.Changes.Length; i++)
                            //###Check received data
                            if (info.Result.Changes[i].Action.ToString() == "")
                                action = "";
                                action = info.Result.Changes[i].Action.ToString();

                            if (info.Result.Changes[i].Page == null)
                                width = "";
                                width = Convert.ToString(info.Result.Changes[i].Page.Width);

                            if (info.Result.Changes[i].Page == null)
                                height = "";
                                height = Convert.ToString(info.Result.Changes[i].Page.Height);

                            if (info.Result.Changes[i].Text == null)
                                text = "";
                                text = info.Result.Changes[i].Text;

                            if (info.Result.Changes[i].Type.ToString() == "")
                                type = "";
                                type = info.Result.Changes[i].Type.ToString();
                            //Formation of a body of the table
                            table += "<tr><td>Id</td><td>" + info.Result.Changes[i].Id + "</td></tr>";
                            table += "<tr><td>Action</td><td>" + action + "</td></tr>";
                            table += "<tr><td>Text</td><td>" + text + "</td></tr>";
                            table += "<tr><td>Type</td><td>" + type + "</td></tr>";
                            table += "<tr><td>Width</td><td>" + width + "</td></tr>";
                            table += "<tr><td>Height</td><td>" + height + "</td></tr>";
                            table += "<tr bgcolor='#808080'><td></td><td></td></tr>";

                        table += "</table>";
                        //Convert string to HTML string
                        MvcHtmlString infoTable = MvcHtmlString.Create(table);
                        //Return table to the template
                        result.Add("info", infoTable);
                        return View("SAmple20", null, result);
                    // If request return's null return error to the template
                        result.Add("error", info.ErrorMessage);
                        return View("Sample20", null, result);


            // If data not posted return to template for filling of necessary fields
                return View("Sample20");