public void ReadInMLNFile(string filename, int _numdatasets) { // Read in MultiAlign file // Note : sep 26, 2011 - This will need to be updated when the new MLN format comes out CSVFileHandler CsvFileHandler2 = new CSVFileHandler(filename, CSVFileHandler.READ_ONLY); CsvFileHandler2.openFile(); String[] Attributes2; CsvFileHandler2.readLine(); while ((Attributes2 = CsvFileHandler2.readLine()) != null) { MultiAlignRecord mrecord = new MultiAlignRecord(); mrecord.ID = int.Parse(Attributes2[0]); mrecord.Size = int.Parse(Attributes2[1]); mrecord.Mass = double.Parse(Attributes2[2]); mrecord.NET = double.Parse(Attributes2[3]); mrecord.AllocateNumberDatasets(_numdatasets); int n_dataset = 0; for (int i = 4; i < Attributes2.Length; i += 4) { UMCRecord u = new UMCRecord(); if (Attributes2[i] != "") { u.ScanRep = int.Parse(Attributes2[i]); u.Abundance = double.Parse(Attributes2[i + 1]); u.ScanStart = int.Parse(Attributes2[i + 2]); u.ScanEnd = int.Parse(Attributes2[i + 3]); } mrecord._AssociatedUMCRecords.Add(u); n_dataset++; } AddRecord(mrecord); } }
public void ReanInMLNV2File(string filename, int _numdatasets) { // Read in new version of MLN file CSVFileHandler CsvFileHandler2 = new CSVFileHandler(filename, CSVFileHandler.READ_ONLY); CsvFileHandler2.openFile(); String[] Attributes2; CsvFileHandler2.readLine(); while ((Attributes2 = CsvFileHandler2.readLine()) != null) { MultiAlignRecord mrecord = new MultiAlignRecord(); mrecord.ID = int.Parse(Attributes2[0]); mrecord.Mass = double.Parse(Attributes2[1]); mrecord.NET = double.Parse(Attributes2[2]); int numDatasetsToAllocate = 0; if (mrecord.Mass < _MAP_MIN_MASS) _MAP_MIN_MASS = mrecord.Mass; if (mrecord.Mass > _MAP_MAX_MASS) _MAP_MAX_MASS = mrecord.Mass; if ((Attributes2.Length-5) / 8 != _numdatasets) numDatasetsToAllocate = (Attributes2.Length -5) / 8; else numDatasetsToAllocate = _numdatasets; mrecord.AllocateNumberDatasets(numDatasetsToAllocate); for (int i = 5; i < Attributes2.Length; i += 8) { UMCRecord u = new UMCRecord(); if (Attributes2[i] != "") { u.ID = int.Parse(Attributes2[i]); u.DatasetID = int.Parse(Attributes2[i + 1]); u.MW = double.Parse(Attributes2[i + 2]); u.Abundance = double.Parse(Attributes2[i + 4]); u.ScanRep = int.Parse(Attributes2[i + 5]); u.ScanStart = int.Parse(Attributes2[i + 6]); u.ScanEnd = int.Parse(Attributes2[i + 7]); mrecord._AssociatedUMCRecords.Add(u); } } AddRecord(mrecord); if (mrecord._AssociatedUMCRecords.Count > 10) { bool debig = true; } } }